Sanders admits he'd tax the middle class for universal healthcare

So let's see if the GOP can stop it.
As long as the Democrats aren't allowed to register illegals to vote it will never happen.
Many naturalized citizens moved here to escape socialism.
Watching that debate last night scares the shit out of them.
Then you have nothing to worry about!
Stop being a fool.
Democrats have figured out ways to cheat. Vote Farming. Manufacturing votes and sending them wherever they're needed after the election.
Wherever Democrats control the polls they're breaking election laws with impunity.
We have to make sure the election is honest.
Ah, so if the Dems win, it will be because they cheated.

Just like the Dems say about the GOP.

That whole "look how similarly we behave, just like peas in a pod" thing.

Okay, got it. Thanks!
You're a serious dumbass.
Why else would Democrats promise free health care to illegals?
They wouldn't give a shit about them if they didn't have a way to use them in the election.
Democrats are indirectly involved in human-trafficking.....purely to win elections.....and last night they all collectively dropped trou and admitted they are the cause of the immigration crisis.
Single payer would also cover children. Does that mean the Democrats are using children in elections?

You really should take a course in logic.
at least the Dems are opening their opinion -

Republicans had 8 years to find an alternative to Obamacare, Trump has been in office over 2 years, that is over a decade of doing nothing but FUCKING BITCHING about healthcare.

when anyone else tables an option for healthcare its not good enough for them so what do they do ?


Really? Obamacare has been all but gutted.
Nope. We still have healthcare exchanges and insurance subsidies.
Bernie Sanders is the only one who favors a Medicare-For-All system with no private insurance.

The other candidates supported various plans, such as a public option added to Obamacare, or Medicare-for-All without eliminating private insurance, and so forth.

Under Bernie's plan, you would no longer have a monthly insurance payment.
And then lies by saying the "savings" would more than offset the cost. I know for a FACT that's not possible. Don't know about you, but I don't much care for being lied to on this level. He's a socialist through and through. Sanders only virtue is an equal share of misery, all while he maintains his wealthy status and gathers more.

Sanders admits he would raise taxes on the middle class to pay for programs

Ultimately, every time, it is the Middle Class that gets classified as “wealthy” in order to pay for the Left’s redistribution packages.
And then lies by saying the "savings" would more than offset the cost. I know for a FACT that's not possible. Don't know about you, but I don't much care for being lied to on this level. He's a socialist through and through. Sanders only virtue is an equal share of misery, all while he maintains his wealthy status and gathers more.

Sanders admits he would raise taxes on the middle class to pay for programs

JESUS FUCK> How stupid are you people?

Instead of paying for your premiums & other health costs, you would pay a tax. So would employers as they would no longer have to provide health insurance.

The point being, it would be less money spent on healthcare.

Don't ell me you assfucks were so stupid that you think it was going to be free? Did you?
At least he's being honest. It wouldn't be a shock to one day see income taxes doubled across the board.
So Bernie lies about how big the tax increase will be and you congratulate him.
Bernie knows he's gonna have to raise taxes so much to pay for his health care for illegals, single-payer, and free tuition....that we might as well stop working. Expect over 70% of our income to go to federal taxes. Not just the rich, but every working American.
So let's see if the GOP can stop it.
As long as the Democrats aren't allowed to register illegals to vote it will never happen.
Many naturalized citizens moved here to escape socialism.
Watching that debate last night scares the shit out of them.
Then you have nothing to worry about!
Stop being a fool.
Democrats have figured out ways to cheat. Vote Farming. Manufacturing votes and sending them wherever they're needed after the election.
Wherever Democrats control the polls they're breaking election laws with impunity.
We have to make sure the election is honest.
Funny chit coming from the party that invites foreign help, suppresses the vote through voter photo ID, gerrymander, and even tried to use the Census as away to chreat.

Maybe you assfucks would do better to run better candidates who know how to govern. Instead of amoral frauds & liars
At least he's being honest. It wouldn't be a shock to one day see income taxes doubled across the board.
It more than likely would be paid for with a VAT.

That would really help with foreign competition, wouldn't it?
Would be cheaper than providing employee health insurance.

You totally avoided the point.

Right now our stores are loaded with foreign made products. Why? Because the American consumers first priority is price. So on the goods produced here, we use a VAT, and that increases the price of our goods even more, making foreign goods more attractive.

Instead of a VAT, a consumption tax would eliminate that problem. You pay the tax whether you're buying American or foreign made products. Plus it wouldn't be so hidden as a VAT tax would. You would know when you buy the product that you are supporting socialized healthcare.
And then lies by saying the "savings" would more than offset the cost. I know for a FACT that's not possible. Don't know about you, but I don't much care for being lied to on this level. He's a socialist through and through. Sanders only virtue is an equal share of misery, all while he maintains his wealthy status and gathers more.

Sanders admits he would raise taxes on the middle class to pay for programs
Sanders is not admitting anything that your average Fifth Grader could not figure out for him/herself.

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