Sanders can't handle Republican talking points.

He answered the question. It was more nonsense, but he answered it.

"Health Care is a right, not a privilege."

My responses is:


He answered the question. It was more nonsense, but he answered it.

"Health Care is a right, not a privilege."

My responses is:



The question was whether he supports raising taxes on the middle class.

I don't particularly care about the answer. I just thought it was a ridiculous response. The Democrats really need to nominate someone who is eager to address Republican talking points.
In the last election cycle the Republicans were in a similar situation that the Democrats are in now in that they had numerous candidates. The big difference- the GOP front runner was energizing a large swath of voters. This batch of democrat candidates can’t fill an elementary school gymnasium. zzzzzzzzzzzz..
Santorum in the CNN post-debate analysis really told the truth that the voters will never support the dems when it comes to single-payer healthcare, or reparations, or open borders, or free college (74% of voters didn't attend college), gun control, or the "Green New Deal".
There seemed to be a pall over the usually radical dems, they seemed to understand how difficult it will be to beat Trump with socialist policies. Now if only Trump could understand how to play a winning hand.
In the last election cycle the Republicans were in a similar situation that the Democrats are in now in that they had numerous candidates. The big difference- the GOP front runner was energizing a large swath of voters. This batch of democrat candidates can’t fill an elementary school gymnasium. zzzzzzzzzzzz..
With the help of the MSM because there was no way in hell a complete amateur like Trump could stop The Coronation. They gave him all sorts of free political advertising.


Sanders is living in a fantasy world. He's a little old to be an irrational young idealist. I guess his bigotry wins the battle. Viva Trump
In the last election cycle the Republicans were in a similar situation that the Democrats are in now in that they had numerous candidates. The big difference- the GOP front runner was energizing a large swath of voters. This batch of democrat candidates can’t fill an elementary school gymnasium. zzzzzzzzzzzz..
With the help of the MSM because there was no way in hell a complete amateur like Trump could stop The Coronation. They gave him all sorts of free political advertising.



I still think that was one of the biggest factors in Trumps victory. He was constantly the lead story for most news outlets. His reality-show huckster schtick was like crack for them. They couldn't resist.
He answered the question. It was more nonsense, but he answered it.

"Health Care is a right, not a privilege."

My responses is:



The question was whether he supports raising taxes on the middle class.

I don't particularly care about the answer. I just thought it was a ridiculous response. The Democrats really need to nominate someone who is eager to address Republican talking points.
It's a "Republican talking point" because that is exactly what he will be doing. It's the only way he can pay for his ridiculous agenda.

And I am someone who still has some lingering grad school debt that I would love to scrub clean.

He answered the question. It was more nonsense, but he answered it.

"Health Care is a right, not a privilege."

My responses is:


You don’t think people have a right to healthcare?
Yes I do think people have a right to health care.

I do NOT think people have a right to use the power of government to force me to pay for their health care.

See the difference?

If not, I want my free gun and my free printing press. Chop chop!!!

He answered the question. It was more nonsense, but he answered it.

"Health Care is a right, not a privilege."

My responses is:


You don’t think people have a right to healthcare?

No. It's a completely ridiculous concept. The power to demand service from others can never be a "right".
He answered the question. It was more nonsense, but he answered it.

"Health Care is a right, not a privilege."

My responses is:


You don’t think people have a right to healthcare?
No-they have a right to PAY for their OWN healthcare. We are tired of paying for 14 year olds who get knocked up or smokers or alcoholics. Vet coverage is fine with me.
He referrers to any criticism of his insane ideas as Republican talking points.
He answered the question. It was more nonsense, but he answered it.

"Health Care is a right, not a privilege."

My responses is:


You don’t think people have a right to healthcare?
Yes I do think people have a right to health care.

I do NOT think people have a right to use the power of government to force me to pay for their health care.

See the difference?

If not, I want my free gun and my free printing press. Chop chop!!!


He's not talking about the freedom to see to your own health care. He's talking about the opposite.
I prefer to condense articles before I copy and paste them in here but this article is about as condensed as it's gonna get.

Yes, dims. It's from a Conservative site. If your side ever starts covering the news honestly :auiqs.jpg: then maybe we can use them. Not gonna hold my breath on that one

Bad news, Democrats: American voters aren’t nearly as ‘woke’ as your primary field


There’s some new polling out, and it’s really bad news for the 2020 presidential field ahead of this week’s debates in Detroit.

On Monday, Heritage Action for America released the results of three different polls conducted by two different research firms in March and June. What do the numbers say? Nothing any Democrat charged with actually winning a general election after this far-left purity contest of a primary will want to hear.

The first poll, conducted among 1,200 likely voters in June with a margin of error of 2.83 percent, found:

  • 70 percent of voters, including 65 percent of swing-state voters, oppose the creation of a government run health care system like Medicare for All.
  • Independent voters think skills are are more important factor for legal immigration than family ties.
  • A plurality of Democrats, Republicans, and independents think the overuse of social services is the biggest challenge associated with illegal immigration (which is really bad news for the people who raised their hands to pay for illegal aliens’ health care).
  • 79 percent of respondents (including a majority of Democrats) said they believe that political correctness is a problem.
  • A 45 percent plurality of Democrats, Republicans, and independents think that abortion should be “illegal in most cases” with “some exceptions.”
  • 76 percent of voters said that doctors should be required to provide health care to abortion survivors.
  • 62 percent of respondents don’t think biological males should be allowed to identify as female to play on sports teams at school.
  • 30 percent of Democrats and 56 percent of independents surveyed think that the Democratic party has become too extreme, with 57 percent of respondents overall agreeing.
A separate “swing state survey,” which was conducted among 1,800 likely voters across the battleground states of Arizona, Florida, Iowa, Maine, and Pennsylvania later in June with a margin of error of 2.31 percent, found:

  • 63 percent of respondents said the border crisis is a national emergency.
  • 65 percent of respondents oppose getting rid of private health insurance to create a government-run system, including 40 percent of Democrats.
  • 65 percent of respondents in those states agree that “Socialism is a bad economic system that leads to bigger government, less freedom, worse economic conditions, and more welfare dependency.”
  • A majority of independents agreed that they “can no longer support the national Democratic Party because they have become too liberal in recent years by supporting radical ideas.”
Those numbers don’t bode well for 2020 Democrats. After all, one of their field’s top candidates is a self-described socialist, several of their presidential candidates are are fighting about different models of government-run health care, some candidates are being warned about pushing to decriminalize border crossings, and there’s a race to the bottom on the issue of killing unborn children and using taxpayer money to do it.

As Democrats take the stage in Detroit for the second round of presidential debates, one can only wonder — given numbers like these — what new and exciting ways they’ll find to further alienate themselves from the American electorate.

Perhaps by lining up to defend West Baltimore’s crime and rat problem or Al Sharpton’s anti-Semitic past? Who knows?
If I had 5 bucks for every time a democrat refused to answer a question.. ahhh

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