Sanders just said he would "help" hillary

Were you a Bernie Supporter TN Harley?
I think he is economically illiterate and we would probably get invaded and taken over by some shithole countries, but I like the guy. He was honest and had integrity. A severely lacked trait in our politicians. Seems he lacked it as well..
Were you a Bernie Supporter TN Harley?
I think he is economically illiterate and we would probably get invaded and taken over by some shithole countries, but I like the guy. He was honest and had integrity. A severely lacked trait in our politicians. Seems he lacked it as well..

Well it sounds you weren't voting for him either way so. :dunno:
Were you a Bernie Supporter TN Harley?
I think he is economically illiterate and we would probably get invaded and taken over by some shithole countries, but I like the guy. He was honest and had integrity. A severely lacked trait in our politicians. Seems he lacked it as well..

Well it sounds you weren't voting for him either way so. :dunno:
Nope. He is just the one I liked the most.
He is just your typical politician. Full of shit.
But this guys shit is worse than a 600lb person from OB City on a mcdonalds quarter pounder binge. Because it reaks of hillarys corrupt ass.
what a sell out.
Everyone who fought Trump but is now supporting him is a sell-out? That's supposed to be bad right?
it is if they were complaining about what kind of a person he is.....sanders wasnt just saying he disagrees with clintons policies,he said she was a bought and sold person to wall street and that is saying he thinks she as a person is lacking character and should not be its ok....thats called lack of character on his part and being a sell out....
what a sell out.
Everyone who fought Trump but is now supporting him is a sell-out? That's supposed to be bad right?


rule#1: politics is the art of having absolutely no principles and even less integrity
rule#2: anybody that believes anything a politician says is a moron, a fool or a foolish moron.

Sorry all you Bernie Bots but ....
"Oh, I say and I say it again, ya been had! Ya been took! Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok!" -- Malcolm X

Don't feel bad though, all the Hillary Lemmings and the Trumplodytes are in that same boat with ya (they just don't realize it yet). :)
what a sell out.
Everyone who fought Trump but is now supporting him is a sell-out? That's supposed to be bad right?


rule#1: politics is the art of having absolutely no principles and even less integrity
rule#2: anybody that believes anything a politician says is a moron, a fool or a foolish moron.

Sorry all you Bernie Bots but ....
"Oh, I say and I say it again, ya been had! Ya been took! Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok!" -- Malcolm X

Don't feel bad though, all the Hillary Lemmings and the Trumplodytes are in that same boat with ya (they just don't realize it yet). :)

Trumpladytes is pretty funny, but I prefer Trumpanzee LOL
Were you a Bernie Supporter TN Harley?
I think he is economically illiterate and we would probably get invaded and taken over by some shithole countries, but I like the guy. He was honest and had integrity. A severely lacked trait in our politicians. Seems he lacked it as well..

Well it sounds you weren't voting for him either way so. :dunno:
Nope. He is just the one I liked the most.
He is just your typical politician. Full of shit.
But this guys shit is worse than a 600lb person from OB City on a mcdonalds quarter pounder binge. Because it reaks of hillarys corrupt ass.

You could vote Gary Johnson or Jill Stein. I actually would have voted for Bernie Sanders had he won the nomination. I think Trump might win so I will have to vote for Hillary.
Were you a Bernie Supporter TN Harley?
I think he is economically illiterate and we would probably get invaded and taken over by some shithole countries, but I like the guy. He was honest and had integrity. A severely lacked trait in our politicians. Seems he lacked it as well..

Well it sounds you weren't voting for him either way so. :dunno:
Nope. He is just the one I liked the most.
He is just your typical politician. Full of shit.
But this guys shit is worse than a 600lb person from OB City on a mcdonalds quarter pounder binge. Because it reaks of hillarys corrupt ass.

You could vote Gary Johnson or Jill Stein. I actually would have voted for Bernie Sanders had he won the nomination. I think Trump might win so I will have to vote for Hillary.
I don't like either one of them. Well, Johnson is ok, but too libertarian for my tastes. I will just do a write in.
I am sorry to hear that! lol
what a sell out.
Everyone who fought Trump but is now supporting him is a sell-out? That's supposed to be bad right?


rule#1: politics is the art of having absolutely no principles and even less integrity
rule#2: anybody that believes anything a politician says is a moron, a fool or a foolish moron.

Sorry all you Bernie Bots but ....
"Oh, I say and I say it again, ya been had! Ya been took! Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok!" -- Malcolm X

Don't feel bad though, all the Hillary Lemmings and the Trumplodytes are in that same boat with ya (they just don't realize it yet). :)
You could vote Gary Johnson or Jill Stein. I actually would have voted for Bernie Sanders had he won the nomination. I think Trump might win so I will have to vote for Hillary.
True, personally I've decided on a write in candidate....

I'm voting for TNHarley... because:

He makes me laugh
He's just as competent to be POTUS as all the other candidates on the ballot
He'll probably get embroiled in all kinds of sex & drugs scandals in the Oval Office, so at least it'll be interesting

TNHarley 2016 / Make America Funny Again
While at the same moment almost the entire Republican party is denouncing its candidate for president as racist...

Because he's racist.
Sanders reveals campaign plans following Obama meeting
WASHINGTON, June 9 (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said on Thursday he would work with rival Hillary Clinton to defeat Republican Donald Trump, though he promised to stay in the White House race through the last primary election next week.

Video at link
Well, I just lost all respect for him. He just threw away all of his integrity. Pathetic.

nope. I just used your pant suite

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