Sanders just said he would "help" hillary

Time to rally and unite against that 'Racist Trump Boogeyman.' That'll be the theme. Who didn't see this coming? Sanders sold out, just like i said he would.
Bernie Sanders and Paul Ryan are doing what they need to do to get their agendas passed.

If destroying their reputation is the only way, then so be it.

Just remember, only a fool goes to Washington to gain fame. The real pols accomplish what is necessary for the nations survival.
Time to rally and unite against that 'Racist Trump Boogeyman.' That'll be the theme. Who didn't see this coming? Sanders sold out, just like i said he would.

Sanders "sold out" the day he stuck a "D" behind his name, what the fuck did people expect? He's a career politician who is part of the system despite all his claims to the contrary.

"Sanders Revolution" what a joke, yeah he wanted a "Revolution" to make the current system bigger and more entrenched.
Media Matters Agitprop and Internet Outreach

From: J Starkey, VP, Stats SVP
To: Progressive Minions

Remember, every sentence you post must contain the words "trump" and "Racist" or "Racism"
Sanders reveals campaign plans following Obama meeting
WASHINGTON, June 9 (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said on Thursday he would work with rival Hillary Clinton to defeat Republican Donald Trump, though he promised to stay in the White House race through the last primary election next week.

Video at link
Well, I just lost all respect for him. He just threw away all of his integrity. Pathetic.

Look! This slippery old bastard has got something up his on it.
He's freakin pissed because he was told to get over it...even when he rallied against the Nevada Democratic Chairperson, saying he was denied
The proper Deleget Number...his Director said, " We are battling for two f@&$ing delegets in a Caucus/Primary we already lost? "
He is continuing with the DC Primary, stalling for time, hoping that Hillary will be indicted. It's the nature of the beast. They are all a bunch of bums!
I just wonder if that will matter with his supporters?
You'd had to figure that those who lost in their quest for the nomination would eventually come around and support the party's candidate. Unless of course the party nominates a complete idiot.

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