sanders quotes Trump as saying "all mexicans are rapists and murders"

chuck todd just did the same thing, but that made me think of this quote which puts it squarely into mainstream politics.

"They're counting on young people staying home and union members staying home and black folks staying home," President Obama said at a rally in Philadelphia.

i don't see Trump as a racist, if i did i wouldn't support him so completely.

i don't really see the love for hillary the media had for obama, which she so desperately needs.

obama's quote above is offensive and insulting to just about everone.

the best war we have going in America right now is the long, long overdue war against our corrupt media.
and with Trump we have already won like half of that war... which is really nice.

Obama: Republicans Counting On Blacks Staying Home | RealClearPolitics

Both Hillary and The Donald are flaming sacks of dog poo. I believe your key operating words are "i don't see".
it's a popular sentiment.

So much for the value of popularity. Neither one could be classified as America's best and brightest.

If the Donald wasn't a billionaire would he have the slightest chance? Hell to the no-no.

If That screechy bitch Hillary hadn't been socking away dem support for around twenty years would we be forced to watch her conniving scanky face on our tv screens? Negatory!
chuck todd just did the same thing, but that made me think of this quote which puts it squarely into mainstream politics.

"They're counting on young people staying home and union members staying home and black folks staying home," President Obama said at a rally in Philadelphia.

i don't see Trump as a racist, if i did i wouldn't support him so completely.

i don't really see the love for hillary the media had for obama, which she so desperately needs.

obama's quote above is offensive and insulting to just about everone.

the best war we have going in America right now is the long, long overdue war against our corrupt media.
and with Trump we have already won like half of that war... which is really nice.

Obama: Republicans Counting On Blacks Staying Home | RealClearPolitics

Your link doesn't even mention Sanders. Or Chuck Todd.
In fact it's literally one sentence describing a video.

obama's quote above is offensive and insulting to just about everone.

Huh? How?

the best war we have going in America right now is the long, long overdue war against our corrupt media.
and with Trump we have already won like half of that war... which is really nice.

Media is dominated by television, accurately described as a 'vast wasteland'. And Rump represents the bottom of that barrel. Without that media ------ nobody would have the vaguest idea who the hell he is. Because what sells on media is this:

it's also about the double standard and different tolerance for misquoting. when bernie misquotes a potential opponent it slides. as been pointed out by care4all, he never said all mexicans. chuck todd did the same thing this morning on mtp. when obama makes a comment, it's never really challenged by the media. as in my example.

Trump has single handedly downsized the lurid political press, i think it's great for a change that's all.
chuck todd just did the same thing, but that made me think of this quote which puts it squarely into mainstream politics.

"They're counting on young people staying home and union members staying home and black folks staying home," President Obama said at a rally in Philadelphia.

i don't see Trump as a racist, if i did i wouldn't support him so completely.

i don't really see the love for hillary the media had for obama, which she so desperately needs.

obama's quote above is offensive and insulting to just about everone.

the best war we have going in America right now is the long, long overdue war against our corrupt media.
and with Trump we have already won like half of that war... which is really nice.

Obama: Republicans Counting On Blacks Staying Home | RealClearPolitics

Both Hillary and The Donald are flaming sacks of dog poo. I believe your key operating words are "i don't see".
it's a popular sentiment.

So much for the value of popularity. Neither one could be classified as America's best and brightest.

If the Donald wasn't a billionaire would he have the slightest chance? Hell to the no-no.

If That screechy bitch Hillary hadn't been socking away dem support for around twenty years would we be forced to watch her conniving scanky face on our tv screens? Negatory!
you make good points.
chuck todd just did the same thing, but that made me think of this quote which puts it squarely into mainstream politics.

"They're counting on young people staying home and union members staying home and black folks staying home," President Obama said at a rally in Philadelphia.

i don't see Trump as a racist, if i did i wouldn't support him so completely.

i don't really see the love for hillary the media had for obama, which she so desperately needs.

obama's quote above is offensive and insulting to just about everone.

the best war we have going in America right now is the long, long overdue war against our corrupt media.
and with Trump we have already won like half of that war... which is really nice.

Obama: Republicans Counting On Blacks Staying Home | RealClearPolitics

What is really, really nice is that most Americans have finally figured out our corrupt media. :dance:
It appears the Berning Madman's supporters, sycophants, and Soros paid MOB FOR HIRE asshole's are actually going to help Trump....


Politico ^ | 6/3/2016 | Politico
Sanders' New York delegation is threatening to sow chaos on the convention floor. Call them Hillary’s home-state haters. A group of rabble-rousing Bernie Sanders supporters from New York is headed for the Democratic National Convention next month as hand-picked, at-large delegates -- and they’re threatening to make trouble for Hillary Clinton at the very moment she hopes to make history as the first female nominee of either party and unite Democrats for the coming battle with Donald Trump.
Trump doesn't think ALL the Mexicans are rapists and murderers, just enough that they should ALL be racially profiled against, rounded up and booted out, and a trillion dollar wall built to keep them out forever.

nice spin attempt, but you fail.

There are many cases of people here illegally committing rape, murder, assault, theft, and all other crimes. NO ONE, including Trump has said that ALL Mexicans are committing these crimes. That lie is only coming from the dems and the corrupt lying media. Trump has not called for racial profiling. What he said is that we need to know who we are letting in the country and until we have the means to know who they are, we should stop letting thousands of unknowns into our country. That is only common sense, not profiling.

You dem/libs all have the same bullshit talking points, you are mindless parrots.
First you lied by saying that I said that Trump meant ALL Mexicans are rapists and murderers. Then you lied by sayi g Trump has not called for racial profiling. Any other lies for us Redfag?

I have not posted any lies. First of all, Mexican and Muslim are NOT RACES. Mexican and muslims can be any and all races. Some Mexicans are Caucasian, some are negro, some are indian, and some are Asian, Muslims are also made up of all races.

So one cannot racially profile a group made up of all races.

What Trump said is that we need to temporarily stop muslim immigration until we have a valid way to know who we are letting in the country-------------tell me what you find wrong with that.

It uh, ignores the First Amendment.

--- Which is something The Dumbnuts seems to be unfamiliar with ---- or to put it accurately, antagonistic to --- in other ways as well....

wanting to know who is coming into our country violates freedom of speech?????

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm..... no Dumbass.

Here, you must not be familiar with this old document:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech...."

There's more to it but I don't want to overload you with Revelation.
Trump doesn't think ALL the Mexicans are rapists and murderers, just enough that they should ALL be racially profiled against, rounded up and booted out, and a trillion dollar wall built to keep them out forever.

nice spin attempt, but you fail.

There are many cases of people here illegally committing rape, murder, assault, theft, and all other crimes. NO ONE, including Trump has said that ALL Mexicans are committing these crimes. That lie is only coming from the dems and the corrupt lying media. Trump has not called for racial profiling. What he said is that we need to know who we are letting in the country and until we have the means to know who they are, we should stop letting thousands of unknowns into our country. That is only common sense, not profiling.

You dem/libs all have the same bullshit talking points, you are mindless parrots.
First you lied by saying that I said that Trump meant ALL Mexicans are rapists and murderers. Then you lied by sayi g Trump has not called for racial profiling. Any other lies for us Redfag?

I have not posted any lies. First of all, Mexican and Muslim are NOT RACES. Mexican and muslims can be any and all races. Some Mexicans are Caucasian, some are negro, some are indian, and some are Asian, Muslims are also made up of all races.

So one cannot racially profile a group made up of all races.

What Trump said is that we need to temporarily stop muslim immigration until we have a valid way to know who we are letting in the country-------------tell me what you find wrong with that.

It uh, ignores the First Amendment.

--- Which is something The Dumbnuts seems to be unfamiliar with ---- or to put it accurately, antagonistic to --- in other ways as well....

Again, a liberal that does not understand what free speech means. I wonder if you guys actually want to ban it as demonstrated... or is it perhaps that you simply lack the cognitive abilities to understand what it means?


Ummmm.... Donald Rump is not a "Liberal", Gummo. Check out what he just said --- he wants to lean on the press when he doesn't like what they print. You don't get much more illiberal than that.
Trump doesn't think ALL the Mexicans are rapists and murderers, just enough that they should ALL be racially profiled against, rounded up and booted out, and a trillion dollar wall built to keep them out forever.

nice spin attempt, but you fail.

There are many cases of people here illegally committing rape, murder, assault, theft, and all other crimes. NO ONE, including Trump has said that ALL Mexicans are committing these crimes. That lie is only coming from the dems and the corrupt lying media. Trump has not called for racial profiling. What he said is that we need to know who we are letting in the country and until we have the means to know who they are, we should stop letting thousands of unknowns into our country. That is only common sense, not profiling.

You dem/libs all have the same bullshit talking points, you are mindless parrots.
First you lied by saying that I said that Trump meant ALL Mexicans are rapists and murderers. Then you lied by sayi g Trump has not called for racial profiling. Any other lies for us Redfag?

I have not posted any lies. First of all, Mexican and Muslim are NOT RACES. Mexican and muslims can be any and all races. Some Mexicans are Caucasian, some are negro, some are indian, and some are Asian, Muslims are also made up of all races.

So one cannot racially profile a group made up of all races.

What Trump said is that we need to temporarily stop muslim immigration until we have a valid way to know who we are letting in the country-------------tell me what you find wrong with that.

It uh, ignores the First Amendment.

--- Which is something The Dumbnuts seems to be unfamiliar with ---- or to put it accurately, antagonistic to --- in other ways as well....

How does the President "open up libel laws"?
chuck todd just did the same thing, but that made me think of this quote which puts it squarely into mainstream politics.

"They're counting on young people staying home and union members staying home and black folks staying home," President Obama said at a rally in Philadelphia.

i don't see Trump as a racist, if i did i wouldn't support him so completely.

i don't really see the love for hillary the media had for obama, which she so desperately needs.

obama's quote above is offensive and insulting to just about everone.

the best war we have going in America right now is the long, long overdue war against our corrupt media.
and with Trump we have already won like half of that war... which is really nice.

Obama: Republicans Counting On Blacks Staying Home | RealClearPolitics

Your link doesn't even mention Sanders. Or Chuck Todd.
In fact it's literally one sentence describing a video.

obama's quote above is offensive and insulting to just about everone.

Huh? How?

the best war we have going in America right now is the long, long overdue war against our corrupt media.
and with Trump we have already won like half of that war... which is really nice.

Media is dominated by television, accurately described as a 'vast wasteland'. And Rump represents the bottom of that barrel. Without that media ------ nobody would have the vaguest idea who the hell he is. Because what sells on media is this:

it's also about the double standard and different tolerance for misquoting. when bernie misquotes a potential opponent it slides. as been pointed out by care4all, he never said all mexicans. chuck todd did the same thing this morning on mtp. when obama makes a comment, it's never really challenged by the media. as in my example.

Trump has single handedly downsized the lurid political press, i think it's great for a change that's all.

And when you open a thread with claims that do not exist in your link, get asked for them repeatedly, and run away....?
Trump doesn't think ALL the Mexicans are rapists and murderers, just enough that they should ALL be racially profiled against, rounded up and booted out, and a trillion dollar wall built to keep them out forever.

nice spin attempt, but you fail.

There are many cases of people here illegally committing rape, murder, assault, theft, and all other crimes. NO ONE, including Trump has said that ALL Mexicans are committing these crimes. That lie is only coming from the dems and the corrupt lying media. Trump has not called for racial profiling. What he said is that we need to know who we are letting in the country and until we have the means to know who they are, we should stop letting thousands of unknowns into our country. That is only common sense, not profiling.

You dem/libs all have the same bullshit talking points, you are mindless parrots.
First you lied by saying that I said that Trump meant ALL Mexicans are rapists and murderers. Then you lied by sayi g Trump has not called for racial profiling. Any other lies for us Redfag?

I have not posted any lies. First of all, Mexican and Muslim are NOT RACES. Mexican and muslims can be any and all races. Some Mexicans are Caucasian, some are negro, some are indian, and some are Asian, Muslims are also made up of all races.

So one cannot racially profile a group made up of all races.

What Trump said is that we need to temporarily stop muslim immigration until we have a valid way to know who we are letting in the country-------------tell me what you find wrong with that.

It uh, ignores the First Amendment.

--- Which is something The Dumbnuts seems to be unfamiliar with ---- or to put it accurately, antagonistic to --- in other ways as well....

How does the President "open up libel laws"?

How indeed. That requires a change to the Number One spot in the Bill of Rights and fortunately our Founders saw demagogues like this coming and made that into a hurdle that should be Rump-proof. But it's instructive how much contempt he has for the First Amendment. How anyone would continue drooling over this asshat after that statement is beyond my comprehension.
nice spin attempt, but you fail.

There are many cases of people here illegally committing rape, murder, assault, theft, and all other crimes. NO ONE, including Trump has said that ALL Mexicans are committing these crimes. That lie is only coming from the dems and the corrupt lying media. Trump has not called for racial profiling. What he said is that we need to know who we are letting in the country and until we have the means to know who they are, we should stop letting thousands of unknowns into our country. That is only common sense, not profiling.

You dem/libs all have the same bullshit talking points, you are mindless parrots.
First you lied by saying that I said that Trump meant ALL Mexicans are rapists and murderers. Then you lied by sayi g Trump has not called for racial profiling. Any other lies for us Redfag?

I have not posted any lies. First of all, Mexican and Muslim are NOT RACES. Mexican and muslims can be any and all races. Some Mexicans are Caucasian, some are negro, some are indian, and some are Asian, Muslims are also made up of all races.

So one cannot racially profile a group made up of all races.

What Trump said is that we need to temporarily stop muslim immigration until we have a valid way to know who we are letting in the country-------------tell me what you find wrong with that.

It uh, ignores the First Amendment.

--- Which is something The Dumbnuts seems to be unfamiliar with ---- or to put it accurately, antagonistic to --- in other ways as well....

How does the President "open up libel laws"?

How indeed. That requires a change to the Number One spot in the Bill of Rights and fortunately our Founders saw demagogues like this coming and made that into a hurdle that should be Rump-proof. But it's instructive how much contempt he has for the First Amendment. How anyone would continue drooling over this asshat after that statement is beyond my comprehension.

We have at least one poster here who very clearly stated he wants Drumpf as Dictator.
chuck todd just did the same thing, but that made me think of this quote which puts it squarely into mainstream politics.

"They're counting on young people staying home and union members staying home and black folks staying home," President Obama said at a rally in Philadelphia.

i don't see Trump as a racist, if i did i wouldn't support him so completely.

i don't really see the love for hillary the media had for obama, which she so desperately needs.

obama's quote above is offensive and insulting to just about everone.

the best war we have going in America right now is the long, long overdue war against our corrupt media.
and with Trump we have already won like half of that war... which is really nice.

Obama: Republicans Counting On Blacks Staying Home | RealClearPolitics

What is really, really nice is that most Americans have finally figured out our corrupt media. :dance:


Or the next shiny object or sound bite will send them reeling.

I believe Americans are truly addicted to the "rush" of television. It seems similar to an addiction to refined sugar.
nice spin attempt, but you fail.

There are many cases of people here illegally committing rape, murder, assault, theft, and all other crimes. NO ONE, including Trump has said that ALL Mexicans are committing these crimes. That lie is only coming from the dems and the corrupt lying media. Trump has not called for racial profiling. What he said is that we need to know who we are letting in the country and until we have the means to know who they are, we should stop letting thousands of unknowns into our country. That is only common sense, not profiling.

You dem/libs all have the same bullshit talking points, you are mindless parrots.
First you lied by saying that I said that Trump meant ALL Mexicans are rapists and murderers. Then you lied by sayi g Trump has not called for racial profiling. Any other lies for us Redfag?

I have not posted any lies. First of all, Mexican and Muslim are NOT RACES. Mexican and muslims can be any and all races. Some Mexicans are Caucasian, some are negro, some are indian, and some are Asian, Muslims are also made up of all races.

So one cannot racially profile a group made up of all races.

What Trump said is that we need to temporarily stop muslim immigration until we have a valid way to know who we are letting in the country-------------tell me what you find wrong with that.

It uh, ignores the First Amendment.

--- Which is something The Dumbnuts seems to be unfamiliar with ---- or to put it accurately, antagonistic to --- in other ways as well....

wanting to know who is coming into our country violates freedom of speech?????

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm..... no Dumbass.

Here, you must not be familiar with this old document:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech...."

There's more to it but I don't want to overload you with Revelation.

exactly how does checking would-be immigrants restrict free speech or the exercise of religion. Are you suggesting that we have to open our borders to everyone because of the first amendment? Are you that fricken stupid?
First you lied by saying that I said that Trump meant ALL Mexicans are rapists and murderers. Then you lied by sayi g Trump has not called for racial profiling. Any other lies for us Redfag?

I have not posted any lies. First of all, Mexican and Muslim are NOT RACES. Mexican and muslims can be any and all races. Some Mexicans are Caucasian, some are negro, some are indian, and some are Asian, Muslims are also made up of all races.

So one cannot racially profile a group made up of all races.

What Trump said is that we need to temporarily stop muslim immigration until we have a valid way to know who we are letting in the country-------------tell me what you find wrong with that.

It uh, ignores the First Amendment.

--- Which is something The Dumbnuts seems to be unfamiliar with ---- or to put it accurately, antagonistic to --- in other ways as well....

wanting to know who is coming into our country violates freedom of speech?????

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm..... no Dumbass.

Here, you must not be familiar with this old document:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech...."

There's more to it but I don't want to overload you with Revelation.

exactly how does checking would-be immigrants restrict free speech or the exercise of religion. Are you suggesting that we have to open our borders to everyone because of the first amendment? Are you that fricken stupid?

Are you that "fricken" illiterate? You need this dumbed down even more?

His whole position bases itself on RELIGION. Helooooo? Look up the word "discriminate"? :banghead:

If we have would-be terrorists wanting in, I want them screened on the basis of being would-be terrorists ---- not on what fucking religion they happen to practice or not practice -- or say they practice or don't practice --- on the side. How fucking stupid is that?

Well I'll tell ya how fucking stupid. It's as stupid as going "Muslims killed 4000 on 9/11", ignoring the glaring reality that politically motivated terrorists killed 4000 on 9/11. It completely takes the eye off the ball in a naked appeal to juvenile emotion over the factual realities of the world.

Back to the original point --- you can't take a government action on the basis of "you're not practicing the right religion" any more than you can take a government action on the basis of "you're not espousing the right opinions". The First Amendment specifically rules that out. Rump is selling snake oil here, and he fully knows he's selling snake oil, and you and your fellow unwashed travellers apparently ---- don't.

Of course, as already noted, Rump has already given notice of his contempt of that same First Amendment in this, a statement that will live in infamy:

---- so at least he's consistent in his contempt for most basic building block of the Constitution. And that's a rarity.
I have not posted any lies. First of all, Mexican and Muslim are NOT RACES. Mexican and muslims can be any and all races. Some Mexicans are Caucasian, some are negro, some are indian, and some are Asian, Muslims are also made up of all races.

So one cannot racially profile a group made up of all races.

What Trump said is that we need to temporarily stop muslim immigration until we have a valid way to know who we are letting in the country-------------tell me what you find wrong with that.

It uh, ignores the First Amendment.

--- Which is something The Dumbnuts seems to be unfamiliar with ---- or to put it accurately, antagonistic to --- in other ways as well....

wanting to know who is coming into our country violates freedom of speech?????

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm..... no Dumbass.

Here, you must not be familiar with this old document:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech...."

There's more to it but I don't want to overload you with Revelation.

exactly how does checking would-be immigrants restrict free speech or the exercise of religion. Are you suggesting that we have to open our borders to everyone because of the first amendment? Are you that fricken stupid?

Are you that "fricken" illiterate? You need this dumbed down even more?

His whole position bases itself on RELIGION. Helooooo? Look up the word "discriminate"? :banghead:

If we have would-be terrorists wanting in, I want them screened on the basis of being would-be terrorists ---- not on what fucking religion they happen to practice or not practice -- or say they practice or don't practice --- on the side. How fucking stupid is that?

Well I'll tell ya how fucking stupid. It's as stupid as going "Muslims killed 4000 on 9/11", ignoring the glaring reality that politically motivated terrorists killed 4000 on 9/11. It completely takes the eye off the ball in a naked appeal to juvenile emotion over the factual realities of the world.

Back to the original point --- you can't take a government action on the basis of "you're not practicing the right religion" any more than you can take a government action on the basis of "you're not espousing the right opinions". The First Amendment specifically rules that out. Rump is selling snake oil here, and he fully knows he's selling snake oil, and you and your fellow unwashed travellers apparently ---- don't.

Of course, as already noted, Rump has already given notice of his contempt of that same First Amendment in this, a statement that will live in infamy:

---- so at least he's consistent in his contempt for most basic building block of the Constitution. And that's a rarity.

Muslim terrorists did 9/11, Paris, London, San Bernardino, Bali, and Madrid. Muslim terrorists are attacking innocents in Europe every day and killing other muslims in the mid east every day.

Expecting our government to properly screen every muslim who wants to enter this country is neither ethically wrong or a constitutional violation.

If Buddhists or hindus were doing the killings, they should also be screened.

How else do you propose that we prevent avowed muslim terrorists from killing more americans on American soil?

You really don't understand what this is all about, quite pathetic.
If Buddhists or hindus were doing the killings, they should also be screened.

If they were doing so as a direct consequence of their religion, sure. Unfortunately for the simplistic, that simplistic world does not exist, and running away from the complexities that actually DO exist --- is still running away.

Besides, Rump didn't say "screen". He said "ban". ON THE BASIS OF RELIGION.

That you really don't understand what this is all about is beyond pathetic. Perhaps an illustration will convey the idea.


("Jewish Plot Against Europe")

Yeah there was another guy who tried to sell the same religious-scapegoat bullshit.
He had "buyers" too.
If Buddhists or hindus were doing the killings, they should also be screened.

If they were doing so as a direct consequence of their religion, sure. Unfortunately for the simplistic, that simplistic world does not exist, and running away from the complexities that actually DO exist --- is still running away.

Besides, Rump didn't say "screen". He said "ban". ON THE BASIS OF RELIGION.

That you really don't understand what this is all about is beyond pathetic. Perhaps an illustration will convey the idea.


("Jewish Plot Against Europe")

Yeah there was another guy who tried to sell the same religious-scapegoat bullshit.
He had "buyers" too.

what he actually said was ban muslim immigration until we can effectively know who we are letting in. Would you like it better if he said ALL immigration? I would.

and if you don't think muslim terrorists are killing people solely as a "direct consequence" of their religion, then you are even more naïve than I thought.

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