...The Least Racist Society On Earth

Corporate America is now firmly behind BLM.

It is now a legitimate movement with only our retarded Conservatives still opposing black rights
What are “black rights”?
Why the right to peaceful protest of course

BLM is not about peaceful protests, but rioting to gain political clout and money.

You know that. YOu see your role as providing political cover by lying.

Identified that dolt perfectly.
Corporate America is now firmly behind BLM.

It is now a legitimate movement with only our retarded Conservatives still opposing black rights
Well, Corporate America is probably being threatened with violence.
That's the only reason I figure so many of them would be so stupid.
it is conservatives being “stupid” again

The implied premise of telling people, that BLM, is that people need to be told that.

That is defacto insulting this country and white people as group(s) and every white person, who is not actively kowtowing, individually.

We are done being lectured by assholes. FUCK THEM.
That would be right here in the good ol' USof A.

Every other nation on Earth ended slavery in their respective jurisdictions without having to have a war.

Corporate America is now firmly behind BLM.

It is now a legitimate movement with only our retarded Conservatives still opposing black rights
Well, Corporate America is probably being threatened with violence.
That's the only reason I figure so many of them would be so stupid.

There are three reasons for the support corporate America is on the wrong side, and ideology or fear is the least of the three.

Of immense importance is how many of their leaders and workers have been exposed to the life-long propaganda attack in the schools and the media.

Profit if a huge motivation: the corporatism is the control that big business has of government, via bribes, called lobbying.
And Trump is an existential threat to the arrangement.
Here's the reason the establishment of both parties is anti-Trump: he is a threat to their wealth.

"Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad"
Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad - The New York Sun

Most important to the tyrants...er, Congressmen....is that by producing regulations that stymie businesses....said businesses have to bribe....er, lobby....the Representative to put in loopholes.

Ending regulation is an existential danger to their sinecures: they go to Washington to do good, and end up doing well.

Every notice how many Congressmen leave government far richer than when they went in?
Corporate America was slow to endorse Civil Rights, slow to get behind the gay rights movement.......When they did, things changed
Corporate America is now firmly behind BLM.

It is now a legitimate movement with only our retarded Conservatives still opposing black rights
Well, Corporate America is probably being threatened with violence.
That's the only reason I figure so many of them would be so stupid.

There are three reasons for the support corporate America is on the wrong side, and ideology or fear is the least of the three.

Of immense importance is how many of their leaders and workers have been exposed to the life-long propaganda attack in the schools and the media.

Profit if a huge motivation: the corporatism is the control that big business has of government, via bribes, called lobbying.
And Trump is an existential threat to the arrangement.
Here's the reason the establishment of both parties is anti-Trump: he is a threat to their wealth.

"Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad"
Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad - The New York Sun

Most important to the tyrants...er, Congressmen....is that by producing regulations that stymie businesses....said businesses have to bribe....er, lobby....the Representative to put in loopholes.

Ending regulation is an existential danger to their sinecures: they go to Washington to do good, and end up doing well.

Every notice how many Congressmen leave government far richer than when they went in?
Corporate America was slow to endorse Civil Rights, slow to get behind the gay rights movement.......When they did, things changed

Since 1964, the debate has been on how to achieve racial equality.

That you libs like to characterize disagreements on how to do that, as wacism, is just you people making political hay, at the cost of dividing the shit out of America.

People are literally dying in the streets from your hatemongering, and you are still pouring more gas onto the fire.
The implied premise of telling people, that BLM, is that people need to be told that.

BLM did not happen on a whim.

Complaints about police immunity for killing unarmed blacks have been going on for decades. Till now, police just claimed the guy resisted arrest, that they felt threatened and got a free pass.

Now, everything is on tape and the old tried and true excuses do not work.

Those Black Lives do matter
The implied premise of telling people, that BLM, is that people need to be told that.

BLM did not happen on a whim.

Complaints about police immunity for killing unarmed blacks have been going on for decades. Till now, police just claimed the guy resisted arrest, that they felt threatened and got a free pass.

Now, everything is on tape and the old tried and true excuses do not work.

Those Black Lives do matter

And most of those complaints have been bullshit. And you focus on the ones that are questionable, to gin up hate and division, while ignoring the cases where the cops are held accountable or proven completely justified.

This is about your party, benefiting from dividing America.

America loses and you gain.

People are literally dying in the streets, because of the hate and division you have sown over the last 50 years, and you are still doing it.

YOu are bloodthirsty monsters without souls.
The implied premise of telling people, that BLM, is that people need to be told that.

BLM did not happen on a whim.

Complaints about police immunity for killing unarmed blacks have been going on for decades. Till now, police just claimed the guy resisted arrest, that they felt threatened and got a free pass.

Now, everything is on tape and the old tried and true excuses do not work.

Those Black Lives do matter

And most of those complaints have been bullshit. And you focus on the ones that are questionable, to gin up hate and division, while ignoring the cases where the cops are held accountable or proven completely justified.

This is about your party, benefiting from dividing America.

America loses and you gain.

People are literally dying in the streets, because of the hate and division you have sown over the last 50 years, and you are still doing it.

YOu are bloodthirsty monsters without souls.

As in most complaints by blacks, conservatives go into blame the victim mode.

They even smirk as they utter the dismissive and condescending.......All lives matter
That would be right here in the good ol' USof A.

Every other nation on Earth ended slavery in their respective jurisdictions without having to have a war.


"Every other nation on Earth ended slavery ..."

Slavery is rampant throughout Africa to this day.

Dhimmi status, the same in many Muslim nations.

You're a clever boy......I bet you can find lots of reasons to hate America.
The implied premise of telling people, that BLM, is that people need to be told that.

BLM did not happen on a whim.

Complaints about police immunity for killing unarmed blacks have been going on for decades. Till now, police just claimed the guy resisted arrest, that they felt threatened and got a free pass.

Now, everything is on tape and the old tried and true excuses do not work.

Those Black Lives do matter

And most of those complaints have been bullshit. And you focus on the ones that are questionable, to gin up hate and division, while ignoring the cases where the cops are held accountable or proven completely justified.

This is about your party, benefiting from dividing America.

America loses and you gain.

People are literally dying in the streets, because of the hate and division you have sown over the last 50 years, and you are still doing it.

YOu are bloodthirsty monsters without souls.

As in most complaints by blacks, conservatives go into blame the victim mode.

They even smirk as they utter the dismissive and condescending.......All lives matter

Link to the collection of complaints and the analysis that shows that "most" of them, get much press or push back by conservatives.

Or admit that you are just talking shit, to further spread hate and rage and violence.
"Democrat Leaders Have Encouraged Political Violence, Beginning With Barack Obama
Words are violence, but rioting, looting, and arson are not. Hectoring, menacing, and crowding supporters of President Trump is shrugged off, but insults to the media are a threat to democracy. If that sounds insane, it’s because it is.

...since Ronald Reagan, the media has been critical of Republicans. However, through the Clinton era, and through the aftermath of September 11, 2001, it seemed we were able to come together across the aisle.

Whether it was to pass legislation or agreeing to defend America’s interests, bipartisan agreement was possible. This video from Business Insider is a visual display of this breakdown. By 108th Congress, 2003-2005, it was nearly impossible and stayed that way.

It would be difficult to convince me the 2008 election was not a turning point in our political discourse. During the 2008 election, candidate Barack Obama said the following during a Nevada campaign stop:
In Elko, Obama tried to anticipate his critics and called on the crowd of about 1,500 to sharpen their elbows, too.
“I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face,” he said."
The implied premise of telling people, that BLM, is that people need to be told that.

BLM did not happen on a whim.

Complaints about police immunity for killing unarmed blacks have been going on for decades. Till now, police just claimed the guy resisted arrest, that they felt threatened and got a free pass.

Now, everything is on tape and the old tried and true excuses do not work.

Those Black Lives do matter

The key to Black Lives Matter is the concept of “Benefit of the Doubt”

A white suspect leaning into a car full of kids is given the benefit of the doubt that he is looking in on the kids or searching for documentation. A black man is assumed to be reaching for a gun.
Obama: "Get in their face."

" This comment came after Obama referred to his grandmother as a “typical white person” who had fears about black men. Then he characterized his political opponents as “bitter clingers.”

In 2009, the Department of Homeland Security put out a baseless memo regarding threats from “right-wing extremists.” To be characterized as such, you simply needed to be organizing against abortion or immigration, or in support of federalism.

In 2010 Obama refined this characterization by calling Tea Party activists “the teabag anti-government people.” His attorney general, Eric Holder, called America a “nation of cowards” on race discussions. By 2012, Obama said he would have been seen as a moderate Republican in the 1980s after winning reelection. He said this in order to contrast himself with the Republican House, led by notorious squish John Boehner. The goal was to cast the modern Republican Party as far-right."

The Far-Left regularly pretends that there is a Far-Right in this country......there isn't.
But it is a fabrication used to cover the fact that there is a Far Left, and it owns the Democrat Party.
That would be right here in the good ol' USof A.

Every other nation on Earth ended slavery in their respective jurisdictions without having to have a war.

Every other nation on Earth didn't have Democrats either.
Slavery existed for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed.

It was an institution of our southern states regardless of political affiliation
Slavery was one of the reasons the Democrat Party was created.....to stop abolition.

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