sanders quotes Trump as saying "all mexicans are rapists and murders"

Trump never said "all Mexicans are rapists and murderers". How do you quote someone if he never said it? As a matter of fact Trump probably hired more Mexicans than the federal government. If you include the strange death of Vince Foster you could say with some degree of accuracy that the Clintons are rapists and murderers.

Some Mexicans are good people, the rest are rapists and murderers

some democrats have working brains, the rest are brain dead (you are one of the rest).
Awww...butthurt much?
Trump never said "all Mexicans are rapists and murderers". How do you quote someone if he never said it? As a matter of fact Trump probably hired more Mexicans than the federal government. If you include the strange death of Vince Foster you could say with some degree of accuracy that the Clintons are rapists and murderers.

Some Mexicans are good people, the rest are rapists and murderers

some democrats have working brains, the rest are brain dead (you are one of the rest).
Awww...butthurt much?

Nope, just enjoying making you look like the fool that you are.
Trump doesn't think ALL the Mexicans are rapists and murderers, just enough that they should ALL be racially profiled against, rounded up and booted out, and a trillion dollar wall built to keep them out forever.

His true colors came out, above and beyond dispute, when he said the judge should be recused because of his Mexican heritage.

The judge must agree because he has reversed his original ruling.
He resealed the documents he just ordered unsealed? A 3rd lie from Redfag.

his reversal had nothing to do with documents. Look it up, you might learn something, Its not my job here to educate you.
Trump's comment about Mexicans being dishonest came after the Judge ordered court documents to be released. Did he reverse that decision?
When the judge discovered that many of the documents were affidavits, declarations and letters from successful students, he tried to reverse his decision.
Trump doesn't think ALL the Mexicans are rapists and murderers, just enough that they should ALL be racially profiled against, rounded up and booted out, and a trillion dollar wall built to keep them out forever.

nice spin attempt, but you fail.

There are many cases of people here illegally committing rape, murder, assault, theft, and all other crimes. NO ONE, including Trump has said that ALL Mexicans are committing these crimes. That lie is only coming from the dems and the corrupt lying media. Trump has not called for racial profiling. What he said is that we need to know who we are letting in the country and until we have the means to know who they are, we should stop letting thousands of unknowns into our country. That is only common sense, not profiling.

You dem/libs all have the same bullshit talking points, you are mindless parrots.
First you lied by saying that I said that Trump meant ALL Mexicans are rapists and murderers. Then you lied by sayi g Trump has not called for racial profiling. Any other lies for us Redfag?

I have not posted any lies. First of all, Mexican and Muslim are NOT RACES. Mexican and muslims can be any and all races. Some Mexicans are Caucasian, some are negro, some are indian, and some are Asian, Muslims are also made up of all races.

So one cannot racially profile a group made up of all races.

What Trump said is that we need to temporarily stop muslim immigration until we have a valid way to know who we are letting in the country-------------tell me what you find wrong with that.
No he also said that profiling people is perfectly fine.

As for stopping Muslim immigration until some arbitrary metric for letting them in is created... that's xenophobia. The refugees coming in have been waiting for 2 years. You people make it seem like we're scooping them up in the middle east and dropping them in your neighborhood.

Ok, if a red headed Irishman robs a convenience store, is it OK for the police to check out all red headed Irishmen in the area around the store? How the hell do you think the police find any criminals if not by profiling.

Radical muslims have been killing innocents all over the world. If one lived next door to you would you watch him closely? If yes, you are profiling, if no, you are an idiot.
If yes, you are profiling, if no, you live in San Bernardino.
chuck todd just did the same thing, but that made me think of this quote which puts it squarely into mainstream politics.

"They're counting on young people staying home and union members staying home and black folks staying home," President Obama said at a rally in Philadelphia.

i don't see Trump as a racist, if i did i wouldn't support him so completely.

i don't really see the love for hillary the media had for obama, which she so desperately needs.

obama's quote above is offensive and insulting to just about everone.

the best war we have going in America right now is the long, long overdue war against our corrupt media.
and with Trump we have already won like half of that war... which is really nice.

Obama: Republicans Counting On Blacks Staying Home | RealClearPolitics

Where you expecting Democrats to tell the truth? How would they ever get elected if they did that?
Trump doesn't think ALL the Mexicans are rapists and murderers, just enough that they should ALL be racially profiled against, rounded up and booted out, and a trillion dollar wall built to keep them out forever.

Another big fat lie.
Trump never said "all Mexicans are rapists and murderers". How do you quote someone if he never said it? As a matter of fact Trump probably hired more Mexicans than the federal government. If you include the strange death of Vince Foster you could say with some degree of accuracy that the Clintons are rapists and murderers.

Some Mexicans are good people, the rest are rapists and murderers
The ones coming over the border illegally, at any rate.
Trump doesn't think ALL the Mexicans are rapists and murderers, just enough that they should ALL be racially profiled against, rounded up and booted out, and a trillion dollar wall built to keep them out forever.

nice spin attempt, but you fail.

There are many cases of people here illegally committing rape, murder, assault, theft, and all other crimes. NO ONE, including Trump has said that ALL Mexicans are committing these crimes. That lie is only coming from the dems and the corrupt lying media. Trump has not called for racial profiling. What he said is that we need to know who we are letting in the country and until we have the means to know who they are, we should stop letting thousands of unknowns into our country. That is only common sense, not profiling.

You dem/libs all have the same bullshit talking points, you are mindless parrots.
First you lied by saying that I said that Trump meant ALL Mexicans are rapists and murderers. Then you lied by sayi g Trump has not called for racial profiling. Any other lies for us Redfag?

I have not posted any lies. First of all, Mexican and Muslim are NOT RACES. Mexican and muslims can be any and all races. Some Mexicans are Caucasian, some are negro, some are indian, and some are Asian, Muslims are also made up of all races.

So one cannot racially profile a group made up of all races.

What Trump said is that we need to temporarily stop muslim immigration until we have a valid way to know who we are letting in the country-------------tell me what you find wrong with that.

It uh, ignores the First Amendment.

--- Which is something The Dumbnuts seems to be unfamiliar with ---- or to put it accurately, antagonistic to --- in other ways as well....

Again, a liberal that does not understand what free speech means. I wonder if you guys actually want to ban it as demonstrated... or is it perhaps that you simply lack the cognitive abilities to understand what it means?

wow great reply dummy
Yeah. It's almost exactly the same as your stupid original comment.

thanks for admitting that you lack originality --LOL@U

who would expect any less of a leftard
At least you were able to admit your comment was stupid.

An uncommon trait among republicunts.

why do you make stuff up
I don't. Making stuff up is a common trait of republicunts.

there you again making stuff up

what an unoriginal loser you are
His true colors came out, above and beyond dispute, when he said the judge should be recused because of his Mexican heritage.

The judge must agree because he has reversed his original ruling.
He resealed the documents he just ordered unsealed? A 3rd lie from Redfag.

his reversal had nothing to do with documents. Look it up, you might learn something, Its not my job here to educate you.
Trump's comment about Mexicans being dishonest came after the Judge ordered court documents to be released. Did he reverse that decision?
When the judge discovered that many of the documents were affidavits, declarations and letters from successful students, he tried to reverse his decision.

Literacy is not one of your strong suits is it?
Trump never said "all Mexicans are rapists and murderers". How do you quote someone if he never said it? As a matter of fact Trump probably hired more Mexicans than the federal government. If you include the strange death of Vince Foster you could say with some degree of accuracy that the Clintons are rapists and murderers.

Some Mexicans are good people, the rest are rapists and murderers
The ones coming over the border illegally, at any rate.
Love it when Trump says that
Trump never said "all Mexicans are rapists and murderers". How do you quote someone if he never said it? As a matter of fact Trump probably hired more Mexicans than the federal government. If you include the strange death of Vince Foster you could say with some degree of accuracy that the Clintons are rapists and murderers.

Some Mexicans are good people, the rest are rapists and murderers
The ones coming over the border illegally, at any rate.
Love it when Trump says that

of course that's not what he said, but you got the talking point posted, do you get a dime for that?
chuck todd just did the same thing, but that made me think of this quote which puts it squarely into mainstream politics.

"They're counting on young people staying home and union members staying home and black folks staying home," President Obama said at a rally in Philadelphia.

i don't see Trump as a racist, if i did i wouldn't support him so completely.

i don't really see the love for hillary the media had for obama, which she so desperately needs.

obama's quote above is offensive and insulting to just about everone.

the best war we have going in America right now is the long, long overdue war against our corrupt media.
and with Trump we have already won like half of that war... which is really nice.

Obama: Republicans Counting On Blacks Staying Home | RealClearPolitics

Both Hillary and The Donald are flaming sacks of dog poo. I believe your key operating words are "i don't see".
Trump doesn't think ALL the Mexicans are rapists and murderers, just enough that they should ALL be racially profiled against, rounded up and booted out, and a trillion dollar wall built to keep them out forever.
he talks about a door, and of course the actual law which everyone seems to have forgotten about.
chuck todd just did the same thing, but that made me think of this quote which puts it squarely into mainstream politics.

"They're counting on young people staying home and union members staying home and black folks staying home," President Obama said at a rally in Philadelphia.

i don't see Trump as a racist, if i did i wouldn't support him so completely.

i don't really see the love for hillary the media had for obama, which she so desperately needs.

obama's quote above is offensive and insulting to just about everone.

the best war we have going in America right now is the long, long overdue war against our corrupt media.
and with Trump we have already won like half of that war... which is really nice.

Obama: Republicans Counting On Blacks Staying Home | RealClearPolitics

Both Hillary and The Donald are flaming sacks of dog poo. I believe your key operating words are "i don't see".
it's a popular sentiment.

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