Sanders: Trump's Muslim database idea 'outrageous and bigoted'

Sanders: Trump's Muslim database idea 'outrageous and bigoted'

Source: The Hill

By Mark Hensch
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says Donald Trump's suggestion the U.S. set up a database to register and track Muslims is "outrageous and bigoted."

The Democratic presidential contender took to Twitter to blast the GOP front-runner on Friday, adding that Trump "should be ashamed of himself."


Trump sparked controversy following last week's Paris terror attacks by suggesting a database for U.S. Muslims, as well as special identification or warrantless searches to allow law enforcement to keep tabs on those of the Islamic faith.

“I would certainly implement that,” he said on Thursday. “ would stop people from coming in illegally. We have to stop people from coming into our country illegally.”

FULL story at link.

Read more: Sanders: Trump's Muslim database idea 'outrageous and bigoted'

It is also unconstitutional as fuck and nazi like!

One of the hot women on Fox called the idea "indefensible." Unfortunately, she then went on to defend it. :)

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