Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

It's too bad we no longer have an independent Media. They won't conduct any independent investigations. They'll just pass on their spoon-fed Big Brother disinformation to the Public. It's a Government/Media Complex now. Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies.

You are chasing your tail again, Princess. According to your circular reasoning, Big Bro will feed us pablum once the investigation is done therefore any silly CT which crosses your feeble mind must be what really happened.
Here's the 4-1-1:
Anyone who firmly believes that "Big Bro lies to us 24/7, 365" and admits, as you already have, that nothing could ever change this belief does not have an open mind but rather as closed a mind as one could have. :D

Sibel Edmonds, Susan Lindaur, etc. When the establishment types say there are no true patriots, that SOMEONE would surely blow the whistle and know the truth, they just aren't paying attention. The left/right paradigm, the dialectic is there to confuddle them. How blind they be. lol The enemy of freedom is ignorance and incredulity. Boiling frogs is one of my go to unbiased sources. Rock on with your bad self!

Here is another source I like to use. It is a source used by those who swore to defend the constitution, not the corrupt leaders; non-commissioned officers and men of the US armed forces, not the globalist shills.

Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control


© The Newtown Bee
(Note, after this article was printed, all records of it's existence were later deleted in the archives. Luckily researches at VT have recorded images of it. :D)

(Read the whole article for more wonderfully compelling good stuff. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. This article is more for your interest paulitician than for these blind dulled obtuse victims of compulsory education and MSM media conditioning.)

I'm not a reporter. I still know well that a basic standard for a reporter on news is who, where, when..... So that mistake is not plausible explanation. An explanation put in advance to cover up of flaw that is too evident.

The principal didn't follow the instruction. She didn't stay inside the room but went out to see what happened and saw something she was not allowed to see. So she was shot dead. But the New Town Bee still published the interview according to the original plan. One character of this case was there is no field witness. That's rare. Plus that the gunner was not an expert sniper.

It was a well prepared plot. They had many informants gathered in this area. They had a terror drill in advance.

DHS Terror Drills recently conducted in Sandy Hook
The HSEEP Training Course
The course will be held at the Sandy Hook Fire Department, address below.

Location: 18 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook CT
This event is 37 miles from you (06106).
8 AM - 5 PM

Contact: Tom Romano
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 860 256 0844
Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security

Quote: SAYIT
Terror drills are common in American schools these days. :D
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Sibel Edmonds, Susan Lindaur, etc. When the establishment types say there are no true patriots, that SOMEONE would surely blow the whistle and know the truth, they just aren't paying attention. The left/right paradigm, the dialectic is there to confuddle them. How blind they be. lol The enemy of freedom is ignorance and incredulity. Boiling frogs is one of my go to unbiased sources. Rock on with your bad self!

Here is another source I like to use. It is a source used by those who swore to defend the constitution, not the corrupt leaders; non-commissioned officers and men of the US armed forces, not the globalist shills.

Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control


© The Newtown Bee
(Note, after this article was printed, all records of it's existence were later deleted in the archives. Luckily researches at VT have recorded images of it. :D)

(Read the whole article for more wonderfully compelling good stuff. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. This article is more for your interest paulitician than for these blind dulled obtuse victims of compulsory education and MSM media conditioning.)

I'm not a reporter. I still know well that a basic standard for a reporter on news is who, where, when..... So that mistake is not plausible explanation. An explanation put in advance to cover up of flaw that is too evident.

The principal didn't follow the instruction. She didn't stay inside the room but went out to see what happened and saw something she was not allowed to see. So she was shot dead. But the New Town Bee still published the interview according to the original plan. One character of this case was there is no field witness. That's rare. Plus that the gunner was not an expert sniper.

It was a well prepared plot. They had many informants gathered in this area. They had a terror drill in advance.

DHS Terror Drills recently conducted in Sandy Hook
The HSEEP Training Course
The course will be held at the Sandy Hook Fire Department, address below.

Location: 18 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook CT
This event is 37 miles from you (06106).
8 AM - 5 PM

Contact: Tom Romano
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 860 256 0844
Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security

Quote: SAYIT
Terror drills are common in American schools these days. :D
when I was in grade school (mid sixties) we had duck and cover drills at least once a month.
disaster drills in schools have been around since the 1930's .
do any of you remember CIVIL DEFENCE TESTS?
Well, it has been determined that no assault weapons were used and handguns only did this.... even after the ME lied and said all the bullet wounds on the victims were from an AR-15.

Bet you government media dick riders feel foolish now:

NBC Admitted: No 'Assault Rifle' Used in Newtown Shooting Independent Journal Review

But wait!

Isn't this an obvious bit of disinformation, since it comes from one of the government-run media sources? NBC is admitting it!

If one examines footage from police breaking into Lanza’s car, one sees police clearing a round from a “long gun of some type” that does not appear to be ‘AR-15 style’ or ‘assault-style.’

Didn't i say this a while back?
Well, it has been determined that no assault weapons were used and handguns only did this.... even after the ME lied and said all the bullet wounds on the victims were from an AR-15.

Bet you government media dick riders feel foolish now:

NBC Admitted: No 'Assault Rifle' Used in Newtown Shooting Independent Journal Review

But wait!

Isn't this an obvious bit of disinformation, since it comes from one of the government-run media sources? NBC is admitting it!


who the fuck knows lol.

listen i report the news, and the top story in ron burgundy's life is that i am in love
Well, it has been determined that no assault weapons were used and handguns only did this.... even after the ME lied and said all the bullet wounds on the victims were from an AR-15.

Bet you government media dick riders feel foolish now:

NBC Admitted: No 'Assault Rifle' Used in Newtown Shooting Independent Journal Review
funny nbc has said no such thing when and if they do then I might feel foolish.

Lobotomized Lemming's "proof" is from a conservative hack site. Probably about as reliable as Breitbart TV.
Well, it has been determined that no assault weapons were used and handguns only did this.... even after the ME lied and said all the bullet wounds on the victims were from an AR-15.

Bet you government media dick riders feel foolish now:

NBC Admitted: No 'Assault Rifle' Used in Newtown Shooting Independent Journal Review
funny nbc has said no such thing when and if they do then I might feel foolish.

Lobotomized Lemming's "proof" is from a conservative hack site. Probably about as reliable as Breitbart TV.
or glen beck!
A Hoax?

What a disgusting vile piece of shit thread. My close friend who buried her little cousin must have nothing to worry about then as they must have put an empty coffin in the ground. She could give a fuck about which weapon was used as her focus and everyone's should be on the scumbag perpetrator who committed this and not on the damn guns. She and I are strong supporters of gun rights and find it disgusting that both sides of the issue are using this shooting to support their points of views.

The focus should be on why society is creating these sociopaths in the last few decades.

Un-fucking real.
She could give a fuck about which weapon was used as her focus and everyone's should be on the scumbag perpetrator who committed this and not on the damn guns. ...

Stick an "s" behind " perpetrator" and I think you'll find that's exactly where the focus of some conspiracy theorists has been all along. Not everyone believes the killings didn't happen.

One interesting theory I've seen suggests the shooters were disguised as male and female members of the clergy -- a Black Ops team (not necessarily of domestic origin) with their patsy (dressed as a priest) in tow.

This theory would explain several inconsistencies reported on the day of the event (News reports from the BBC, Fox, ETC. regarding the weapons used, how many suspects were involved, and how the alleged lone gunman was dressed) and is supported by evidence that has come to light since (the anonymous caller to the Alex Jones Show and the police scanner recording posted on YouTube to name a couple of things). But the most compelling thing about it, to me personally anyway, is its explanatory power where the nature of such assassins is concerned ('true believers' abound in certain agencies ...foreign and domestic).

Not that I believe it, mind you.
The republican base will say abnd do ANYTHING in the name of their historically failed ideas.

This thread is proof of that.

They want the parents fo bullet ridden babies to be dragged into the streets and punished for being part of what they claim is some insane level coverup.

They have reached westboro crazy levels.

Im surprized they didnt join the westboro church nutters in screaming flaming hate at the people trying to morn and burry their little loved ones.
Ummm..........sceptical people on this get tagged as insane. Ive always been one to make fun of conspiracy people. Not on this Sandy Hook thing...............

Listen to this guy named Mike Powers on this vid..............

The Power Hour... Sandy Hoax. | Peace . Gold . Liberty

I challenge anybody to find anything on this Adam Lanza guy.........that he ever even existed. You can find something on ANYBODY you know in your life someplace on the internet. ANYBODY. But there is ZERO on Adam Lanza.............
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It's too bad we no longer have an independent Media. They won't conduct any independent investigations. They'll just pass on their spoon-fed Big Brother disinformation to the Public. It's a Government/Media Complex now. Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies.

You are chasing your tail again, Princess. According to your circular reasoning, Big Bro will feed us pablum once the investigation is done therefore any silly CT which crosses your feeble mind must be what really happened.
Here's the 4-1-1:
Anyone who firmly believes that "Big Bro lies to us 24/7, 365" and admits, as you already have, that nothing could ever change this belief does not have an open mind but rather as closed a mind as one could have. :D

You're certainly welcome to believe everything Big Brother and your Idiot Box tells you. That's your call. I can't change you. Only you can do that.

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