Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

There's no real proof either way. All we have to go on, is Big Brother & Idiot Box disinformation. No one here on this Board can prove anything either way. And that's the way it's supposed to be.

Proof is an elusive animal in any case; but the fewer the aspects in need of evidential support, the better.

Ever heard of Occam's Razor?

The less 'elaborate' the hypothesis, the more plausible it is at base level.

In order to believe that the deaths of any or all of the victims didn't really happen, one would have to buy into the planners' capacity and desire to subvert the knowledge of MANY more people related to (or any way acquainted with) the victims in question, when simply carrying out the killings and framing a kid with a history of psychosocial issues would not only be easier, it would also lend an air of reality/credibility to the operation, all while calling for much less damage control in the aftermath.

Agreed. The only advantage to faking a death or two would be to have one or several of the parents of a "faked victim" have be an operational agent trained for the whole operation in advance. With so many causalities and chaos is it possible that a "phantom" child could have been killed? I don't think so. More likely, gun control might have been on the agenda five years ago and these agents might have been planted with an "adopted" child, one that would have been purposefully sacrificed. But then, that would presuppose that the agents would not have gotten emotionally attached to the child after raising it for five years, that stretches credulity. More likely they added a "non-existent" child to the lists and did away with the principal and the teacher, these would have been the two adults who would have been most aware that such a child did not exist in the class.

Such a phantom parent could act as a spokes person, a rallying leader for all the other grieving parents to demand action be taken on gun control legislation. This is the parent who we should look to, to wonder about if there was really one child victim involved who didn't die. If no bodies at all were seen, then nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary would be questioned. Again, this stretches credibility to the limit, but even the coroner need not be in on this. The government need only tell him that this body was being dealt with by the FBI or other agencies due to the position of the parent. Of course, all this is speculation. As we have seen so many times before, one never knows how these things can be played out. Could it be just as was reported? Sure. Anything else is just idle speculation and woo.

When I looked at the photo of all of the parents who lost a child, I was struck by how they looked like a ideal cross section of America. The only "problem" was that the were ideally "liberal" parents. How convenient that this slaying happened in a ultra-liberal anti-gun school district, eh? The racial and ethnic mix of these upper middle class parents is stunning. The administration couldn't have picked a better group of middle class voters to speak out for gun control for a photo op if they were to scour the country.
There's no real proof either way. All we have to go on, is Big Brother & Idiot Box disinformation. No one here on this Board can prove anything either way. And that's the way it's supposed to be.

Proof is an elusive animal in any case; but the fewer the aspects in need of evidential support, the better.

Ever heard of Occam's Razor?

The less 'elaborate' the hypothesis, the more plausible it is at base level.

In order to believe that the deaths of any or all of the victims didn't really happen, one would have to buy into the planners' capacity and desire to subvert the knowledge of MANY more people related to (or any way acquainted with) the victims in question, when simply carrying out the killings and framing a kid with a history of psychosocial issues would not only be easier, it would also lend an air of reality/credibility to the operation, all while calling for much less damage control in the aftermath.

Soooo ... are you dissing the idea of a Sandy Hook CT or just putting your money on a less absurd one? :D

There might be some of that going on, but so what if it is?

Misinterpreting photographic evidence has been going on for at least as long as photos have been used as evidence.

In this case (broadly speaking), much of the speculation surrounding the misinterpreted images reveals something deeper than recklessness about those who don't want to believe this horrific tragedy actually happened: namely the humanity that may have clouded their judgment. Waking up to the prospect that the architects of such an operation would apparently have no qualms or empathic hang-ups about calling for the slaughter of a classroom full of first-graders (to say nothing of the kind of people it'd take to execute the plan) must have been a harder potential reality for them to face.

Personally, I find the latter option easier to reconcile, but only because I believe the planners (and maybe some of the assassins) would have to be 'true believers' in their cause, so that they'd see the mass murder of innocent children as a necessary 'sacrifice' to bring about what they'd consider a 'greater good'. Easier to reconcile, but no easier to face...
Soooo ... are you dissing the idea of a Sandy Hook CT or just putting your money on a less absurd one? :D

At the end of the day, Paulitician was right. Proof, for anyone's preferred hypothesis, is pretty much a pie in the sky (at least for the time being).

And no matter how much I prefer the elegance of simplicity over the ugliness of unnecessary complexity, I have to admit: throughout the history of humanity, the truth has often turned out to be terribly ugly and unnecessarily complicated.

To answer your question, I'm still withholding judgment on this one.
There's no real proof either way. All we have to go on, is Big Brother & Idiot Box disinformation. No one here on this Board can prove anything either way. And that's the way it's supposed to be.


Yeah, their undying faith in Big Brother and the Idiot Box is astonishing. Nothing can be true or real unless Big Brother and the Idiot Box tells them so. All part of the Dumbing-Down of America i guess. Waddayagonnado?
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The weapon removed from the trunk did not appear to be an AR 15... I could be wrong but with 22 years of handling the M16 I should have a little knowledge of this......

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