Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Since you're the same Sock, why don't you go ahead and explain your plan to silence or get rid of all these people you disagree with. You haven't articulated a tangible plan or solution yet. You've only spewed vague nonsense so far. Time is running out.
only in your deceased mind are we the same, it's just more proof of your tenuous grip on reality.
time is running out..? are you gonna do us all a favor and step out in front of a bus?
if not I've got all the time in the world.

Lame Sock. You got nothin. Good luck with that 'Final Solution' fantasy. :lol:

Damn ... no wonder Ron Paul retired. With flamin' idiots like you up his ass it was his only choice. I can't believe just how stupid you are.
first you must explain how you know the prof is a Nazi..

Since you're the same Sock, why don't you go ahead and explain your plan to silence or get rid of all these people you disagree with. You haven't articulated a tangible plan or solution yet. You've only spewed vague nonsense so far. Time is running out.

The only one here talking about silencing or getting rid of anyone is - drum roll, please - YOU, and you are one monumentally stupid CT.

So says the dunce who doesn't even know what his Professor Hero is proposing. You're the type who gets real excited and distracted when you see shiny objects huh? You saw the word 'Professor' and then got all worked up. You really don't have a clue about what he's talking about huh? If you did, you would explain it. But i'm done wit ya now. You're clueless and useless. Have a nice day. :)
Since you're the same Sock, why don't you go ahead and explain your plan to silence or get rid of all these people you disagree with. You haven't articulated a tangible plan or solution yet. You've only spewed vague nonsense so far. Time is running out.

The only one here talking about silencing or getting rid of anyone is - drum roll, please - YOU, and you are one monumentally stupid CT.

So says the dunce who doesn't even know what his Professor Hero is proposing. You're the type who gets real excited and distracted when you see shiny objects huh? You saw the word 'Professor' and then got all worked up. You really don't have a clue about what he's talking about huh? If you did, you would explain it. But i'm done wit ya now. You're clueless and useless. Have a nice day. :)

You didn't even read his paper you flaming idiot. He says nothing about rounding up idiot paranoids like you or, for that matter, anybody. Why the hell would anyone want to be responsible for your care? He blames the gov't for America's distrust of it and, like me, wants it to be more open and honest in order to lower the violent rage in not-too-brights like, well, like you.
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The only one here talking about silencing or getting rid of anyone is - drum roll, please - YOU, and you are one monumentally stupid CT.

So says the dunce who doesn't even know what his Professor Hero is proposing. You're the type who gets real excited and distracted when you see shiny objects huh? You saw the word 'Professor' and then got all worked up. You really don't have a clue about what he's talking about huh? If you did, you would explain it. But i'm done wit ya now. You're clueless and useless. Have a nice day. :)

You didn't even read his paper you flaming idiot. He says nothing about rounding up idiot paranoids l like you or, for that matter, anybody. Why the hell would anyone want to be responsible for your care? He blames the gov't for America's distrust of it and, like me, wants it to be more open and honest in order to lower the violent rage in not-too-brights like, well, like you.

Where is all this "violent rage" against Government, that you and your buddy are screeching about? All i see for the most part, is Sheep-Like Obedience from the masses. But i'll let you and your Hero point out all this perceived "viloent rage" going on against Government. I'm a fair person, i'll give you another shot.
So says the dunce who doesn't even know what his Professor Hero is proposing. You're the type who gets real excited and distracted when you see shiny objects huh? You saw the word 'Professor' and then got all worked up. You really don't have a clue about what he's talking about huh? If you did, you would explain it. But i'm done wit ya now. You're clueless and useless. Have a nice day. :)

You didn't even read his paper you flaming idiot. He says nothing about rounding up idiot paranoids l like you or, for that matter, anybody. Why the hell would anyone want to be responsible for your care? He blames the gov't for America's distrust of it and, like me, wants it to be more open and honest in order to lower the violent rage in not-too-brights like, well, like you.

Where is all this "violent rage" against Government, that you and your buddy are screeching about? All i see for the most part, is Sheep-Like Obedience from the masses. But i'll let you and your Hero point out all this perceived "viloent rage" going on against Government. I'm a fair person, i'll give you another shot.

And I'll be more than happy to provide you with links to the violence paranoid not-too-brights like you have perpetrated but first you must be "fair" enough to finish what you started.
Stop spinning and crying wolf and acting like a paranoid asshole long enough to to explain how you determined from his paper that Harvard Law professor Cass Sunstein is a Nazi? And please post some credible support for your claim that the fams of the Sandy Hook vic's are "locked down" and soon to "disappear."
I mean, it's only fair, right? :D
You didn't even read his paper you flaming idiot. He says nothing about rounding up idiot paranoids l like you or, for that matter, anybody. Why the hell would anyone want to be responsible for your care? He blames the gov't for America's distrust of it and, like me, wants it to be more open and honest in order to lower the violent rage in not-too-brights like, well, like you.

Where is all this "violent rage" against Government, that you and your buddy are screeching about? All i see for the most part, is Sheep-Like Obedience from the masses. But i'll let you and your Hero point out all this perceived "viloent rage" going on against Government. I'm a fair person, i'll give you another shot.

And I'll be more than happy to provide you with links to the violence paranoid not-too-brights like you have perpetrated but first you must be "fair" enough to finish what you started.
Stop spinning and crying wolf and acting like a paranoid asshole long enough to to explain how you determined from his paper that Harvard Law professor Cass Sunstein is a Nazi? And please post some credible support for your claim that the fams of the Sandy Hook vic's are "locked down" and soon to "disappear."
I mean, it's only fair, right? :D

First i'll wait for all your examples of "violent rage" against Government going on in this country. Because so far all i'm getting from you two, is that you have a big problem with those who refuse to Goose Step with you.
Where is all this "violent rage" against Government, that you and your buddy are screeching about? All i see for the most part, is Sheep-Like Obedience from the masses. But i'll let you and your Hero point out all this perceived "viloent rage" going on against Government. I'm a fair person, i'll give you another shot.

And I'll be more than happy to provide you with links to the violence paranoid not-too-brights like you have perpetrated but first you must be "fair" enough to finish what you started.
Stop spinning and crying wolf and acting like a paranoid asshole long enough to to explain how you determined from his paper that Harvard Law professor Cass Sunstein is a Nazi? And please post some credible support for your claim that the fams of the Sandy Hook vic's are "locked down" and soon to "disappear."
I mean, it's only fair, right? :D

First i'll wait for all your examples of "violent rage" against Government going on in this country. Because so far all i'm getting from you two, is that you have a big problem with those who refuse to Goose Step with you.

Yeah ... "fair person my ass." Empty-headed CT loon is more like it but here's just 1 rage against the machine attack on this country. I'm guessing you've never heard of it. I'm also guessing you will continue to deflect and run rather than try to support the CT silliness you dumped here today:

Forensic evidence quickly linked McVeigh and Terry Nichols to the attack; Nichols was arrested,[10] and within days both were charged. Michael and Lori Fortier were later identified as accomplices. McVeigh, an American militia movement sympathizer who was a Gulf War veteran, had detonated an explosive-filled Ryder rental truck parked in front of the building. McVeigh's co-conspirator, Terry Nichols, had assisted in the bomb preparation. Motivated by his hatred of the federal government and angered by what he perceived as its mishandling of the Waco Siege (1993) and the Ruby Ridge incident (1992), McVeigh timed his attack to coincide with the second anniversary of the deadly fire that ended the siege at Waco.

Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And what about the assault weapons ban from the Clinton years? Did that require a government run mass shooting to pass? I honestly don't remember the circumstances behind it, if there was some event that sparked its passage or not.
You don't remember because it is convenient to forget. People who have known the truth, back when the government wasn't as corrupted did not forget, so that past assault weapons ban was rolled back when the hysteria and manufactured event passed. Yes, history repeats itself.
Somewhere between ten and fifteen explosives experts and professional engineers have written strongly worded opinions that the Murrah building had to have been destroyed by interior bombs and that the ANFO truck could not have done the damage. These experts included a NASA scientist and demolition experts who have worked in the field for thirty years. What is most eye-opening is that even a government report concluded that the ANFO truck bomb couldn't have possibly destroyed the Murrah building. In early 1997, Wright Laboratory at Elgin Air Force Base in Florida constructed a concrete, steel-reinforced structure that was similar to the Murrah Building, and then did a series of explosions to test bomb effects. The Air Force structure was not nearly as structurally as sound as the Murrah Building, and the bombs used against it were more powerful than a 4,800 pound ANFO bomb. Minimal damage was done to the structure. Afterwards, the Air Force released a 56-page report that was entitled Case Study Relating Blast Effects to the Events of April 19, 1995, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The report, which included an extensive technical analysis that the Air Force commissioned from construction and demolition expert John Culberston, concluded that ". . . it is impossible to ascribe the damage that occurred on April 19, 1995 to a single truck bomb containing 4,800 lbs. of ANFO . . . It must be concluded that the damage at the Murrah Building is not the result of the truck bomb itself, but rather due to other factors such as locally placed charges within the building itself . . . The procedures used to cause the damage to the Murrah Building are therefore more involved and complex than simply parking a truck and leaving . . ." Six explosives experts strongly agreed with the report's findings.

Apparently, Elgin Air Force Base isn't the only government group that came to these conclusions. In his Vanity Fair article, Gore Vidal pointed out that Strategic Investment newsletter (20 March 1996) wrote: "A classified report prepared by two independent Pentagon experts has concluded that the destruction of the Federal building in Oklahoma City last April was caused by five separate bombs . . . Sources close to the study say Timothy McVeigh did play a role in the bombing but 'peripherally,' as a 'useful idiot.'"

Brigadier General (ret.) Partin has been the most vocal of the critics of the government's one-bomb, one-man scenario. During his thirty-one year Air Force career, General Partin's expertise was explosives. During that time, he designed warheads, "had a lot of experience in combat damage evaluation", was trained in all the pertinent military laboratories, and was one of the government's foremost--if not the foremost--experts on explosives. "When I first looked at the reports coming out of Oklahoma I knew that the truth was not coming out. The media was pretty much confused, or passing out disinformation, and I think some of the officials down there were passing out disinformation, and what was going on down there was totally at odds with what I had twenty-five years experience of knowing," General Partin has said. To Partin, the contention that the ANFO truck bomb did the damage to the Murrah Building is "absurd". Within a month of April 19, 1995, the General had prepared a technical analysis of the bombing. In the report, Partin made it clear that by the time the blast wave from the ANFO truck bomb had hit the building it would not have had anywhere near enough psi (pounds of pressure per square inch) to collapse the steel-reinforced concrete columns. (By the time the ANFO blast wave hit the columns it would have been yielding 25-375 psi; the yield strength of concrete is 3,500-5,000 psi.) The report also made it clear that larger, thicker columns further away from the truck bomb came down, while smaller columns much closer to the truck were undamaged. "You don't have to go any further than that to know that you had demolition charges on those larger columns. There's no other explanation for it . . . Unless you believe in magic," Partin said. General Partin examined hundreds of photos of the destroyed building, and his in depth report listed the many other reasons why he can see �clearly, clearly�with a very high probability . . . with a high level of confidence" exactly where interior bombs were placed. Partin eventually delivered his analysis to all 535 senators and congressmen. In his cover letter to the politicians, he pleaded that the "Congress take steps to assure that evidence in Oklahoma City be evaluated by a collection of demolition experts from the private sector before the building is demolished." If experts had been able to examine the building closely, they could have reported definitively how the building was bombed. On 23 May 1995, though, just 34 days after the bombing, the Murrah Building was destroyed, and the rubble was buried in a landfill that is surrounded by a chain link fence and guarded by security personnel. "This is a classic cover-up of immense proportions," the General said.
People who took the time to independently investigate the Oklahoma city bombing know that it was a false flag event to take the wind out of and discredit the "militia" movement. There isn't a whole lot else to it.
Wow, all that planning and all those parents who agreed to sacrifice their kids lives for gun control that isn't going to happen................

You people are as crazy as the shooter was...........
Any parents and citizens in Sandy Hooke of this (theoretical) false flag need not be any wiser to this than any one on this forum. In the situation I had just described, I don't see why you infer that they would be in on it. The only people that need be in on it are the couple of CIA agents, a few trained actors, perhaps some well paid (CFR/Jesuit/Mason) media. . . . that's about it. Oh, and of course the notice of death if anyone even thinks of going whistle blower. Make the pay offs high, and the penalties severe if they go rogue, it's all about getting the right people.

Sometimes, we don't know the truth until they hit their death bed.

Look into E. Howard Hunt. :eusa_shhh:
Somewhere between ten and fifteen explosives experts and professional engineers have written strongly worded opinions that the Murrah building had to have been destroyed by interior bombs and that the ANFO truck could not have done the damage. These experts included a NASA scientist and demolition experts who have worked in the field for thirty years. What is most eye-opening is that even a government report concluded that the ANFO truck bomb couldn't have possibly destroyed the Murrah building. In early 1997, Wright Laboratory at Elgin Air Force Base in Florida constructed a concrete, steel-reinforced structure that was similar to the Murrah Building, and then did a series of explosions to test bomb effects. The Air Force structure was not nearly as structurally as sound as the Murrah Building, and the bombs used against it were more powerful than a 4,800 pound ANFO bomb. Minimal damage was done to the structure. Afterwards, the Air Force released a 56-page report that was entitled Case Study Relating Blast Effects to the Events of April 19, 1995, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The report, which included an extensive technical analysis that the Air Force commissioned from construction and demolition expert John Culberston, concluded that ". . . it is impossible to ascribe the damage that occurred on April 19, 1995 to a single truck bomb containing 4,800 lbs. of ANFO . . . It must be concluded that the damage at the Murrah Building is not the result of the truck bomb itself, but rather due to other factors such as locally placed charges within the building itself . . . The procedures used to cause the damage to the Murrah Building are therefore more involved and complex than simply parking a truck and leaving . . ." Six explosives experts strongly agreed with the report's findings.

Apparently, Elgin Air Force Base isn't the only government group that came to these conclusions. In his Vanity Fair article, Gore Vidal pointed out that Strategic Investment newsletter (20 March 1996) wrote: "A classified report prepared by two independent Pentagon experts has concluded that the destruction of the Federal building in Oklahoma City last April was caused by five separate bombs . . . Sources close to the study say Timothy McVeigh did play a role in the bombing but 'peripherally,' as a 'useful idiot.'"

Brigadier General (ret.) Partin has been the most vocal of the critics of the government's one-bomb, one-man scenario. During his thirty-one year Air Force career, General Partin's expertise was explosives. During that time, he designed warheads, "had a lot of experience in combat damage evaluation", was trained in all the pertinent military laboratories, and was one of the government's foremost--if not the foremost--experts on explosives. "When I first looked at the reports coming out of Oklahoma I knew that the truth was not coming out. The media was pretty much confused, or passing out disinformation, and I think some of the officials down there were passing out disinformation, and what was going on down there was totally at odds with what I had twenty-five years experience of knowing," General Partin has said. To Partin, the contention that the ANFO truck bomb did the damage to the Murrah Building is "absurd". Within a month of April 19, 1995, the General had prepared a technical analysis of the bombing. In the report, Partin made it clear that by the time the blast wave from the ANFO truck bomb had hit the building it would not have had anywhere near enough psi (pounds of pressure per square inch) to collapse the steel-reinforced concrete columns. (By the time the ANFO blast wave hit the columns it would have been yielding 25-375 psi; the yield strength of concrete is 3,500-5,000 psi.) The report also made it clear that larger, thicker columns further away from the truck bomb came down, while smaller columns much closer to the truck were undamaged. "You don't have to go any further than that to know that you had demolition charges on those larger columns. There's no other explanation for it . . . Unless you believe in magic," Partin said. General Partin examined hundreds of photos of the destroyed building, and his in depth report listed the many other reasons why he can see �clearly, clearly�with a very high probability . . . with a high level of confidence" exactly where interior bombs were placed. Partin eventually delivered his analysis to all 535 senators and congressmen. In his cover letter to the politicians, he pleaded that the "Congress take steps to assure that evidence in Oklahoma City be evaluated by a collection of demolition experts from the private sector before the building is demolished." If experts had been able to examine the building closely, they could have reported definitively how the building was bombed. On 23 May 1995, though, just 34 days after the bombing, the Murrah Building was destroyed, and the rubble was buried in a landfill that is surrounded by a chain link fence and guarded by security personnel. "This is a classic cover-up of immense proportions," the General said.
People who took the time to independently investigate the Oklahoma city bombing know that it was a false flag event to take the wind out of and discredit the "militia" movement. There isn't a whole lot else to it.

Just a question. Is there nothing in the history of mankind to which you won't attach some silly CT? Nothing? :cuckoo:
And what about the assault weapons ban from the Clinton years? Did that require a government run mass shooting to pass? I honestly don't remember the circumstances behind it, if there was some event that sparked its passage or not.
You don't remember because it is convenient to forget. People who have known the truth, back when the government wasn't as corrupted did not forget, so that past assault weapons ban was rolled back when the hysteria and manufactured event passed. Yes, history repeats itself.

Or maybe I don't remember because I was 20 years old at the time, and I don't have a great memory?

No, no, it must be because it's 'convenient' to forget. :tongue:

I also wonder what makes you think the government is so much more corrupt than it was a mere 20 years ago?
And I'll be more than happy to provide you with links to the violence paranoid not-too-brights like you have perpetrated but first you must be "fair" enough to finish what you started.
Stop spinning and crying wolf and acting like a paranoid asshole long enough to to explain how you determined from his paper that Harvard Law professor Cass Sunstein is a Nazi? And please post some credible support for your claim that the fams of the Sandy Hook vic's are "locked down" and soon to "disappear."
I mean, it's only fair, right? :D

First i'll wait for all your examples of "violent rage" against Government going on in this country. Because so far all i'm getting from you two, is that you have a big problem with those who refuse to Goose Step with you.

Yeah ... "fair person my ass." Empty-headed CT loon is more like it but here's just 1 rage against the machine attack on this country. I'm guessing you've never heard of it. I'm also guessing you will continue to deflect and run rather than try to support the CT silliness you dumped here today:

Forensic evidence quickly linked McVeigh and Terry Nichols to the attack; Nichols was arrested,[10] and within days both were charged. Michael and Lori Fortier were later identified as accomplices. McVeigh, an American militia movement sympathizer who was a Gulf War veteran, had detonated an explosive-filled Ryder rental truck parked in front of the building. McVeigh's co-conspirator, Terry Nichols, had assisted in the bomb preparation. Motivated by his hatred of the federal government and angered by what he perceived as its mishandling of the Waco Siege (1993) and the Ruby Ridge incident (1992), McVeigh timed his attack to coincide with the second anniversary of the deadly fire that ended the siege at Waco.

Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ha Ha, so predictable. One attack that happened 20yrs ago. Got anything else for us? Because with all this violent rage against Government going on, you must have many more current examples. I'll wait.
And what about the assault weapons ban from the Clinton years? Did that require a government run mass shooting to pass? I honestly don't remember the circumstances behind it, if there was some event that sparked its passage or not.
You don't remember because it is convenient to forget. People who have known the truth, back when the government wasn't as corrupted did not forget, so that past assault weapons ban was rolled back when the hysteria and manufactured event passed. Yes, history repeats itself.

No one even lost their job over that horrific debacle. Government got away with mass murder. Simple as that. Truly sad.
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First i'll wait for all your examples of "violent rage" against Government going on in this country. Because so far all i'm getting from you two, is that you have a big problem with those who refuse to Goose Step with you.

Yeah ... "fair person my ass." Empty-headed CT loon is more like it but here's just 1 rage against the machine attack on this country. I'm guessing you've never heard of it. I'm also guessing you will continue to deflect and run rather than try to support the CT silliness you dumped here today:

Forensic evidence quickly linked McVeigh and Terry Nichols to the attack; Nichols was arrested,[10] and within days both were charged. Michael and Lori Fortier were later identified as accomplices. McVeigh, an American militia movement sympathizer who was a Gulf War veteran, had detonated an explosive-filled Ryder rental truck parked in front of the building. McVeigh's co-conspirator, Terry Nichols, had assisted in the bomb preparation. Motivated by his hatred of the federal government and angered by what he perceived as its mishandling of the Waco Siege (1993) and the Ruby Ridge incident (1992), McVeigh timed his attack to coincide with the second anniversary of the deadly fire that ended the siege at Waco.

Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ha Ha, so predictable. One attack that happened 20yrs ago. Got anything else for us? Because with all this violent rage against Government going on, you must have many more current examples. I'll wait.

You're so stupid.
The Oklahoma City bombing was 1995. Now take off your fuzzy bunny slippers and try to figure how many years ago that was. When you're finished with that task kindly stop spinning and crying wolf and acting like a paranoid asshole long enough to to explain how you determined from his paper that Harvard Law professor Cass Sunstein is a Nazi. And please post some credible support for your claim that the fams of the Sandy Hook vic's are "locked down" and soon to "disappear."
I mean, it's only fair that you tell the truth, right Princess, and you're such a fair guy. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah ... "fair person my ass." Empty-headed CT loon is more like it but here's just 1 rage against the machine attack on this country. I'm guessing you've never heard of it. I'm also guessing you will continue to deflect and run rather than try to support the CT silliness you dumped here today:

Forensic evidence quickly linked McVeigh and Terry Nichols to the attack; Nichols was arrested,[10] and within days both were charged. Michael and Lori Fortier were later identified as accomplices. McVeigh, an American militia movement sympathizer who was a Gulf War veteran, had detonated an explosive-filled Ryder rental truck parked in front of the building. McVeigh's co-conspirator, Terry Nichols, had assisted in the bomb preparation. Motivated by his hatred of the federal government and angered by what he perceived as its mishandling of the Waco Siege (1993) and the Ruby Ridge incident (1992), McVeigh timed his attack to coincide with the second anniversary of the deadly fire that ended the siege at Waco.

Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ha Ha, so predictable. One attack that happened 20yrs ago. Got anything else for us? Because with all this violent rage against Government going on, you must have many more current examples. I'll wait.

You're so stupid.
The Oklahoma City bombing was 1995. Now take off your fuzzy bunny slippers and try to figure how many years ago that was. When you're finished with that task kindly stop spinning and crying wolf and acting like a paranoid asshole long enough to to explain how you determined from his paper that Harvard Law professor Cass Sunstein is a Nazi. And please post some credible support for your claim that the fams of the Sandy Hook vic's are "locked down" and soon to "disappear."
I mean, it's only fair that you tell the truth, right Princess, and you're such a fair guy. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, but you and your Professor buddy are claiming that there's all this awful violent rage against Government going on. So lets have it. Give us your proof. Because like i said, all i'm getting from you two dunces so far, is that you just want everyone to be like you and join in on your Goose Stepping. But that's just too bad, it is still America. People can have their own beliefs. They don't have to worship Government.
And I believe that you CT'ers are fucked in the head.....

That's my belief, and I'll hang on to it.

Not that our government is Lilly White, they've done some things that you haven't dreamed about. But nothing like what you want to be true.....
And I believe that you CT'ers are fucked in the head.....

That's my belief, and I'll hang on to it.

Not that our government is Lilly White, they've done some things that you haven't dreamed about. But nothing like what you want to be true.....

That's cool. I feel pretty much the same way about you loyal Goose Steppers. Just so lost in your Goose Stepper Bliss. It's actually very sad.

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