Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Paultician is right.

Mass shootings (like Sandy Hook) are becoming commonplace in the US, and for the most part they are staged false flag terror events to advance certain schemes, like gun control.

The disarming of the American pubic is a big part of the NWO agenda, which seeks to concentrate weaponry (just like Hitler, Stalin and Mao did) in the hands of a few power-hungry elite (the Bilderburgs, the Illuminati) who have hijacked Government through big banks and corporations.

By arousing grief, anger and fear in the public, these "power-hungry" elite hope to trick people into giving up their inherent rights (the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and defend oneself) for the illusion of safety or security.

No one is going to come take my guns........ And this scenario you dream up wouldn't help them......
Paultician is right.

Mass shootings (like Sandy Hook) are becoming commonplace in the US, and for the most part they are staged false flag terror events to advance certain schemes, like gun control.

The disarming of the American pubic is a big part of the NWO agenda, which seeks to concentrate weaponry (just like Hitler, Stalin and Mao did) in the hands of a few power-hungry elite (the Bilderburgs, the Illuminati) who have hijacked Government through big banks and corporations.

By arousing grief, anger and fear in the public, these "power-hungry" elite hope to trick people into giving up their inherent rights (the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and defend oneself) for the illusion of safety or security.

No one is going to come take my guns........ And this scenario you dream up wouldn't help them......

They're already doing it. You're just choosing to look the other way. And anyway, what would you do if they did show up at your home to seize your firearms?
Paultician is right.

Mass shootings (like Sandy Hook) are becoming commonplace in the US, and for the most part they are staged false flag terror events to advance certain schemes, like gun control.

The disarming of the American pubic is a big part of the NWO agenda, which seeks to concentrate weaponry (just like Hitler, Stalin and Mao did) in the hands of a few power-hungry elite (the Bilderburgs, the Illuminati) who have hijacked Government through big banks and corporations.

By arousing grief, anger and fear in the public, these "power-hungry" elite hope to trick people into giving up their inherent rights (the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and defend oneself) for the illusion of safety or security.

No one is going to come take my guns........ And this scenario you dream up wouldn't help them......

They're already doing it. You're just choosing to look the other way. And anyway, what would you do if they did show up at your home to seize your firearms?

No, they aren't and you don't seem the gun owner type ... just a typical anti-America WHINER. If the gov't was trying to take our guns you'd suddenly find a lot of peeps agreeing with your incessant CTBS.
Paultician is right.

Mass shootings (like Sandy Hook) are becoming commonplace in the US, and for the most part they are staged false flag terror events to advance certain schemes, like gun control.

The disarming of the American pubic is a big part of the NWO agenda, which seeks to concentrate weaponry (just like Hitler, Stalin and Mao did) in the hands of a few power-hungry elite (the Bilderburgs, the Illuminati) who have hijacked Government through big banks and corporations.

By arousing grief, anger and fear in the public, these "power-hungry" elite hope to trick people into giving up their inherent rights (the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and defend oneself) for the illusion of safety or security.

Do you have any evidence these are 'false flag terror events'?

What timeframe are you looking at to say that such shootings are 'becoming commonplace'? Depending on how you define it, mass shootings have occurred in the US for at least the past century, with some periods in the fairly recent past (the 90s for example) having a lot of such incidents.

I don't understand why you assume these are staged events rather than that the government (or NWO or whatever group you think is behind it) is simply taking advantage of the shootings to try and push an anti-gun agenda.


Watch the video and you may understand that what happened at Sandy Hook was nothing more than a staged event. A movie set with actors.

Sandy Hook, the "Batman" shooting in Aurora CO., the mall shooting in OR., the Virginia Tech shooting, the shooting of then politician Gabriel Giffords in AZ., have the same theme, the push for stronger gun-laws. The 2nd Amendment has been under attack and you can't even see it.

Most sheeple buy into the lies and hype of what the media reports, without questioning it.
These sheeple believe what they see and hear on the local news is correct, but the news is what they want you to believe and accept as truth without question, and many gullible people gladly do.
(cue buzzer) really shit head I'm in that biz and this is not even close.
please enlighten us as to your film making prowess..
How is anyone taking my guns? And they better bring their lunch if they do...It's going to be a long day....

Sorry Ollie, but that's just not you. You've been trained all your life to be obedient to Big Brother. If he showed up for your guns, you would eagerly hand them over to him. You follow orders. It's as simple as that.
did you know that the murder rate in the U.S. INCLUDING MASS SHOOTINGS has declined in the last twenty years
comparably the murder rates in 19th century U.S. cities was twice as high as all U.S. 20TH AND 21ST CENTURY shootings combined... you and paulie are wrong
the Bilderberg group is a rich peoples club.
it's so called secrecy is for their protection from jack offs like you.

What you say is true, mass shootings are WAY down - yet the democrat press sure presents the situation as if the shootings were expanding exponentially.

Are you saying the democrats are deliberately lying to the public in order to pursue an agenda of striping the public of civil rights and constitutional protections?
How is anyone taking my guns? And they better bring their lunch if they do...It's going to be a long day....

Sorry Ollie, but that's just not you. You've been trained all your life to be obedient to Big Brother. If he showed up for your guns, you would eagerly hand them over to him. You follow orders. It's as simple as that.
you don't know shit about Ollie me or any other poster that disagrees with your self serving pov, the only mind controlled zealots here are you ,handjob etc.
all it took were some crappy videos and badly written books .
I'd say you had a weak mind but you have no mind at all.
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did you know that the murder rate in the U.S. INCLUDING MASS SHOOTINGS has declined in the last twenty years
comparably the murder rates in 19th century U.S. cities was twice as high as all U.S. 20TH AND 21ST CENTURY shootings combined... you and paulie are wrong
the Bilderberg group is a rich peoples club.
it's so called secrecy is for their protection from jack offs like you.

What you say is true, mass shootings are WAY down - yet the democrat press sure presents the situation as if the shootings were expanding exponentially.

Are you saying the democrats are deliberately lying to the public in order to pursue an agenda of striping the public of civil rights and constitutional protections?
no but you'd say that anyway. nice try!
How is anyone taking my guns? And they better bring their lunch if they do...It's going to be a long day....

Sorry Ollie, but that's just not you. You've been trained all your life to be obedient to Big Brother. If he showed up for your guns, you would eagerly hand them over to him. You follow orders. It's as simple as that.
you don't know shit about Ollie me or any other poster that disagrees with your self serving pov, the only mind controlled zealots here are you ,handjob etc.
al it took were some crappy videos and badly written books .
I'd say you had a weak mind but you have no mind at all.

I go by Posters' past posting histories. That's all i have to go on. Ollie was trained all his life to be obedient to his master. If he was a good dog, they would throw him a bone every now & then. It's all he knows. And i'm not trying to be insulting. It's just the way it is. I've encountered many just like him. They talk a good game, but in the end they'll do whatever they're told. If Big Brother came for Ollie's guns, he would eagerly hand them over. That's just my humble assessment anyway. Now as for you, well you're just a weird little Sock Troll. That's your past posting history. It is what it is.
your a monster.

I hope you are haunted by the dead children of sandyhook every time you close your eyes to sleep
no but you'd say that anyway. nice try!

You said it yourself, mass shootings are down. Yet CNN, The New York Times, MSNBC, et al. make a daily showing of how gun violence in America is "out of control."

So, if what they say is false, as it indeed is, what is it that the democrat press is doing? Is this not demagoguery?
I dont cheer abortion you lying sacks of dog shit.

I support the right of the person whos body it is to have rights over her body.

Now why doi you have to LIE ?
Lying about CRIMES of a horrific nature for poltical gain is monsterous.

you people are evil
I dont cheer abortion you lying sacks of dog shit.

I support the right of the person whos body it is to have rights over her body.

Now why doi you have to LIE ?

Head to an Abortion Mill and see what murdered babes look like. Then observe how they're disposed of. Maybe then you'll have a more informed & insightful viewpoint on Abortion. It's truly gruesome how they go about killing and disposing of babies. Most of you Abortion cheerleaders are completely oblivious to the horrors. It's willful ignorance. Abortion Mills = Slaughterhouses. Period, end of story.
We've segued from Sandy Hook being a hoax to abortion? That' odd turn.

Oh, and Pauli, I love how you call Ollie a dog but you aren't being insulting. :lmao:

Well, I don't mean to be insulting, but you will regurgitate anything you see on youtube videos that claims a conspiracy. You can't think for yourself, other than to assume anyone who says the government is wrong must be right. Your fear and inability to come to your own conclusions causes you to cling to other people's conspiracy theories like a baby to its mother's skirts. I don't mean to insult. It is what it is.

There, that wasn't insulting at all, was it? :eusa_shhh:
How is anyone taking my guns? And they better bring their lunch if they do...It's going to be a long day....

Sorry Ollie, but that's just not you. You've been trained all your life to be obedient to Big Brother. If he showed up for your guns, you would eagerly hand them over to him. You follow orders. It's as simple as that.

And you want to be an anarchist....You do not know me at all...... However, I am smart enough to know that bitching about it and making shit up on the internet won't do a damned thing. I'll fight the battle legally as long as there is any way to do so. but no i will not give up my guns or any of my property to anyone. Government or asshole......

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