Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

We've segued from Sandy Hook being a hoax to abortion? That' odd turn.

Oh, and Pauli, I love how you call Ollie a dog but you aren't being insulting. :lmao:

Well, I don't mean to be insulting, but you will regurgitate anything you see on youtube videos that claims a conspiracy. You can't think for yourself, other than to assume anyone who says the government is wrong must be right. Your fear and inability to come to your own conclusions causes you to cling to other people's conspiracy theories like a baby to its mother's skirts. I don't mean to insult. It is what it is.

There, that wasn't insulting at all, was it? :eusa_shhh:

I really didn't mean to be insulting. But unfortunately, he was trained in much the same way dogs are. He was broken and forced to obey his master. That's all he knows.
How is anyone taking my guns? And they better bring their lunch if they do...It's going to be a long day....

Sorry Ollie, but that's just not you. You've been trained all your life to be obedient to Big Brother. If he showed up for your guns, you would eagerly hand them over to him. You follow orders. It's as simple as that.

And you want to be an anarchist....You do not know me at all...... However, I am smart enough to know that bitching about it and making shit up on the internet won't do a damned thing. I'll fight the battle legally as long as there is any way to do so. but no i will not give up my guns or any of my property to anyone. Government or asshole......

Sorry, but i don't believe you. I've heard tough-talk like that before. When it comes down to it, you will obey your master. Big Brother will tell you it's for your own good, and then order you to hand them over. And you will. Because you've been trained all your life to obey orders. And seriously, i'm not trying to insult you. It's just my humble assessment.
We've segued from Sandy Hook being a hoax to abortion? That' odd turn.

Oh, and Pauli, I love how you call Ollie a dog but you aren't being insulting. :lmao:

Well, I don't mean to be insulting, but you will regurgitate anything you see on youtube videos that claims a conspiracy. You can't think for yourself, other than to assume anyone who says the government is wrong must be right. Your fear and inability to come to your own conclusions causes you to cling to other people's conspiracy theories like a baby to its mother's skirts. I don't mean to insult. It is what it is.

There, that wasn't insulting at all, was it? :eusa_shhh:

I really didn't mean to be insulting. But unfortunately, he was trained in much the same way dogs are. He was broken and forced to obey his master. That's all he knows.

The only thing I can think of that would lead you to this conclusion is his military service.

Is it your contention, then, that all military members, current and former, are like dogs and will obey 'big brother' without question?

This is what NWO Globalist assholes think of Ollie and his fellow Soldiers...

"Military Men are dumb, stupid animals, to be used as pawns for Foreign Policy." - Henry Kissinger
We've segued from Sandy Hook being a hoax to abortion? That' odd turn.

Oh, and Pauli, I love how you call Ollie a dog but you aren't being insulting. :lmao:

Well, I don't mean to be insulting, but you will regurgitate anything you see on youtube videos that claims a conspiracy. You can't think for yourself, other than to assume anyone who says the government is wrong must be right. Your fear and inability to come to your own conclusions causes you to cling to other people's conspiracy theories like a baby to its mother's skirts. I don't mean to insult. It is what it is.

There, that wasn't insulting at all, was it? :eusa_shhh:

I really didn't mean to be insulting. But unfortunately, he was trained in much the same way dogs are. He was broken and forced to obey his master. That's all he knows.

The only thing I can think of that would lead you to this conclusion is his military service.

Is it your contention, then, that all military members, current and former, are like dogs and will obey 'big brother' without question?


Yes, most will. If Big Brother tells them it's for their own good and orders them to hand their guns over, most will obey orders and do so.
Sorry Ollie, but that's just not you. You've been trained all your life to be obedient to Big Brother. If he showed up for your guns, you would eagerly hand them over to him. You follow orders. It's as simple as that.

And you want to be an anarchist....You do not know me at all...... However, I am smart enough to know that bitching about it and making shit up on the internet won't do a damned thing. I'll fight the battle legally as long as there is any way to do so. but no i will not give up my guns or any of my property to anyone. Government or asshole......

Sorry, but i don't believe you. I've heard tough-talk like that before. When it comes down to it, you will obey your master. Big Brother will tell you it's for your own good, and then order you to hand them over. And you will. Because you've been trained all your life to obey orders. And seriously, i'm not trying to insult you. It's just my humble assessment.

Like anyone gives a rats ass that you don't believe them. Soldiers are not robots asshole, just shows how ignorant you are of the military. You know nothing about Sandy Hook, you know nothing about me, and you know nothing about the US Military....

You can't insult anyone here because we all pity you too much to take any of it seriously.
And you want to be an anarchist....You do not know me at all...... However, I am smart enough to know that bitching about it and making shit up on the internet won't do a damned thing. I'll fight the battle legally as long as there is any way to do so. but no i will not give up my guns or any of my property to anyone. Government or asshole......

Sorry, but i don't believe you. I've heard tough-talk like that before. When it comes down to it, you will obey your master. Big Brother will tell you it's for your own good, and then order you to hand them over. And you will. Because you've been trained all your life to obey orders. And seriously, i'm not trying to insult you. It's just my humble assessment.

Like anyone gives a rats ass that you don't believe them. Soldiers are not robots asshole, just shows how ignorant you are of the military. You know nothing about Sandy Hook, you know nothing about me, and you know nothing about the US Military....

You can't insult anyone here because we all pity you too much to take any of it seriously.

Didn't mean to upset you. I do respect you. I was just expressing my opinion. I believe you and most other Soldiers would follow orders. If Big Brother demanded your firearms, i believe you would hand them over. I stand by my assessment. But i didn't intend to disrespect you. I really mean that.
Sorry Ollie, but that's just not you. You've been trained all your life to be obedient to Big Brother. If he showed up for your guns, you would eagerly hand them over to him. You follow orders. It's as simple as that.
you don't know shit about Ollie me or any other poster that disagrees with your self serving pov, the only mind controlled zealots here are you ,handjob etc.
al it took were some crappy videos and badly written books .
I'd say you had a weak mind but you have no mind at all.

I go by Posters' past posting histories. That's all i have to go on. Ollie was trained all his life to be obedient to his master. If he was a good dog, they would throw him a bone every now & then. It's all he knows. And i'm not trying to be insulting. It's just the way it is. I've encountered many just like him. They talk a good game, but in the end they'll do whatever they're told. If Big Brother came for Ollie's guns, he would eagerly hand them over. That's just my humble assessment anyway. Now as for you, well you're just a weird little Sock Troll. That's your past posting history. It is what it is.
funny as you define weird and yes your are being insulting ,stop trying to bullshit your way out of it.
you feigning humility is not only funny but it's a true indicator of just how psychotic you are.
encounter? is that a euphemism for having had very little face to face contact with other humans. your assessments are far from humble and totally false.
you don't know shit about Ollie me or any other poster that disagrees with your self serving pov, the only mind controlled zealots here are you ,handjob etc.
al it took were some crappy videos and badly written books .
I'd say you had a weak mind but you have no mind at all.

I go by Posters' past posting histories. That's all i have to go on. Ollie was trained all his life to be obedient to his master. If he was a good dog, they would throw him a bone every now & then. It's all he knows. And i'm not trying to be insulting. It's just the way it is. I've encountered many just like him. They talk a good game, but in the end they'll do whatever they're told. If Big Brother came for Ollie's guns, he would eagerly hand them over. That's just my humble assessment anyway. Now as for you, well you're just a weird little Sock Troll. That's your past posting history. It is what it is.
funny as you define weird and yes your are being insulting ,stop trying to bullshit your way out of it.
you feigning humility is not only funny but it's a true indicator of just how psychotic you are.
encounter? is that a euphemism for having had very little face to face contact with other humans. your assessments are far from humble and totally false.

Not feigning anything. I do respect Ollie. But i stand by my assessment. If Big Brother told Ollie it was for his own good and the good of his country, he would follow orders and hand his guns over. But it's not just Ollie and Soldiers. Most Americans would do it too. Lots of people talk tough, but when Big Brother shows up at their door, they'll immediately cower and comply. Bet on that.
no but you'd say that anyway. nice try!

You said it yourself, mass shootings are down. Yet CNN, The New York Times, MSNBC, et al. make a daily showing of how gun violence in America is "out of control."

So, if what they say is false, as it indeed is, what is it that the democrat press is doing? Is this not demagoguery?
no but you'd say that anyway. nice try!
then the press both democratic and republican are guilty of demagoguery. don't try to bullshit your way out of it.
What would be your idea of controlled gun violence?
1 shooting a day 20, 1000,?
We've segued from Sandy Hook being a hoax to abortion? That' odd turn.

Oh, and Pauli, I love how you call Ollie a dog but you aren't being insulting. :lmao:

Well, I don't mean to be insulting, but you will regurgitate anything you see on youtube videos that claims a conspiracy. You can't think for yourself, other than to assume anyone who says the government is wrong must be right. Your fear and inability to come to your own conclusions causes you to cling to other people's conspiracy theories like a baby to its mother's skirts. I don't mean to insult. It is what it is.

There, that wasn't insulting at all, was it? :eusa_shhh:

It's just the irony of TM claiming to care about children.
your a monster.

I hope you are haunted by the dead children of sandyhook every time you close your eyes to sleep

Like you are haunted by the hundreds of millions of babies you cheer about being killed in abortions?
that's a bullshit stat. your bogus concern is laughable.
you yammer on about civil rights.. but you're the first to want to meddle in someone else's rights.
I dont cheer abortion you lying sacks of dog shit.

I support the right of the person whos body it is to have rights over her body.

Now why doi you have to LIE ?

Head to an Abortion Mill and see what murdered babes look like. Then observe how they're disposed of. Maybe then you'll have a more informed & insightful viewpoint on Abortion. It's truly gruesome how they go about killing and disposing of babies. Most of you Abortion cheerleaders are completely oblivious to the horrors. It's willful ignorance. Abortion Mills = Slaughterhouses. Period, end of story.
like you've ever been to one!
why not say the same thing about hospitals? the procedures for disposal are the same.
no but you'd say that anyway. nice try!

Nice try at WHAT?

You make no sense, son.

then the press both democratic and republican are guilty of demagoguery. don't try to bullshit your way out of it.

By "Republican press," you mean what? Rush Limbaugh?

Regardless, yours is at best logical fallacy, moral equivalence.

Fact: Mass shootings are down
Fact: the party controlled press portrays that mass shootings are way up - while promoting the revocation of constitutional civil rights.

So, what is the purpose of the chicanery of of the democrats press?

What would be your idea of controlled gun violence?
1 shooting a day 20, 1000,?

Your statement sounds as if it were made under the influence of mind altering drugs. What the fuck are you babbling about?
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I go by Posters' past posting histories. That's all i have to go on. Ollie was trained all his life to be obedient to his master. If he was a good dog, they would throw him a bone every now & then. It's all he knows. And i'm not trying to be insulting. It's just the way it is. I've encountered many just like him. They talk a good game, but in the end they'll do whatever they're told. If Big Brother came for Ollie's guns, he would eagerly hand them over. That's just my humble assessment anyway. Now as for you, well you're just a weird little Sock Troll. That's your past posting history. It is what it is.
funny as you define weird and yes your are being insulting ,stop trying to bullshit your way out of it.
you feigning humility is not only funny but it's a true indicator of just how psychotic you are.
encounter? is that a euphemism for having had very little face to face contact with other humans. your assessments are far from humble and totally false.

Not feigning anything. I do respect Ollie. But i stand by my assessment. If Big Brother told Ollie it was for his own good and the good of his country, he would follow orders and hand his guns over. But it's not just Ollie and Soldiers. Most Americans would do it too. Lots of people talk tough, but when Big Brother shows up at their door, they'll immediately cower and comply. Bet on that.
speaking of talking tough...MY GUESS IS that you'd be shiting your pants and babbling uncontrollably if any....oh wait do that now.
that's a bullshit stat. your bogus concern is laughable.
you yammer on about civil rights.. but you're the first to want to meddle in someone else's rights.

Your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose - Harry Browne.

Killing another is not a "right." Slavers claimed slaves were property to be done with as the owner saw fit. Pro-aborts claim the unborn are "lumps of flesh" to done with as the owner chooses.

Both positions are the same, and abhorrent to the concept of civil rights.

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