Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

The only thing I can think of that would lead you to this conclusion is his military service.

Is it your contention, then, that all military members, current and former, are like dogs and will obey 'big brother' without question?


Yes, most will. If Big Brother tells them it's for their own good and orders them to hand their guns over, most will obey orders and do so.

Well, other than agreeing that most people are unlikely to violently oppose something like that (although taking it to court is a different matter), I think you are pretty wildly off target here. But, at least you didn't hide from the answer. I at least appreciate the honesty.

Now if only we could convince you that your honest opinion is a bit insane......:tongue:

Thanks, but i don't think my opinion is insane at all. Most would dutifully obey orders. Ollie and his Soldier brethren were trained and indoctrinated on following orders. But it's not just about Soldiers. Most Americans would dutifully comply as well. You hear a lot of tough talk, but in the end most will cower and obey.
Yes, most will. If Big Brother tells them it's for their own good and orders them to hand their guns over, most will obey orders and do so.

Well, other than agreeing that most people are unlikely to violently oppose something like that (although taking it to court is a different matter), I think you are pretty wildly off target here. But, at least you didn't hide from the answer. I at least appreciate the honesty.

Now if only we could convince you that your honest opinion is a bit insane......:tongue:

Thanks, but i don't think my opinion is insane at all. Most would dutifully obey orders. Ollie and his Soldier brethren were trained and indoctrinated on following orders. But it's not just about Soldiers. Most Americans would dutifully comply as well. You hear a lot of tough talk, but in the end most will cower and obey.
of course you don't think you insane opining is insane, that's a common symptom of the mentally ill..
speaking of faux tough'd be the first to capitulate and end up sexually servicing your captors.
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paulitician would hand over his weapons, his steak knives, his nintendo gun, and also give their boots a spit shine.
Paulie Join Date: Oct 2011

daws101 Join Date: Jul 2011

only a short 4 months separate our time here.
so your assertion of several years is false. more proof of your desperation.
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Paulie Join Date: Oct 2011

daws101 Join Date: Jul 2011

only a short 4 months separate our time here.
so you false assertion of several years is false. more proof of your desperation.

he's a re-tread of an older user name that was embarrassed off of the site.

he gets owned so much that he has to start all over again every now and again.

libocalypsenow was his old handle.
Paulie Join Date: Oct 2011

daws101 Join Date: Jul 2011

only a short 4 months separate our time here.
so you false assertion of several years is false. more proof of your desperation.

he's a re-tread of an older user name that was embarrassed off of the site.

he gets owned so much that he has to start all over again every now and again.

libocalypsenow was his old handle.
Well, other than agreeing that most people are unlikely to violently oppose something like that (although taking it to court is a different matter), I think you are pretty wildly off target here. But, at least you didn't hide from the answer. I at least appreciate the honesty.

Now if only we could convince you that your honest opinion is a bit insane......:tongue:

Thanks, but i don't think my opinion is insane at all. Most would dutifully obey orders. Ollie and his Soldier brethren were trained and indoctrinated on following orders. But it's not just about Soldiers. Most Americans would dutifully comply as well. You hear a lot of tough talk, but in the end most will cower and obey.
of course you don't think you insane opining is insane, that's a common symptom of the mentally ill..
speaking of faux tough'd be the first to capitulate and end up sexually servicing your captors.

SPDS: Sock Puppet Derangement Syndrome

Seriously, get some help.
Thanks, but i don't think my opinion is insane at all. Most would dutifully obey orders. Ollie and his Soldier brethren were trained and indoctrinated on following orders. But it's not just about Soldiers. Most Americans would dutifully comply as well. You hear a lot of tough talk, but in the end most will cower and obey.
of course you don't think you insane opining is insane, that's a common symptom of the mentally ill..
speaking of faux tough'd be the first to capitulate and end up sexually servicing your captors.

SPDS: Sock Puppet Derangement Syndrome

Seriously, get some help.
another less than scathing retort.
count down to paulie's endless loop in 5.....4....3...2..1
SPDS: Sockpuppet Derangement Syndrome

He or she has been stalking this Forum for several years, using various Sockpuppet accounts. He or she lost it a long time ago. :cuckoo:

Yeah, Daws drank too much paint thinner and blew out the rest of his cognitive capacity.
once again making shit up..huffing and drinking paint thinner is more inline with your trailer trash upbringing.
Pauline, what are we to do with you?

If our dear federal government ever decided to take away our guns, which no one but the fringe far left really wants, then it would not be a sudden go to the houses and confiscate their guns type thing. It would be a slow build up to it and they would move from where they are to a please turn in your guns stage.

Now if anyone did all of a sudden show up at my door asking for my guns they would be told I had none and the door would be slammed and locked in their face, if possible. Other than that I can usually get to a gun within seconds, they better be real quick.

But chances are we would have months of warning to plan for this and there is much more of a chance that it will never happen.

It's probably part of your CT phobias that makes you live in such fear....

But you still don't know Veterans very well..... Even though you want people to believe you do....
Pauline, what are we to do with you?

If our dear federal government ever decided to take away our guns, which no one but the fringe far left really wants, then it would not be a sudden go to the houses and confiscate their guns type thing. It would be a slow build up to it and they would move from where they are to a please turn in your guns stage.

Now if anyone did all of a sudden show up at my door asking for my guns they would be told I had none and the door would be slammed and locked in their face, if possible. Other than that I can usually get to a gun within seconds, they better be real quick.

But chances are we would have months of warning to plan for this and there is much more of a chance that it will never happen.

It's probably part of your CT phobias that makes you live in such fear....

But you still don't know Veterans very well..... Even though you want people to believe you do....

Well actually, a National Gun Registry may not be all that far away. And that of course will lead to confiscation. It's not nearly as farfetched as you and many others think it is. That being said, you gave me your answer. I respect and appreciate that. However, i am still skeptical.
paulie's hallucinations continue unabated...

No doubt, dels101.....

Could be. We all know for sure the SAYIT Sock is del/Candyass and so on. We also know for sure that dawgshit101 is obamerican too. It's pretty pathetic stuff. It really is SPDS: Sock Puppet Derangement Syndrome. They craaaazy. :cuckoo:

Who are the 'we' in your post, and how do you know?

I think it would be more accurate to say that some of the CT posters have decided to agree that certain posters who argue with them are the same person, based on.....well....actually, based on nothing I've ever seen. There's been a distinct lack of explanation for this surety of yours. :tongue:
No doubt, dels101.....

Could be. We all know for sure the SAYIT Sock is del/Candyass and so on. We also know for sure that dawgshit101 is obamerican too. It's pretty pathetic stuff. It really is SPDS: Sock Puppet Derangement Syndrome. They craaaazy. :cuckoo:

Who are the 'we' in your post, and how do you know?

I think it would be more accurate to say that some of the CT posters have decided to agree that certain posters who argue with them are the same person, based on.....well....actually, based on nothing I've ever seen. There's been a distinct lack of explanation for this surety of yours. :tongue:
paulie's hallucinations continue unabated...

No doubt, dels101.....

Could be. We all know for sure the SAYIT Sock is del/Candyass and so on. We also know for sure that dawgshit101 is obamerican too. It's pretty pathetic stuff. It really is SPDS: Sock Puppet Derangement Syndrome. They craaaazy. :cuckoo:

That you think you know that "for sure" says all anyone needs to know about your ability to discern real facts from those you get from the little voices in your microwave.
No wonder you're such a shining example of a 9/11 CT loon ... you're monumentally stupid.

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