Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Pauline, what are we to do with you?

If our dear federal government ever decided to take away our guns, which no one but the fringe far left really wants, then it would not be a sudden go to the houses and confiscate their guns type thing. It would be a slow build up to it and they would move from where they are to a please turn in your guns stage.

Now if anyone did all of a sudden show up at my door asking for my guns they would be told I had none and the door would be slammed and locked in their face, if possible. Other than that I can usually get to a gun within seconds, they better be real quick.

But chances are we would have months of warning to plan for this and there is much more of a chance that it will never happen.

It's probably part of your CT phobias that makes you live in such fear....

But you still don't know Veterans very well..... Even though you want people to believe you do....

Well actually, a National Gun Registry may not be all that far away. And that of course will lead to confiscation. It's not nearly as farfetched as you and many others think it is. That being said, you gave me your answer. I respect and appreciate that. However, i am still skeptical.

No you're not. Skepticism is a normal, healthy, adult thing.
You're a raging idiot playing at being an adult.
No doubt, dels101.....

Could be. We all know for sure the SAYIT Sock is del/Candyass and so on. We also know for sure that dawgshit101 is obamerican too. It's pretty pathetic stuff. It really is SPDS: Sock Puppet Derangement Syndrome. They craaaazy. :cuckoo:

Who are the 'we' in your post, and how do you know?

I think it would be more accurate to say that some of the CT posters have decided to agree that certain posters who argue with them are the same person, based on.....well....actually, based on nothing I've ever seen. There's been a distinct lack of explanation for this surety of yours. :tongue:

Actually there's a distinct lack of real support for anything these CT loons think, but they certainly are sure of it.
Could be. We all know for sure the SAYIT Sock is del/Candyass and so on. We also know for sure that dawgshit101 is obamerican too. It's pretty pathetic stuff. It really is SPDS: Sock Puppet Derangement Syndrome. They craaaazy. :cuckoo:

Who are the 'we' in your post, and how do you know?

I think it would be more accurate to say that some of the CT posters have decided to agree that certain posters who argue with them are the same person, based on.....well....actually, based on nothing I've ever seen. There's been a distinct lack of explanation for this surety of yours. :tongue:

Actually there's a distinct lack of real support for anything these CT loons think, but they certainly are sure of it.
there's an old saying about the cocksureness of ignorance.
but I can't remember it all.
Who are the 'we' in your post, and how do you know?

I think it would be more accurate to say that some of the CT posters have decided to agree that certain posters who argue with them are the same person, based on.....well....actually, based on nothing I've ever seen. There's been a distinct lack of explanation for this surety of yours. :tongue:

Actually there's a distinct lack of real support for anything these CT loons think, but they certainly are sure of it.
there's an old saying about the cocksureness of ignorance.
but I can't remember it all.

[Education is] Man's going forward from cocksure ignorance to thoughtful uncertainty. - Kenneth G. Johnson
So when do these cocksure CT loons get some real education?
Pauline, what are we to do with you?

If our dear federal government ever decided to take away our guns, which no one but the fringe far left really wants, then it would not be a sudden go to the houses and confiscate their guns type thing. It would be a slow build up to it and they would move from where they are to a please turn in your guns stage.

Now if anyone did all of a sudden show up at my door asking for my guns they would be told I had none and the door would be slammed and locked in their face, if possible. Other than that I can usually get to a gun within seconds, they better be real quick.

But chances are we would have months of warning to plan for this and there is much more of a chance that it will never happen.

It's probably part of your CT phobias that makes you live in such fear....

But you still don't know Veterans very well..... Even though you want people to believe you do....

Well actually, a National Gun Registry may not be all that far away. And that of course will lead to confiscation. It's not nearly as farfetched as you and many others think it is. That being said, you gave me your answer. I respect and appreciate that. However, i am still skeptical.

No you're not. Skepticism is a normal, healthy, adult thing.
You're a raging idiot playing at being an adult.

Calm down Sock. :cuckoo:

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting

Police arrive in front of the elementary school after the shooting.


Newtown, Connecticut, United States


41°25′12″N 73°16′43″WCoordinates: 41°25′12″N 73°16′43″W[1]


December 14, 2012
c. 9:35 am – c. 9:40 am[2][3][4] (EST)


Students and staff at Sandy Hook Elementary School

Attack type

School shooting, murder–suicide, matricide, spree shooting


28 total; 27 at the school (including perpetrator) and perpetrator's mother (at home)[5][6]

Injured (non-fatal)



Adam Peter Lanza[8][9]

On December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza, 20, fatally shot twenty children and six adult staff members in a mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the village of Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut.[5][6] Before driving to the school, Lanza had shot and killed his mother Nancy at their Newtown home.[8][10][11] As first responders arrived, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.

The incident is the second deadliest mass shooting by a single person in American history, after the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre. It is the second deadliest mass murder at an American elementary school, after the 1927 Bath School bombings in Michigan.[12][13]

The shootings prompted renewed debate about gun control in the United States, and a proposal for new legislation banning the sale and manufacture of certain types of semi-automatic weapons and magazines with more than ten rounds of ammunition.[14]

[hide] 1 Background
2 Shooting
3 First response
4 Investigation
5 Perpetrator
6 Reactions 6.1 Gun control
6.2 Impact on the community

7 See also
8 References
9 External links


As of November 30, 2012, Sandy Hook Elementary School had 456 children enrolled in kindergarten through fourth grade.[15] According to school authorities, the school's security protocol had recently been upgraded, requiring visitors to be individually admitted after visual and identification review by video monitor. The doors to the school were locked at 9:30 am each day, after morning arrivals.[16]

Newtown is located in Fairfield County, Connecticut, about 60 miles (97 km) outside New York City.[17] Violent crime had been rare in the town of 28,000 residents; there was only one homicide in the town in the ten years prior to the school shooting.[18]


This section's factual accuracy may be compromised due to out-of-date information. Please help improve the article by updating it. There may be additional information on the talk page. (March 2013)

Some time before 9:30 a.m. EST on Friday, December 14, 2012, Lanza fatally shot his mother, Nancy Lanza, age 52, at their Newtown home.[11] Investigators later found her body, clad in pajamas, in her bed with four gunshot wounds to her head.[19] Lanza then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School.[10][11]

Red circle: Sandy Hook Elementary School
Black circle: Lanza household
At about 9:35 am, using his mother's Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle,[20][21][22] Lanza shot his way through a locked glass door at the front of the school.[23][24] He was wearing black clothing, earplugs and an olive green utility vest, carrying magazines for the rifle.[25][26] Initial reports that he had been wearing body armor were incorrect.[27] Some of those present heard initial shots on the school intercom system, which was being used for morning announcements.[16]

Principal Dawn Hochsprung and school psychologist Mary Sherlach were meeting with other faculty members when they heard gunshots. Hochsprung, Sherlach and lead teacher Natalie Hammond immediately left the room, rushed to the source of the sounds, and encountered and confronted Lanza. A faculty member who was at the meeting said the three women called out "Shooter! Stay put!" which alerted their colleagues to the danger and saved their lives.[28] Lanza shot and killed both Hochsprung and Sherlach.[29] Hammond ran back to the meeting room and pressed her body against the door to keep it closed. Lanza shot Hammond through the door, in her leg and arm. She was later treated at Danbury Hospital.[29][30]

Hochsprung may also have turned on the school intercom to alert others in the building or it may have been left on following morning announcements. A nine-year-old boy said he heard the shooter say: "Put your hands up!" and someone else say "Don't shoot!", people yelling, and many gunshots over the intercom as he, his classmates, and teacher took refuge in a closet in the gymnasium.[31] Diane Day, a school therapist who was at the faculty meeting with Hochsprung,, heard screaming, followed by more gunshots. The police reported that a second adult was wounded in the attack, but that individual was not publicly identified.[7] Later reports indicated that the second wounded teacher was closing a door further down the hallway when she was hit in the foot with a ricochet bullet. Lanza never entered her classroom.[32]



Perpetrator's mother Nancy Lanza (shot at home)

School personnel Rachel D'Avino, teacher's aide[36]
Dawn Hochsprung, principal
Anne Marie Murphy, teacher's aide[37]
Lauren Rousseau, teacher
Mary Sherlach, school psychologist
Victoria Leigh Soto, teacher

First grade students Charlotte Bacon
Daniel Barden
Olivia Engel
Josephine Gay
Dylan Hockley
Madeleine Hsu
Catherine Hubbard
Chase Kowalski
Jesse Lewis
Ana Marquez-Greene
James Mattioli
Grace McDonnell
Emilie Parker
Jack Pinto
Noah Pozner
Caroline Previdi
Jessica Rekos
Avielle Richman
Benjamin Wheeler
Allison Wyatt

Perpetrator Adam Lanza (suicide)


Natalie Hammond, lead teacher
One unnamed adult[7]

Lanza entered a first-grade classroom where Lauren Rousseau, a substitute teacher, had herded her first grade students to the back of the room and was trying to hide them in a bathroom.[32] Rousseau and most of the students in her class were killed; a six-year-old girl was the sole survivor. The girl's family pastor said that she survived the mass shooting by playing dead and remaining still. When she reached her mother, she said, "Mommy, I'm okay, but all my friends are dead." The child described the shooter as a very angry man.[38]

Lanza next went to another first-grade classroom nearby. The classroom's teacher, Victoria Leigh Soto, had concealed five children in a closet and some of the other students were hiding under desks. Lanza walked to the back of the classroom, saw the children under the desks and shot them. Six children ran out of the classroom when Lanza's rifle jammed or when he erred in reloading it.[32][39][40][41] Earlier reports said that as Lanza entered her classroom, Soto reportedly told him that the children were in the auditorium. When several of the children came out of their hiding places and tried to run for safety, Lanza shot them dead. Soto put herself between her students and the shooter, who fatally shot her.[40] Six surviving children from Soto's class and a school bus driver took refuge at a nearby home.[42] Police found the five children who had been hidden in the closet unharmed when they entered the classroom.[32]

Anne Marie Murphy, a teacher's aide who worked with special-needs students, shielded six-year-old Dylan Hockley with her body, trying to protect him from the bullets that killed them both.[43][44] Teacher's aide Rachel D'Avino, who had been employed for a week at the school to work with a special-needs student, also died trying to protect her students.[45]

School nurse Sally Cox,[46] 60, hid under a desk in her office. She later described seeing the door opening and Lanza's boots and legs facing her desk from approximately 20 feet (6.1 m) away. He remained standing for a few seconds before turning around and leaving. She and the school secretary Barbara Halstead called 9-1-1 and hid in a first-aid supply closet for up to four hours.[47] Custodian Rick Thorne ran through hallways, alerting classrooms.[48]

First grade teacher Kaitlin Roig, age 29, hid 14 students in a bathroom and barricaded the door, telling them to be completely quiet to remain safe.[49][50] Lanza is believed to have bypassed her classroom because, following a lockdown drill weeks earlier, Roig failed to remove a piece of black construction paper covering the small window in her classroom door. Lanza may have believed that Roig's classroom was empty because the door was closed and the window was covered.[32]

School library staff Yvonne Cech and Maryann Jacob first hid 18 children in a part of the library the school used for lockdown in practice drills. Discovering that one door would not lock, they had the children crawl into a storage room, where Cech barricaded the door with a filing cabinet.[5][31][51]

Music teacher Maryrose Kristopik, 50, barricaded her fourth-graders in a tiny supply closet during the rampage.[52] Lanza arrived moments later, pounding and yelling "Let me in", while the students in Kristopik's class quietly hid inside.[53]

Two third graders, chosen as classroom helpers, were walking down the hallway to the office to deliver the morning attendance sheet as the shooting began. Teacher Abbey Clements pulled both children into her classroom, where they hid.[54]

Laura Feinstein, a reading specialist at the school, gathered two students from outside her classroom and hid with them under desks after they heard gunshots.[55] Feinstein called the school office and tried to call 911 but could not connect because of lack of reception on her cell phone. She hid with the children for approximately 40 minutes, before law enforcement came to lead them out of the room.[56]

Lanza stopped shooting between 9:46 am and 9:49 am after firing 154 rounds with the Bushmaster rifle.[57][58][59] He reloaded frequently during the shooting, sometimes firing only fifteen rounds from a thirty-round magazine.[26] He shot all of his victims multiple times, and at least one victim, six-year-old Noah Pozner, 11 times.[60][61] Most of the shooting took place in two first-grade classrooms near the entrance of the school, where he killed fourteen in one room and six in the other.[62] The student victims were eight boys and twelve girls, between six and seven years of age,[63] and the six adults were all women who worked at the school. Bullets were also found in at least three cars parked outside the school.[26] Police believe that he was firing at a teacher who was standing near a window.[32] After realizing that he had been spotted by a pair of police officers who had entered the building, Lanza fled from their sight and killed himself with a gunshot to the head with a handgun.[64][65][66][67] Lanza's body was found in Soto's classroom.[32]

I live in the next State and it was almost like it happened here. You should Drop Dead whoever you are

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting

Police arrive in front of the elementary school after the shooting.


Newtown, Connecticut, United States


41°25′12″N 73°16′43″WCoordinates: 41°25′12″N 73°16′43″W[1]


December 14, 2012
c. 9:35 am – c. 9:40 am[2][3][4] (EST)


Students and staff at Sandy Hook Elementary School

Attack type

School shooting, murder–suicide, matricide, spree shooting


28 total; 27 at the school (including perpetrator) and perpetrator's mother (at home)[5][6]

Injured (non-fatal)



Adam Peter Lanza[8][9]

On December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza, 20, fatally shot twenty children and six adult staff members in a mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the village of Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut.[5][6] Before driving to the school, Lanza had shot and killed his mother Nancy at their Newtown home.[8][10][11] As first responders arrived, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.

The incident is the second deadliest mass shooting by a single person in American history, after the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre. It is the second deadliest mass murder at an American elementary school, after the 1927 Bath School bombings in Michigan.[12][13]

The shootings prompted renewed debate about gun control in the United States, and a proposal for new legislation banning the sale and manufacture of certain types of semi-automatic weapons and magazines with more than ten rounds of ammunition.[14]

[hide] 1 Background
2 Shooting
3 First response
4 Investigation
5 Perpetrator
6 Reactions 6.1 Gun control
6.2 Impact on the community

7 See also
8 References
9 External links


As of November 30, 2012, Sandy Hook Elementary School had 456 children enrolled in kindergarten through fourth grade.[15] According to school authorities, the school's security protocol had recently been upgraded, requiring visitors to be individually admitted after visual and identification review by video monitor. The doors to the school were locked at 9:30 am each day, after morning arrivals.[16]

Newtown is located in Fairfield County, Connecticut, about 60 miles (97 km) outside New York City.[17] Violent crime had been rare in the town of 28,000 residents; there was only one homicide in the town in the ten years prior to the school shooting.[18]


This section's factual accuracy may be compromised due to out-of-date information. Please help improve the article by updating it. There may be additional information on the talk page. (March 2013)

Some time before 9:30 a.m. EST on Friday, December 14, 2012, Lanza fatally shot his mother, Nancy Lanza, age 52, at their Newtown home.[11] Investigators later found her body, clad in pajamas, in her bed with four gunshot wounds to her head.[19] Lanza then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School.[10][11]

Red circle: Sandy Hook Elementary School
Black circle: Lanza household
At about 9:35 am, using his mother's Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle,[20][21][22] Lanza shot his way through a locked glass door at the front of the school.[23][24] He was wearing black clothing, earplugs and an olive green utility vest, carrying magazines for the rifle.[25][26] Initial reports that he had been wearing body armor were incorrect.[27] Some of those present heard initial shots on the school intercom system, which was being used for morning announcements.[16]

Principal Dawn Hochsprung and school psychologist Mary Sherlach were meeting with other faculty members when they heard gunshots. Hochsprung, Sherlach and lead teacher Natalie Hammond immediately left the room, rushed to the source of the sounds, and encountered and confronted Lanza. A faculty member who was at the meeting said the three women called out "Shooter! Stay put!" which alerted their colleagues to the danger and saved their lives.[28] Lanza shot and killed both Hochsprung and Sherlach.[29] Hammond ran back to the meeting room and pressed her body against the door to keep it closed. Lanza shot Hammond through the door, in her leg and arm. She was later treated at Danbury Hospital.[29][30]

Hochsprung may also have turned on the school intercom to alert others in the building or it may have been left on following morning announcements. A nine-year-old boy said he heard the shooter say: "Put your hands up!" and someone else say "Don't shoot!", people yelling, and many gunshots over the intercom as he, his classmates, and teacher took refuge in a closet in the gymnasium.[31] Diane Day, a school therapist who was at the faculty meeting with Hochsprung,, heard screaming, followed by more gunshots. The police reported that a second adult was wounded in the attack, but that individual was not publicly identified.[7] Later reports indicated that the second wounded teacher was closing a door further down the hallway when she was hit in the foot with a ricochet bullet. Lanza never entered her classroom.[32]



Perpetrator's mother Nancy Lanza (shot at home)

School personnel Rachel D'Avino, teacher's aide[36]
Dawn Hochsprung, principal
Anne Marie Murphy, teacher's aide[37]
Lauren Rousseau, teacher
Mary Sherlach, school psychologist
Victoria Leigh Soto, teacher

First grade students Charlotte Bacon
Daniel Barden
Olivia Engel
Josephine Gay
Dylan Hockley
Madeleine Hsu
Catherine Hubbard
Chase Kowalski
Jesse Lewis
Ana Marquez-Greene
James Mattioli
Grace McDonnell
Emilie Parker
Jack Pinto
Noah Pozner
Caroline Previdi
Jessica Rekos
Avielle Richman
Benjamin Wheeler
Allison Wyatt

Perpetrator Adam Lanza (suicide)


Natalie Hammond, lead teacher
One unnamed adult[7]

Lanza entered a first-grade classroom where Lauren Rousseau, a substitute teacher, had herded her first grade students to the back of the room and was trying to hide them in a bathroom.[32] Rousseau and most of the students in her class were killed; a six-year-old girl was the sole survivor. The girl's family pastor said that she survived the mass shooting by playing dead and remaining still. When she reached her mother, she said, "Mommy, I'm okay, but all my friends are dead." The child described the shooter as a very angry man.[38]

Lanza next went to another first-grade classroom nearby. The classroom's teacher, Victoria Leigh Soto, had concealed five children in a closet and some of the other students were hiding under desks. Lanza walked to the back of the classroom, saw the children under the desks and shot them. Six children ran out of the classroom when Lanza's rifle jammed or when he erred in reloading it.[32][39][40][41] Earlier reports said that as Lanza entered her classroom, Soto reportedly told him that the children were in the auditorium. When several of the children came out of their hiding places and tried to run for safety, Lanza shot them dead. Soto put herself between her students and the shooter, who fatally shot her.[40] Six surviving children from Soto's class and a school bus driver took refuge at a nearby home.[42] Police found the five children who had been hidden in the closet unharmed when they entered the classroom.[32]

Anne Marie Murphy, a teacher's aide who worked with special-needs students, shielded six-year-old Dylan Hockley with her body, trying to protect him from the bullets that killed them both.[43][44] Teacher's aide Rachel D'Avino, who had been employed for a week at the school to work with a special-needs student, also died trying to protect her students.[45]

School nurse Sally Cox,[46] 60, hid under a desk in her office. She later described seeing the door opening and Lanza's boots and legs facing her desk from approximately 20 feet (6.1 m) away. He remained standing for a few seconds before turning around and leaving. She and the school secretary Barbara Halstead called 9-1-1 and hid in a first-aid supply closet for up to four hours.[47] Custodian Rick Thorne ran through hallways, alerting classrooms.[48]

First grade teacher Kaitlin Roig, age 29, hid 14 students in a bathroom and barricaded the door, telling them to be completely quiet to remain safe.[49][50] Lanza is believed to have bypassed her classroom because, following a lockdown drill weeks earlier, Roig failed to remove a piece of black construction paper covering the small window in her classroom door. Lanza may have believed that Roig's classroom was empty because the door was closed and the window was covered.[32]

School library staff Yvonne Cech and Maryann Jacob first hid 18 children in a part of the library the school used for lockdown in practice drills. Discovering that one door would not lock, they had the children crawl into a storage room, where Cech barricaded the door with a filing cabinet.[5][31][51]

Music teacher Maryrose Kristopik, 50, barricaded her fourth-graders in a tiny supply closet during the rampage.[52] Lanza arrived moments later, pounding and yelling "Let me in", while the students in Kristopik's class quietly hid inside.[53]

Two third graders, chosen as classroom helpers, were walking down the hallway to the office to deliver the morning attendance sheet as the shooting began. Teacher Abbey Clements pulled both children into her classroom, where they hid.[54]

Laura Feinstein, a reading specialist at the school, gathered two students from outside her classroom and hid with them under desks after they heard gunshots.[55] Feinstein called the school office and tried to call 911 but could not connect because of lack of reception on her cell phone. She hid with the children for approximately 40 minutes, before law enforcement came to lead them out of the room.[56]

Lanza stopped shooting between 9:46 am and 9:49 am after firing 154 rounds with the Bushmaster rifle.[57][58][59] He reloaded frequently during the shooting, sometimes firing only fifteen rounds from a thirty-round magazine.[26] He shot all of his victims multiple times, and at least one victim, six-year-old Noah Pozner, 11 times.[60][61] Most of the shooting took place in two first-grade classrooms near the entrance of the school, where he killed fourteen in one room and six in the other.[62] The student victims were eight boys and twelve girls, between six and seven years of age,[63] and the six adults were all women who worked at the school. Bullets were also found in at least three cars parked outside the school.[26] Police believe that he was firing at a teacher who was standing near a window.[32] After realizing that he had been spotted by a pair of police officers who had entered the building, Lanza fled from their sight and killed himself with a gunshot to the head with a handgun.[64][65][66][67] Lanza's body was found in Soto's classroom.[32]

I live in the next State and it was almost like it happened here. You should Drop Dead whoever you are

Oh, well if you live in the next State? There's obviously no need to question or debate anything. Thank you so much.

Now back to your Idiot Box, Idiot.
Last edited:
Proudveteran, any of us can read wikipedia. It's really one of the worst sources you can quote. Even when in this case they are pretty much right n the money. But nothing you, I, or the God almighty can do or say that will calm the fears of the CT'rs...... they want to believe that the government is the boogyman.
Proudveteran, any of us can read wikipedia. It's really one of the worst sources you can quote. Even when in this case they are pretty much right n the money. But nothing you, I, or the God almighty can do or say that will calm the fears of the CT'rs...... they want to believe that the government is the boogyman.

You and that Idiot don't know anything. It's just empty hubris. All you know is what the Idiot Box told you. You live in a state of Goose Stepper Bliss...'Nothing to see here, all is well. Big Brother loves us and would never lie.'

Be brave, and open up your minds. Time for the Red Pill.
Last edited:
Proudveteran, any of us can read wikipedia. It's really one of the worst sources you can quote. Even when in this case they are pretty much right n the money. But nothing you, I, or the God almighty can do or say that will calm the fears of the CT'rs...... they want to believe that the government is the boogyman.

You and that Idiot don't know anything. It's just empty hubris. All you know is what the Idiot Box told you. You live in a state of Goose Stepper Bliss...'Nothing to see here, all is well. Big Brother loves us and would never lie.'

Be brave, and open up your minds. Time for the Red Pill.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
What a flaming idiot! The Matrix was just a movie, Princess. You CT loons still believe it's all real, just like your loony CTBS.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Proudveteran, any of us can read wikipedia. It's really one of the worst sources you can quote. Even when in this case they are pretty much right n the money. But nothing you, I, or the God almighty can do or say that will calm the fears of the CT'rs...... they want to believe that the government is the boogyman.

You and that Idiot don't know anything. It's just empty hubris. All you know is what the Idiot Box told you. You live in a state of Goose Stepper Bliss...'Nothing to see here, all is well. Big Brother loves us and would never lie.'

Be brave, and open up your minds. Time for the Red Pill.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
What a flaming idiot! The Matrix was just a movie, Princess. You CT loons still believe it's all real, just like your loony CTBS.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No shit Sock. Gawd, you Goose Steppers are so damn dumb. Now off you go to the Idiot Box for your daily Idiot brainwashing. You're absolutely useless.
I wonder when Pauline will start the fart jokes?

Still barking little doggy? Master told you to fetch that stick. Ya better get moving. Piss your master off, and you won't get a bone. Now move it mutt.

But you don't want to be insulting. :rofl:

Here, let me try : you are a frightened little child, jumping at shadows. Of course, you only jump at the shadows your fellow CTers provide you through youtube videos, which you somehow find to be the only credible source of information, since there is of course no way the all-powerful government could possibly influence or control YOUTUBE. You have the reasoning of a 10-year-old and the debating acumen of a 6-year-old. You are following in the footsteps of conspiracy theorists before you who, in large part, have predicted doom and gloom and been proven wrong over and over again. You take legitimate concerns about government and turn them into insane rhetoric, most likely helping the very governments and corporate interests you claim to want to curtail. You are a sad, sorry sack of shit who thinks insulting someone's military service is somehow patriotic.

There, and unlike you, I can happily admit I MEANT to be insulting! :lmao:
I wonder when Pauline will start the fart jokes?

Still barking little doggy? Master told you to fetch that stick. Ya better get moving. Piss your master off, and you won't get a bone. Now move it mutt.

But you don't want to be insulting. :rofl:

Here, let me try : you are a frightened little child, jumping at shadows. Of course, you only jump at the shadows your fellow CTers provide you through youtube videos, which you somehow find to be the only credible source of information, since there is of course no way the all-powerful government could possibly influence or control YOUTUBE. You have the reasoning of a 10-year-old and the debating acumen of a 6-year-old. You are following in the footsteps of conspiracy theorists before you who, in large part, have predicted doom and gloom and been proven wrong over and over again. You take legitimate concerns about government and turn them into insane rhetoric, most likely helping the very governments and corporate interests you claim to want to curtail. You are a sad, sorry sack of shit who thinks insulting someone's military service is somehow patriotic.

There, and unlike you, I can happily admit I MEANT to be insulting! :lmao:

I thought you were pretty diplomatic. :D

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