Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

You still haven't explained your solution to your awful scary problem. What do you and your Nazi asshole buddy propose? You're being deceptively vague. So give us a tangible plan or solutions. How are you gonna silence or get rid of all these Citizens you despise? Please enlighten us. After all, it's you that has the problem with these people. So what do you plan on doing about them? This is your last chance to explain yourself. I don't have all day. Are you capable of intelligently articulating you and your Nazi Hero's vision or not? I'll wait a little bit longer.
first you must explain how you know the prof is a Nazi..

As with his belief that the Sandy Hook fams are "locked down" and about to "disappear," the Nazi Harvard Law Nazi is strictly a figment of his paranoid imagination. That boy is a flamer. :cuckoo:
Since you're the same Sock, why don't you go ahead and explain your plan to silence or get rid of all these people you disagree with. You haven't articulated a tangible plan or solution yet. You've only spewed vague nonsense so far. Time is running out.
only in your deceased mind are we the same, it's just more proof of your tenuous grip on reality.
time is running out..? are you gonna do us all a favor and step out in front of a bus?
if not I've got all the time in the world.

Lame Sock. You got nothin. Good luck with that 'Final Solution' fantasy. :lol:
really? if I've got nothing ,why is it you're the only one here who is repeatedly referring to a final solution.
I've got you to show everyone reading how your sick and twisted mind works!
And I believe that you CT'ers are fucked in the head.....

That's my belief, and I'll hang on to it.

Not that our government is Lilly White, they've done some things that you haven't dreamed about. But nothing like what you want to be true.....

thats typical from you Gomer.Your handlers are amusing the stuff they tell you to post when you are getting your ass handed to you on a platter here in your 9/11 discussions.,you can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey lying troll you are and are forced to lie and ignore facts and change the subject when you are cornered just like your handlers instruct you to.

oh and thanks for showing what a lying troll you are because he dioe NOT want to believe this true but unlike the lying troll you are,he doesnt lie and ignore evidence and facts like you blatantly do when you are disgracing your fellow military officers for accepting money to sell your sould down the drain like the scumbag you are.
Somewhere between ten and fifteen explosives experts and professional engineers have written strongly worded opinions that the Murrah building had to have been destroyed by interior bombs and that the ANFO truck could not have done the damage. These experts included a NASA scientist and demolition experts who have worked in the field for thirty years. What is most eye-opening is that even a government report concluded that the ANFO truck bomb couldn't have possibly destroyed the Murrah building. In early 1997, Wright Laboratory at Elgin Air Force Base in Florida constructed a concrete, steel-reinforced structure that was similar to the Murrah Building, and then did a series of explosions to test bomb effects. The Air Force structure was not nearly as structurally as sound as the Murrah Building, and the bombs used against it were more powerful than a 4,800 pound ANFO bomb. Minimal damage was done to the structure. Afterwards, the Air Force released a 56-page report that was entitled Case Study Relating Blast Effects to the Events of April 19, 1995, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The report, which included an extensive technical analysis that the Air Force commissioned from construction and demolition expert John Culberston, concluded that ". . . it is impossible to ascribe the damage that occurred on April 19, 1995 to a single truck bomb containing 4,800 lbs. of ANFO . . . It must be concluded that the damage at the Murrah Building is not the result of the truck bomb itself, but rather due to other factors such as locally placed charges within the building itself . . . The procedures used to cause the damage to the Murrah Building are therefore more involved and complex than simply parking a truck and leaving . . ." Six explosives experts strongly agreed with the report's findings.

Apparently, Elgin Air Force Base isn't the only government group that came to these conclusions. In his Vanity Fair article, Gore Vidal pointed out that Strategic Investment newsletter (20 March 1996) wrote: "A classified report prepared by two independent Pentagon experts has concluded that the destruction of the Federal building in Oklahoma City last April was caused by five separate bombs . . . Sources close to the study say Timothy McVeigh did play a role in the bombing but 'peripherally,' as a 'useful idiot.'"

Brigadier General (ret.) Partin has been the most vocal of the critics of the government's one-bomb, one-man scenario. During his thirty-one year Air Force career, General Partin's expertise was explosives. During that time, he designed warheads, "had a lot of experience in combat damage evaluation", was trained in all the pertinent military laboratories, and was one of the government's foremost--if not the foremost--experts on explosives. "When I first looked at the reports coming out of Oklahoma I knew that the truth was not coming out. The media was pretty much confused, or passing out disinformation, and I think some of the officials down there were passing out disinformation, and what was going on down there was totally at odds with what I had twenty-five years experience of knowing," General Partin has said. To Partin, the contention that the ANFO truck bomb did the damage to the Murrah Building is "absurd". Within a month of April 19, 1995, the General had prepared a technical analysis of the bombing. In the report, Partin made it clear that by the time the blast wave from the ANFO truck bomb had hit the building it would not have had anywhere near enough psi (pounds of pressure per square inch) to collapse the steel-reinforced concrete columns. (By the time the ANFO blast wave hit the columns it would have been yielding 25-375 psi; the yield strength of concrete is 3,500-5,000 psi.) The report also made it clear that larger, thicker columns further away from the truck bomb came down, while smaller columns much closer to the truck were undamaged. "You don't have to go any further than that to know that you had demolition charges on those larger columns. There's no other explanation for it . . . Unless you believe in magic," Partin said. General Partin examined hundreds of photos of the destroyed building, and his in depth report listed the many other reasons why he can see �clearly, clearly�with a very high probability . . . with a high level of confidence" exactly where interior bombs were placed. Partin eventually delivered his analysis to all 535 senators and congressmen. In his cover letter to the politicians, he pleaded that the "Congress take steps to assure that evidence in Oklahoma City be evaluated by a collection of demolition experts from the private sector before the building is demolished." If experts had been able to examine the building closely, they could have reported definitively how the building was bombed. On 23 May 1995, though, just 34 days after the bombing, the Murrah Building was destroyed, and the rubble was buried in a landfill that is surrounded by a chain link fence and guarded by security personnel. "This is a classic cover-up of immense proportions," the General said.
People who took the time to independently investigate the Oklahoma city bombing know that it was a false flag event to take the wind out of and discredit the "militia" movement. There isn't a whole lot else to it.


excelllent links there.too bad they wont read them
You handed agent dawgshit/sayit his ass to him on a platter there.

funny how sayit troll-aka dawgshit,forgot to mention that Bill "i never had sex with this woman" clinton made a national address speech lying his ass off saying-we did not start the fires,the davidians started the fires accidently.

problem with clintons lie was a cameraman filmed the event and it shows a tank with a flame thrower mounted on it shooing flames out onto the compound. he then goes on to say-we never fired at the davidians,they fired at us but we never returned fire.

lie# 2.

the film also shows a helicopter with a a gunner mounted on it with a amchine gun firing onto the compound the media also did not mention that clinton had some well known chinese mafia men visiting him at thr white house and he was having a jolly old good time with them laughig as the tragedy unfolded and even time or newsweek ran a colume that Janet Reno said Clinton gave her the okay to burn down the compound.

Clinton,Reno and the FBI are mass murderers of innocent women and children and the FIB and ATF got pinned as heros for their travesty.
And what about the assault weapons ban from the Clinton years? Did that require a government run mass shooting to pass? I honestly don't remember the circumstances behind it, if there was some event that sparked its passage or not.
You don't remember because it is convenient to forget. People who have known the truth, back when the government wasn't as corrupted did not forget, so that past assault weapons ban was rolled back when the hysteria and manufactured event passed. Yes, history repeats itself.

Or maybe I don't remember because I was 20 years old at the time, and I don't have a great memory?

No, no, it must be because it's 'convenient' to forget. :tongue:

I also wonder what makes you think the government is so much more corrupt than it was a mere 20 years ago?

boy you dont do anything but listen to the LAMESTREAM CIA controlled media do you?:D

you arent even aware that congress has a 7% approval rating,the LOWEST in its entire history because they are even more corrupt now than they were 20 years ago ignoring the american people and their needs.:cuckoo:
You don't remember because it is convenient to forget. People who have known the truth, back when the government wasn't as corrupted did not forget, so that past assault weapons ban was rolled back when the hysteria and manufactured event passed. Yes, history repeats itself.

Or maybe I don't remember because I was 20 years old at the time, and I don't have a great memory?

No, no, it must be because it's 'convenient' to forget. :tongue:

I also wonder what makes you think the government is so much more corrupt than it was a mere 20 years ago?

boy you dont do anything but listen to the LAMESTREAM CIA controlled media do you?:D

you arent even aware that congress has a 7% approval rating,the LOWEST in its entire history because they are even more corrupt now than they were 20 years ago ignoring the american people and their needs.:cuckoo:

Are you aware the congressional approval ratings are not a measure of corruption?

What do you think has changed so drastically in a mere two decades?
Are you aware the congressional approval ratings are not a measure of corruption?

What do you think has changed so drastically in a mere two decades?
Yes, corrupted. By the pro-Israel lobby and the international banks. (Along with tobacco, jet fighters, your PC and cell phone. :tongue:)
AP Deconstructed
Advocating Middle East Policies that Serve the American National Interest

Israel Lobby Dominates Congress, Media Covers it UpFriday, August 12, 2011 12:24 PMYou might think that 20 percent of the American Congress going on all-expenses-paid, week-long junkets to a foreign country — paid for by a lobby for that country — would be newsworthy, especially when the top congressional leaders of both parties are leading the trips.
You would be wrong.

Eighty-one congressional representatives from all over the country, led by Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, aretraveling to Israel this month. Most are freshmen congressmen, and the group includes half of all the freshmen Republicans voted into office in 2010.
The week-long trips are being paid for by the American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF), which was created in 1990 as a supporting organization of AIPAC, America’s major pro-Israel lobbying organization, sharing the same building. AIEF, which is only one of numerous organizations pushing pro-Israel policies, has an annual budget of over $24 million, with an even larger endowment.
This is an extraordinary situation. No other lobby on behalf of a foreign countrycomes anywhere near controlling such wealth or taking so many of America’s elected representatives on a propaganda trip to its favorite country.
Not all those going on these trips are enthusiastic. The wife of one congressman who made a similar trip some years ago said that she and her husband had never been exposed to such pressure in all their lives. She said that at one point on their trip, her husband — a normally extremely tough man — was curled up in a fetal position.
A staff member of one representative participating in this month’s junkets said the representative had no choice. If the congressional rep didn’t go on the trip, the rep would be targeted by AIPAC, large quantities of money, including massive out-of-state money, would be raised for the opponent in the next election, and quite likely the representative would be defeated. The staffer said that the Israel Lobby is far too powerful to ignore and that American voters have no knowledge of what’s going on.
It’s no surprise that voters are unaware that their representatives are being propagandized and pressured by a foreign lobby. Their news media almost never tells them.
Or maybe I don't remember because I was 20 years old at the time, and I don't have a great memory?

No, no, it must be because it's 'convenient' to forget. :tongue:

I also wonder what makes you think the government is so much more corrupt than it was a mere 20 years ago?

boy you dont do anything but listen to the LAMESTREAM CIA controlled media do you?:D

you arent even aware that congress has a 7% approval rating,the LOWEST in its entire history because they are even more corrupt now than they were 20 years ago ignoring the american people and their needs.:cuckoo:

Are you aware the congressional approval ratings are not a measure of corruption?

What do you think has changed so drastically in a mere two decades?

That 7% approval rating is absolute BS and despite having had that proven to him months ago the idiot continues to post it. 9/11 Hand Job is not only impervious to facts, he's an inveterate liar. Your typical CT.
boy you dont do anything but listen to the LAMESTREAM CIA controlled media do you?:D

you arent even aware that congress has a 7% approval rating,the LOWEST in its entire history because they are even more corrupt now than they were 20 years ago ignoring the american people and their needs.:cuckoo:

Are you aware the congressional approval ratings are not a measure of corruption?

What do you think has changed so drastically in a mere two decades?

That 7% approval rating is absolute BS and despite having had that proven to him months ago the idiot continues to post it. 9/11 Hand Job is not only impervious to facts, he's an inveterate liar. Your typical CT.

Hey Sock, seriously, why do you post on my threads every day of the week? Are you ok? You seem like you're really losin it. Can you go even one day without stalking my threads? Why don't you try it? I dare you. :)
Are you aware the congressional approval ratings are not a measure of corruption?

What do you think has changed so drastically in a mere two decades?

That 7% approval rating is absolute BS and despite having had that proven to him months ago the idiot continues to post it. 9/11 Hand Job is not only impervious to facts, he's an inveterate liar. Your typical CT.

Hey Sock, seriously, why do you post on my threads every day of the week? Are you ok? You seem like you're really losin it. Can you go even one day without stalking my threads? Why don't you try it? I dare you. :)
who would you be talking to?
That 7% approval rating is absolute BS and despite having had that proven to him months ago the idiot continues to post it. 9/11 Hand Job is not only impervious to facts, he's an inveterate liar. Your typical CT.

Hey Sock, seriously, why do you post on my threads every day of the week? Are you ok? You seem like you're really losin it. Can you go even one day without stalking my threads? Why don't you try it? I dare you. :)
who would you be talking to?

Come on Sock, try going just one day without stalking my threads. Give it a shot. If you can't do it, that's a pretty big indication that you're mentally ill and in need of immediate treatment. Let's see what happens. Go for it.
They selected a separated school as target. That's the lesson from a similar case - Aurura Theatre shooting - in which many witnesses revealed more then one shooter involved.

Full Disclosure: CO, WI, CT shootings.. Are These The Work of "Lone Wolf" Gunmen

[ame=]Full Disclosure: CO, WI, CT shootings.. Are These The Work of "Lone Wolf" Gunmen? - YouTube[/ame]
Paultician is right.

Mass shootings (like Sandy Hook) are becoming commonplace in the US, and for the most part they are staged false flag terror events to advance certain schemes, like gun control.

The disarming of the American pubic is a big part of the NWO agenda, which seeks to concentrate weaponry (just like Hitler, Stalin and Mao did) in the hands of a few power-hungry elite (the Bilderburgs, the Illuminati) who have hijacked Government through big banks and corporations.

By arousing grief, anger and fear in the public, these "power-hungry" elite hope to trick people into giving up their inherent rights (the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and defend oneself) for the illusion of safety or security.
Paultician is right.

Mass shootings (like Sandy Hook) are becoming commonplace in the US, and for the most part they are staged false flag terror events to advance certain schemes, like gun control.

The disarming of the American pubic is a big part of the NWO agenda, which seeks to concentrate weaponry (just like Hitler, Stalin and Mao did) in the hands of a few power-hungry elite (the Bilderburgs, the Illuminati) who have hijacked Government through big banks and corporations.

By arousing grief, anger and fear in the public, these "power-hungry" elite hope to trick people into giving up their inherent rights (the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and defend oneself) for the illusion of safety or security.

Do you have any evidence these are 'false flag terror events'?

What timeframe are you looking at to say that such shootings are 'becoming commonplace'? Depending on how you define it, mass shootings have occurred in the US for at least the past century, with some periods in the fairly recent past (the 90s for example) having a lot of such incidents.

I don't understand why you assume these are staged events rather than that the government (or NWO or whatever group you think is behind it) is simply taking advantage of the shootings to try and push an anti-gun agenda.

Yanno.........................they've arrested people who have said false information about the Sandy Hook shootings.

Matter of fact, the police said they would actively prosecute anyone who did so.

I hope that this thread is seen by the police, and your ass is thrown in jail.

So that's the sort of nation you yearn for, one that imprisons dissenters and those who ask questions?


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Paultician is right.

Mass shootings (like Sandy Hook) are becoming commonplace in the US, and for the most part they are staged false flag terror events to advance certain schemes, like gun control.

The disarming of the American pubic is a big part of the NWO agenda, which seeks to concentrate weaponry (just like Hitler, Stalin and Mao did) in the hands of a few power-hungry elite (the Bilderburgs, the Illuminati) who have hijacked Government through big banks and corporations.

By arousing grief, anger and fear in the public, these "power-hungry" elite hope to trick people into giving up their inherent rights (the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and defend oneself) for the illusion of safety or security.
did you know that the murder rate in the U.S. INCLUDING MASS SHOOTINGS has declined in the last twenty years
comparably the murder rates in 19th century U.S. cities was twice as high as all U.S. 20TH AND 21ST CENTURY shootings combined... you and paulie are wrong
the Bilderberg group is a rich peoples club.
it's so called secrecy is for their protection from jack offs like you.
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Yanno.........................they've arrested people who have said false information about the Sandy Hook shootings.

Matter of fact, the police said they would actively prosecute anyone who did so.

I hope that this thread is seen by the police, and your ass is thrown in jail.
So that's the sort of nation you yearn for, one that imprisons dissenters and those who ask questions?


what the fuck do unreadable boarding passes have to do with anything?

if you cannot see the difference between what ct's do and actual credible dissenters do then stfu.
Paultician is right.

Mass shootings (like Sandy Hook) are becoming commonplace in the US, and for the most part they are staged false flag terror events to advance certain schemes, like gun control.

The disarming of the American pubic is a big part of the NWO agenda, which seeks to concentrate weaponry (just like Hitler, Stalin and Mao did) in the hands of a few power-hungry elite (the Bilderburgs, the Illuminati) who have hijacked Government through big banks and corporations.

By arousing grief, anger and fear in the public, these "power-hungry" elite hope to trick people into giving up their inherent rights (the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and defend oneself) for the illusion of safety or security.

Do you have any evidence these are 'false flag terror events'?

What timeframe are you looking at to say that such shootings are 'becoming commonplace'? Depending on how you define it, mass shootings have occurred in the US for at least the past century, with some periods in the fairly recent past (the 90s for example) having a lot of such incidents.

I don't understand why you assume these are staged events rather than that the government (or NWO or whatever group you think is behind it) is simply taking advantage of the shootings to try and push an anti-gun agenda.


Watch the video and you may understand that what happened at Sandy Hook was nothing more than a staged event. A movie set with actors.

Sandy Hook, the "Batman" shooting in Aurora CO., the mall shooting in OR., the Virginia Tech shooting, the shooting of then politician Gabriel Giffords in AZ., have the same theme, the push for stronger gun-laws. The 2nd Amendment has been under attack and you can't even see it.

Most sheeple buy into the lies and hype of what the media reports, without questioning it.
These sheeple believe what they see and hear on the local news is correct, but the news is what they want you to believe and accept as truth without question, and many gullible people gladly do.
They selected a separated school as target. That's the lesson from a similar case - Aurura Theatre shooting - in which many witnesses revealed more then one shooter involved.

Full Disclosure: CO, WI, CT shootings.. Are These The Work of "Lone Wolf" Gunmen

Full Disclosure: CO, WI, CT shootings.. Are These The Work of "Lone Wolf" Gunmen? - YouTube

And the guy they brought out of the woods was the father of another student who got spooked trying to get to his daughter. This has all came out already after the initial reports that you want to accept as fact......

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