Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Hey nutjob, fuck off.... You haven't added anything to a conversation in months....And Pauline is following in your footsteps...Puppy love maybe?

Oh STFU. Why don't you and your lover dawgshit go flirt with each other on someone else's thread. This isn't ya big dummy. Seriously, you're grossing us out. :puke:

This poor delusional puppy still believes this is his thread and evidently there's a whole army of like-minded loons inside his pinhead. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey nutjob, fuck off.... You haven't added anything to a conversation in months....And Pauline is following in your footsteps...Puppy love maybe?

Oh STFU. Why don't you and your lover dawgshit go flirt with each other on someone else's thread. This isn't ya big dummy. Seriously, you're grossing us out. :puke:

This poor delusional puppy still believes this is his thread and evidently there's a whole army of like-minded loons inside his pinhead. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks for the diagnosis Dr. Sock Psycho. :cuckoo: :lol:
Last night I watched interviews with family members, such as little brothers and sisters clinging to the soccer socks of their lost siblings. Incredibally sad.
Thank god I don't have a Television, my mind can remain unclouded by such images.

Ahhh yes, the ultimate propaganda, keeps us from critical thinking.

If the rogue elements within the government did do that hit, and those families had no clue it was coming, who would we as a nation turn to for justice?

I know, we can feel like we are doing something by taking the guns away from law abiding citizens, right?

If people are so dumb as to not see what is going on. . . . REALLY?!?

I don't care, I really don't. When I hear stories like that, it convinces me all the more that black OPS was involved. If the official story WERE true, there is NO WAY my grieving kid would be paraded in front of the nation for a political agenda. DOESN'T THAT SEEM QUEER TO ANY ONE ELSE ?!?

Maybe it is just because I live in a different world, a world of reading only. I don't listen to the radio, nor do I watch TV, I don't even have one. I am immune to propaganda, so I see the political bullshit for what it is. And I think a lot of people do as well. It is why these brazen attempts to fool the masses are getting so outrageous and sloppy. We see it, and we are offended.
Last night I watched interviews with family members, such as little brothers and sisters clinging to the soccer socks of their lost siblings. Incredibally sad.
Thank god I don't have a Television, my mind can remain unclouded by such images.

Ahhh yes, the ultimate propaganda, keeps us from critical thinking.

If the rogue elements within the government did do that hit, and those families had no clue it was coming, who would we as a nation turn to for justice?

I know, we can feel like we are doing something by taking the guns away from law abiding citizens, right?

If people are so dumb as to not see what is going on. . . . REALLY?!?

I don't care, I really don't. When I hear stories like that, it convinces me all the more that black OPS was involved. If the official story WERE true, there is NO WAY my grieving kid would be paraded in front of the nation for a political agenda. DOESN'T THAT SEEM QUEER TO ANY ONE ELSE ?!?

Maybe it is just because I live in a different world, a world of reading only. I don't listen to the radio, nor do I watch TV, I don't even have one. I am immune to propaganda, so I see the political bullshit for what it is. And I think a lot of people do as well. It is why these brazen attempts to fool the masses are getting so outrageous and sloppy. We see it, and we are offended.

People don't "parade," they do a service. They inform the public of what going through something like that is like, and they also advise the public of their child's memory.

If you really cared to find out if it's black ops or real, you could reach out and travel.

But until you do, you have NO REAL INTEREST in the truth, and you should not even RISK rubbing grieving people's name in dirt just to get a dig in on the Government. It's low ball classlessness.

So, go to Sandy Hook. Meet some grieving families, and a grieving community. Then, come back to the internets, where people who never go outside claim to have the inside scoop because of stories from other people on the internets who never go outside and claim to have the inside scoop.

It's pretty disgusting.
Television provides no service whatsoever. Don't delude yourself. It does a disservice. It misinforms, distorts, causes mis-perception, and thought control. All channels are in control of the political and cultural elite, the right and the left gate keepers. If you find any thing of value at all on TV, it is because you are meant to find it, and "they" want you to think and have that information, therefor you must question WHY they want you to believe and understand the world that way.

The interests of those who control society have it in their interest for you to understand what ever it is they show you. What ever you see or understand on TV is inherently NOT in your interest to understand, make no mistake. TV creates an UNREAL reality that is nothing like what is really going on, as soon as you understand that, then we can get down to brass tacks. . . . Turn it off, get rid of it.
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Television provides no service whatsoever. Don't delude yourself. It does a disservice. It misinforms, distorts, causes mis-perception, and thought control. All channels are in control of the political and cultural elite, the right and the left gate keepers. If you find any thing of value at all on TV, it is because you are meant to find it, and "they" want you to think and have that information, therefor you must question WHY they want you to believe and understand the world that way.

The interests of those who control society have it in their interest for you to understand what ever it is they show you. What ever you see or understand on TV is inherently NOT in your interest to understand, make no mistake. TV creates an UNREAL reality that is nothing like what is really going on, as soon as you understand that, then we can get down to brass tacks. . . . Turn it off, get rid of it.

You must get your news from the actual scenes, every time. Wow, such a travel expense you must have.

And you've independantly investigated Sandy Hook? Shocking. Please, allow us to be privy to your personal investigation. Remember, you can't really site any "sources" except your self, because with the wide sweeping theory you've posited above, they're ALL "in on it."
Last night I watched interviews with family members, such as little brothers and sisters clinging to the soccer socks of their lost siblings. Incredibally sad.
Thank god I don't have a Television, my mind can remain unclouded by such images.

Ahhh yes, the ultimate propaganda, keeps us from critical thinking.

If the rogue elements within the government did do that hit, and those families had no clue it was coming, who would we as a nation turn to for justice?

I know, we can feel like we are doing something by taking the guns away from law abiding citizens, right?

If people are so dumb as to not see what is going on. . . . REALLY?!?

I don't care, I really don't. When I hear stories like that, it convinces me all the more that black OPS was involved. If the official story WERE true, there is NO WAY my grieving kid would be paraded in front of the nation for a political agenda. DOESN'T THAT SEEM QUEER TO ANY ONE ELSE ?!?

Maybe it is just because I live in a different world, a world of reading only. I don't listen to the radio, nor do I watch TV, I don't even have one. I am immune to propaganda, so I see the political bullshit for what it is. And I think a lot of people do as well. It is why these brazen attempts to fool the masses are getting so outrageous and sloppy. We see it, and we are offended.

By narrowing your info source to what you read you not only do not diminish the probability of brain wash, you increase it dramatically. Like the other media sources, the written word can and is used to disseminate BS and the narrower your info stream the more susceptible you are to it. You sound dependent on like-minded (read: paranoia-feeding) sources who have indeed cocooned you. It is no surprise you are a CT who believes things like Sandy Hook was a gov't black-op.
Television provides no service whatsoever. Don't delude yourself. It does a disservice. It misinforms, distorts, causes mis-perception, and thought control. All channels are in control of the political and cultural elite, the right and the left gate keepers. If you find any thing of value at all on TV, it is because you are meant to find it, and "they" want you to think and have that information, therefor you must question WHY they want you to believe and understand the world that way.

The interests of those who control society have it in their interest for you to understand what ever it is they show you. What ever you see or understand on TV is inherently NOT in your interest to understand, make no mistake. TV creates an UNREAL reality that is nothing like what is really going on, as soon as you understand that, then we can get down to brass tacks. . . . Turn it off, get rid of it.

You must get your news from the actual scenes, every time. Wow, such a travel expense you must have.

And you've independantly investigated Sandy Hook? Shocking. Please, allow us to be privy to your personal investigation. Remember, you can't really site any "sources" except your self, because with the wide sweeping theory you've posited above, they're ALL "in on it."

Indeed the skepticism of the CT comes to a screeching halt when it is time to apply it to their CTs. At that point all and any info which fits their preconceived conclusions ("they" did it) gets a free pass. It's not facts or truth they seek but rather validation of their POV.
Television provides no service whatsoever. Don't delude yourself. It does a disservice. It misinforms, distorts, causes mis-perception, and thought control. All channels are in control of the political and cultural elite, the right and the left gate keepers. If you find any thing of value at all on TV, it is because you are meant to find it, and "they" want you to think and have that information, therefor you must question WHY they want you to believe and understand the world that way.

The interests of those who control society have it in their interest for you to understand what ever it is they show you. What ever you see or understand on TV is inherently NOT in your interest to understand, make no mistake. TV creates an UNREAL reality that is nothing like what is really going on, as soon as you understand that, then we can get down to brass tacks. . . . Turn it off, get rid of it.

Somehow you fail to apply your skepticism to that which you read which is also the product of someone trying to sell you something ... perhaps even agents of "the political and cultural elite." I suggest you burn your books and trash your computer.
Then and only then will you be able to "get down to brass tacks."
you who promote these evil lies about horrible crimes deserve all the insults you justly recieve

coming from you TRUTH DOESNT MATTER,Im sure he is really hurt by this.:lol: you really need to change your user name to that sense you can acknowledge the autrocities Bush has commiteed against the american people but anything negative about the corruption Obama,Clinton or the democrats that you blindly worship that they participate in,you ignore even though Obama has expanded what Bush got started.:cuckoo: :lmao:

oh and while your at it,you might give that same advise hypocrite to gomer ollie who has sold out and disgraced his fellow militarty officers trolling these boards for money.:cuckoo:

Seriously,you REALLY should change your user name to TRUTH DOESNT MATTER.:lol::lmao:
Last night I watched interviews with family members, such as little brothers and sisters clinging to the soccer socks of their lost siblings. Incredibally sad.
Thank god I don't have a Television, my mind can remain unclouded by such images.

Ahhh yes, the ultimate propaganda, keeps us from critical thinking.

If the rogue elements within the government did do that hit, and those families had no clue it was coming, who would we as a nation turn to for justice?

I know, we can feel like we are doing something by taking the guns away from law abiding citizens, right?

If people are so dumb as to not see what is going on. . . . REALLY?!?

I don't care, I really don't. When I hear stories like that, it convinces me all the more that black OPS was involved. If the official story WERE true, there is NO WAY my grieving kid would be paraded in front of the nation for a political agenda. DOESN'T THAT SEEM QUEER TO ANY ONE ELSE ?!?

Maybe it is just because I live in a different world, a world of reading only. I don't listen to the radio, nor do I watch TV, I don't even have one. I am immune to propaganda, so I see the political bullshit for what it is. And I think a lot of people do as well. It is why these brazen attempts to fool the masses are getting so outrageous and sloppy. We see it, and we are offended.

Is that your personal super-power? You are immune to propaganda?

:rofl: If you honestly think that, you are probably extremely susceptible to propaganda.
this sociopathic meme that these people are lying and no one was killed at sandyhook makes the idiots who claim this westboro level crazy.

They are cheering on some gun nutter to shoot at that kid holding their dead family members socks.

'The right is tolerating these people.

this sociopathic meme that these people are lying and no one was killed at sandyhook makes the idiots who claim this westboro level crazy.

They are cheering on some gun nutter to shoot at that kid holding their dead family members socks.

'The right is tolerating these people.


Damn it TM this isn't a right vs left thing...

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