Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

Last night I watched interviews with family members, such as little brothers and sisters clinging to the soccer socks of their lost siblings. Incredibally sad.
Thank god I don't have a Television, my mind can remain unclouded by such images.

Ahhh yes, the ultimate propaganda, keeps us from critical thinking.

If the rogue elements within the government did do that hit, and those families had no clue it was coming, who would we as a nation turn to for justice?

I know, we can feel like we are doing something by taking the guns away from law abiding citizens, right?

If people are so dumb as to not see what is going on. . . . REALLY?!?

I don't care, I really don't. When I hear stories like that, it convinces me all the more that black OPS was involved. If the official story WERE true, there is NO WAY my grieving kid would be paraded in front of the nation for a political agenda. DOESN'T THAT SEEM QUEER TO ANY ONE ELSE ?!?

Maybe it is just because I live in a different world, a world of reading only. I don't listen to the radio, nor do I watch TV, I don't even have one. I am immune to propaganda, so I see the political bullshit for what it is. And I think a lot of people do as well. It is why these brazen attempts to fool the masses are getting so outrageous and sloppy. We see it, and we are offended.
immune my ass! from your description.. you have no basis of comparison as you most likely read shit that bolsters your paranoia. making you the perfect subject for propaganda.
another self-aggrandizing sociopath!
Last night I watched interviews with family members, such as little brothers and sisters clinging to the soccer socks of their lost siblings. Incredibally sad.
Thank god I don't have a Television, my mind can remain unclouded by such images.

Ahhh yes, the ultimate propaganda, keeps us from critical thinking.

If the rogue elements within the government did do that hit, and those families had no clue it was coming, who would we as a nation turn to for justice?

I know, we can feel like we are doing something by taking the guns away from law abiding citizens, right?

If people are so dumb as to not see what is going on. . . . REALLY?!?

I don't care, I really don't. When I hear stories like that, it convinces me all the more that black OPS was involved. If the official story WERE true, there is NO WAY my grieving kid would be paraded in front of the nation for a political agenda. DOESN'T THAT SEEM QUEER TO ANY ONE ELSE ?!?

Maybe it is just because I live in a different world, a world of reading only. I don't listen to the radio, nor do I watch TV, I don't even have one. I am immune to propaganda, so I see the political bullshit for what it is. And I think a lot of people do as well. It is why these brazen attempts to fool the masses are getting so outrageous and sloppy. We see it, and we are offended.

Is that your personal super-power? You are immune to propaganda?

:rofl: If you honestly think that, you are probably extremely susceptible to propaganda.

Oh the irony.:lol::lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:

thanks for that tidbit of information hypocrite.:cuckoo:

the way you have demonstratd so many times that you run away from videos and links that dont go along with your version of events and change the subject evading the facts such as Obama bowing down to the prime minister of israel evading that fact chaging the subject about the speakers body language,like YOU are one to talk.:lmao::blahblah::rofl:

the man who is an expert at doing this when confronted with evidence and facts he cant refute.:scared1::lmao:
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Television provides no service whatsoever. Don't delude yourself. It does a disservice. It misinforms, distorts, causes mis-perception, and thought control. All channels are in control of the political and cultural elite, the right and the left gate keepers. If you find any thing of value at all on TV, it is because you are meant to find it, and "they" want you to think and have that information, therefor you must question WHY they want you to believe and understand the world that way.

The interests of those who control society have it in their interest for you to understand what ever it is they show you. What ever you see or understand on TV is inherently NOT in your interest to understand, make no mistake. TV creates an UNREAL reality that is nothing like what is really going on, as soon as you understand that, then we can get down to brass tacks. . . . Turn it off, get rid of it.


Your making wayyyyyyyy too much sense for the trolls to comprehend or understand.:D

dont forget to add in to that your local newspaper such as the LA TIMES,KANSAS CITY STAR,ARIZONA REPUBLIC,ect,ect,.the list goes on and on with the mainstream media.
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Thank god I don't have a Television, my mind can remain unclouded by such images.

Ahhh yes, the ultimate propaganda, keeps us from critical thinking.

If the rogue elements within the government did do that hit, and those families had no clue it was coming, who would we as a nation turn to for justice?

I know, we can feel like we are doing something by taking the guns away from law abiding citizens, right?

If people are so dumb as to not see what is going on. . . . REALLY?!?

I don't care, I really don't. When I hear stories like that, it convinces me all the more that black OPS was involved. If the official story WERE true, there is NO WAY my grieving kid would be paraded in front of the nation for a political agenda. DOESN'T THAT SEEM QUEER TO ANY ONE ELSE ?!?

Maybe it is just because I live in a different world, a world of reading only. I don't listen to the radio, nor do I watch TV, I don't even have one. I am immune to propaganda, so I see the political bullshit for what it is. And I think a lot of people do as well. It is why these brazen attempts to fool the masses are getting so outrageous and sloppy. We see it, and we are offended.

Is that your personal super-power? You are immune to propaganda?

:rofl: If you honestly think that, you are probably extremely susceptible to propaganda.

Oh the irony.:lol::lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:

thanks for that tidbit of information hypocrite.:cuckoo:

the way you have demonstratd so many times that you run away from videos and links that dont go along with your version of events and change the subject evading the facts such as Obama bowing down to the prime minister of israel evading that fact chaging the subject about the speakers body language,like YOU are one to talk.:lmao::blahblah::rofl:

the man who is an expert at doing this when confronted with evidence and facts he cant refute.:scared1::lmao:

Your definition of 'fact' is different from the rest of the world's. :tongue:

Then again, so is your definition of the phrase 'run away'. :lol:
Is that your personal super-power? You are immune to propaganda?

:rofl: If you honestly think that, you are probably extremely susceptible to propaganda.

Oh the irony.:lol::lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:

thanks for that tidbit of information hypocrite.:cuckoo:

the way you have demonstrated so many times that you running away from videos and links that dont go along with your version of events and change the subject evading the facts such as Obama bowing down to the prime minister of israel evading that fact chaging the subject about the speakers body language,like YOU are one to talk.:lmao::blahblah::rofl:

the man who is an expert at doing this when confronted with evidence and facts he cant refute.:scared1::lmao:

Your definition of 'fact' is different from the rest of the world's. :tongue:

Then again, so is your definition of the phrase 'run away'. :lol:

other way around hypocrite. AGAIN, sense you have reading comprehension problems,running away is changing the subject not commenting on videos and links provided,something you and dawshit and others EXCEL at,. as well as leaving and not coming back to a thread like the frady cat you are.:cuckoo:

nice game of dodgeball you keep playing when i proved you ran away.:clap2: as always,i see your a waste of time since as we both know,you only see what you WANT to see. thats your logic you frady cat trolls have,is if we dont go into it seeing only what we want to see like you,dawgshit and others do,then our definition of fact is different than the rest of the worlds.:cuckoo::lmao::rofl::rofl: again thanks for proving in spades you excel at doing this-:scared1::clap2: you deny that you ran away and changed the subject that I mentioned about Obama.thanks for proving my point for me that you play dodgeball here.:clap2:
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Oh the irony.:lol::lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:

thanks for that tidbit of information hypocrite.:cuckoo:

the way you have demonstrated so many times that you running away from videos and links that dont go along with your version of events and change the subject evading the facts such as Obama bowing down to the prime minister of israel evading that fact chaging the subject about the speakers body language,like YOU are one to talk.:lmao::blahblah::rofl:

the man who is an expert at doing this when confronted with evidence and facts he cant refute.:scared1::lmao:

Your definition of 'fact' is different from the rest of the world's. :tongue:

Then again, so is your definition of the phrase 'run away'. :lol:

other way around hypocrite. AGAIN, sense you have reading comprehension problems,running away is changing the subject not commenting on videos and links provided,something you and dawshit and others EXCEL at,. as well as leaving and not coming back to a thread like the frady cat you are.:cuckoo:

nice game of dodgeball you keep playing when i proved you ran away.:clap2: as always,i see your a waste of time since as we both know,you only see what you WANT to see. thats your logic you frady cat trolls have,is if we dont go into it seeing only what we want to see like you,dawgshit and others do,then our definition of fact is different than the rest of the worlds.:cuckoo::lmao::rofl::rofl: again thanks for proving in spades you excel at doing this-:scared1::clap2: you deny that you ran away and changed the subject that I mentioned about Obama.thanks for proving my point for me that you play dodgeball here.:clap2:

The irony of this, of course, is that at the same time 9/11 IJ complains about me running away, his fellow CTer Pauli is complaining that I frequent the CT threads too much! :lol:

Well, that and IJ claiming that others see only what they want to see. :tongue:

Hey, got another fart comment ready? I feel a need for an original, witty reply to my posts!
Finally, they released some information of the man arrested in the woods of Sandy Hook. The question is how could he look for his daughter in woods not in school, and why they held the information for such a long time?

Quote, “
Connecticut Mystery Man in the Woods Identified as Chris Manfredonia

According to Deadline Live, the Connecticut mystery man in the woods has officially been identified as Chris Manfredonia, who was found by police in the woods next to Sandy Hook Elementary School after Adam Lanza took the lives of 27 people.

Initially after the shooting, no one knew who the Connecticut mystery man in the woods was as people witnessed police placing him in handcuffs. The LA Times found out that Chris Manfredonia, whose 6-year-old daughter attends the school, was heading there Friday morning to help make gingerbread houses with first-graders when he heard popping sounds and smelled sulfur. He ran around the school trying to reach his daughter and was briefly handcuffed by police. Chris Manfredonia was later reunited with his child, who had been locked in a small room with a teacher.

….. there are some that consider it suspicious of how very few details have been given about Chris Manfredonia and why police do not consider him a suspect.

Read more at Connecticut Mystery Man in the Woods Has People Asking for Details*|*American Live Wire
Because there is no reason to suspect the father of one of the children at the school, who was trying to get to his daughter, you'd have to ask him why he went behind the school, probably because the door that was shot out spooked him, but at that I can only guess...

Wow, I have no words.... Wait yes I do...


Freaking unbelievable how many people want something to explain the world. Bad shit happens dude, always has happened, always will happen, regardless of how you feel about it, regardless of who is in office, and certainly regardless of how it might look after a lot of time spent twisting it in your head..

Get over it... When I was 19 had to watch my dad die slowly of cancer. Sucked.. Not too long after had to watch my mom go the same way.. Sucked.. It wasn't a plot. The tobacco companies didn't design to give them cancer, the world didn't screw them or me, shit just happened. No plot, no conspiracy, no grand scheme laid out by men behind the scenes, just life and existence doing what it does..

You fear addicts empower the media and politicians to give you the mushroom treatment; feed you shit and keep you in the dark.. It's your fault, why should they treat you like you have sense if this is the crap you want to obsess over? Why not lie and placate you,tell you BS and do what they want? You can't stop yourselves from creating shit like this when ever something bad happens, how the hell could you handle reality much less responsibility of knowledge..

It's okay keep spreading horse shit like this, be good little children and maybe, just maybe they won't take away your magic google box, or the endless stream of BS media on your TV...

Wake up idiots..
The Government/Media Complex is a farce. The People only know and see what they're allowed to. Most of it is just an illusion. No one can say with any real certainty, whether or not events like this really happened at all. For all anyone knows, they could be very well choreographed staged made-for-tv events. No one would really know any better.

Control of the MSM is in the hands of just a handful of very powerful Corporate/Government entities. MSM 'information' for the most part, is mere spoon-fed Government Propaganda. There are just a few large Corporations who control it all. You can easily look it up and see which Corporations they are. Time Warner, GE, News Corp, CBS, and a few others. They control everything you see in the MSM. The 'Idiot Box' really is an Idiot Box. Watch as little of it as you can. Look for alternative News/Information sources. That's your only real chance for any truth.
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The Government/Media Complex is a farce. The People only know and see what they're allowed to. Most of it is just an illusion. No one can say with any real certainty, whether or not events like this really happened at all. For all anyone knows, they could be very well choreographed staged made-for-tv events. No one would really know any better.

Control of the MSM is in the hands of just a handful of very powerful Corporate/Government entities. All MSM 'information' for the most part, is mere spoon-fed Government Propaganda. There are just a few large Corporations who control it all. You can easily look it up and see which Corporations they are. Time Warner, News Corp, CBS, and a few others. They control everything you see in the MSM. The 'Idiot Box' really is an Idiot Box. Watch as little of it as you can. Look for alternative News/Information sources. That's your only real chance for any truth.
same paulie bullshit .
The Government/Media Complex is a farce. The People only know and see what they're allowed to. Most of it is just an illusion. No one can say with any real certainty, whether or not events like this really happened at all. For all anyone knows, they could be very well choreographed staged made-for-tv events. No one would really know any better.

Control of the MSM is in the hands of just a handful of very powerful Corporate/Government entities. All MSM 'information' for the most part, is mere spoon-fed Government Propaganda. There are just a few large Corporations who control it all. You can easily look it up and see which Corporations they are. Time Warner, News Corp, CBS, and a few others. They control everything you see in the MSM. The 'Idiot Box' really is an Idiot Box. Watch as little of it as you can. Look for alternative News/Information sources. That's your only real chance for any truth.

Tell me something, just what news source do you trust to tell the truth?
The Government/Media Complex is a farce. The People only know and see what they're allowed to. Most of it is just an illusion. No one can say with any real certainty, whether or not events like this really happened at all. For all anyone knows, they could be very well choreographed staged made-for-tv events. No one would really know any better.

Control of the MSM is in the hands of just a handful of very powerful Corporate/Government entities. All MSM 'information' for the most part, is mere spoon-fed Government Propaganda. There are just a few large Corporations who control it all. You can easily look it up and see which Corporations they are. Time Warner, News Corp, CBS, and a few others. They control everything you see in the MSM. The 'Idiot Box' really is an Idiot Box. Watch as little of it as you can. Look for alternative News/Information sources. That's your only real chance for any truth.

Tell me something, just what news source do you trust to tell the truth?
the national enquirer ?
The Government/Media Complex is a farce. The People only know and see what they're allowed to. Most of it is just an illusion. No one can say with any real certainty, whether or not events like this really happened at all. For all anyone knows, they could be very well choreographed staged made-for-tv events. No one would really know any better.

Control of the MSM is in the hands of just a handful of very powerful Corporate/Government entities. All MSM 'information' for the most part, is mere spoon-fed Government Propaganda. There are just a few large Corporations who control it all. You can easily look it up and see which Corporations they are. Time Warner, News Corp, CBS, and a few others. They control everything you see in the MSM. The 'Idiot Box' really is an Idiot Box. Watch as little of it as you can. Look for alternative News/Information sources. That's your only real chance for any truth.
same paulie bullshit .

Is it really? The entire MSM is controlled by just a handful of very powerful Corporations. And they're very close partners with the Government. They control everything you see on the Idiot Box. Do some of your own research and see who the few Corporate entities are who control the message.
The Government/Media Complex is a farce. The People only know and see what they're allowed to. Most of it is just an illusion. No one can say with any real certainty, whether or not events like this really happened at all. For all anyone knows, they could be very well choreographed staged made-for-tv events. No one would really know any better.

Control of the MSM is in the hands of just a handful of very powerful Corporate/Government entities. All MSM 'information' for the most part, is mere spoon-fed Government Propaganda. There are just a few large Corporations who control it all. You can easily look it up and see which Corporations they are. Time Warner, News Corp, CBS, and a few others. They control everything you see in the MSM. The 'Idiot Box' really is an Idiot Box. Watch as little of it as you can. Look for alternative News/Information sources. That's your only real chance for any truth.

Tell me something, just what news source do you trust to tell the truth?
the national enquirer ?

Possibly. Sadly, they're actually far more credible than most in the MSM. They've broken some very big stories in recent years. They actually still conduct some independent investigations. So don't be so quick to knock em.

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