Sandy Hook A Hoax?...

The Government/Media Complex is a farce. The People only know and see what they're allowed to. Most of it is just an illusion. No one can say with any real certainty, whether or not events like this really happened at all. For all anyone knows, they could be very well choreographed staged made-for-tv events. No one would really know any better.

Control of the MSM is in the hands of just a handful of very powerful Corporate/Government entities. All MSM 'information' for the most part, is mere spoon-fed Government Propaganda. There are just a few large Corporations who control it all. You can easily look it up and see which Corporations they are. Time Warner, News Corp, CBS, and a few others. They control everything you see in the MSM. The 'Idiot Box' really is an Idiot Box. Watch as little of it as you can. Look for alternative News/Information sources. That's your only real chance for any truth.
same paulie bullshit .

Is it really? The entire MSM is controlled by just a handful of very powerful Corporations. And they're very close partners with the Government. They control everything you see on the Idiot Box. Do some of your own research and see who the few Corporate entities are who control the message.
hey shit head I was in show biz for 3 decades I've forgotten more about the media then you'll ever know.
I laugh out loud when you yammer about the MSM VS. "alternative media" because it does not exist.
it's all the same media, you delusional ass hat!
same paulie bullshit .

Is it really? The entire MSM is controlled by just a handful of very powerful Corporations. And they're very close partners with the Government. They control everything you see on the Idiot Box. Do some of your own research and see who the few Corporate entities are who control the message.
hey shit head I was in show biz for 3 decades I've forgotten more about the media then you'll ever know.
I laugh out loud when you yammer about the MSM VS. "alternative media" because it does not exist.
it's all the same media, you delusional ass hat!

Everything you see is controlled by a very few powerful Corporate/Government entities. Like i said, do your own research. You'll likely be very surprised at what you find.
Is it really? The entire MSM is controlled by just a handful of very powerful Corporations. And they're very close partners with the Government. They control everything you see on the Idiot Box. Do some of your own research and see who the few Corporate entities are who control the message.
hey shit head I was in show biz for 3 decades I've forgotten more about the media then you'll ever know.
I laugh out loud when you yammer about the MSM VS. "alternative media" because it does not exist.
it's all the same media, you delusional ass hat!

Everything you see is controlled by a very few powerful Corporate/Government entities. Like i said, do your own research. You'll likely be very surprised at what you find.
do you enjoy repeating yourself or is it a symptom?
The Government/Media Complex is a farce. The People only know and see what they're allowed to. Most of it is just an illusion. No one can say with any real certainty, whether or not events like this really happened at all. For all anyone knows, they could be very well choreographed staged made-for-tv events. No one would really know any better.

Control of the MSM is in the hands of just a handful of very powerful Corporate/Government entities. MSM 'information' for the most part, is mere spoon-fed Government Propaganda. There are just a few large Corporations who control it all. You can easily look it up and see which Corporations they are. Time Warner, GE, News Corp, CBS, and a few others. They control everything you see in the MSM. The 'Idiot Box' really is an Idiot Box. Watch as little of it as you can. Look for alternative News/Information sources. That's your only real chance for any truth.

The alternative media sources are far less reliable and are far more liable to publish - in the words of Veterans Today senior editor - "patent falsehoods."
In order to walk your walk you'll need to trash your computer and believe "half of what you see and none of what you hear."
Of course, you aren't exactly known for applying the same level of skepticism to loony CT "facts" as you do to everything mainstream. In fact, I've never seen you apply any skepticism to those loony CT "facts" at all.
The Government/Media Complex is a farce. The People only know and see what they're allowed to. Most of it is just an illusion. No one can say with any real certainty, whether or not events like this really happened at all. For all anyone knows, they could be very well choreographed staged made-for-tv events. No one would really know any better.

Control of the MSM is in the hands of just a handful of very powerful Corporate/Government entities. MSM 'information' for the most part, is mere spoon-fed Government Propaganda. There are just a few large Corporations who control it all. You can easily look it up and see which Corporations they are. Time Warner, GE, News Corp, CBS, and a few others. They control everything you see in the MSM. The 'Idiot Box' really is an Idiot Box. Watch as little of it as you can. Look for alternative News/Information sources. That's your only real chance for any truth.

Do you ever leave your house? Ever seen a car accident? Ever seen a house burn down? How about a street fight? Ever seen something terrible happen where you can't really blame anybody for it? Happens all the time, everyday life happens..

None of things are staged, yet you assume that anything worse happens and it's a staged event..

Was Pearl Harbor staged too? Maybe WWII didn't really happen. Maybe the civil war was a hoax. The french revolution? A scam.. The Bolsheviks? A con... Using your logic we could easily say that the roman empire was a lie...

Where does it end? At what point do you say "this is real"? Is anything real at all to you or do you live exclusively through TV, and internet video?

Ya know why you can't accept this as reality? Because you are afraid to. Afraid to confront reality because it's too scary. Too frightening for you to realize that at any given moment anything and everything can be gone or in ruins.

Sure it's scary. Frightens the shit out of me especially when I think of my kids. It's scary, but it is what makes life so valuable. A perfect world where bad things don't happen, isn't a life. Bad things, good things, they add to the complexity and value of life. Denying it makes your life less meaningful. Don't cheat yourself..
Just a few Companies. That's all. And they control just about everything you see in the MSM...

GE, Disney, News Corp, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS.
Nah, i'm not gonna up your utube hits spammer.. I will do you a favor though.. Free advice... Get a life, go outside, talk to real people face to face, get a strong base in reality and then come back to this and see if you still think the same way..
Nah, i'm not gonna up your utube hits spammer.. I will do you a favor though.. Free advice... Get a life, go outside, talk to real people face to face, get a strong base in reality and then come back to this and see if you still think the same way..

You forgot to add the ole "You got Tinfoil Hat" insult. I mean your Troll Buddies wore that one out a long time ago, but you're free to be a boring asshole too. Have fun. :)
Nah, i'm not gonna up your utube hits spammer.. I will do you a favor though.. Free advice... Get a life, go outside, talk to real people face to face, get a strong base in reality and then come back to this and see if you still think the same way..

You forgot to add the ole "You got Tinfoil Hat" insult. I mean your Troll Buddies wore that one out a long time ago, but you're free to be a boring asshole too. Have fun. :)

Yes, yes, trolls...:clap2:

Aww don't get all mad now. You're the one posting insulting media and threads here, ya knew you had it coming.

So pull up you're skirt princess, it will get dirty if you post this kind of crap.
Nah, i'm not gonna up your utube hits spammer.. I will do you a favor though.. Free advice... Get a life, go outside, talk to real people face to face, get a strong base in reality and then come back to this and see if you still think the same way..

You forgot to add the ole "You got Tinfoil Hat" insult. I mean your Troll Buddies wore that one out a long time ago, but you're free to be a boring asshole too. Have fun. :)

Yes, yes, trolls...:clap2:

Aww don't get all mad now. You're the one posting insulting media and threads here, ya knew you had it coming.

So pull up you're skirt princess, it will get dirty if you post this kind of crap.

Oh, i get it now. You're another Sock Puppet creep. Your gay 'princess' comment gave you away. So you can piss off now SAYIT, dawgshit, candyass, dell and so on. See ya. :)
Here's another good link on MSM Consolidation. The information (Propaganda) you receive, comes from just a handful of powerful Corporations. And they enjoy a very close partnership with the Government. Almost nothing is what it seems with the Government/Media Complex.

Media Consolidation vs. Fragmentation: Action Steps for Government Communicators?
Posted by Dannielle Blumenthal on December 26, 2012 at 1:47pm in Communications, Citizen Engagement, Customer Service

. Fragmented/personalized media

According to the Pew Research Center "State of the News Media 2012" survey:

* Revenue is down for network TV, local TV, magazines and newspapers but increasing for online TV, cable and audio (meaning radio or streaming web audio)

* 54% get news on at least one "digital, web-based device"

* 9% of U.S. adults "get news on any digital device very often through Facebook."...

Media Consolidation vs. Fragmentation: Action Steps for Government Communicators? - GovLoop - Knowledge Network for Government
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You forgot to add the ole "You got Tinfoil Hat" insult. I mean your Troll Buddies wore that one out a long time ago, but you're free to be a boring asshole too. Have fun. :)

Yes, yes, trolls...:clap2:

Aww don't get all mad now. You're the one posting insulting media and threads here, ya knew you had it coming.

So pull up you're skirt princess, it will get dirty if you post this kind of crap.

Oh, i get it now. You're another Sock Puppet creep. Your gay 'princess' comment gave you away. So you can piss off now SAYIT, dawgshit, candyass, dell and so on. See ya. :)


LOL, no sorry no such luck I'm one of a kind and original ask anybody who knows me.. Your overly sensitive reaction earned you the "princess" remark..

You gonna cry now? It's okay, we understand. Better toughen up a little, they will cause you to have a meltdown..
Yes, yes, trolls...:clap2:

Aww don't get all mad now. You're the one posting insulting media and threads here, ya knew you had it coming.

So pull up you're skirt princess, it will get dirty if you post this kind of crap.

Oh, i get it now. You're another Sock Puppet creep. Your gay 'princess' comment gave you away. So you can piss off now SAYIT, dawgshit, candyass, dell and so on. See ya. :)


LOL, no sorry no such luck I'm one of a kind and original ask anybody who knows me.. Your overly sensitive reaction earned you the "princess" remark..

You gonna cry now? It's okay, we understand. Better toughen up a little, they will cause you to have a meltdown..

Ok 'Princess', whatever you say. Seriously, beat it Sock moron.
Oh, i get it now. You're another Sock Puppet creep. Your gay 'princess' comment gave you away. So you can piss off now SAYIT, dawgshit, candyass, dell and so on. See ya. :)


LOL, no sorry no such luck I'm one of a kind and original ask anybody who knows me.. Your overly sensitive reaction earned you the "princess" remark..

You gonna cry now? It's okay, we understand. Better toughen up a little, they will cause you to have a meltdown..

Ok 'Princess', whatever you say. Seriously, beat it Sock moron.

No sorry not a sock... Ask a mod to check, hell check my posts, enjoy yourself.

And Ill go or stay as I please... Don't want me to hurt your feelings? Fine don't post threads that you know will draw negative reactions.

You think posting crap like this doesn't offend people who have kids? Better get a grip junior, people, real people lost their children there. And while they deal with that, they have assholes like you spreading this kind of crap about them..

What did they do to deserve this from you? You don't know any of them, you don't know anything about them really, you just watched an internet video.

If you are doing this to make a buck, you're disgusting. If you're doing this for political reasons, you're despicable, and if you're doing this because you think it's to stop a gun ban, you're a misguided fool as well as despicable.

Whatever reason you are doing this to those people for, you need help... I'm not religious, but I have to say god help you man..
Yes, yes, trolls...:clap2:

Aww don't get all mad now. You're the one posting insulting media and threads here, ya knew you had it coming.

So pull up you're skirt princess, it will get dirty if you post this kind of crap.

Oh, i get it now. You're another Sock Puppet creep. Your gay 'princess' comment gave you away. So you can piss off now SAYIT, dawgshit, candyass, dell and so on. See ya. :)


LOL, no sorry no such luck I'm one of a kind and original ask anybody who knows me.. Your overly sensitive reaction earned you the "princess" remark..

You gonna cry now? It's okay, we understand. Better toughen up a little, they will cause you to have a meltdown..

He thinks you are me because I also call him "Princess." Pauli and his sock (9/11 Hand Job) think everyone who does not subscribe to their CT lunacy is a "gov't paid troll" and anyone who finds them to be less than normal must be "socks." It's just the loony way of rationalizing their situation.
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Oh, i get it now. You're another Sock Puppet creep. Your gay 'princess' comment gave you away. So you can piss off now SAYIT, dawgshit, candyass, dell and so on. See ya. :)


LOL, no sorry no such luck I'm one of a kind and original ask anybody who knows me.. Your overly sensitive reaction earned you the "princess" remark..

You gonna cry now? It's okay, we understand. Better toughen up a little, they will cause you to have a meltdown..

He thinks you are me because I also call him "Princess." Pauli and his sock (9/11 Hand Job) think everyone who does not subscribe to their CT lunacy is a "gov't paid troll" and anyone who finds them to be less than normal to be "socks." It's just the loony way of rationalizing their situation.

Oh ROFL... Well Princess does fit the little sensitive girl..He posts crap like this and has the nerve to be sensitive when people poke at it.. WTH did he expect? He must have had delusions of all of us thanking him for enlightening us all...

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