Santorum, Desperate and Pathetic, panders to Democrats.

Transcript please. I can't view jack.

Really truly in the middle of no where.
Wait a cotton-picking minute. I'm not a Santorum supporter but that is just a little bit fishy.

Why should I believe that Santorum or his staff have anything to do with that ad?

Because at the end the speaker says, "paid for by Rick Santorum for President"?

Color me skeptical. It seems as likely to have been paid for by Mitt Romney's staff or

Wait a cotton-picking minute. I'm not a Santorum supporter but that is just a little bit fishy.

Why should I believe that Santorum or his staff have anything to do with that ad?

Because at the end the speaker says, "paid for by Rick Santorum for President"?

Color me skeptical. It seems as likely to have been paid for by Mitt Romney's staff or


Could be....

However there is this robo call.

First Read - Dirty trick? Gun rights robo calls in Michigan boost Santorum, uses NRA name
Transcript please. I can't view jack.

Really truly in the middle of no where.
Here is the audio, it should work on dial up.

Santorum Robocall Asks Michigan Dems To Vote For Him (AUDIO) | TPM2012


Evan McMorris-Santoro February 27, 2012, 3:51 PM 12823 296 Updated at 5:10 EST with audio of the call.
Updated at 6:12pm EST with confirmation that the call did indeed come from the Santorum campaign
LANSING, MI — Rick Santorum’s campaign is locked in a tight battle with Mitt Romney ahead of Tuesday’s Michigan primary. On Monday his camp started openly courting a demographic that’s not often reached out to in GOP primaries: Democrats.
Michigan’s primary rules allow Dems to vote in the state’s GOP primaries. The liberal site DailyKos and other progressive partners have been trying to drum up enthusiasm for “Operation Hilarity” - an effort to get Democrats to vote in the GOP primary and tilt the vote against Mitt Romney. The Santorum campaign evidently decided they’d take votes from any legitimate source.
Following some speculation that the robocall may have been a “false flag” effort designed to harm Santorum, a spokesman Hogan Gidley confirmed to TPM that they were indeed footing the bill, and reaching beyond party lines. “If we can get the Reagan Democrats in the primary, we can get them in the general,” he told TPM.
It’s a controversial tactic. Bill Ballenger, a longtime Michigan politico and the editor of Inside Michigan Politics, spoke with TPM about the call earlier in the day. He said the call piqued his interest because it sounded like it could have come from a union targeting Romney ahead of the Feb. 28 primary. The call focuses on Romney’s opposition to the auto bailout and calls on Democrats to vote for Santorum Tuesday because of it.
“It went on and on like this and I kept listening because I kind of smelled a rat,” Ballenger said. “And finally at the very end, in a tagline it says, ‘this call was paid for by the Santorum for president committee.’”

TPM readers in Michigan reported Monday receiving the same robocall as Ballenger. TPM Reader BG emailed in to say he’d received a robocall where the “voice sounded Union-ish” and “said the word ‘Democrats’ repeatedly, though not as a derogatory label.” He stayed on to hear who claimed the call in the tagline at the end and “yup, it was from the official Santorum campaign.”
TPM obtained audio of the call from a reader in Trenton, MI who said it showed up on his answering machine Monday morning. Ballenger confirmed the call was the one he heard.
I asked Ballenger, who’s followed many elections in Michigan, if the Santorum call classifies as playing dirty.
“This is a dirty trick,” he said. “I mean, first of all you know how these robocalls are. You get one, generally speaking, you kind of after the first couple of sentences you know what they’re after. If you don’t hang up right away you get the message, right? Well, most people don’t listen all the way through [and] you have to listen to the bitter end of this one to get the clincher. Otherwise, you’d hang up and you’d be convinced this came out of UAW Solidarity House or the Obama reelection campaign.”
What’s more, Ballenger said, the messenger delivering an attack on Romney for opposing the auto bailout is a little disingenuous.
“You talk about chutzpah: here’s Santorum who’s just as opposed to the bailout as Romney is, but he’s putting out robocalls to Democrats urging them to crossover and vote in the Republican for Santorum,” Ballenger said. “The only thing intellectually in the whole message that it seems to be the Santorum committee could use to justify this tactic is the one line that, you know, ‘Romney was all too happy to support bailing out Wall Street, but not Michigan.’ Santorum is in the position all along of ‘a plague on both their houses. No bailouts for anybody.’”
There’s already another controversy about a pro-Santorum robocall which is tagged as coming from the National Rifle Association, but which the gun rights organization denies it is running.
Wait a cotton-picking minute. I'm not a Santorum supporter but that is just a little bit fishy.

Why should I believe that Santorum or his staff have anything to do with that ad?

Because at the end the speaker says, "paid for by Rick Santorum for President"?

Color me skeptical. It seems as likely to have been paid for by Mitt Romney's staff or

inSanitorium's spokesman admitted it came from Tricky Dicky.

Following some speculation that the robocall may have been a “false flag” effort designed to harm Santorum, a spokesman Hogan Gidley confirmed to TPM that they were indeed footing the bill, and reaching beyond party lines. “If we can get the Reagan Democrats in the primary, we can get them in the general,” he told TPM.
Wait a cotton-picking minute. I'm not a Santorum supporter but that is just a little bit fishy.

Why should I believe that Santorum or his staff have anything to do with that ad?

Because at the end the speaker says, "paid for by Rick Santorum for President"?

Color me skeptical. It seems as likely to have been paid for by Mitt Romney's staff or


really? have you heard santorum disavowing the ad?

have you heard about the FEC prosecuting anyone for falsely labeling an ad?

didn't think so.
Wait a cotton-picking minute. I'm not a Santorum supporter but that is just a little bit fishy.

Why should I believe that Santorum or his staff have anything to do with that ad?

Because at the end the speaker says, "paid for by Rick Santorum for President"?

Color me skeptical. It seems as likely to have been paid for by Mitt Romney's staff or


Helloooooooooo Immanuel he was just on Hannity admitting that he paid for it and I did not see Mitt Romney holding a gun to his head, he is proud of it.

Santorum is a FRAUD.
Wait a cotton-picking minute. I'm not a Santorum supporter but that is just a little bit fishy.

Why should I believe that Santorum or his staff have anything to do with that ad?

Because at the end the speaker says, "paid for by Rick Santorum for President"?

Color me skeptical. It seems as likely to have been paid for by Mitt Romney's staff or


really? have you heard santorum disavowing the ad?

have you heard about the FEC prosecuting anyone for falsely labeling an ad?

didn't think so.

This is the first I have even heard of the ad, what has it been five minutes? The answer is no, not only that, I don't listen to anything said by Santorum any longer, but I have to say, I've been reading a few of the leftists threads on this site and I have noticed that what is put in the title of the thread and the OP don't exactly mesh with what the OP says.

Dishonest liberals? Hmm, no such thing right?

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Wait a cotton-picking minute. I'm not a Santorum supporter but that is just a little bit fishy.

Why should I believe that Santorum or his staff have anything to do with that ad?

Because at the end the speaker says, "paid for by Rick Santorum for President"?

Color me skeptical. It seems as likely to have been paid for by Mitt Romney's staff or


really? have you heard santorum disavowing the ad?

have you heard about the FEC prosecuting anyone for falsely labeling an ad?

didn't think so.

This is the first I have even heard of the ad, what has it been five minutes? The answer is no, not only that, I don't listen to anything said by Santorum any longer, but I have to say, I've been reading a few of the leftists threads on this site and I have noticed that what is put in the title of the thread and the OP don't exactly mesh with what the OP says.

Dishonest liberals? Hmm, no such thing right?


he said listening to john f kennedy talk about separation of church and state made him want to throw up.

how's that dishonest?

you don't like stupid... pick better candidates.
Wait a cotton-picking minute. I'm not a Santorum supporter but that is just a little bit fishy.

Why should I believe that Santorum or his staff have anything to do with that ad?

Because at the end the speaker says, "paid for by Rick Santorum for President"?

Color me skeptical. It seems as likely to have been paid for by Mitt Romney's staff or


Helloooooooooo Immanuel he was just on Hannity admitting that he paid for it and I did not see Mitt Romney holding a gun to his head, he is proud of it.

Santorum is a FRAUD.

Oh? I am supposed to know that Hannity told you this?

Didn't know I was required to watch Hannity too. Sorry, but if that is a requirement, I resign from whatever position I hold that requires that or whatever club I belong to.

Wait a minute... Hannity told you this... well that settles it, now I am even more suspect about it. :D

Wait a cotton-picking minute. I'm not a Santorum supporter but that is just a little bit fishy.

Why should I believe that Santorum or his staff have anything to do with that ad?

Because at the end the speaker says, "paid for by Rick Santorum for President"?

Color me skeptical. It seems as likely to have been paid for by Mitt Romney's staff or


Helloooooooooo Immanuel he was just on Hannity admitting that he paid for it and I did not see Mitt Romney holding a gun to his head, he is proud of it.

Santorum is a FRAUD.

Voted most corrupt senator.
Calls himself a devout Catholic yet tithes less than 2.4% of his million dollar income.
Sues a Chiropractor for $500,000 while he touts tort reform.
Lived in Washington while claiming residence in Pennsylvania, and bills the state of Penn for the education of his kids which are home schooled.

Sorry none of that Christian BS from this fraud fits and now this pandering to LIBERAL UNION DEMOCRATS to throw a primary. Absolutely pond scum. I am awaiting your defense of this.
really? have you heard santorum disavowing the ad?

have you heard about the FEC prosecuting anyone for falsely labeling an ad?

didn't think so.

This is the first I have even heard of the ad, what has it been five minutes? The answer is no, not only that, I don't listen to anything said by Santorum any longer, but I have to say, I've been reading a few of the leftists threads on this site and I have noticed that what is put in the title of the thread and the OP don't exactly mesh with what the OP says.

Dishonest liberals? Hmm, no such thing right?


he said listening to john f kennedy talk about separation of church and state made him want to throw up.

how's that dishonest?

you don't like stupid... pick better candidates.

No, that is not what he said!

Read the article.

He said that the idea of people of faith not having a voice in the public square makes him want to throw up. That is how your buddy was dishonest.

And I will repeat Santorum is not my candidate. The chances of me voting for Obama are 0%. The chances of me voting for any republican are .00095%.

Wait a cotton-picking minute. I'm not a Santorum supporter but that is just a little bit fishy.

Why should I believe that Santorum or his staff have anything to do with that ad?

Because at the end the speaker says, "paid for by Rick Santorum for President"?

Color me skeptical. It seems as likely to have been paid for by Mitt Romney's staff or


Helloooooooooo Immanuel he was just on Hannity admitting that he paid for it and I did not see Mitt Romney holding a gun to his head, he is proud of it.

Santorum is a FRAUD.

Oh? I am supposed to know that Hannity told you this?

Didn't know I was required to watch Hannity too. Sorry, but if that is a requirement, I resign from whatever position I hold that requires that or whatever club I belong to.

Wait a minute... Hannity told you this... well that settles it, now I am even more suspect about it. :D


Santorum or maybe it was his look-a-like that was on Hannity talking proudly of his add pandering to LIBERAL UNION DEMOCRATS to throw an election. DESPICABLE.
Wait a cotton-picking minute. I'm not a Santorum supporter but that is just a little bit fishy.

Why should I believe that Santorum or his staff have anything to do with that ad?

Because at the end the speaker says, "paid for by Rick Santorum for President"?

Color me skeptical. It seems as likely to have been paid for by Mitt Romney's staff or


Immanuel, you are looking pretty stupid here, I never thought I would say this but Julian a liberal is looking a whole lot smarter than you are.:lol:
Helloooooooooo Immanuel he was just on Hannity admitting that he paid for it and I did not see Mitt Romney holding a gun to his head, he is proud of it.

Santorum is a FRAUD.

Oh? I am supposed to know that Hannity told you this?

Didn't know I was required to watch Hannity too. Sorry, but if that is a requirement, I resign from whatever position I hold that requires that or whatever club I belong to.

Wait a minute... Hannity told you this... well that settles it, now I am even more suspect about it. :D


Santorum or maybe it was his look-a-like that was on Hannity talking proudly of his add pandering to LIBERAL UNION DEMOCRATS to throw an election. DESPICABLE.

Again, since when and for what reason am I required to watch Hannity? From whatever club or group, I supposedly belong that requires me to watch Hannity I HEREBY RESIGN!

How am I supposed to know he admitted it on Hannity?

And Ed, I saw and skimmed your post with the information. Thank you for providing that info. It does in fact appear that Santorum stooped to those levels. I can only assure you that it did nothing to change the fact that I won't be voting for a Republican come November.

Wait a cotton-picking minute. I'm not a Santorum supporter but that is just a little bit fishy.

Why should I believe that Santorum or his staff have anything to do with that ad?

Because at the end the speaker says, "paid for by Rick Santorum for President"?

Color me skeptical. It seems as likely to have been paid for by Mitt Romney's staff or


Immanuel, you are looking pretty stupid here, I never thought I would say this but Julian a liberal is looking a whole lot smarter than you are.:lol:

Because I don't kneel with you at Hannity's feet?

I guess if that is what you think is smart, you'll have to live with it.

Santorum can't get a break. When he bends a little bit the phony political "experts" call him scum. When he stays firm the phony political "experts" say he is unbending.
For those of you who actually believe that Santorum said that the Separation of Church and state made him want to throw up, here is the direct quote for HuffPost itself. Now, I am sure that if the liars at HuffPost had thought about it, they would have changed to quote to what luddly claimed it was, but they didn't.

Rick Santorum on Sunday took on separation of church and state.

"I don't believe in an America where the separation of church and state are absolute," he told 'This Week' host George Stephanopoulos. "The idea that the church can have no influence or no involvement in the operation of the state is absolutely antithetical to the objectives and vision of our say that people of faith have no role in the public square? You bet that makes me want to throw up."

Emphasis added, but notice the ellipsis meaning that part of the quote has been removed.

See link provided by me earlier to the thread and follow the link in the op.

He says that for anyone to say that people of faith have no role in the public square it makes him want to throw up.

You know what? The idea that anyone of us would say that others of us have no right to have a voice in the public arena makes me want to throw up too. In that, I am in complete agreement with Rick Santorum.

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