Sarah Palin being considered for Secretary of Veterans Affairs

You're too retarded. When did I ever claim Letterman apologized for something he didn't do?


You are actually insane.

, "the purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of IngSoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible. Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express, while excluding all other meaning and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods. This was done partly by the invention of new words, but chiefly by eliminating undesirable words and stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings, and so far as possible of all secondary meaning whatever."[2] The idea that language influences worldview is linguistic relativity.

Such doubleplus goodthink you offer, Comrade.

He told a joke for which he apologized. I never said he didn't tell the joke.

Except for the 40 times you did claim that he didn't suggest a 14 year old be raped.

Such doubleplus goodthink Comrade.

What I did say, but you're too dimwitted to comprehend, was his intended target of the joke was 18 year old (at that time) Bristol Palin, not 14 year old Willow.

Bristol was not present, Letterman blindly targeted Sarah Palin's children, because she is an enemy of the Khmer Rouge and you will say or do ANYTHING to smear or harm your enemies. There are no limits with your scum, you have no ethics, no integrity, no moral code, The ONLY thing you value is party.

How did the Killing Fields happen? It's pretty fucking obvious.
Speaking of being divorced from reality -- where did I ever deny Trump won the election in a landslide?

Wow; you are a sociopath's sociopath

"You don't know what you're talking about. CNN was not far off and within the margin of error

CNN .... Hillary: 49%; Trump: 44%
Actual ... Hillary: 48%; Trump: 46%"

Really stupid fuck, you are beyond insane.

Oh, wait, I never did. You're just another demented conservative. :cuckoo:

If it serves the party you post it, Reality be damned, eh Comrade?
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Palin should be given a job proportionate with her talents. Perhaps she should be put in charge of deciding whether the new collectible postage stamps should have a picture of an elk, or a reindeer. She could be given the responsibility of enforcing the law that forbids the removal of tags from mattresses. She could be be given traffic control authority on Amtrak from New Orleans to Florida. I suspect that she could handle it, since the track was washed out by Katrina and never replaced.
I'm a retired US Navy sailor, with over 20 years of service, and I respectfully disagree with you.

ANYONE who has served a full term and was discharged with Under Honorable Conditions discharge or better, gets to have the title of veteran. They earned it, regardless of what I think of their politics.

There are people on this board who are also veterans and we disagree quite a bit, but we recognize each others service and honor that part of them, if not the rest.

You should do so as well, even if you don't like Kerry. He served the time, he's a vet.

I disagree ... it has nothing to do with politics.

It has to do with his performance AS a veteran. He has forfeited my respect. (The operative word is "honor")

You gotta admit if you're being honest, that there are people currently in the military and those who have served honorably and gotten out, who were pretty crappy human beings. I had a LT on my first ship who was a ring knocker who thought he knew everything (he didn't), as well as have worked with enlisted people who did their job, did it fairly well, but were miserable to be around.

Even though I didn't like those people and thought they were piss poor excuses for human beings, I still recognized their service as veterans if they had a General Under Honorable Conditions or better discharge.

The only ones I don't consider veterans are those whose DD214s say General Under Other Than Honorable Conditions (OTH), Bad Conduct Discharge (BCD, also known as Big Chicken Dinner), or Dishonorable, because the military said they didn't recognize their service as honorable.

Everyone else? If the military recognizes their service as Honorable, that's good enough for me, even if I don't like them.

Kerry did serve and managed to come home after a shortened tour due to three band aid injuries. He did get an Honhiorable discharge and then got lower than whale shit as a veteran by throwing his military ribbons over the White House wall to protest the Vietnam war. He then testified before Congress:

"They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."

4/22/71 War ended on 8/15/73

He gave aid and comfort to the enemy while we were still engaged in armed conflict and is in a tie with Jane Fonda for being a traitor and a sorry human being, IMHO.
I recall an interview with Kerry's wife where she spoke of Kerry being awakened often from the pain from one of his wounds. Degrading his service just shows what a dick you are. Actually, Kerry's post war actions helped end the Vietnam war earlier & that save soldier's lives

Those atrocities did happen.

Unmitigated horseshit!! What part of Kerry's lies were well and truly proven as such by CID investigation did you miss? Kerry and his crew (Winter Soldier cult)were liars in sworn testimony to Congress which is itself a serious criminal offence. Kerry met and conspired with enemy officials during time of war (treason). Kerry's "wounds" altogether might have been almost as serious as your average paper cut. Kerry never had any knowledge of actual atrocities. Yes he volunteered for swift boat duty and saw a minuscule amount of combat after which he dishonored himself in his efforts to abandon his boat crew and chicken out of the duty he had volunteered for. He was and is about on a par with pond scum and degrading his (lack of) service is in fact simply accepting reality.
So you are sticking with the concept that there were no atrocities in the Vietnam War by US soldiers.
You're too retarded. When did I ever claim Letterman apologized for something he didn't do?


You are actually insane.

, "the purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of IngSoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible. Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express, while excluding all other meaning and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods. This was done partly by the invention of new words, but chiefly by eliminating undesirable words and stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings, and so far as possible of all secondary meaning whatever."[2] The idea that language influences worldview is linguistic relativity.

Such doubleplus goodthink you offer, Comrade.
Moron, I never denied Trump won the election in a landslide. Your belief that I did exposes how rightarded you are.

He told a joke for which he apologized. I never said he didn't tell the joke.

Except for the 40 times you did claim that he didn't suggest a 14 year old be raped.

Such doubleplus goodthink Comrade.

What I did say, but you're too dimwitted to comprehend, was his intended target of the joke was 18 year old (at that time) Bristol Palin, not 14 year old Willow.

Bristol was not present, Letterman blindly targeted Sarah Palin's children, because she is an enemy of the Khmer Rouge and you will say or do ANYTHING to smear or harm your enemies. There are no limits with your scum, you have no ethics, no integrity, no moral code, The ONLY thing you value is party.

How did the Killing Fields happen? It's pretty fucking obvious.
I took the liberty to highlight the key word YOU used ... yes, he blindly assumed it was Bristol who accompanied Sarah to the game upon hearing Sarah Palin and her daughter went to a Yankees game.

Even you know he wasn't talking about Willow and yet you persist with your nutbaggery.
He can't even find a single notable economist who agrees with him; rendering his opinion, lies.

Notable economist Comrade?

I assume you think Krugman is the ONLY economist in the world, yes?

You know less than nothing about economics, moron.
Sadly, your insanity persists. :(

I said nothing about conservative or Liberal economists. Just that they be notable. I care not of which ideology they adhere. Otherwise that liar might find someone posting something from
Moron, I never denied Trump won the election in a landslide. Your belief that I did exposes how rightarded you are.

Retard, you lied that the polls were very close to correct.

They were vastly wrong.

I took the liberty to highlight the key word YOU used ... yes, he blindly assumed it was Bristol who accompanied Sarah to the game upon hearing Sarah Palin and her daughter went to a Yankees game.

Even you know he wasn't talking about Willow and yet you persist with your nutbaggery.

Again, he didn't give a FUCK who it was, he sought to use the children of his enemy to hurt them. That is what you of the Khmer Rouge do. He in FACT suggested a 14 year old be raped. You're good with that because Palin is an enemy of the party. There are no limits to what you would do to hurt those whom you are ordered to hate.
Moron, I never denied Trump won the election in a landslide. Your belief that I did exposes how rightarded you are.

Retard, you lied that the polls were very close to correct.

They were vastly wrong.
Some were, some weren't. CNN was not far off. In the popular vote, they were off by 3 points (within the margin of error). In the electoral vote, they were accurate in 48 out of 50 states plus D.C.. And the 3 states they were wrong in were states Trump won by slim margins.

What you seem incapable of comprehending is their electoral map was comprised of hundreds of individual state polls. You're actually dumb enough to believe because Trump won the overall electoral vote in a landslide, that makes all the polls wrong when in fact, it was just a handful that were off.

I took the liberty to highlight the key word YOU used ... yes, he blindly assumed it was Bristol who accompanied Sarah to the game upon hearing Sarah Palin and her daughter went to a Yankees game.

Even you know he wasn't talking about Willow and yet you persist with your nutbaggery.

Again, he didn't give a FUCK who it was, he sought to use the children of his enemy to hurt them. That is what you of the Khmer Rouge do. He in FACT suggested a 14 year old be raped. You're good with that because Palin is an enemy of the party. There are no limits to what you would do to hurt those whom you are ordered to hate.
Now you've gone over the cliff with your nutbaggery with such ludicrous nonsense as though the right never attacks Liberals' kids. And I'm good with him apologizing for telling a joke about Bristol.
I think she's probably qualified, I bet she's been fighting against STDs for a long time.
Who was polled to determine his job approval? How many americans? where do they live? Give us the stats of the poll or STFU
Here ya go, contact Gallup for those details...

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

1500 people out of 330,000,000. Gallop also predicted that HRC would win and that there was no path to 270 EC votes for Trump.

you are free to buy this shit if you want, but the election of novermber 2016 proved that the pollsters are both biased and incompetent.
Here .... lemme help you with those Gallup election poll numbers you're struggling to find....

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Uh, Gallop is not on the RCP list that you cited.
Exactly. Because Gallup didn't weigh in with such polls.

Got anything else?

That's your homework assignment. Have you forgotten already? You're the one who claimed Gallup's polls predicted a Hillary victory. It's your job to prove that, not mine.

You posted something from RCP that you claimed proved your point about Gallop, but your cite did not even include anything from Gallop.

You made the original claim about Gallop polling, not me.

are you crazy as well as stupid?
Who was polled to determine his job approval? How many americans? where do they live? Give us the stats of the poll or STFU
Here ya go, contact Gallup for those details...

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

1500 people out of 330,000,000. Gallop also predicted that HRC would win and that there was no path to 270 EC votes for Trump.

you are free to buy this shit if you want, but the election of novermber 2016 proved that the pollsters are both biased and incompetent.
Here .... lemme help you with those Gallup election poll numbers you're struggling to find....

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Uh, Gallop is not on the RCP list that you cited. Got anything else?

You claimed Gallup polls predicted a Clinton win. You lie.

OK, I misquoted Gallup. Please forgive me. Let me rephrase: Many pollsters predicted a Hillary win, they were all wrong----------happy now?
Here ya go, contact Gallup for those details...

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

1500 people out of 330,000,000. Gallop also predicted that HRC would win and that there was no path to 270 EC votes for Trump.

you are free to buy this shit if you want, but the election of novermber 2016 proved that the pollsters are both biased and incompetent.
Here .... lemme help you with those Gallup election poll numbers you're struggling to find....

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Uh, Gallop is not on the RCP list that you cited. Got anything else?

You claimed Gallup polls predicted a Clinton win. You lie.

OK, I misquoted Gallup. Please forgive me. Let me rephrase: Many pollsters predicted a Hillary win, they were all wrong----------happy now?

Given that almost all of the major pollsters did a national popular vote poll, every one of them that called it for Hillary Clinton was right.

You know who got it wrong? That LA poll that all the RWnuts kept pushing. They called the popular vote for Trump.
1500 people out of 330,000,000. Gallop also predicted that HRC would win and that there was no path to 270 EC votes for Trump.

you are free to buy this shit if you want, but the election of novermber 2016 proved that the pollsters are both biased and incompetent.
Here .... lemme help you with those Gallup election poll numbers you're struggling to find....

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Uh, Gallop is not on the RCP list that you cited. Got anything else?

You claimed Gallup polls predicted a Clinton win. You lie.

OK, I misquoted Gallup. Please forgive me. Let me rephrase: Many pollsters predicted a Hillary win, they were all wrong----------happy now?

Given that almost all of the major pollsters did a national popular vote poll, every one of them that called it for Hillary Clinton was right.

You know who got it wrong? That LA poll that all the RWnuts kept pushing. They called the popular vote for Trump.

nice spin. the pollsters said that Hillary had a 60-80 chance of winning the election, not the PV or the EC. They also said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They were wrong. We do not elect presidents by PV so that count really means nothing, zero, zip, nada, zilch. but keep it up if it makes your pain less
Here ya go, contact Gallup for those details...

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

1500 people out of 330,000,000. Gallop also predicted that HRC would win and that there was no path to 270 EC votes for Trump.

you are free to buy this shit if you want, but the election of novermber 2016 proved that the pollsters are both biased and incompetent.
Here .... lemme help you with those Gallup election poll numbers you're struggling to find....

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Uh, Gallop is not on the RCP list that you cited.
Exactly. Because Gallup didn't weigh in with such polls.

Got anything else?

That's your homework assignment. Have you forgotten already? You're the one who claimed Gallup's polls predicted a Hillary victory. It's your job to prove that, not mine.

You posted something from RCP that you claimed proved your point about Gallop, but your cite did not even include anything from Gallop.
You're lying again. I never said that RCP link proved my claim about Gallup. I said it would help you with finding Gallup's numbers which it does. Gallup didn't publish such numbers and the link I gave you demonstrated that by listing virtually every poll yet Gallup was not among them.

Proving you lied again when you falsely claimed Gallup's numbers were wrong.

You made the original claim about Gallop polling, not me.

are you crazy as well as stupid?
Let's review this, shall we....?

What I posted about Gallup had nothing to do with election numbers. I pointed out how Gallup has Obama's job approval rating at 57%, matching Ronald Reagan's during the first week of December, 1988.

I posted a link to Gallup to prove what I said was accurate. Unlike you, who can never post a link because there are no links to the lies you tell.

You replied to my post about Gallup's presidential job approval rating as though it's meaningless because Gallup was wrong in predicting Hillary would win the election.

Only you lied again since Gallup never produced any such poll.

Do you ever stop lying?

I disagree ... it has nothing to do with politics.

It has to do with his performance AS a veteran. He has forfeited my respect. (The operative word is "honor")

You gotta admit if you're being honest, that there are people currently in the military and those who have served honorably and gotten out, who were pretty crappy human beings. I had a LT on my first ship who was a ring knocker who thought he knew everything (he didn't), as well as have worked with enlisted people who did their job, did it fairly well, but were miserable to be around.

Even though I didn't like those people and thought they were piss poor excuses for human beings, I still recognized their service as veterans if they had a General Under Honorable Conditions or better discharge.

The only ones I don't consider veterans are those whose DD214s say General Under Other Than Honorable Conditions (OTH), Bad Conduct Discharge (BCD, also known as Big Chicken Dinner), or Dishonorable, because the military said they didn't recognize their service as honorable.

Everyone else? If the military recognizes their service as Honorable, that's good enough for me, even if I don't like them.

Kerry did serve and managed to come home after a shortened tour due to three band aid injuries. He did get an Honhiorable discharge and then got lower than whale shit as a veteran by throwing his military ribbons over the White House wall to protest the Vietnam war. He then testified before Congress:

"They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."

4/22/71 War ended on 8/15/73

He gave aid and comfort to the enemy while we were still engaged in armed conflict and is in a tie with Jane Fonda for being a traitor and a sorry human being, IMHO.
I recall an interview with Kerry's wife where she spoke of Kerry being awakened often from the pain from one of his wounds. Degrading his service just shows what a dick you are. Actually, Kerry's post war actions helped end the Vietnam war earlier & that save soldier's lives

Those atrocities did happen.

Unmitigated horseshit!! What part of Kerry's lies were well and truly proven as such by CID investigation did you miss? Kerry and his crew (Winter Soldier cult)were liars in sworn testimony to Congress which is itself a serious criminal offence. Kerry met and conspired with enemy officials during time of war (treason). Kerry's "wounds" altogether might have been almost as serious as your average paper cut. Kerry never had any knowledge of actual atrocities. Yes he volunteered for swift boat duty and saw a minuscule amount of combat after which he dishonored himself in his efforts to abandon his boat crew and chicken out of the duty he had volunteered for. He was and is about on a par with pond scum and degrading his (lack of) service is in fact simply accepting reality.
So you are sticking with the concept that there were no atrocities in the Vietnam War by US soldiers.

When and where exactly did I say any such thing?
Kerry claimed atrocites by GIs were routine, commonplace and ignored by US officers. This was a lie and he was never in a position-nor was he there long enough-to know this even if it had been true. I was there for a full tour and as an Army medic in a much better position to see or know about them had they taken place. Kerry is/was simply a pathetic wannabe and liar.
Sadly, your insanity persists. :(

I said nothing about conservative or Liberal economists. Just that they be notable. I care not of which ideology they adhere. Otherwise that liar might find someone posting something from

Again, as a libtard with zero grasp on economic principle, one can only guess that you would see no one notable save Krugman.

After all, they aren't putting up Ludwig Von Mises or Milton Freidman on DailyKOS, so your exposure to any reputable economist will be non-existent.

And let's face facts, it's not like you've read the General Theory or grasp multipliers from the Keynesian school. The hate sites tell you that you support it, so you do.

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