Sarah Palin being considered for Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Yes I'd call that a landslide.

Sadly, your insanity persists. :(

I said nothing about conservative or Liberal economists. Just that they be notable. I care not of which ideology they adhere. Otherwise that liar might find someone posting something from

Again, as a libtard with zero grasp on economic principle, one can only guess that you would see no one notable save Krugman.

That's evidence that you're delusional. What's hysterical is you don't even realize that.

You only think I meant Krugman because you're as crazy as folks say you are. I never said anything other than, "notable economist," so he doesn't quote an imbecile like you.

I don't care about the ideology of the economist he quotes. Why would I? There isn't a notable economist on the planet who says the nonsense he posted.
Here .... lemme help you with those Gallup election poll numbers you're struggling to find....

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Uh, Gallop is not on the RCP list that you cited. Got anything else?

You claimed Gallup polls predicted a Clinton win. You lie.

OK, I misquoted Gallup. Please forgive me. Let me rephrase: Many pollsters predicted a Hillary win, they were all wrong----------happy now?

Given that almost all of the major pollsters did a national popular vote poll, every one of them that called it for Hillary Clinton was right.

You know who got it wrong? That LA poll that all the RWnuts kept pushing. They called the popular vote for Trump.

nice spin. the pollsters said that Hillary had a 60-80 chance of winning the election, not the PV or the EC. They also said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They were wrong. We do not elect presidents by PV so that count really means nothing, zero, zip, nada, zilch. but keep it up if it makes your pain less
Oh, look, you're lying again. Who could have seen that coming.

Despite your lie that pollsters didn't poll the popular vote, here's a hundred or so polls indicating the Hillary was expected win the popular vote by a few percentage points....

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Do you ever stop lying?

Yes I'd call that a landslide.


So you consider LA county to be equal to whatever county Nome Alaska is in?

This is as stupid as that red/blue map . "Oohhhh more red ! "

There are more people in LA county, but if the popular vote was the deciding factor in who would be President, the people of Nome, Alaska or anywhere else in Alaska would have no say whatsoever. The population of Los Angeles county alone is more than 10 times that of the entire State of Alaksa. The Founders in their wisdom balanced the power with the EC so that everybody would matter though the high population states still have an advantage in sheer numbers.

Maybe it is the same concept that somebody like Sarah Palin should not be barred from public service and ability to contribute what she can contribute just because she would not qualify for many or most positions in public service.
Does it matter. She will quit within a year. She quits everything she starts.

Rather than be bankrupted by dirtbag leftist nuisance-suits designed to....bankrupt her, yes she quit. The state of Alaska no longer requires their Governor to pay for lawsuits against the office....too late to get Sarah's $500K back.
Does it matter. She will quit within a year. She quits everything she starts.

Rather than be bankrupted by dirtbag leftist nuisance-suits designed to....bankrupt her, yes she quit. The state of Alaska no longer requires their Governor to pay for lawsuits against the office....too late to get Sarah's $500K back.

So, you are OK with it because she got to keep money she stole?
I'm a veteran ...

John Kerry, on the other hand, doesn't deserve the title of veteran. He is, and was, a self serving egotist focused only on enhancing his own career while willingly, and intentionally, sacrificing his men in order to forward his career goals.

He is an embarrassment to the veteran community.

I'm a retired US Navy sailor, with over 20 years of service, and I respectfully disagree with you.

ANYONE who has served a full term and was discharged with Under Honorable Conditions discharge or better, gets to have the title of veteran. They earned it, regardless of what I think of their politics.

There are people on this board who are also veterans and we disagree quite a bit, but we recognize each others service and honor that part of them, if not the rest.

You should do so as well, even if you don't like Kerry. He served the time, he's a vet.

I disagree ... it has nothing to do with politics.

It has to do with his performance AS a veteran. He has forfeited my respect. (The operative word is "honor")

You gotta admit if you're being honest, that there are people currently in the military and those who have served honorably and gotten out, who were pretty crappy human beings. I had a LT on my first ship who was a ring knocker who thought he knew everything (he didn't), as well as have worked with enlisted people who did their job, did it fairly well, but were miserable to be around.

Even though I didn't like those people and thought they were piss poor excuses for human beings, I still recognized their service as veterans if they had a General Under Honorable Conditions or better discharge.

The only ones I don't consider veterans are those whose DD214s say General Under Other Than Honorable Conditions (OTH), Bad Conduct Discharge (BCD, also known as Big Chicken Dinner), or Dishonorable, because the military said they didn't recognize their service as honorable.

Everyone else? If the military recognizes their service as Honorable, that's good enough for me, even if I don't like them.

Kerry did serve and managed to come home after a shortened tour due to three band aid injuries. He did get an Honhiorable discharge and then got lower than whale shit as a veteran by throwing his military ribbons over the White House wall to protest the Vietnam war. He then testified before Congress:

"They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."

4/22/71 War ended on 8/15/73

He gave aid and comfort to the enemy while we were still engaged in armed conflict and is in a tie with Jane Fonda for being a traitor and a sorry human being, IMHO.
I recall an interview with Kerry's wife where she spoke of Kerry being awakened often from the pain from one of his wounds. Degrading his service just shows what a dick you are. Actually, Kerry's post war actions helped end the Vietnam war earlier & that save soldier's lives

Those atrocities did happen.
Yep.....John Kerry never spent one day in a hospital being treated. He wrote his own recommendation for his awards. One of his Purple Hearts was his own fault. He threw a concussion grenade into a pile of rice and he caught a little rice-shrapnel from it. He took care of the wound with a small bandage.

John Kerry’s ‘self-inflicted’ Purple Heart, Bronze Star
Does it matter. She will quit within a year. She quits everything she starts.

Rather than be bankrupted by dirtbag leftist nuisance-suits designed to....bankrupt her, yes she quit. The state of Alaska no longer requires their Governor to pay for lawsuits against the office....too late to get Sarah's $500K back.

So, you are OK with it because she got to keep money she stole?
I don't know what that's about, but she must be financially brave, so she's qualified to run the VA.
Does it matter. She will quit within a year. She quits everything she starts.

Rather than be bankrupted by dirtbag leftist nuisance-suits designed to....bankrupt her, yes she quit. The state of Alaska no longer requires their Governor to pay for lawsuits against the office....too late to get Sarah's $500K back.

So, you are OK with it because she got to keep money she stole?
I don't know what that's about, but she must be financially brave, so she's qualified to run the VA.
Progressives don't even know what the job entails, because they treat our veterans like shit… Fact
Some were, some weren't. CNN was not far off. In the popular vote, they were off by 3 points (within the margin of error). In the electoral vote,

They predicted Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin all for Clinton.

You are again spewing shit, making things up that fit the Soros narrative with zero regard for facts.

they were accurate in 48 out of 50 states plus D.C.. And the 3 states they were wrong in were states Trump won by slim margins.


CNN did NOT predict a Trump victory.

What you seem incapable of comprehending is their electoral map was comprised of hundreds of individual state polls. You're actually dumb enough to believe because Trump won the overall electoral vote in a landslide, that makes all the polls wrong when in fact, it was just a handful that were off.

You are simply lying; as everyone here knows.


Clinton's path to 270: The blue wall - CNN Video

Now you've gone over the cliff with your nutbaggery with such ludicrous nonsense as though the right never attacks Liberals' kids. And I'm good with him apologizing for telling a joke about Bristol.

No one is as vicious as you leftists. You will say ANYTHING to attack those whom you hate. You have no class, no integrity, and no values. You are a shameless liar, as this post shows, and care only about slandering the enemies of the Khmer Rouge.


That's evidence that you're delusional. What's hysterical is you don't even realize that.

You only think I meant Krugman because you're as crazy as folks say you are. I never said anything other than, "notable economist," so he doesn't quote an imbecile like you.

I don't care about the ideology of the economist he quotes. Why would I? There isn't a notable economist on the planet who says the nonsense he posted.

Dude, you're a mindless hack. What other economist is on the Soros hate sites?

Whoever is put i that post, we need them to be passionate about making sure our veterans are taken care of. Maybe she can shake somethings up and get people into to posts take will listen and take action.
Palin could certainly be A secretary at the VA. I'm sure she can answer phones and work a computer.

That's good, we had a Secretary of State that couldn't operate a computer or figure out her emails and how to classify them. That lady was an idiot.
Uh, Gallop is not on the RCP list that you cited. Got anything else?

You claimed Gallup polls predicted a Clinton win. You lie.

OK, I misquoted Gallup. Please forgive me. Let me rephrase: Many pollsters predicted a Hillary win, they were all wrong----------happy now?

Given that almost all of the major pollsters did a national popular vote poll, every one of them that called it for Hillary Clinton was right.

You know who got it wrong? That LA poll that all the RWnuts kept pushing. They called the popular vote for Trump.

nice spin. the pollsters said that Hillary had a 60-80 chance of winning the election, not the PV or the EC. They also said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They were wrong. We do not elect presidents by PV so that count really means nothing, zero, zip, nada, zilch. but keep it up if it makes your pain less
Oh, look, you're lying again. Who could have seen that coming.

Despite your lie that pollsters didn't poll the popular vote, here's a hundred or so polls indicating the Hillary was expected win the popular vote by a few percentage points....

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Do you ever stop lying?


Do you ever stop misquoting me and others? I never said that pollsters did not create polls on the PV. They did, and they favored HRC. But the PV is a meaningless statistic. We don't use the PV to elect presidents. If you don't like that, get a constitutional amendment through both houses of congress and then get 38 states to ratify it.

YES, hilly may have won the popular vote because neither of them campaigned in California or New York-------------it means nothing. They both ran their campaigns to win the EC, and she lost. Get over it, you ran a terrible corrupt candidate and she got her ass kicked in the only vote that matters.
Will Palin do a good job as VA secretary? We may or may not find out. 52 pages of bullshit on something that may or may not happen. and, yes, I contributed to it.

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