Sarah Palin being considered for Secretary of Veterans Affairs

I think she'd be great pick if for no other reason to drive the moonbats even crazier.

You know it has occurred to me that he is picking people who have been demonized by the libtards! I wonder if that is by design?

When will he appointed you? I can see it now, Willow Tree as secretary of hate, fear and ignorance for Big Brother.
I think she'd be great pick if for no other reason to drive the moonbats even crazier.

You know it has occurred to me that he is picking people who have been demonized by the libtards! I wonder if that is by design?

When will he appointed you? I can see it now, Willow Tree as secretary of hate, fear and ignorance for Big Brother.
Oh just shove it up your liberal ass. You folks are boring.
I think she'd be great pick if for no other reason to drive the moonbats even crazier.

You know it has occurred to me that he is picking people who have been demonized by the libtards! I wonder if that is by design?

Yes that's it. Fuck qualifications.
It will never get worse than the last eight years. Buckle up buttercup!

'Dumbest quote of the century, and dumber than any quote in the 20th Century too.

Come on WT, you can't be as stupid as even I think you are? Your post is stupid on steroids.
I think she'd be great pick if for no other reason to drive the moonbats even crazier.

You know it has occurred to me that he is picking people who have been demonized by the libtards! I wonder if that is by design?

When will he appointe you? I can see it now, Willow Tree as secretary of hate, fear and ignorance for Big Brother.
Oh just shove it up your liberal ass. You folks are boring.

Nice. Admit it Willow, you must know on some level how truly mentally challenged you are.
Palin could certainly be A secretary at the VA. I'm sure she can answer phones and work a computer.

She would be great at setting the agenda on the death panel.
Her agenda on your death panel is to end it....sadness on you....

You don't know how correct you are. Of course she would put me and others who challenge her and others like her in railroad car and murder us. It is the way of the fascist.
Great idea! If we want to learn about John Kerry's past -- let's read about it on worldnet daily.


Well, not clever.

Keep reading your fake news from trusted liberal sites and spend the rest of your life ignorant.
Aww, how cute ... a person who gets their information from worldnet daily accusing others of reading fake news from ideologically bent sources.

Would a investigation be a better source?
Can you find any snopes article they got wrong?

You want to disprove snopes --- go ahead. I'm not that invested in the answer (note: I did modify my original post to give you some ammunition if you continue to be insistent about something you can't prove or disprove.)
That's ok, I knew you couldn't.


Seems so did you.

Well, not clever.

Keep reading your fake news from trusted liberal sites and spend the rest of your life ignorant.
Aww, how cute ... a person who gets their information from worldnet daily accusing others of reading fake news from ideologically bent sources.

Would a investigation be a better source?
Can you find any snopes article they got wrong?

You want to disprove snopes --- go ahead. I'm not that invested in the answer (note: I did modify my original post to give you some ammunition if you continue to be insistent about something you can't prove or disprove.)
That's ok, I knew you couldn't.


Seems so did you.

Given that Snopes proved you to be a bald-faced liar, I certainly am not motivated to prove them wrong.
Aww, how cute ... a person who gets their information from worldnet daily accusing others of reading fake news from ideologically bent sources.

Would a investigation be a better source?
Can you find any snopes article they got wrong?

You want to disprove snopes --- go ahead. I'm not that invested in the answer (note: I did modify my original post to give you some ammunition if you continue to be insistent about something you can't prove or disprove.)
That's ok, I knew you couldn't.


Seems so did you.

Given that Snopes proved you to be a bald-faced liar, I certainly am not motivated to prove them wrong.
If that were true, you'd be able to prove it by linking a snopes article which they got wrong.

Don't just make baseless claims ... prove it.
Would a investigation be a better source?
Can you find any snopes article they got wrong?

You want to disprove snopes --- go ahead. I'm not that invested in the answer (note: I did modify my original post to give you some ammunition if you continue to be insistent about something you can't prove or disprove.)
That's ok, I knew you couldn't.


Seems so did you.

Given that Snopes proved you to be a bald-faced liar, I certainly am not motivated to prove them wrong.
If that were true, you'd be able to prove it by linking a snopes article which they got wrong.

Don't just make baseless claims ... prove it.

What the hell kind of perverted and twisted logic is that?

In order to prove the Snopes article correct, I have to dig up one where they were wrong???

What in the world are you smoking? (I'm guessing it's old socks, because it surely has warped your brain)
I saw it earlier on MSNBC. How do veterans feel about that possibility? So far, this is the only link I've found:

The Immoral Minority: Reports say that Sarah Palin is under consideration to join Trump's cabinet as the Secretary of Veteran's Affairs. Update!

That would be OK with me. I think she would kick ass and take names and straighten the VA out.

Don't lie. Don't pretend anyone will believe you actually think. Oh, and when and where did you serve?

I sure do wish I was a deep thinker like you.
OK, I misquoted Gallup. Please forgive me. Let me rephrase: Many pollsters predicted a Hillary win, they were all wrong----------happy now?

Given that almost all of the major pollsters did a national popular vote poll, every one of them that called it for Hillary Clinton was right.

You know who got it wrong? That LA poll that all the RWnuts kept pushing. They called the popular vote for Trump.

nice spin. the pollsters said that Hillary had a 60-80 chance of winning the election, not the PV or the EC. They also said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They were wrong. We do not elect presidents by PV so that count really means nothing, zero, zip, nada, zilch. but keep it up if it makes your pain less
Oh, look, you're lying again. Who could have seen that coming.

Despite your lie that pollsters didn't poll the popular vote, here's a hundred or so polls indicating the Hillary was expected win the popular vote by a few percentage points....

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Do you ever stop lying?


Do you ever stop misquoting me and others? I never said that pollsters did not create polls on the PV. They did, and they favored HRC. But the PV is a meaningless statistic. We don't use the PV to elect presidents. If you don't like that, get a constitutional amendment through both houses of congress and then get 38 states to ratify it.

YES, hilly may have won the popular vote because neither of them campaigned in California or New York-------------it means nothing. They both ran their campaigns to win the EC, and she lost. Get over it, you ran a terrible corrupt candidate and she got her ass kicked in the only vote that matters.
You're as dumb as your fellow yahoo.

I never said the popular vote was meaningful. But it does exist and the polls accurately predicted Hillary would win. So claiming now the polls got it wrong is beyond stupid and venturing into conservatism.

get your head out of Hillary's ass. The pollsters said she would win the ELECTION. They lied, or if you want to say it nicely, they polled the wrong sample.
Given that almost all of the major pollsters did a national popular vote poll, every one of them that called it for Hillary Clinton was right.

You know who got it wrong? That LA poll that all the RWnuts kept pushing. They called the popular vote for Trump.

nice spin. the pollsters said that Hillary had a 60-80 chance of winning the election, not the PV or the EC. They also said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They were wrong. We do not elect presidents by PV so that count really means nothing, zero, zip, nada, zilch. but keep it up if it makes your pain less
Oh, look, you're lying again. Who could have seen that coming.

Despite your lie that pollsters didn't poll the popular vote, here's a hundred or so polls indicating the Hillary was expected win the popular vote by a few percentage points....

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Do you ever stop lying?


Do you ever stop misquoting me and others? I never said that pollsters did not create polls on the PV. They did, and they favored HRC. But the PV is a meaningless statistic. We don't use the PV to elect presidents. If you don't like that, get a constitutional amendment through both houses of congress and then get 38 states to ratify it.

YES, hilly may have won the popular vote because neither of them campaigned in California or New York-------------it means nothing. They both ran their campaigns to win the EC, and she lost. Get over it, you ran a terrible corrupt candidate and she got her ass kicked in the only vote that matters.
You're as dumb as your fellow yahoo.

I never said the popular vote was meaningful. But it does exist and the polls accurately predicted Hillary would win. So claiming now the polls got it wrong is beyond stupid and venturing into conservatism.

get your head out of Hillary's ass. The pollsters said she would win the ELECTION. They lied, or if you want to say it nicely, they polled the wrong sample.

No they did not. The pollsters doing national polling were measuring the national popular vote.

Every one of their final polls except one had Clinton winning the popular vote.
Palin trashed Trump in Op-Ed for his handling of the Carrier deal. I guess she is no longer being considered?
nice spin. the pollsters said that Hillary had a 60-80 chance of winning the election, not the PV or the EC. They also said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They were wrong. We do not elect presidents by PV so that count really means nothing, zero, zip, nada, zilch. but keep it up if it makes your pain less
Oh, look, you're lying again. Who could have seen that coming.

Despite your lie that pollsters didn't poll the popular vote, here's a hundred or so polls indicating the Hillary was expected win the popular vote by a few percentage points....

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Do you ever stop lying?


Do you ever stop misquoting me and others? I never said that pollsters did not create polls on the PV. They did, and they favored HRC. But the PV is a meaningless statistic. We don't use the PV to elect presidents. If you don't like that, get a constitutional amendment through both houses of congress and then get 38 states to ratify it.

YES, hilly may have won the popular vote because neither of them campaigned in California or New York-------------it means nothing. They both ran their campaigns to win the EC, and she lost. Get over it, you ran a terrible corrupt candidate and she got her ass kicked in the only vote that matters.
You're as dumb as your fellow yahoo.

I never said the popular vote was meaningful. But it does exist and the polls accurately predicted Hillary would win. So claiming now the polls got it wrong is beyond stupid and venturing into conservatism.

get your head out of Hillary's ass. The pollsters said she would win the ELECTION. They lied, or if you want to say it nicely, they polled the wrong sample.

No they did not. The pollsters doing national polling were measuring the national popular vote.

Every one of their final polls except one had Clinton winning the popular vote.

Geez, its early morning and I have to start educating you first thing before my second cup of coffee is gone.

Those same pollsters said that there was no path for Trump to get 270 EC votes (based on their flawed state by state PV polls). They were either wrong in both cases or they skewed the polls to make it look like the hildebeast could not lose.

They lied and you bought into it. What does that say about YOU?

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