Sarah Palin Doesn’t Think Bill Nye the Science Guy Is a Real Scientist

Nye's program used to air on PBS with Sesame Street. Next thing you know people will be trying to convince the OP that the Cookie Monster isn't a real monster.

How dare you.........I even saw the Cookie Monster on a commercial...of course he is real.....
Why are we still talking about Palin, let her fade into stupidity/history.
She keeps popping out into the public spotlight to say stupid shit and tell lies. She brings criticism on herself by trying to have some relevance in politics. If she would STFU no one would pay attention to her. she wrong?...Nye has a degree in Mechanical Engineering which he doesn't seem to have applied to a real job.....

Nye has a degree in Mechanical Engineering ...he is not a scientist and in particular he is not a climate scientists of any fact, it doesn't seem like he actually used his degree for gainful employment...he has been even less relevant a t.v. personality than Trump...considering how much real world success Trump has had...
Bill Nye's bio says that he has a B.S. in mechanical engineering.

I am also a mechanical engineer.

I guess that makes me a scientist according to the Bill Nye school of thought.

So as a scientist, I hereby declare that so called "man made global warming" is total nonsense. ...... :cool:
How are you a scientist? Have you published works about science? Have you received honorary doctorate degrees in science from major universities? Have you designed scientific devices for Boeing and NASA?
What dictionary are you using to define a scientist?

Bill Cosby has honorary degrees too.....
Mechanical engineering has a basis in science. It would be kind of silly to deny it. But I suggest that it simply is not true to say that all things with a basis in science are therefore themselves "science."

Furthermore, the folks who study a blood sample drawn at a hospital may be (to some degree) actual scientists, but that doesn't mean that their respective opinions about "AGW" mean all that much.

I don't doubt that Nye has a fair grasp on basic principles of science. Sufficient in fact for him to have helped teach it on television (to a degree of national acclaim) to pre-teens. That doesn't make him an astrophysicist, an expert in AI, or on earth science or "climate" science.

To that extent, it is a perfectly fair observation Palin made.

and according to the very standards the man made global hoaxers spout...if you aren't an actual Climate phycisist, then you can't speak on the subject...that is the standard they use against any other scientist who speaks against man made global warming...but Nye is on their they change the definition of scientist for him....

He is also in support for jailing those who disagree with man made global warming theory......he is a green fascist....
Palin continues to tell us how ignorant she is.

Sarah Palin Doesn’t Think Bill Nye the Science Guy Is a Real Scientist

Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin not only doesn’t believe in climate change — she doesn’t believe Bill Nye the Science Guy is a real scientist.

“Bill Nye is as much as scientist as I am,” Palin said at an event in Washington, D.C., according to The Hill. “He’s a kids’ show actor; he’s not a scientist.”

She specifically targeted Nye for his claims that climate change was man-made, stating that scientists who believe that climate change is caused by mankind are trying to shut down human progress and fueling “alarmism.”

Who knows more about science than Sarah by golly doncha know.
She has demonstrated that she knows more than you do.

The Bill Nye show was a children's show. Nye was an actor. Someone else wrote it and decided what science would be explained. Nye rehersed his actions like any other actor.

In becoming an ignorant people, we accept that an image is the thing itself. That's how we end up with actors being mistaken for people who know what they are doing. Tom Hanks is really not an expert on AIDS transmission, he just played one before Congress.

Nor was he an Airborne Ranger on D-Day.......or a kid turned into a man because of a carnival fortune telling machine......
must be the most ignorant engineering ever born or as I suspect you are talking out your ass.
According to numb nuts Daws, I'm now considered a full fledged scientist. ...... :thup:
must be the most ignorant engineering ever born or as I suspect you are talking out your ass.
According to numb nuts Daws, I'm now considered a full fledged scientist. ...... :thup:
a full fledged scientist?
From your ignorant pov only an individual who is a expert in every scientific field is a scientist.
How stupid can you be.
RW'ers, especially those here at USMB use ignoring and making up their own definitions as a last resort. Palin made a mistake of gaff when she made her comment about Nye because she does not know what defines a scientist. She insulted a person with what turns out to be a lie. Rather than admit the mistake, she and the posters here refuse to take responsibility. They would rather make up a new definition for a word. The world should prefer, and even demand that everyone ignore fact and reality and accept their new definition based on the agenda driven creation for the definition of a word.

Wow....the left wing regressivism is strong with this one...........the truth, the facts and reality have no bearing on your posts....Nye has a degree in Mechanical Engineering.....not climate science...and he never actually used it to make a living...he is a t.v. guy.....

You guys don't even notice when you cross the line of sanity and insanity do do it so much that it doesn't even register anymore....
I can't believe that the left is really trying to make engineers into scientists.

Really....after all this time? I believe it completely..........and I am sure you do have been dealing with left wing regressives for a long time...their insanity is quite familiar to all of us on our side....
must be the most ignorant engineering ever born or as I suspect you are talking out your ass.
According to numb nuts Daws, I'm now considered a full fledged scientist. ...... :thup:
must be the most ignorant engineering ever born or as I suspect you are talking out your ass.
According to numb nuts Daws, I'm now considered a full fledged scientist. ...... :thup:
a full fledged scientist?
From your ignorant pov only an individual who is a expert in every scientific field is a scientist.
How stupid can you be.
RW'ers, especially those here at USMB use ignoring and making up their own definitions as a last resort. Palin made a mistake of gaff when she made her comment about Nye because she does not know what defines a scientist. She insulted a person with what turns out to be a lie. Rather than admit the mistake, she and the posters here refuse to take responsibility. They would rather make up a new definition for a word. The world should prefer, and even demand that everyone ignore fact and reality and accept their new definition based on the agenda driven creation for the definition of a word.

Wrong. The TRUTH is (and you of course wouldn't know or admit it) that the definition of scientist does not necessarily include mechanical engineers. "SCIENCE" has several definitions. But one very useful one is: "Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence."*

Because you are quite slow, it is worth repeating.

Mechanical engineering does involve some principles of science. That doesn't make mechanical engineers the same thing as 'scientists."

I realize you will now refuse to admit YOUR mistake.

Carry on.

* Our definition of science - The Science Council
I have not claimed that Nye's degree in engineering by itself qualified him as a scientist. I have repeatedly mentioned his published works on science and his honorary doctorate of science degrees from major universities. When the publications and degrees are considered, he clearly meets the definition of a scientist. I can not admit to making a mistake for something I never said. BTW, in writing those books and essays, Nye met the definition you provided.

and yet when actual scientists...with actual degrees in science....say that man made global warming is a hoax.....and they have actually studied the guys claim either they are not real climate scientists...only meteorologists or that they are paid off by the oil industry....

Now you are passing off a guy with a degree in Mechanical Engineering who went into acting as an expert on man made global warming...
Palin continues to tell us how ignorant she is.

Sarah Palin Doesn’t Think Bill Nye the Science Guy Is a Real Scientist

Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin not only doesn’t believe in climate change — she doesn’t believe Bill Nye the Science Guy is a real scientist.

“Bill Nye is as much as scientist as I am,” Palin said at an event in Washington, D.C., according to The Hill. “He’s a kids’ show actor; he’s not a scientist.”

She specifically targeted Nye for his claims that climate change was man-made, stating that scientists who believe that climate change is caused by mankind are trying to shut down human progress and fueling “alarmism.”

He wasn't until he received fame for his children's shows and then the academic community let him in, first as an ambassador for children and then to bring attention to their research. They even let him assist and develop because they knew he was a well known children's show host and it would bring attention to their research, and with attention, more money. Bill Nye never really contributed to any thing until after the year 2000, and only then as a pawn for real scientists to bring attention to themselves and their work.
Here is another scientist with as much experience as bill nye.....

Mr. Bean.....who has a degree in Electrical Engineering....thereby, according to your standards...making him an expert on climate science....

In the following video he is acting very much like a scientist of bill nye's caliber........check it out...

Here is scientist....Mr. Bean...

Rowan Atkinson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1975, he continued for the degree of MSc in Electrical Engineering at The Queen's College, Oxford, the same college where his father matriculated in 1935,[14] and which made Atkinson an Honorary Fellow in 2006.[15]

Perhaps Mr. Bean and Bill Nye can collaborate on a paper on how to intern man made global warming deniers in Earth friendly concentration camps.....

I don't think Mr. Bean, as a scientist...would agree though...
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the guy (Ney) was a NOBODY until that other nobody Obama got into office. now they are supposed to be the EXPERTS on our climate and if we don't listen to them they now want us JAILED. I'd call that a commie myself

He had his own children's educational program for 5 years, and he was also an engineer at Boeing, you moron. You are a nobody. Now it's off to the FEMA camp for you!
Who is more knowledgable about the man made global warming hoax.....bill nye, a man with a degree in Mechanical Engineering....or Mr. Bean....a man with a degree in Electrical engineering........?
Bill Nye's bio says that he has a B.S. in mechanical engineering.

I am also a mechanical engineer.

I guess that makes me a scientist according to the Bill Nye school of thought.

So as a scientist, I hereby declare that so called "man made global warming" is total nonsense. ...... :cool:
How are you a scientist? Have you published works about science? Have you received honorary doctorate degrees in science from major universities? Have you designed scientific devices for Boeing and NASA?
What dictionary are you using to define a scientist?

Bill Cosby has honorary degrees too.....
Not ones that say Doctorate of Science on them. Nye has a bunch of those to go along with his Bachelor of Science Degree from Cornell
Bill Nye's bio says that he has a B.S. in mechanical engineering.

I am also a mechanical engineer.

I guess that makes me a scientist according to the Bill Nye school of thought.

So as a scientist, I hereby declare that so called "man made global warming" is total nonsense. ...... :cool:
How are you a scientist? Have you published works about science? Have you received honorary doctorate degrees in science from major universities? Have you designed scientific devices for Boeing and NASA?
What dictionary are you using to define a scientist?

Bill Cosby has honorary degrees too.....
Not ones that say Doctorate of Science on them. Nye has a bunch of those to go along with his Bachelor of Science Degree from Cornell
Nye has honorary degrees not earned phuds.

Stop lying.
In order to understand the liberal mind, you must understand this.


So yea, even though Bill has no science degree he is still a scientist, just like a community organizer is enough qualification to be a President.
Why are we still talking about Palin, let her fade into stupidity/history.
She keeps popping out into the public spotlight to say stupid shit and tell lies. She brings criticism on herself by trying to have some relevance in politics. If she would STFU no one would pay attention to her. she wrong?...Nye has a degree in Mechanical Engineering which he doesn't seem to have applied to a real job.....
There is no limit to the lies being told to defend Palin's stupid remark. Nye has a Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell and has worked as a visiting professor. For some reason, the Palin defenders ignore the Bachelor of Science degree and have chosen to focus on the Mechanical Engineering degree.

Your remark about him having not applied his Engineering degree is way off. He worked for Boeing where he developed a hydraulic pressure resonance suppressor that is still being used in Boeing aircraft. In addition, he developed the Marsdial which was used on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover.
Bill Nye's bio says that he has a B.S. in mechanical engineering.

I am also a mechanical engineer.

I guess that makes me a scientist according to the Bill Nye school of thought.

So as a scientist, I hereby declare that so called "man made global warming" is total nonsense. ...... :cool:
How are you a scientist? Have you published works about science? Have you received honorary doctorate degrees in science from major universities? Have you designed scientific devices for Boeing and NASA?
What dictionary are you using to define a scientist?

Bill Cosby has honorary degrees too.....
Not ones that say Doctorate of Science on them. Nye has a bunch of those to go along with his Bachelor of Science Degree from Cornell
Nye has honorary degrees not earned phuds.

Stop lying.
He has two bachelor degrees, one in Mechanical Engineering and one in science. His Honorary degrees are specifically doctorate's in science.
So you ignoring his science degree is the lie.
You just can't force yourself to admit that the guy meets the dictionary definition of what defines a scientist. Not one person in the several days this topic has been discussed has been able to provide a definition from a dictionary that does challenges Nye's status as a scientist. Your side relies totally on definitions made up based on unqualified people's opinions. Definitions are objective. They are what they are and they are not subject to subjective opinions.
Bill Nye's bio says that he has a B.S. in mechanical engineering.

I am also a mechanical engineer.

I guess that makes me a scientist according to the Bill Nye school of thought.

So as a scientist, I hereby declare that so called "man made global warming" is total nonsense. ...... :cool:
How are you a scientist? Have you published works about science? Have you received honorary doctorate degrees in science from major universities? Have you designed scientific devices for Boeing and NASA?
What dictionary are you using to define a scientist?

Bill Cosby has honorary degrees too.....
Not ones that say Doctorate of Science on them. Nye has a bunch of those to go along with his Bachelor of Science Degree from Cornell

You understand what an honorary degree is ....right?

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