Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump

The Master of the Deal has made a deal with Sarah Palin. She is very popular with the same kind of people who like Trump. I can almost guarantee she will be picked to be his running mate.

Nope. I will cheerfully accuse Trump of everything from being a manipulative bastard to being a bombastic, egocentric, liar...but he is not stupid. Nobody who witnessed the McCain disaster can fail to learn from it.

people usually take the trash out , trump brought the trash in
The Master of the Deal has made a deal with Sarah Palin. She is very popular with the same kind of people who like Trump. I can almost guarantee she will be picked to be his running mate.

Nope. I will cheerfully accuse Trump of everything from being a manipulative bastard to being a bombastic, egocentric, liar...but he is not stupid. Nobody who witnessed the McCain disaster can fail to learn from it.

people usually take the trash out , trump brought the trash in
Maybe Bristol will name the third bastard by a third man Trumpy.
Big deal I seriously wonder how many times someones endorsement of a candidate has convinced another to vote for them.
It convinces me. As an Iowa voter who will be caucusing on February 1sr, Sarah's endorsement means a lot. I really love that gal. Drove 2 1/2 hours to see her speaking last time around. The auditorium was packed with fellow Iowans, waiting for hours to hear Sarah give her rousing speech. Sadly, I couldn't make it to Ames tonight. I know she will fire up the crowd. I'd wait in the cold for 2 hours just to get inside the center Trump rented.

It would be perfect if The Donald would hint that he's putting on his short list Sarah for his VP running mate.

We can only hope.
Don't get over confident. Look at the turds you get to choose from. LOL

I'm well satisfied with my choices.
Two aging white people past their prime, if they ever had any.
There will be a press conference in an hour or two.

Sarah Palin just endorsed a candidate in Donald Trump that cannot win the White House.

The problem is that Republicans, especially the right wing of the party NEVER pay attention to the Demographics of the electorate. They don't do election history or math either. Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest party today making up for 40% of the entire electorate.

1. Independents nor women will vote for far right candidates like Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, (Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker, Rick Perry) or any candidate that does not give exceptions on abortion for the life of the mother, rape or incest.

2. Women rule today--at 54% of the vote. They were chased off by Republicans in 2012 by double digits which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama.

Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong -
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

We have Hillary Clinton who is going to be the 1st WOMAN Presidential Nominee in this nations history.

In effect--any one of these:


will insure this person as your next POTUS


or you can choose the most qualified candidate in this race--


to defeat Hillary Clinton

I guess you never heard of the two elections of George W Bush.
Your hate made her famous and your relentless hatred made her rich.

once mccain lost, we were done with her, but yall couldn't just be good sportsmen, ya had to spike the ball on her.

she is your creation, that's a fact

No McCain made her famous and teabaggers made her rich.
Wrong again.

once the election was over, we were done with her, at least until the next cycle, but you trashpiles followed her home, keeping her in the news, being complete dicks to her 24/7.

If any of you ***** had once manned up and demanded that bullying stop, no one would care what happened to her.

When stepped out of the spotlight, attention went elsewhere. As long as she rode around in a bus looking for attention, she got it.

I'll repeat for those that came late;

Recall that an author moved in next to her to record her daily life.
recall that a d list comedian made up shit about her in an attempt to reclaim fame and nearly did. well did, for a while.
recall that she went home in defeat and an ARMY of reporters, leftist reporters, nagged her everyday.

you created SP

She became RICH RICH RICH off your hate

Wasn't she hawking her web site and making regular political statements during all that time? It was silly of her to be yelling "LOOK AT ME!!!!!" and then whining when they did.

she went back to her job in AK, did nothing, had nothing

but your hate made her millions

and she learned how to bait you morons into coming back again and again, like crack whores
How did leftists, who do not by her books, or watch her shows and interviews on TV make her rich and relevant?

By living rent free in your heads.

She went from upper middleclass to rich b/c of them
We didn't buy her shit, you did.
Your hate made her famous and your relentless hatred made her rich.
are you actually retarded?
There will be a press conference in an hour or two.
I thought she didn't like him.

there's a video of them talking and that FOX body language chick broke down what was going on, and it was clear sp wasn't digging what the trump was selling.

still funny how leftist made her rich and keep her relevant after all this time

How did leftists, who do not by her books, or watch her shows and interviews on TV make her rich and relevant?

some rw'ers here blame us (non-Rightists) for her popularity :cuckoo:
how hard is it to comprehend that if you left her alone none of this would ever have happened?
I hope the people out there is paying attention to the treatment of Mrs. Palin from the left. they claim to be the party for women. what a joke isn't it

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