Sarah Palin Would Challenge Obama in 2012: 4-1 Margin Palin More Qualified

First off I wouldn't know Hannity to see him. I do not watch talking heads.

The only thing I can agree with Obama on so far is that he has at least made a notion that he might actually get Nuclear energy going again. Other than that, why don't you tell me what he has done that was good for America.....

The funny thing about nuclear energy. Only 6% of scientists are Republican. University professors voted for Obama 12 to 1.

The people designing and building nuclear power plants will be Democrats. There just aren't enough educated Republicans to make much of a difference. Republicans will have to depend on Democrats. Couldn't ya just die? Don't cha just love it?

So you admit that our professors are poisoning our young peoples minds with their liberal BS.
That's a good start.

OK, you indicate with each post that you're not a truther, but you seem to be on the bandwagon for every other vast, black helicopter, omnipresent government conspiracy out there. Didn't I see you in the birther thread?

You think ....Aaaargh I really can't think of anything to say. You're a dolt!

Poisoning young people's minds. Seriously, what a maroon.
The funny thing about nuclear energy. Only 6% of scientists are Republican. University professors voted for Obama 12 to 1.

The people designing and building nuclear power plants will be Democrats. There just aren't enough educated Republicans to make much of a difference. Republicans will have to depend on Democrats. Couldn't ya just die? Don't cha just love it?

So you admit that our professors are poisoning our young peoples minds with their liberal BS.
That's a good start.

OK, you indicate with each post that you're not a truther, but you seem to be on the bandwagon for every other vast, black helicopter, omnipresent government conspiracy out there. Didn't I see you in the birther thread?

You think ....Aaaargh I really can't think of anything to say. You're a dolt!

Poisoning young people's minds. Seriously, what a maroon.

In most cases you see me debunking conspiracy theories, And as far as birthers yes you may have seen me saying that I believe that Mr Obama is hiding something, probably the fact that he is a bastard. Not that anyone today would give a shit.
The Reps chased all the moderates out???

PaaaLeeze. They did it to themselves by supporting this clusterfuck bill. The bill that they themselves did the backroom deals on even though they had a supermajority. They also ingnored 59% of the American people who want real reform not this ridiculous bill . Many of them decided to retire or not run again. That was their decision. They could see the writing on the wall.

As for Palin if you believe she didn't know the difference between N and S Korea You must be pretty gullible. Any idiot knows that and I believe Palin is far from an idiot despite what you may think. Her record in Alaska is was head and shoulders above Ol'BO's as a part time Senator and community organizer in 2008. Palin wasn't even running for Prez.

AS for intellect. Well being smart doesn't mean you ARE smart. Barry boy proves that every day. He was no more qualified to be President in 2008 than the man in the moon. Everyone just fell for his Hopey Changey bs and let a smooth talker bamboozle the lot of em.

His intellect doesn't make him deserving of anything. Its what he does that speaks to his ability. So far, he ain't shown much.

One Independent.

The GOP began shedding itself of moderates a long time before Obama got elected. That had zero to do with the stimulus or Obama. This is strickly an internal GOP matter. The wingnuts decided they didn't want anyone in the party who didn't think like them. Heck, Reagan wouldn't have satisfied this crowd.

Really, I guess you think that John MCain is a conservative, right? You leftist clowns paint anyone that is right of you as religious zealots, you have to know what a load of crap that is or you are even dumber than I ever imagined.

Funny though, that the John McCains of the world get counted as conservatives when conservatives are trying to convince us how many conservatives there are in the country.
First off I wouldn't know Hannity to see him. I do not watch talking heads.

The only thing I can agree with Obama on so far is that he has at least made a notion that he might actually get Nuclear energy going again. Other than that, why don't you tell me what he has done that was good for America.....

The funny thing about nuclear energy. Only 6% of scientists are Republican. University professors voted for Obama 12 to 1.

The people designing and building nuclear power plants will be Democrats. There just aren't enough educated Republicans to make much of a difference. Republicans will have to depend on Democrats. Couldn't ya just die? Don't cha just love it?

So you admit that our professors are poisoning our young peoples minds with their liberal BS.
That's a good start.

Yea, liberal BS like science and math.
Sarah Palin giving an injection of "TEA" to the Republican Party:

It would be very funny to see repubs back Sarah. They moaned about Obama's lack of experience and yet Palin has even less than him.

WHAT? I guess you don't know what "experience" even means. This in its entirety is Obama's resume.

1. Obama was a "community organizer". This was actually a part time job and has jackshit to do with what it takes to be President.
2. Obama was a state legislator for a short time before running pretty much unopposed for Senator. This is a part time job -Illinois legislators are not in session most of the year and nearly all but the rich keep their real jobs while serving. This has jackshit to do with what it takes to be President.
3. Obama was a freshman Senator for just 18 months before he declared himself a Presidential candidate. This too has jackshit to do with what it takes to be President except it makes it easier to get your name in the press and thereby have greater name recognition when campaigning for President. Perhaps you didn't realize this but the job of Senator is also a part time job. Not just with large amounts of time they aren't in session but also because there are zero consequences for failing to even showing up when the Senate is in session -which is why so many of them are routinely absent from showing up for anything but key votes. So exactly which of those jobs do you find makes a person eminently qualified to hold THE highest and most demanding EXECUTIVE position in the world I wonder.

Obama could never have gotten hired as CEO of any private company with this resume and that is a fact. Hell we didn't even know for sure he could handle a full time job much less the top executive job!

Maybe you didn't know this -but there really is a reason the Executive branch is a TOTALLY different branch of government from the other two and not just shoved into one branch along with either of the other two branches. The skills and expertise needed to do an effective job in either of the other two branches ( even the hours) are totally different. The top executive position in every level of government is pretty much a 24/7 job and even when on vacation, still on the job. Those in the legislative branch are part time positions. I'm not talking about what policies a President may have -policies are about the differences between the parties, not whether someone has what it takes to run the Executive branch of government effectively which must first happen before he can even get any of his policies enacted. The set of skills needed to carry out the job in the other two branches of government are NOT interchangeable with the critically necessary skills needed to be an effective executive. What it takes to be an effective legislator actually has very little to do with what it takes to be an effective executive, much less become the TOP EXECUTIVE of the nation and Obama didn't hold the job of Senator long enough for us to even know if he was capable of doing THAT job. It is HISTORICAL FACT that it has been more than 100 years since such a totally unqualified person with such a paltry resume showing he had nothing in it proving he was even capable of effectively carrying out the job of President even ran for the office. But back then they weren't stupid enough to actually give him the job.

Palin's resume -ran a business and knows what it takes to try and make it in the real world, meet a payroll and executive of the company. Two term mayor -third highest executive job in government. Governor -second highest executive job in government. All governors not only deal with the relevant local issues but will also deal with nearly ALL issues a President will except for making and carrying out foreign policy -which no one does until they have the job. Palin ONLY worked in the EXECUTIVE branch of government and did so very successfully. So pretending successful executive experience in the 2nd and 3rd highest executive jobs in government is insufficient and of less importance than less than two years experience in a totally different branch of government that calls upon totally different skills yet leaves a person MORE qualified for holding the top executive job in government is not just ridiculous -it is historically proven to be dead wrong.

What Palin lacks for the job is actually FAR easier for her to gain than what Obama lacked -and it is a fact he may NEVER gain that. She just needs more familiarity with the issues which she has already proven in her own past elections she is more than capable of doing. The campaign as VP doesn't really count because that was never about HER positions, but being a mouthpiece to push McCain's and her own positions are actually far more conservative than the RINO McCain. But most people are incapable of developing executive skills -just a fact. What really bothers Democrats and why they still attack Palin who is now just a private citizen holding no elected office -is the fact they recognize she has these skills in abundance and a proven track record of being an effective executive. Which is why in just her first year as governor, Palin carried out more than 65% of her campaign promises which is way above the average. Doing that requires real executive SKILL. Obama's lack of any real accomplishments in his first year is entirely due to the fact he has no executive skills and frankly he is unlikely to ever develop any substantial ones at this stage of his life. He was handed a President's dream come true of filibuster proof majorities in BOTH houses where not a single Republican vote was needed to pass ANYTHING he wanted -a rare event in our history. Yet he has NOTHING to his credit except the fact he will have accumulated more debt in his first two years than Bush did in EIGHT. The first year of any Presidency is when they have the greatest clout and are most likely to get their policies through and the odds drops off sharply every year after that. But a President can't do that when they don't have the skills to even run the Executive branch of government -which is why Obama has no real accomplishments for his first year and is reduced to trying to claim the success of Bush's Iraq policies as his own. Even though he and his VP both opposed those policies when Senators. Compare that to Bush's first year in office when he pushed through just about EVERYTHING he wanted even though Republicans didn't have a filibuster proof majority. But then Bush had been GOVERNOR and he had real executive skills and did the job well -which is why when he was re-elected, he had the highest approval ratings of any previous Texan governor.

The governorship is considered a NATURAL stepping stone to the White House which is why more than half of all our Presidents held no other government job except governor before being elected President -just like Bush, Clinton, Carter and Reagan. Doesn't matter what state because except for whatever differences in local issues, the job is interchangeable with the job of governor in any other state AND all governors deal with nearly every single issue a President does except for making and carrying out foreign policy. And no one has experience doing that until they take the job.

The reality is when companies are searching for a new CEO, they don't look in the mail room to find someone to fill that position but to someone with a track record that proves they already have the necessary skills just needed to do the job. So why would we settle for ANYONE who doesn't likewise have a proven track record of EXECUTIVE skills for what we all know is the most demanding executive job in the world? In terms of practical experience needed just to run the Executive branch of government at all, Obama was a a guy in the mail room. And it looks like he will still have no more skills for the job than the guy in the mail room at the end of it. It just isn't something that can suddenly be learned, developed and honed on this job. Most people NEVER develop executive skills and cannot develop them -which is why the vast majority of people are followers and leaders more rare with effective leaders rare still. Being able to read off a teleprompter is not an executive skill. And if you are one of those arrogant elitists who thinks Palin is stupid because she didn't attend an Ivy League school and doesn't use words to try and obfuscate her answers -I suggest you go to YouTube and watch the Alaska gubernatorial debates from both times she ran. The first time she was an unknown until that debate and ended up with a very strong showing and the second time she was so good she was able to deprive the incumbent of her own party from running for re-elections and take the job herself. The woman is NOT stupid.

Having said that, I hope she doesn't run for President in 2012. She is a polarizing figure which means the media will spend their time trying to continue their personal destruction of this woman and her family instead of the election being about substance and ISSUES -as it should be.
It would be very funny to see repubs back Sarah. They moaned about Obama's lack of experience and yet Palin has even less than him.

WHAT? I guess you don't know what "experience" even means. This in its entirety is Obama's resume.

1. Obama was a "community organizer". This was actually a part time job and has jackshit to do with what it takes to be President.
2. Obama was a state legislator for a short time before running pretty much unopposed for Senator. This is a part time job -Illinois legislators are not in session most of the year and nearly all but the rich keep their real jobs while serving. This has jackshit to do with what it takes to be President.
3. Obama was a freshman Senator for just 18 months before he declared himself a Presidential candidate. This too has jackshit to do with what it takes to be President except it makes it easier to get your name in the press and thereby have greater name recognition when campaigning for President. Perhaps you didn't realize this but the job of Senator is also a part time job. Not just with large amounts of time they aren't in session but also because there are zero consequences for failing to even showing up when the Senate is in session -which is why so many of them are routinely absent from showing up for anything but key votes. So exactly which of those jobs do you find makes a person eminently qualified to hold THE highest and most demanding EXECUTIVE position in the world I wonder.

Obama could never have gotten hired as CEO of any private company with this resume and that is a fact. Hell we didn't even know for sure he could handle a full time job much less the top executive job!

Maybe you didn't know this -but there really is a reason the Executive branch is a TOTALLY different branch of government from the other two and not just shoved into one branch along with either of the other two branches. The skills and expertise needed to do an effective job in either of the other two branches ( even the hours) are totally different. The top executive position in every level of government is pretty much a 24/7 job and even when on vacation, still on the job. Those in the legislative branch are part time positions. I'm not talking about what policies a President may have -policies are about the differences between the parties, not whether someone has what it takes to run the Executive branch of government effectively which must first happen before he can even get any of his policies enacted. The set of skills needed to carry out the job in the other two branches of government are NOT interchangeable with the critically necessary skills needed to be an effective executive. What it takes to be an effective legislator actually has very little to do with what it takes to be an effective executive, much less become the TOP EXECUTIVE of the nation and Obama didn't hold the job of Senator long enough for us to even know if he was capable of doing THAT job. It is HISTORICAL FACT that it has been more than 100 years since such a totally unqualified person with such a paltry resume showing he had nothing in it proving he was even capable of effectively carrying out the job of President even ran for the office. But back then they weren't stupid enough to actually give him the job.

Palin's resume -ran a business and knows what it takes to try and make it in the real world, meet a payroll and executive of the company. Two term mayor -third highest executive job in government. Governor -second highest executive job in government. All governors not only deal with the relevant local issues but will also deal with nearly ALL issues a President will except for making and carrying out foreign policy -which no one does until they have the job. Palin ONLY worked in the EXECUTIVE branch of government and did so very successfully. So pretending successful executive experience in the 2nd and 3rd highest executive jobs in government is insufficient and of less importance than less than two years experience in a totally different branch of government that calls upon totally different skills yet leaves a person MORE qualified for holding the top executive job in government is not just ridiculous -it is historically proven to be dead wrong.

What Palin lacks for the job is actually FAR easier for her to gain than what Obama lacked -and it is a fact he may NEVER gain that. She just needs more familiarity with the issues which she has already proven in her own past elections she is more than capable of doing. The campaign as VP doesn't really count because that was never about HER positions, but being a mouthpiece to push McCain's and her own positions are actually far more conservative than the RINO McCain. But most people are incapable of developing executive skills -just a fact. What really bothers Democrats and why they still attack Palin who is now just a private citizen holding no elected office -is the fact they recognize she has these skills in abundance and a proven track record of being an effective executive. Which is why in just her first year as governor, Palin carried out more than 65% of her campaign promises which is way above the average. Doing that requires real executive SKILL. Obama's lack of any real accomplishments in his first year is entirely due to the fact he has no executive skills and frankly he is unlikely to ever develop any substantial ones at this stage of his life. He was handed a President's dream come true of filibuster proof majorities in BOTH houses where not a single Republican vote was needed to pass ANYTHING he wanted -a rare event in our history. Yet he has NOTHING to his credit except the fact he will have accumulated more debt in his first two years than Bush did in EIGHT. The first year of any Presidency is when they have the greatest clout and are most likely to get their policies through and the odds drops off sharply every year after that. But a President can't do that when they don't have the skills to even run the Executive branch of government -which is why Obama has no real accomplishments for his first year and is reduced to trying to claim the success of Bush's Iraq policies as his own. Even though he and his VP both opposed those policies when Senators. Compare that to Bush's first year in office when he pushed through just about EVERYTHING he wanted even though Republicans didn't have a filibuster proof majority. But then Bush had been GOVERNOR and he had real executive skills and did the job well -which is why when he was re-elected, he had the highest approval ratings of any previous Texan governor.

The governorship is considered a NATURAL stepping stone to the White House which is why more than half of all our Presidents held no other government job except governor before being elected President -just like Bush, Clinton, Carter and Reagan. Doesn't matter what state because except for whatever differences in local issues, the job is interchangeable with the job of governor in any other state AND all governors deal with nearly every single issue a President does except for making and carrying out foreign policy. And no one has experience doing that until they take the job.

The reality is when companies are searching for a new CEO, they don't look in the mail room to find someone to fill that position but to someone with a track record that proves they already have the necessary skills just needed to do the job. So why would we settle for ANYONE who doesn't likewise have a proven track record of EXECUTIVE skills for what we all know is the most demanding executive job in the world? In terms of practical experience needed just to run the Executive branch of government at all, Obama was a a guy in the mail room. And it looks like he will still have no more skills for the job than the guy in the mail room at the end of it. It just isn't something that can suddenly be learned, developed and honed on this job. Most people NEVER develop executive skills and cannot develop them -which is why the vast majority of people are followers and leaders more rare with effective leaders rare still. Being able to read off a teleprompter is not an executive skill. And if you are one of those arrogant elitists who thinks Palin is stupid because she didn't attend an Ivy League school and doesn't use words to try and obfuscate her answers -I suggest you go to YouTube and watch the Alaska gubernatorial debates from both times she ran. The first time she was an unknown until that debate and ended up with a very strong showing and the second time she was so good she was able to deprive the incumbent of her own party from running for re-elections and take the job herself. The woman is NOT stupid.

Having said that, I hope she doesn't run for President in 2012. She is a polarizing figure which means the media will spend their time trying to continue their personal destruction of this woman and her family instead of the election being about substance and ISSUES -as it should be.

Wow, listening to you, 8 years sounds like nothing.

The New York Times > U.S. > Image > Obama’s Record in the Illinois Senate

8 years in Illinois Senate, 823 bills that were even being passed after he left.


In the US Senate, Obama sponsored or co-sponsored 129 pieces of Legislation including:

The Lugar-Obama Non-Proliferation Act
This law, authored by Richard Lugar (R-IN) and Barack Obama was passed in 2006 and signed in 2007.

The Coburn-Obama Transparency Act
This law (which John McCain co-sponsored) was the work of Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Barack Obama.

Relief for the Democratic Republic of Congo
Authored, sponsored and introduced by Barack Obama, this legislation provided increased foreign aid and relief to the country, and directed the U.N. Ambassador to press the U.N. Security Council for stronger peacekeeping forces in the region.

Not to mention that he taught CONSTITUTINAL LAW at the University level for 10 years.

We won't go into his amazing academic background or his two books that HE wrote.

After all, Sarah Palin has a book, "Going Rouge by Lynn Vincent".

Honestly, I don't understand how anyone can listen to an interview by Sarah Palin and think she's smart. It's not the notes on her hand, or the fact that she doesn't know anything, it's the way she mangles the English language that gives it away.
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"It is HISTORICAL FACT that it has been more than 100 years since such a totally unqualified person"

What makes someone qualified is mostly opinion so you can't call it a fact.
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Palin lied when she told people she wasnt going to run in 2012 right after she and McCain lost. THAT's a fact.
It would be very funny to see repubs back Sarah. They moaned about Obama's lack of experience and yet Palin has even less than him.

WHAT? I guess you don't know what "experience" even means. This in its entirety is Obama's resume.

1. Obama was a "community organizer". This was actually a part time job and has jackshit to do with what it takes to be President.
2. Obama was a state legislator for a short time before running pretty much unopposed for Senator. This is a part time job -Illinois legislators are not in session most of the year and nearly all but the rich keep their real jobs while serving. This has jackshit to do with what it takes to be President.
3. Obama was a freshman Senator for just 18 months before he declared himself a Presidential candidate. This too has jackshit to do with what it takes to be President except it makes it easier to get your name in the press and thereby have greater name recognition when campaigning for President. Perhaps you didn't realize this but the job of Senator is also a part time job. Not just with large amounts of time they aren't in session but also because there are zero consequences for failing to even showing up when the Senate is in session -which is why so many of them are routinely absent from showing up for anything but key votes. So exactly which of those jobs do you find makes a person eminently qualified to hold THE highest and most demanding EXECUTIVE position in the world I wonder.

Obama could never have gotten hired as CEO of any private company with this resume and that is a fact. Hell we didn't even know for sure he could handle a full time job much less the top executive job!

Maybe you didn't know this -but there really is a reason the Executive branch is a TOTALLY different branch of government from the other two and not just shoved into one branch along with either of the other two branches. The skills and expertise needed to do an effective job in either of the other two branches ( even the hours) are totally different. The top executive position in every level of government is pretty much a 24/7 job and even when on vacation, still on the job. Those in the legislative branch are part time positions. I'm not talking about what policies a President may have -policies are about the differences between the parties, not whether someone has what it takes to run the Executive branch of government effectively which must first happen before he can even get any of his policies enacted. The set of skills needed to carry out the job in the other two branches of government are NOT interchangeable with the critically necessary skills needed to be an effective executive. What it takes to be an effective legislator actually has very little to do with what it takes to be an effective executive, much less become the TOP EXECUTIVE of the nation and Obama didn't hold the job of Senator long enough for us to even know if he was capable of doing THAT job. It is HISTORICAL FACT that it has been more than 100 years since such a totally unqualified person with such a paltry resume showing he had nothing in it proving he was even capable of effectively carrying out the job of President even ran for the office. But back then they weren't stupid enough to actually give him the job.

Palin's resume -ran a business and knows what it takes to try and make it in the real world, meet a payroll and executive of the company. Two term mayor -third highest executive job in government. Governor -second highest executive job in government. All governors not only deal with the relevant local issues but will also deal with nearly ALL issues a President will except for making and carrying out foreign policy -which no one does until they have the job. Palin ONLY worked in the EXECUTIVE branch of government and did so very successfully. So pretending successful executive experience in the 2nd and 3rd highest executive jobs in government is insufficient and of less importance than less than two years experience in a totally different branch of government that calls upon totally different skills yet leaves a person MORE qualified for holding the top executive job in government is not just ridiculous -it is historically proven to be dead wrong.

What Palin lacks for the job is actually FAR easier for her to gain than what Obama lacked -and it is a fact he may NEVER gain that. She just needs more familiarity with the issues which she has already proven in her own past elections she is more than capable of doing. The campaign as VP doesn't really count because that was never about HER positions, but being a mouthpiece to push McCain's and her own positions are actually far more conservative than the RINO McCain. But most people are incapable of developing executive skills -just a fact. What really bothers Democrats and why they still attack Palin who is now just a private citizen holding no elected office -is the fact they recognize she has these skills in abundance and a proven track record of being an effective executive. Which is why in just her first year as governor, Palin carried out more than 65% of her campaign promises which is way above the average. Doing that requires real executive SKILL. Obama's lack of any real accomplishments in his first year is entirely due to the fact he has no executive skills and frankly he is unlikely to ever develop any substantial ones at this stage of his life. He was handed a President's dream come true of filibuster proof majorities in BOTH houses where not a single Republican vote was needed to pass ANYTHING he wanted -a rare event in our history. Yet he has NOTHING to his credit except the fact he will have accumulated more debt in his first two years than Bush did in EIGHT. The first year of any Presidency is when they have the greatest clout and are most likely to get their policies through and the odds drops off sharply every year after that. But a President can't do that when they don't have the skills to even run the Executive branch of government -which is why Obama has no real accomplishments for his first year and is reduced to trying to claim the success of Bush's Iraq policies as his own. Even though he and his VP both opposed those policies when Senators. Compare that to Bush's first year in office when he pushed through just about EVERYTHING he wanted even though Republicans didn't have a filibuster proof majority. But then Bush had been GOVERNOR and he had real executive skills and did the job well -which is why when he was re-elected, he had the highest approval ratings of any previous Texan governor.

The governorship is considered a NATURAL stepping stone to the White House which is why more than half of all our Presidents held no other government job except governor before being elected President -just like Bush, Clinton, Carter and Reagan. Doesn't matter what state because except for whatever differences in local issues, the job is interchangeable with the job of governor in any other state AND all governors deal with nearly every single issue a President does except for making and carrying out foreign policy. And no one has experience doing that until they take the job.

The reality is when companies are searching for a new CEO, they don't look in the mail room to find someone to fill that position but to someone with a track record that proves they already have the necessary skills just needed to do the job. So why would we settle for ANYONE who doesn't likewise have a proven track record of EXECUTIVE skills for what we all know is the most demanding executive job in the world? In terms of practical experience needed just to run the Executive branch of government at all, Obama was a a guy in the mail room. And it looks like he will still have no more skills for the job than the guy in the mail room at the end of it. It just isn't something that can suddenly be learned, developed and honed on this job. Most people NEVER develop executive skills and cannot develop them -which is why the vast majority of people are followers and leaders more rare with effective leaders rare still. Being able to read off a teleprompter is not an executive skill. And if you are one of those arrogant elitists who thinks Palin is stupid because she didn't attend an Ivy League school and doesn't use words to try and obfuscate her answers -I suggest you go to YouTube and watch the Alaska gubernatorial debates from both times she ran. The first time she was an unknown until that debate and ended up with a very strong showing and the second time she was so good she was able to deprive the incumbent of her own party from running for re-elections and take the job herself. The woman is NOT stupid.

Having said that, I hope she doesn't run for President in 2012. She is a polarizing figure which means the media will spend their time trying to continue their personal destruction of this woman and her family instead of the election being about substance and ISSUES -as it should be.

Wow, listening to you, 8 years sounds like nothing.

The New York Times > U.S. > Image > Obama’s Record in the Illinois Senate

8 years in Illinois Senate, 823 bills that were even being passed after he left.


In the US Senate, Obama sponsored or co-sponsored 129 pieces of Legislation including:

The Lugar-Obama Non-Proliferation Act
This law, authored by Richard Lugar (R-IN) and Barack Obama was passed in 2006 and signed in 2007.

The Coburn-Obama Transparency Act
This law (which John McCain co-sponsored) was the work of Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Barack Obama.

Relief for the Democratic Republic of Congo
Authored, sponsored and introduced by Barack Obama, this legislation provided increased foreign aid and relief to the country, and directed the U.N. Ambassador to press the U.N. Security Council for stronger peacekeeping forces in the region.

Not to mention that he taught CONSTITUTINAL LAW at the University level for 10 years.

We won't go into his amazing academic background or his two books that HE wrote.

After all, Sarah Palin has a book, "Going Rouge by Lynn Vincent".

Honestly, I don't understand how anyone can listen to an interview by Sarah Palin and think she's smart. It's not the notes on her hand, or the fact that she doesn't know anything, it's the way she mangles the English language that gives it away.
Look. That record is very liberal and was never brought up in the election. Also THE ONLY way Obama got into the senate was because Jack Ryan dropped out of the race because a liberal crooked judge released Jack and Jeri Ryans custody records instead of the regular divorce records. He was a winner by default because Alan Keyes was brought in as a replacement for Ryan at the last minute and as in the Presidential election, Obama was not vetted.

Spokeswoman Kelli Phiel said the numbers come as no surprise.

"The Democratic primary didn't do very much to truly vet Mr. Obama's policy choices and his views," she said. "And we feel that once we have an opportunity to truly do that, and Illinois voters realize how truly extremist liberal Mr. Obama is and his commitment to . . . tax-and-spend failed policies".
The American people were duped by the Mainstream media and the Democrat party when it came to vetting the REAL Obama and his shallow record. They also covered up his RADICAL views and connections.

And they are STILL being duped by the Mainstream media as far as the Obama goes.

wonder how all the Hopey Changy thing feels now.:lol:
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Look. That record is very liberal and was never brought up in the election. Also THE ONLY way Obama got into the senate was because Jack Ryan dropped out of the race because a liberal crooked judge released Jack and Jeri Ryans custody records instead of the regular divorce records. He was a winner by default because Alan Keyes was brought in as a replacement for Ryan at the last minute and as in the Presidential election, Obama was not vetted.

Spokeswoman Kelli Phiel said the numbers come as no surprise.

"The Democratic primary didn't do very much to truly vet Mr. Obama's policy choices and his views," she said. "And we feel that once we have an opportunity to truly do that, and Illinois voters realize how truly extremist liberal Mr. Obama is and his commitment to . . . tax-and-spend failed policies".

No matter how brilliant his record is, you guys would refuse to see it. It would be better if the record were "more" liberal. Liberal means education, pro middle class, patriotism, pro US. Conservative means lie, cheat, steal, anti middle class, anti education. You can see the fruits of conservatism with a ruined economy, two wars - one totally senseless, only 6% of scientists being Republican, a devastated middle class, an old and falling apart infrastructure.

Just that one fact, that only 6% of scientists being Republican is such a slap in the face to a political party. Do you have any idea how dumb that makes you guys look? Seriously?

Ten year teaching constitutional law and 8 years in the state senate and the ONLY way Obama got in was.....give it a break.

Jack Ryan dropped out of the race because he was trying to get his wife to participate in orgies and she refused. Not only did she refuse, she divorced his ass. He knew that after that he couldn't run again.

Alan Keyes, disowned his own daughter, cut all contact, threw her out into the street and left her homeless because she is gay. What an odious and dirty man. Very conservative. Very Christian, or so he tells us.

Conservatives simply refuse to take a good hard look at their own political party. It's a mess. It's like every crazy and loon in the US has suddenly moved to that one party. Ideas have been replaced with inflammatory talking points. Intellectuals are NOT welcome. Education is frowned on. Spewing rhetoric is suddenly qualification and real qualification "doesn't count".
the Obama taught Constitution law.
His main topic in class must of been, how to shit all over the Constitution.

and we see just how intelligent he is in finance, the economy, foreign policy.

what a friggen joke that has been played on the people., but the sad part is, millions of people fell for it.
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the Obama taught Constitution law.
His main topic in class must of been, how to shit all over the Constitution.

and we see just how intelligent he is in finance, the economy, foreign policy.

what a friggen joke that has been played on the people., but the sad part is, millions of people fell for it.

Even Conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) admits that the Stimulus worked.

Admit it. You just hate having a black president. No matter what he does, you will see a failure.

Even tearing apart the Taliban in Afghanistan is not enough. We can all feel your hate.

You might consider professional help. Seriously. This much hate is not good for you.

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