Sarah Palin Would Challenge Obama in 2012: 4-1 Margin Palin More Qualified

Where was the DOW directly following Bush's last day in office? Where is it NOW? I would say Obama's first year in office has been a TOTAL success.

It may not be a "total" success, but we are certainly in a much better place than we were.

After all, it's only been his first year.

One glaring mistake was to foolishly believe that Republicans would put the good of the country ahead of personal politics. Just the fact that Republicans refer to him as "boy" and "thug" and put out political cartoons showing a White House covered in watermelons and Obama bucks with ribs and chicken shows the depth of their hatred. Worse, calling him a Muslim and saying he is not a citizen. Not to mention the constant stream of lies.

Well, I firmly believe his second year will be much different. He understands and, even better, the American people are finally getting it.
Palin is a good woman but she's not Presidential material. She's more qualified than the current inexperienced "Community Organizer" who's in there now but the GOP should still look elsewhere. There are many other great candidates out there. Most of America is appalled at what the Socialists are doing to our country so it shouldn't take too much to find candidates to beat them in coming elections. Palin is still good for the GOP but not as a Presidential candidate.
Palin is a good woman but she's not Presidential material. She's more qualified than the current inexperienced "Community Organizer" who's in there now but the GOP should still look elsewhere. There are many other great candidates out there. Most of America is appalled at what the Socialists are doing to our country so it shouldn't take too much to find candidates to beat them in coming elections. Palin is still good for the GOP but not as a Presidential candidate.


She will play a major role - but 2012 would prove a difficult haul for Palin.

The Republican machine is already preparing Romney 2012, while casting a wary eye toward Palin and the Tea Party movement.

Good work is being done to unite the party powers with the amazing and genuine Tea Party movement - and in the sense of dictating terms, the Tea Party is having its way at the moment. If 2010 proves as significant a reset election as it appears it might, the Tea Party influence will be even greater heading into 2012.

So great it could quite likely become corrupted by a handful hoping to control its influence - a danger already underway...
the Obama taught Constitution law.
His main topic in class must of been, how to shit all over the Constitution.

and we see just how intelligent he is in finance, the economy, foreign policy.

what a friggen joke that has been played on the people., but the sad part is, millions of people fell for it.

Even Conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) admits that the Stimulus worked.

Admit it. You just hate having a black president. No matter what he does, you will see a failure.

Even tearing apart the Taliban in Afghanistan is not enough. We can all feel your hate.

You might consider professional help. Seriously. This much hate is not good for you.

As asked by others: If the stimulus worked so well, why is it that we needed this jobs bill and talk of a second stimulus?
Sarah Palin giving an injection of "TEA" to the Republican Party:


Lots of republicans pay big money for that. Ted Haggard?
the Obama taught Constitution law.
His main topic in class must of been, how to shit all over the Constitution.

and we see just how intelligent he is in finance, the economy, foreign policy.

what a friggen joke that has been played on the people., but the sad part is, millions of people fell for it.

Even Conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) admits that the Stimulus worked.

Admit it. You just hate having a black president. No matter what he does, you will see a failure.

Even tearing apart the Taliban in Afghanistan is not enough. We can all feel your hate.

You might consider professional help. Seriously. This much hate is not good for you.

As asked by others: If the stimulus worked so well, why is it that we needed this jobs bill and talk of a second stimulus?

Umm because the economy was not as fundamentally sound as McCain said it was?
I will support her in taking our Nation back.

Sarah Palin would Challenge Obama in 2012 Presidential Race | TopNews United States

Citizen Palin 4 President: Sarah Palin Would Challenge Obama in 2012: 4-1 Margin Palin More Qualified

The former Alaska governor named Sarah Palin is telling that she would be eager to challenge President Barack Obama in 2012 presidential race. This would be quite a debate to watch as Sarah Palin would easily hand Obama his privates on a plater.

Sarah released the keynote address at the tea party convention Saturday, using it to hit Obama on terrorism. Palin also concluded that she will focus on the future Republican Party primaries, and that she may prop up hundreds of candidates ahead in the months.

"I think that President Obama with all due respect, his lack of experience is really made manifest in the way that decisions are made in the White House today”, added Sarah Palin.
A survey recently showed that she could have the hold to increase a competitive presidential race and strong questions were asked in the campaign about her experience and qualifications.

A poll last week had her leading, by a few points, the pack of potential Republican Party candidates. The Research 2000 unveiled Republican voters thinks that she is more qualified to be president than Obama by a margin of 4-1.

Considering Sarah Palin has success as an owner of two business, two terms as mayor, commissioner and governor compared to Obama’s failed first year in The White House the margin should be 8-1.

With Obama’s disastrous first year most Americas are waking up to the realization he is incredibly incompetent and clueless.

Too bad, someone did not ask Obama about his qualifications before he was elected, besides being the first black President, he had ZERO executive experience, served on the law review for Harvard, ( kind of an in and out job) spent a couple of years in the Illinois state legislature,spent some time as a community organizor, and all of 150 DAYS in the U.S senate before becoming POTUS. Whoooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaa, but boy, you libs were sure impressed with the way he could READ a teleprompter. :lol: That's what got your vote.:lol::lol:
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I will support her in taking our Nation back.

Sarah Palin would Challenge Obama in 2012 Presidential Race | TopNews United States

Citizen Palin 4 President: Sarah Palin Would Challenge Obama in 2012: 4-1 Margin Palin More Qualified

The former Alaska governor named Sarah Palin is telling that she would be eager to challenge President Barack Obama in 2012 presidential race. This would be quite a debate to watch as Sarah Palin would easily hand Obama his privates on a plater.

Sarah released the keynote address at the tea party convention Saturday, using it to hit Obama on terrorism. Palin also concluded that she will focus on the future Republican Party primaries, and that she may prop up hundreds of candidates ahead in the months.

"I think that President Obama with all due respect, his lack of experience is really made manifest in the way that decisions are made in the White House today”, added Sarah Palin.
A survey recently showed that she could have the hold to increase a competitive presidential race and strong questions were asked in the campaign about her experience and qualifications.

A poll last week had her leading, by a few points, the pack of potential Republican Party candidates. The Research 2000 unveiled Republican voters thinks that she is more qualified to be president than Obama by a margin of 4-1.

Considering Sarah Palin has success as an owner of two business, two terms as mayor, commissioner and governor compared to Obama’s failed first year in The White House the margin should be 8-1.

With Obama’s disastrous first year most Americas are waking up to the realization he is incredibly incompetent and clueless.

Too bad, someone did not ask Obama about his qualifications before he was elected, besides being the first black President, he had ZERO executive experience, served on the law review for Harvard, ( kind of an in and out job) spent a couple of years in the Illinois state legislature,spent some time as a community organizor, and all of 150 DAYS in the U.S senate before becoming POTUS. Whoooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaa, but boy, you libs were sure impressed with the way he could READ a teleprompter. :lol: That's what got your vote.:lol::lol:

Thank you for proving my point scumbag. Obama was in the Illinois senate for 8 years and wrote or co-sponsored over 800 pieces of legislation.

As a US senator, he was one of the hardest working and most prolific in history writing or co-sponsoring 129 pieces of legislation with both Democrats and Republicans, many of which became law. I provided links in an earlier post.

You guys lie and that makes you scumbags for purposely lying about the President. You are NOT patriots. You are dirty.

It's one thing to have "honest" differences, another to be a lying sack of.......
94% of MBA graduates are republicans.


I'm sorry, I understand, it was a joke.

The funny part about getting an MBA is that so many companies have moved overseas, unless you start your own business or know someone, it's almost a useless degree.
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the Obama taught Constitution law.
His main topic in class must of been, how to shit all over the Constitution.

and we see just how intelligent he is in finance, the economy, foreign policy.

what a friggen joke that has been played on the people., but the sad part is, millions of people fell for it.

Even Conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) admits that the Stimulus worked.

Admit it. You just hate having a black president. No matter what he does, you will see a failure.

Even tearing apart the Taliban in Afghanistan is not enough. We can all feel your hate.

You might consider professional help. Seriously. This much hate is not good for you.

please admit you are full of BS.
you are a fine one to accuse others of HATE. just read your post on Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, or any Republican or conservative for that matter...:lol::lol:
The only qualification one needs to be President of the United States is an ability to understand that above all else, he or she is responsible for the health and well being of Main Street and not Wall Street. No one; not Obama, nor Palin, nor anyone else I can think of at the present time, has what it takes to put America on the right track.
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I will support her in taking our Nation back.

Sarah Palin would Challenge Obama in 2012 Presidential Race | TopNews United States

Citizen Palin 4 President: Sarah Palin Would Challenge Obama in 2012: 4-1 Margin Palin More Qualified

The former Alaska governor named Sarah Palin is telling that she would be eager to challenge President Barack Obama in 2012 presidential race. This would be quite a debate to watch as Sarah Palin would easily hand Obama his privates on a plater.

Sarah released the keynote address at the tea party convention Saturday, using it to hit Obama on terrorism. Palin also concluded that she will focus on the future Republican Party primaries, and that she may prop up hundreds of candidates ahead in the months.

"I think that President Obama with all due respect, his lack of experience is really made manifest in the way that decisions are made in the White House today”, added Sarah Palin.
A survey recently showed that she could have the hold to increase a competitive presidential race and strong questions were asked in the campaign about her experience and qualifications.

A poll last week had her leading, by a few points, the pack of potential Republican Party candidates. The Research 2000 unveiled Republican voters thinks that she is more qualified to be president than Obama by a margin of 4-1.

Considering Sarah Palin has success as an owner of two business, two terms as mayor, commissioner and governor compared to Obama’s failed first year in The White House the margin should be 8-1.

With Obama’s disastrous first year most Americas are waking up to the realization he is incredibly incompetent and clueless.

Too bad, someone did not ask Obama about his qualifications before he was elected, besides being the first black President, he had ZERO executive experience, served on the law review for Harvard, ( kind of an in and out job) spent a couple of years in the Illinois state legislature,spent some time as a community organizor, and all of 150 DAYS in the U.S senate before becoming POTUS. Whoooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaa, but boy, you libs were sure impressed with the way he could READ a teleprompter. :lol: That's what got your vote.:lol::lol:

It also got a majority of the center and some Republicans as well. The most experienced presidents based on their careers (J Q Adams and Buchanan) were not rousing successes, either. So: you are reaching.
the Obama taught Constitution law.
His main topic in class must of been, how to shit all over the Constitution.

and we see just how intelligent he is in finance, the economy, foreign policy.

what a friggen joke that has been played on the people., but the sad part is, millions of people fell for it.

Even Conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) admits that the Stimulus worked.

Admit it. You just hate having a black president. No matter what he does, you will see a failure.

Even tearing apart the Taliban in Afghanistan is not enough. We can all feel your hate.

You might consider professional help. Seriously. This much hate is not good for you.

please admit you are full of BS.
you are a fine one to accuse others of HATE. just read your post on Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, or any Republican or conservative for that matter...:lol::lol:

Full of BS? I qualified every single one of my statements. Unlike Republicans, I don't have to lie.

Don't feed 'em or they will breed.





Obama bucks

Governor Palin proclaimed April 16, 2008 as Health-care Decisions Day in Alaska

Republicans are the gift that just keep on giving.

Even Conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) admits that the Stimulus worked.

Admit it. You just hate having a black president. No matter what he does, you will see a failure.

Even tearing apart the Taliban in Afghanistan is not enough. We can all feel your hate.

You might consider professional help. Seriously. This much hate is not good for you.

please admit you are full of BS.
you are a fine one to accuse others of HATE. just read your post on Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, or any Republican or conservative for that matter...:lol::lol:

Full of BS? I qualified every single one of my statements. Unlike Republicans, I don't have to lie.

Don't feed 'em or they will breed.





Obama bucks

Governor Palin proclaimed April 16, 2008 as Health-care Decisions Day in Alaska

Republicans are the gift that just keep on giving.


Can anyone translate piglatin and jibberish?:cuckoo:
I hope the fuck she runs in 2012 and wins if for no other reason than to shut these assholes up once and for all!

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