Sarah Palin Would Challenge Obama in 2012: 4-1 Margin Palin More Qualified

Nominating Palin in 2012 would be the easiest way for the GOP to wipe out virtually all of the gains, real or imagined, that they've made since the 2008 election.
LOL, Palin is too stupid.

didn't they say the same thing about Reagan and Bush.

and as we see, being stupid didn't hurt the Obama.:lol:
I hope the fuck she runs in 2012 and wins if for no other reason than to shut these assholes up once and for all!
That's unrealistic on so many levels! One: she can't win. Too polarizing and way too stupid to be POTUS and

Two: when has anyone shut up about an incumbent?


But these Palinistas are the worst of the worst and it would be great to give them what they want so when she royally fucks up we can say I told you so.
LOL, Palin is too stupid.

didn't they say the same thing about Reagan and Bush.

and as we see, being stupid didn't hurt the Obama.:lol:
Do you want George W. Bush to be your paradigm of smart?!?

I want a President who is Real.
not some snooty intellectual who believes themselves to be above the People they Represent.
"Real" is good for movie stars and professional athletes. "Smart" is good for leadership.

We already did stupid from 2001 to 2009. Would you really put us through that again so you can think someone is "real"?
Do you want George W. Bush to be your paradigm of smart?!?

I want a President who is Real.
not some snooty intellectual who believes themselves to be above the People they Represent.
"Real" is good for movie stars and professional athletes. "Smart" is good for leadership.

We already did stupid from 2001 to 2009. Would you really put us through that again so you can think someone is "real"?

Seems like the American people are already wanting someone, Real.
the Obama thought he could "LEAD" the American people like he led the Community organizers around by the nose. I guess that's what he gets for thinking himself a LEADER.:lol:
If I see one more fucktard call Obama arrogant, I think I'll blow a fuse. It's a purely partisan, ad hominem attempt at an attack that has no basis in reality. The more the guy tries to act humble, the more you slam him.

Hell, Biden tried to be humble and partisan hack Laura Ingram painted him as a buffoon. He said he didn't know what the people thought...he though he knew but he didnt want to say for sure. That's someone trying not to act arrogant and trying not to act like a know it all. Instead, partisan slams.

God I wish I was on the pharmaceuticals some of you people are on.
waaaaaa, leave Barack alone.

Arrogant and condescending is what he is, hope no one blows a gasket..:lol:
waaaaaa, leave Barack alone.

Arrogant and condescending is what he is, hope no one blows a gasket..:lol:

You realize that you prove your own ignorance with statements like that?

Unless you've met the man, which I'm sure you have not - you have no frame of reference as to his personal nature. You can't possibly know if he is arrogant and condescending. It would be the same as me calling you ugly over the internet - I've never met you, nor seen a picture of you. You calling Obama "arrogant and condescending" is the same, since you've never had a conversation with him.
waaaaaa, leave Barack alone.

Arrogant and condescending is what he is, hope no one blows a gasket..:lol:

You realize that you prove your own ignorance with statements like that?

Unless you've met the man, which I'm sure you have not - you have no frame of reference as to his personal nature. You can't possibly know if he is arrogant and condescending. It would be the same as me calling you ugly over the internet - I've never met you, nor seen a picture of you. You calling Obama "arrogant and condescending" is the same, since you've never had a conversation with him.

Oh really, so how bout all those people who call Bush or Palin Stupid? I'm sure not many have met them.
We can see how the Obama acts and speaks when he is giving his 1000th speech. He looks and speaks down his nose at people.
and you feel the need to call people, ignorant. have at it.
that is my opinion of the Obama, and I'm sticking with it.:lol:
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waaaaaa, leave Barack alone.

Arrogant and condescending is what he is, hope no one blows a gasket..:lol:

You realize that you prove your own ignorance with statements like that?

Unless you've met the man, which I'm sure you have not - you have no frame of reference as to his personal nature. You can't possibly know if he is arrogant and condescending. It would be the same as me calling you ugly over the internet - I've never met you, nor seen a picture of you. You calling Obama "arrogant and condescending" is the same, since you've never had a conversation with him.

Oh really, so how bout all those people who call Bush or Palin Stupid? I'm sure not many have met them.
They're just as ignorant as you. Does that make you feel better?
We can see how the Obama acts and speaks when he is giving his 1000th speech. He looks and speaks down his nose at people. and you feel the need to call people, ignorant. have at it.
that is my opinion, and I'm sticking with it.:lol:

Exactly, it's your opinion. And you're entitled to it, no matter how stupid it is. Don't be suprised when people don't take your armchair psychology seriously though.
You realize that you prove your own ignorance with statements like that?

Unless you've met the man, which I'm sure you have not - you have no frame of reference as to his personal nature. You can't possibly know if he is arrogant and condescending. It would be the same as me calling you ugly over the internet - I've never met you, nor seen a picture of you. You calling Obama "arrogant and condescending" is the same, since you've never had a conversation with him.

Oh really, so how bout all those people who call Bush or Palin Stupid? I'm sure not many have met them.
They're just as ignorant as you. Does that make you feel better?
We can see how the Obama acts and speaks when he is giving his 1000th speech. He looks and speaks down his nose at people. and you feel the need to call people, ignorant. have at it.
that is my opinion, and I'm sticking with it.:lol:

Exactly, it's your opinion. And you're entitled to it, no matter how stupid it is. Don't be suprised when people don't take your armchair psychology seriously though.

Pfeesh, like I care, if you mean by people like you.
I suppose people are to take your opinion seriously for SOME reason or other.
Oh really, so how bout all those people who call Bush or Palin Stupid? I'm sure not many have met them.
They're just as ignorant as you. Does that make you feel better?
We can see how the Obama acts and speaks when he is giving his 1000th speech. He looks and speaks down his nose at people. and you feel the need to call people, ignorant. have at it.
that is my opinion, and I'm sticking with it.:lol:

Exactly, it's your opinion. And you're entitled to it, no matter how stupid it is. Don't be suprised when people don't take your armchair psychology seriously though.

Pfeesh, like I care, if you mean by people like you.
I suppose people are to take your opinion seriously for SOME reason or other.

That would be why I don't put my opinions into my arguments, and rely only on facts.

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