Saudi clerics: Isis terrorism a 'heinous crime' under sharia law


VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
Just to mention the call of saudi clerics.

Saudi clerics declare Isis terrorism a 'heinous crime' under sharia law

read the article-----it is utterly meaningless-----
"We condemn all violent acts which are not directed at those we
consider OUR enemies"

The enemies mean the occupiers or fighters against citizens or rebels against the society.
read the article-----it is utterly meaningless-----
"We condemn all violent acts which are not directed at those we
consider OUR enemies"

The enemies mean the occupiers or fighters against citizens or rebels against the society.

In general-----their enemies are anyone not sunni muslim and supportive of the
read the article-----it is utterly meaningless-----
"We condemn all violent acts which are not directed at those we
consider OUR enemies"

The enemies mean the occupiers or fighters against citizens or rebels against the society.

In general-----their enemies are anyone not sunni muslim and supportive of the

Where is it said in the journal text?
read the article-----it is utterly meaningless-----
"We condemn all violent acts which are not directed at those we
consider OUR enemies"

The enemies mean the occupiers or fighters against citizens or rebels against the society.

In general-----their enemies are anyone not sunni muslim and supportive of the

Where is it said in the journal text?

I commented on the reality of islam which I learned from muslims
over the course of almost 50 years and I have followed the careers
of the ILLUSTRIOUS ----Osama bin Laden and I have followed the
more recent development of SUNNI ISIS. For those who do not know---
OSAMA had an ambition which included INVASION of Saudi arabia and
replacement of the Monarchy with ----JIHADIST MUSLIMS consistent
witth his AGENDA of CALIPHATE. Isis is not much different
from al queida in its ambition------also ----replacement of the Saudi
Monarchy with CALIPHATISTS of their own stripe. Saudi clerics
are very anti-isis since Isis is enemy of the present Saudi establishment
read the article-----it is utterly meaningless-----
"We condemn all violent acts which are not directed at those we
consider OUR enemies"

The enemies mean the occupiers or fighters against citizens or rebels against the society.

In general-----their enemies are anyone not sunni muslim and supportive of the

Where is it said in the journal text?

I commented on the reality of islam which I learned from muslims
over the course of almost 50 years and I have followed the careers
of the ILLUSTRIOUS ----Osama bin Laden and I have followed the
more recent development of SUNNI ISIS. For those who do not know---
OSAMA had an ambition which included INVASION of Saudi arabia and
replacement of the Monarchy with ----JIHADIST MUSLIMS consistent
witth his AGENDA of CALIPHATE. Isis is not much different
from al queida in its ambition------also ----replacement of the Saudi
Monarchy with CALIPHATISTS of their own stripe. Saudi clerics
are very anti-isis since Isis is enemy of the present Saudi establishment

You make contradictions here:
from one part you said that the Saudi clerics are backing ISIS attacks against others and other part you said that ISIS in enemy of Saudi Arabia.

Does the big rabbi approve murder of civilians?

read the article-----it is utterly meaningless-----
"We condemn all violent acts which are not directed at those we
consider OUR enemies"

The enemies mean the occupiers or fighters against citizens or rebels against the society.

In general-----their enemies are anyone not sunni muslim and supportive of the

Where is it said in the journal text?

I commented on the reality of islam which I learned from muslims
over the course of almost 50 years and I have followed the careers
of the ILLUSTRIOUS ----Osama bin Laden and I have followed the
more recent development of SUNNI ISIS. For those who do not know---
OSAMA had an ambition which included INVASION of Saudi arabia and
replacement of the Monarchy with ----JIHADIST MUSLIMS consistent
witth his AGENDA of CALIPHATE. Isis is not much different
from al queida in its ambition------also ----replacement of the Saudi
Monarchy with CALIPHATISTS of their own stripe. Saudi clerics
are very anti-isis since Isis is enemy of the present Saudi establishment

You make contradictions here:
from one part you said that the Saudi clerics are backing ISIS attacks against others and other part you said that ISIS in enemy of Saudi Arabia.

Does the big rabbi approve murder of civilians?

try again, islamo Nazi dog. There is NO CONTRADITION in my post-------You made mention of some SAUDI CLERICS that hate ISIS------so? Isis seeks to
over throw the Saudi establishment-------the ONLY LEGAL position a clergy man
in Saudi CAN have without losing his head is "ISIS IS SHIT" I did not say Saudi
clerics support ISIS. (unless they so do quietly as do many Saudis ---cleric
or not.
[QUOTE="irosie91, post: 13461681,

Does the big rabbi approve murder of civilians?


You present more islamo Nazi shit. -----R. Ovadia Yosef--------never called for the ANNHILATIONN OF ARABS. He died---but at that time that he commented on the LEGALITY of killing attacking arabs he was 90 years old-------a survivor of the
pogroms inflicted on his community in Iraq by your fellow islamo Nazi rapist murderers -------His position was KILLING IN SELF DEFENSE-------it had nothing to do with the behavior of shit like you who murder infants to excite your filthy muslimah sluts
Some of what they do does go against Islam. Like forcing circumcision of female babies and killing their own.
But let them attack a Christian or a gay? Fogetaboutit
Some of what they do does go against Islam. Like forcing circumcision of female babies and killing their own.
But let them attack a Christian or a gay? Fogetaboutit

your post makes no sense. Historically muslims have been fighting and killing each other since before the carcass of the rapist pig, muhummad died. The actions were not AGAINST islam-----they were ENCOURAGED by Islamic clerics-----In 1971----Muslim clerics in WEST Pakistan issues SPECIAL ORDERS for the Pakistani army to not only murder but also rape muslims of EAST PAKISTAN (so ---of course they did----try to find a Bangladeshi for more information) Female circumcision is a
sanctioned practice in islam since the time of muhummad and counting
Some of what they do does go against Islam. Like forcing circumcision of female babies and killing their own.
But let them attack a Christian or a gay? Fogetaboutit

your post makes no sense. Historically muslims have been fighting and killing each other since before the carcass of the rapist pig, muhummad died. The actions were not AGAINST islam-----they were ENCOURAGED by Islamic clerics-----In 1971----Muslim clerics in WEST Pakistan issues SPECIAL ORDERS for the Pakistani army to not only murder but also rape muslims of EAST PAKISTAN (so ---of course they did----try to find a Bangladeshi for more information) Female circumcision is a
sanctioned practice in islam since the time of muhummad and counting
Not FORCED circumcision on babies.
And I know they have but it is still the point that they aren't supposed to..
I read a story of a guy that fled is. He said he was fine with killing innocent men, women and children. It was his "calling" or some bullshit. But then, his leader told him to slay a few in his group. I cant recall what for.. Anyways, THAT is what cause dhim to flee..
are they the same kind of muslim or the other kind?

And what are they going to actually do?

nothing, so just let me know if they are different or not

Saudis are mostly sunni-------even the Shiites there must ---TOE THE SUNNI LINE---since the monarchs are sunni, A famous Shiite leader in Saudi Arabia --just lost his head for -----"dissension"--------IRAN (Shiite) objected. The comment by the Saudi clerics is VERY acceptable to the Saudi monarchs-----whether the clerics are sunni or Shiite------because on of the objectives of ISIS is -----to kinda replace the Saudi monarchy with THE ISIS PEOPLE
Some of what they do does go against Islam. Like forcing circumcision of female babies and killing their own.
But let them attack a Christian or a gay? Fogetaboutit

your post makes no sense. Historically muslims have been fighting and killing each other since before the carcass of the rapist pig, muhummad died. The actions were not AGAINST islam-----they were ENCOURAGED by Islamic clerics-----In 1971----Muslim clerics in WEST Pakistan issues SPECIAL ORDERS for the Pakistani army to not only murder but also rape muslims of EAST PAKISTAN (so ---of course they did----try to find a Bangladeshi for more information) Female circumcision is a
sanctioned practice in islam since the time of muhummad and counting
Not FORCED circumcision on babies.
And I know they have but it is still the point that they aren't supposed to..
I read a story of a guy that fled is. He said he was fine with killing innocent men, women and children. It was his "calling" or some bullshit. But then, his leader told him to slay a few in his group. I cant recall what for.. Anyways, THAT is what cause dhim to flee..

your post is incoherent. Muslims never needed the consent of girls to CIRCUMCIZE them --------age was never an issue. What does "they aren't
supposed to...." mean in your post. Muslim clerics have advocated it for centuries
and most still do. There has been some action amongst a minority to ---get rid of
the idea. What does "dhim" mean in your post---------you seem very confused--even more so than is usual
Some of what they do does go against Islam. Like forcing circumcision of female babies and killing their own.
But let them attack a Christian or a gay? Fogetaboutit

your post makes no sense. Historically muslims have been fighting and killing each other since before the carcass of the rapist pig, muhummad died. The actions were not AGAINST islam-----they were ENCOURAGED by Islamic clerics-----In 1971----Muslim clerics in WEST Pakistan issues SPECIAL ORDERS for the Pakistani army to not only murder but also rape muslims of EAST PAKISTAN (so ---of course they did----try to find a Bangladeshi for more information) Female circumcision is a
sanctioned practice in islam since the time of muhummad and counting
Not FORCED circumcision on babies.
And I know they have but it is still the point that they aren't supposed to..
I read a story of a guy that fled is. He said he was fine with killing innocent men, women and children. It was his "calling" or some bullshit. But then, his leader told him to slay a few in his group. I cant recall what for.. Anyways, THAT is what cause dhim to flee..

your post is incoherent. Muslims never needed the consent of girls to CIRCUMCIZE them --------age was never an issue. What does "they aren't
supposed to...." mean in your post. Muslim clerics have advocated it for centuries
and most still do. There has been some action amongst a minority to ---get rid of
the idea. What does "dhim" mean in your post---------you seem very confused--even more so than is usual
caused them*
I am going by interpretations centuries old. Islam protects a womans right to sexual enjoyment.
BTW, there are 3 types of female circumcision. 2 are considered harmful to the body... which is where my position comes from..
Also, the fact remains, the Quran supports neither position..
Some of what they do does go against Islam. Like forcing circumcision of female babies and killing their own.
But let them attack a Christian or a gay? Fogetaboutit

your post makes no sense. Historically muslims have been fighting and killing each other since before the carcass of the rapist pig, muhummad died. The actions were not AGAINST islam-----they were ENCOURAGED by Islamic clerics-----In 1971----Muslim clerics in WEST Pakistan issues SPECIAL ORDERS for the Pakistani army to not only murder but also rape muslims of EAST PAKISTAN (so ---of course they did----try to find a Bangladeshi for more information) Female circumcision is a
sanctioned practice in islam since the time of muhummad and counting
Not FORCED circumcision on babies.
And I know they have but it is still the point that they aren't supposed to..
I read a story of a guy that fled is. He said he was fine with killing innocent men, women and children. It was his "calling" or some bullshit. But then, his leader told him to slay a few in his group. I cant recall what for.. Anyways, THAT is what cause dhim to flee..

your post is incoherent. Muslims never needed the consent of girls to CIRCUMCIZE them --------age was never an issue. What does "they aren't
supposed to...." mean in your post. Muslim clerics have advocated it for centuries
and most still do. There has been some action amongst a minority to ---get rid of
the idea. What does "dhim" mean in your post---------you seem very confused--even more so than is usual
caused them*
I am going by interpretations centuries old. Islam protects a womans right to sexual enjoyment.
BTW, there are 3 types of female circumcision. 2 are considered harmful to the body... which is where my position comes from..
Also, the fact remains, the Quran supports neither position..

you know nothing about islam------it is possible that you have been reading some
Islamic propaganda. BTW----there are a LOT more than "3 types" of female circumcision. Female circumcision is another topic about which you know nothing. Female circumcision is an EXTENSIVE TOPIC------with lots of information in the medical literature------stuff you never have and never will read
-----nor would you understand it if you did. I do not believe that you ever read
the koran-------I have. I do not believe that you have interacted with a whole lot
of muslims-----I have... You don't have a "position" You might have picked
something up from a propaganda rant.
Some of what they do does go against Islam. Like forcing circumcision of female babies and killing their own.
But let them attack a Christian or a gay? Fogetaboutit

your post makes no sense. Historically muslims have been fighting and killing each other since before the carcass of the rapist pig, muhummad died. The actions were not AGAINST islam-----they were ENCOURAGED by Islamic clerics-----In 1971----Muslim clerics in WEST Pakistan issues SPECIAL ORDERS for the Pakistani army to not only murder but also rape muslims of EAST PAKISTAN (so ---of course they did----try to find a Bangladeshi for more information) Female circumcision is a
sanctioned practice in islam since the time of muhummad and counting
Not FORCED circumcision on babies.
And I know they have but it is still the point that they aren't supposed to..
I read a story of a guy that fled is. He said he was fine with killing innocent men, women and children. It was his "calling" or some bullshit. But then, his leader told him to slay a few in his group. I cant recall what for.. Anyways, THAT is what cause dhim to flee..

your post is incoherent. Muslims never needed the consent of girls to CIRCUMCIZE them --------age was never an issue. What does "they aren't
supposed to...." mean in your post. Muslim clerics have advocated it for centuries
and most still do. There has been some action amongst a minority to ---get rid of
the idea. What does "dhim" mean in your post---------you seem very confused--even more so than is usual
caused them*
I am going by interpretations centuries old. Islam protects a womans right to sexual enjoyment.
BTW, there are 3 types of female circumcision. 2 are considered harmful to the body... which is where my position comes from..
Also, the fact remains, the Quran supports neither position..

you know nothing about islam------it is possible that you have been reading some
Islamic propaganda. BTW----there are a LOT more than "3 types" of female circumcision. Female circumcision is another topic about which you know nothing. Female circumcision is an EXTENSIVE TOPIC------with lots of information in the medical literature------stuff you never have and never will read
-----nor would you understand it if you did. I do not believe that you ever read
the koran-------I have. I do not believe that you have interacted with a whole lot
of muslims-----I have... You don't have a "position" You might have picked
something up from a propaganda rant.
Bullshit rosie.
I hate the religion of islam probably more than you. Thing is, I don't resort to emotional outcries filled with bullshit.
There are PLENTY of legit things to demonize islam over. Why manufacture bullshit?
Maybe you can prove your allegations? Ill wait
Female circumcision is NOT mentioned or endorsed by the Quran or Muhammad.

And was practiced by various tribes and cultures long before the religion of Islam came on the scene. ..... :cool:

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