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Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Hi high Gravity-----nice to see you again. I am not sure
that sherri is actually what you can call "mentally ill"
Belief in a standard religion is not considered "mental illness"
by psychiatrists-----there are enough persons adherent to the
ideology "ISLAMO NAZISM" that it simply has to be considered
a standard religion even if it is BIZARRE in civilized societies.
Keep in mind-----cannibals are not mentally ill----just "different"

Adolf abu ali Hitler was determined by competent
psychiatrists to not be ----well-----Psychotic-----I am
assuming that when you use the term "mentally ill"
you are referring to a PSYCHOSIS and not just what
used to be called "PERSONALITY DISORDER"----
SOCIOPATHY is --what used to be called a
personality disorder and it is not psychosis
aka NUTS
I think you think that muslims do not eat shellfish---nope---THAT's jews.
HALAL and KOSHER are not the same.

Halal is just a copy of Kosher. Everything the Muslims do, they imitated the Jews about.

{Within Sunnis, there is a strong position that shellfish (shrimp, lobster, crab, clams, etc.) are prohibited. This is most prevalent in the Hanafi school but also has support among some Shafi'i and Maliki scholars. }


yes yes----there are SOME muslims who reject shell-fish------but I think it is
not at all a PREVALENT idea amongst sunnis----the fact is that muslims---
in general--do eat the stuff and it seems none reject a nice tender
young camel Long ago------I used to ASSUME that what is not kosher
is not Halal-----I was very wrong----

Long ago the topic came up ----with an Iranian shiite-----he did not actually
care but -----thought hard and said ----'yeah---there are some like that' with
clear disdain------so the SUNNI thing is probably true
Sherri you are mentally ill.

And your refusal to address the issues and resort only to personal attacks to distract from the discussion earns you a place in my Ignore List!

Can I get on it too?

If I'm already on it, don't answer.

I still love you-----the brits deprived all of india of "ARMS"?
does that mean they took their elephant rifles? I do not
understand. guns? Depriving a conquored people
of weapons ----is a kind of subjugation with a very
interesting history -----it is far more than "de-militarizing'
them. In the perversity of islamic law----non muslims
are deprived of the most basic weapons----but it is
not an effort to "de-militarize" them----it is
a matter of emphasizing their subjugation. In the shariah
cesspit in which my hubby was born---taking
a jouney on foot might include HIRING
a muslim escort-----because even in the presence
of wild animals---non muslims could not
carry a dagger In order to emphasize their
position of RULE in that country----muslim
men do not appear in pubic unarmed----
at the very least a giant dagger at the waist,
more recently----a nice decorative AK 47

Administrative detentions, as the practice is carried out by Israel against Palestinian political prisoners, violates international law.

We have opinions by Amnesty International and others that confirms this.

reabhloideach, et al,

  • you have described the actions, not only of our founding fathers, but of a number of individuals who became the heroes of their countries.

Our founding fathers wrote a "Declaration of Independence." They wrote the King. They then formed an Army and pursued a conventional war. They did not attack civilian target, conduct suicide attacks, ambushes on convences for children, school kids and older people. They had a flag and a uniform and pretty much told everyone who they were.

  • you have described denmark vesey and nat turner.

Ah, the slave rebellion. Yes, and they were dealt with as the laws of the time required. But they did nothing on the order of Palestinian terrorists.


Mahatma Gandhi advocated non-violence.
Jomo Kenyatta was convicted by an act of perjury in a prosecutorial deal in the "Kapenguria Six" investigation.
Fidel Casto was a Communist Rebel Leader that conducted a largely conventional war against the Batista Government. He originally opposed the use of violent secret police which routinely murdered and tortured opponents; but, then adopted the process himself. But he did not make war against unarmed civilians in the beginning.


Joe Hill was a criminal labor activist. It happens. He killed a store own and his son in a shootout. This is not a sterling example.

Che Guevara was a Marxist Revolutionary who fell in love with the life style of a guerrilla campaign fighter. Be he opposed the "brutal policy of apartheid" that the Palestinians promote.

Oh yea, Mairéad Farrell, of IRA fame. Do you really think the IRA wasn't involved in terrorism? They conducted bombings and shootings all across Northern Ireland. Wow, this is you idol.


Stephen (Black is BeautifuL) Biko advocated nonviolence.
Private James Daley was executed for dessertion from a British Ranger unit. Not terrorism.


Sophia Magdalena Scholl was active in White Rose non-violent resistance. Not terrorism.

BINGO: Avraham Stern, of Lehi fame. Yes you finally found a name to make the association. Yes, he was a true terrorist. You should have named half the original Israeli government. Most of them had their faces on UK Terrorist Wanted Poster. When I was a young Agent, I had a whole collection of UK Wanted Posters with the faces of all sorts of famous Israeli Leaders.


Yes, there are many terrorists that became honored citizens. I don't question that. But this guy isn't building a nation. He is a disgruntled Arab that has no KSAs to build upon.

DOUBLE BINGO: He was IRA. He was convicted as an accessory to murder in the shooting of RUC Officers. He was found with the car used in the shooting and with the gun. He is a terrorist. This guy was trying to subvert the conviction.

Again, suicide or (self imposed) starvation. If you kill yourself, you kill yourself. They were Catholic. They understand the implication of suicide. (Islamic, Christian and Hebrew)

Abi Walad said, I heard Aba Abd Allah say: “Whoever kills himself, intentionally, he will be in the fire of hell for eternity.”​

  • he is a political prisoner, or more accurately, a prisoner of war.

This is an attempt to attain some honor in what he is doing. But he is just like so many malcontents that would rather cause trouble than create a nation.

  • i agree. the palestinian prisoners lack committment. they have the opportunity to break israel's back but are hesitating.

Why break Israel's back when they can build a nation, like the many worldwide national heros that have promoted peace, equality and commerce. Why must Palestinians be known for being terrorists? Is that the legacy they want.

Many believe that the Middle East was once the center of civilization, culture and learning. But that is not what it is going to be remember as. They are going to be remembered as a whiny culture that turned into a barbaric, savage, primitive state; an uncivilized sub-society that was unable to successfully turn their lives around and build a strong nation.

Most Respectfully,

i suppose you and i / steve biko was arrested and gaoled for terrorism offenses/ could go on endlessly about the particulars / the americans who fought the war for american independence hardly fought a conventional war and many were not in the army and many did attack civilian targets / and could to and fro this / to accuse james daly and the other connaught rangers of desertion disserves them gravely. there is a monument to their heroism in glasnevin cemetary, dublin. those men mutinied in a show of solidarity with their homeland / discussion forever / jomo kenyatta was not convicted because someone perjured themselves but was convicted because the powers that be, the british, wanted him out of the way / but it would all be to no end.

of course you can find differences between all the people i mentioned. their struggles occurred in differnt times and places, and we could discuss the difficulties of establishing a government after an overthrow of the established order or the concepts of capitalism, socialism, and commumism, but that would only obfuscate the issue.

my point os that all these men throughout time have a lot in common with issawi and that they went on to become heroes in their country and champions of freedom, many on a world stage. i see him as no different. what exactly was his offense.

as for suicide, and particularly hunger strikes, i did mention the masada (we can ignore the issue of trying to pull a fast one on god for the moment) or the beta israel jews (i still think it is funny that other jewish people refer to them as falash mura, a term they consider a slur in their native ethiopia) who embaked on a hunger strike because the ethiopian government was preventinting them from emigrating.

BBC NEWS | Africa | Ethiopia Jews go on hunger strike

one person could say he is a terrorist who is committing suicide.

another person could say he is a patriotic political prisoner who is fighting against his oppressors with the only weapon left at his disposal.

i think people are going to pick whatever flowery words that they have available to promote their cause.

you say they should build a nation. with what...the scraps israel leaves them with no water. look at a map. also, when they attempt to build a nation, as they have in seeking UN recognition, what are the consequences of that.
Please substantiate the claim that 'the other Jews' or Israelis commonly refer to Beta Israel by that name. The few thousand I know, although a small sample, do not do so and I've never seen it in print in any article I've read.

I did notice that the writer for the BBC article mentioned that they prefer to be called 'Beta Israel' - right before using the other offensive term at least twice in the rest of the article. So much for the 'sensitivity' of the BBC!
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Incidentally, Nixon used to do that a lot (we can ignore the issue.............) - I forget what that one is called, but it's most often a hallmark of dishonesty. If we're ignoring something, then there's no point in mentioning it where it's irrelevant.
It's also irrelevant who used what tactics during the American Revolution - but I'll just say the idea that US forces didn't ever fight pitched battles in mass formations (the common tactic at the time) is BOGUS. That's when we really started winning......(with the help of the French and others).

Also, the British forces in the US didn't conduct themselves with 'typical British reserve' when engaging the Americans. Specifically, I refer to Tarleton's Raiders and their activities Banastre Tarleton - American Revolution Banastre Tarleton Biography

By recent standards, Tarlton should have been hanged for the war crimes he committed against civilians....... Oh, well! I suppose we could ask the Crown to rescind his promotions and officially label him a poopy-head???? I bet there's folks in the Carolinas who'd be up for trying........
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I just want to share the letter I just emailed to my President on the behalf of Samer Issawi and 4 other hunger striking Palestinian political prisoners.

Dear President Obama,

On the eve of your first election as President, I stood for about 5 hours in a football field in Springfield, Missouri with other campaign workers and beside my mother and we waited , for you to come and speak. And the chants, about change, Yes we can, I will never forget. And the Hope you inspired in all of us that you would change things and make our country a better place was such a beautiful thing to experience, an experience to remember and cherish for a lifetime.

And flash forward, to today, there is so much more that needs changing in America and one of those things is our unheallthy relationship with Israel and our support for the Occupation in Palestine. I beg you, do something about this, Here is one thing happening right now, you can intervene in and try to do something positive about it. There are political prisoners in Israel on hunger strikes, held under unlawful administrative detentions, who are near death. Please get involved and use your influence with Israel to save lives of these prisoners, Samer Issawi (151 days) ,Ayman Sharawna (182 days), Yousef Yassin (32 days), Jafar Azzidine (32 days) and Tarek Qa’adan (32 days),

I am forwarding you an email I sent to PM Netanyahu this morning and also am planning to send to every member of the US Congress and the EU and every member of The Knesset, and I want to try to ensure I do all I can do to stop Israel's unlawful detentions of Palestinian political prisoners, some of whose lives are presently in grave danger. Please get involved and save lives, please, these Palestinian prisoners are under threat of imminent death. I know you do not want their deaths on your conscience. Thank you for considering their plight and anything you can do to help improve the situation.

Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu,

I am very concerned about the safety and welfare of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel under administrative detentions who are on hunger strikes, in particular five prisoners who have been identified by Addameer as facing imminent death, Ayman Sharawna (182 days), Samer Issawi (151 days), Yousef Yassin (32 days), Jafar Azzidine (32 days) and Tarek Qa’adan (32 days),

These administrative detentions Israel is holding Palestinian prisoners under, that include the five prisoners named above, violate international treaties Israel is bound to which internationally recognize rights to a fair trial for detainees and prisoners, to include the Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Evidence heard in secret, which provides neither the defendant nor his attorney being allowed to examine the evidence or challenge it, violates the requirements of international law that mandate fair legal proceedings and due process in detentions of prisoners. These detentions are war crimes under the Fourth Geneva Convention.

I urge you to ensure Israel abides by her obligations under international law and call on the Israeli authorities to release these five detainees in imminent danger of death, as well as all other Palestinians in administrative detention, unless they are promptly charged with internationally recognizable criminal offenses and brought to trial in proceedings that meet international fair trial standards.

I urge you to ensure the immediate transfer of Ayman Sharawna and Samer Issawi and other detainees on prolonged hunger strikes to a fully-equipped hospital so they can receive specialized medical care.

I urge you to ensure that all detainees on hunger strike are allowed regular, private access to independent doctors, families and lawyers, treated humanely, and not punished in any way for their hunger strike, as Samer Issawi was recently, as he and his family were attacked and beaten by Occupying soldiers when he was transported for a court appearance.

I urge you to end the cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of administrative detainees, such as shackling detainees on prolonged hunger strike, that the human rights organizations and NGO’s are reporting Israel is engaging in.

I urge you to ensure Israel abides by her obligations under international law and deals humanely with Palestinian prisoners she holds captive and in detention.

Thank You,


Sherri Munnerlyn
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