Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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He did not shoot an Israeli soldier, yet one more Zionist lie.

fuck you. there is a lot of misinfo about this guy. you think i am a zionist, you can go to fucking hell, you bible thumping, snake charming bitch.

as for this hunger strike, i support it but these people do not have any idea how to do a hunger strike and are being so half-assed about it they have managed to turn a very powerful and effective means of protest into a joke. they have played right into the hands of the zionists on this one and do not even understand this war. they don't have a ckue as to what the battlefield is. the only reason they haven't pissed the whole thing away is that the israelis are so inept and so arrogant and have such cultural flaws that they caannot get the job done.
Ha ha ha! One crazy Nazi calling another one a Nazi. On the bright side it's good to see Seal sober and taking his meds for a change.

That's Seal sober? :D

Photo from yesterday's Protests
There are now 50 pages in this thread and I'm still convinced that Samy can wither away and I'd be fine with that.

Well, not surprised , you are acting just like your Jewish ancestors.

They crucified Jesus and they remained fine with that!

Hate is in your blood.

And I am not saying this because I see every Jew this way, it is a response to your comments about Samer and how like your comments are to how Jews participated in and responded to the crucifixion of Jesus.

Let's look at the similarities for a moment. Jesus did not have to allow it to happen, His crucifixion, Samer has the same choice. The Jews in the Palestine of Jesus times did not have to insist on his crucifixion, the Israeli Jews in Palestine today could let Samer go and live, as well. Israelis are not intervening to stop the Injustice against Samer, and Jews of Palestine did not intervene to stop the crucifixion of Jesus. Jews of Palestine when Jesus lived were fine with Jesus being crucified and Jews in Palestine today are fine with Samer dying.

And, about choices, the reality is no matter what our ancestors did, we do not have to respond the same way. There is an option other than to Hate.


LMAO - lousy attempt to cover your filthy ass, liar. There are no similarities as you IMAGINE - unless Jesus organized, participated in and advocated terrorism against the Jewish people.

Somehow, I just don't think Jesus was in favor of such actions as Samer had been involved in via the PFLP, for decades.
He did not shoot an Israeli soldier, yet one more Zionist lie.

fuck you. there is a lot of misinfo about this guy. you think i am a zionist, you can go to fucking hell, you bible thumping, snake charming bitch.

as for this hunger strike, i support it but these people do not have any idea how to do a hunger strike and are being so half-assed about it they have managed to turn a very powerful and effective means of protest into a joke. they have played right into the hands of the zionists on this one and do not even understand this war. they don't have a ckue as to what the battlefield is. the only reason they haven't pissed the whole thing away is that the israelis are so inept and so arrogant and have such cultural flaws that they caannot get the job done.

Sorry you interpreted my post as calling you a Zionist, that was not my intent, I placed some Hate filled Zionist posters on Ignore and I assumed that information there in your post was obtained from one of them and it was them I was referring to as Zionists, not you. I am sorry about that.


and i am sorry if i misinterpreted what you said.

these people are making me sick to my stomach though, laughing about this guy dieing. and their racist attitudes.

at this point, i am ready to burn this whole fucking thread down by telling holocaust jokes. i mean if one guy dieing is funny, 3,000,000 ews in hitler's camps oughta be hilarious.
There are now 50 pages in this thread and I'm still convinced that Samy can wither away and I'd be fine with that.

Well, not surprised , you are acting just like your Jewish ancestors.

They crucified Jesus and they remained fine with that!

Hate is in your blood.

And I am not saying this because I see every Jew this way, it is a response to your comments about Samer and how like your comments are to how Jews participated in and responded to the crucifixion of Jesus.

Let's look at the similarities for a moment. Jesus did not have to allow it to happen, His crucifixion, Samer has the same choice. The Jews in the Palestine of Jesus times did not have to insist on his crucifixion, the Israeli Jews in Palestine today could let Samer go and live, as well. Israelis are not intervening to stop the Injustice against Samer, and Jews of Palestine did not intervene to stop the crucifixion of Jesus. Jews of Palestine when Jesus lived were fine with Jesus being crucified and Jews in Palestine today are fine with Samer dying.

And, about choices, the reality is no matter what our ancestors did, we do not have to respond the same way. There is an option other than to Hate.


LMAO - lousy attempt to cover your filthy ass, liar. There are no similarities as you IMAGINE - unless Jesus organized, participated in and advocated terrorism against the Jewish people.
Somehow, I just don't think Jesus was in favor of such actions as Samer had been involved in via the PFLP, for decades.

yeah...and when we fail to make a distinction between jewish people and israelis, you friggin' jews have a field day whining "anti-semitism" about that one.
Friday will also be a day of demonstrations; The first one will be in front of BBC!!

" Please all in London, join and hold Issawi's photos and call for his freedom.. Ask your friends to join too.. Ask your governments to release Issawi who is detained with no charge! He is dying now and in a very critical condition.. So when people will say no to "Illegal Detention!". Start Now. Act Now. We want the whole world to act on Friday. Want Samer to be with us on Saturday or even before..
Want to hear from you.. All of you can organize a similar one.. Start now.."

Protest BBC Bias - Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners
January 11 at 2:00pm in UTC

BBC Headquarters, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA

In solidarity with Samer Issawi, A 24-hour mass hunger strike around the world (

fuck you. there is a lot of misinfo about this guy. you think i am a zionist, you can go to fucking hell, you bible thumping, snake charming bitch.

as for this hunger strike, i support it but these people do not have any idea how to do a hunger strike and are being so half-assed about it they have managed to turn a very powerful and effective means of protest into a joke. they have played right into the hands of the zionists on this one and do not even understand this war. they don't have a ckue as to what the battlefield is. the only reason they haven't pissed the whole thing away is that the israelis are so inept and so arrogant and have such cultural flaws that they caannot get the job done.
Ha ha ha! One crazy Nazi calling another one a Nazi. On the bright side it's good to see Seal sober and taking his meds for a change.

That's Seal sober? :D

just because i am irish does not mean i drink. i do not drink. even if i did, the jew who owns the bar down the street waters down his drinks, so no one is getting drunk anyway.
fuck you. there is a lot of misinfo about this guy. you think i am a zionist, you can go to fucking hell, you bible thumping, snake charming bitch.

as for this hunger strike, i support it but these people do not have any idea how to do a hunger strike and are being so half-assed about it they have managed to turn a very powerful and effective means of protest into a joke. they have played right into the hands of the zionists on this one and do not even understand this war. they don't have a ckue as to what the battlefield is. the only reason they haven't pissed the whole thing away is that the israelis are so inept and so arrogant and have such cultural flaws that they caannot get the job done.

Sorry you interpreted my post as calling you a Zionist, that was not my intent, I placed some Hate filled Zionist posters on Ignore and I assumed that information there in your post was obtained from one of them and it was them I was referring to as Zionists, not you. I am sorry about that.


and i am sorry if i misinterpreted what you said.

these people are making me sick to my stomach though, laughing about this guy dieing. and their racist attitudes.

at this point, i am ready to burn this whole fucking thread down by telling holocaust jokes. i mean if one guy dieing is funny, 3,000,000 ews in hitler's camps oughta be hilarious.

I had to put some posters on ignore, before the hunger strike on Monday, they were just causing too much distractions, it has been a few days, now, and I started to remove them this morning, but the first post I read was from skye where her comments were fuck Samer and fuck me, and I immediately put her back on ignore. I do not want to read that kind of post, so I am not.

Another way to look at this is this type of response to the Occupation, and even the hate on this thread, is that these Palestinian hunger strikes, are really hurting Israel and her image, all over the world. And we see so much Hate, because the threat these actions pose to Israel is so great and so feared. I mean, just look at the fact all the Facebook pages stay up, when the discussion is a third intifada or even boycotts, Jews start complaining and close the Facebook pages, It does not work with these hunger strikes, they cannot shut people up on this issue, they cannot stop the intl movement that is growing stronger every day, it cannot and it will not be stopped.

We can look at all of this Hate as a positive thing. We just have to find a way to endure it, too.

Sorry you interpreted my post as calling you a Zionist, that was not my intent, I placed some Hate filled Zionist posters on Ignore and I assumed that information there in your post was obtained from one of them and it was them I was referring to as Zionists, not you. I am sorry about that.


and i am sorry if i misinterpreted what you said.

these people are making me sick to my stomach though, laughing about this guy dieing. and their racist attitudes.

at this point, i am ready to burn this whole fucking thread down by telling holocaust jokes. i mean if one guy dieing is funny, 3,000,000 ews in hitler's camps oughta be hilarious.

I had to put some posters on ignore, before the hunger strike on Monday, they were just causing too much distractions, it has been a few days, now, and I started to remove them this morning, but the first post I read was from skye where her comments were fuck Samer and fuck me, and I immediately put her back on ignore. I do not want to read that kind of post, so I am not.

Another way to look at this is this type of response to the Occupation, and even the hate on this thread, is that these Palestinian hunger strikes, are really hurting Israel and her image, all over the world. And we see so much Hate, because the threat these actions pose to Israel is so great and so feared. I mean, just look at the fact all the Facebook pages stay up, when the discussion is a third intifada or even boycotts, Jews start complaining and close the Facebook pages, It does not work with these hunger strikes, they cannot shut people up on this issue, they cannot stop the intl movement that is growing stronger every day, it cannot and it will not be stopped.

We can look at all of this Hate as a positive thing. We just have to find a way to endure it, too.


You are enduring nothing sherri, you are just one of many who do a great deal of talking on the internet. The extent of your conviction for this insane cause is as deep as your ability to posts pictures.
Is he dead yet???

who? the butcher of dude is so large he could go on a hunger strike today and still live longer than it would take leon klinghoffer in his present condition of fish food to sing "what shall we do with a drunken sailor"...with his wife's tearful accompaniment.


Photo from yesterday's Protests
Gee, Frau Sherri, do you think you can organize a protest comprised of Christians, Buddhists and Hindus whose relatives have been beheaded by your Muslim pals for no other reason than they were considered Infidels? I am sure they would appreciate it. It really is a shame that no protests are organized by Muslims condemning what their Muslim brethren are doing to non Muslims in Muslim countries. Maybe Frau Sherri can convince them that it is time that they should do this to show the world that they don't like what their fellow Muslims are doing.
I have an EXCELLENT suggestion in helping release Samer----for sheri.

this is how you do it. get a list of people from the israeli government that
IT imagines are dangerous insofar as being POSSIBLE terrorists .
Of that list get 100 volunteers They volunteer to get lined up against
a wall and shot IF---any one of the "MILITARY" groups with which
SAMER was associated commit any act of violence against jews in the
next ten years. Its a WIN WIN situation for isa-respecters -----lessens
the possibility of violence in the NAME OF ISA. An an extre bonus you can
add you OWN NAME to the list
and i am sorry if i misinterpreted what you said.

these people are making me sick to my stomach though, laughing about this guy dieing. and their racist attitudes.

at this point, i am ready to burn this whole fucking thread down by telling holocaust jokes. i mean if one guy dieing is funny, 3,000,000 ews in hitler's camps oughta be hilarious.

I had to put some posters on ignore, before the hunger strike on Monday, they were just causing too much distractions, it has been a few days, now, and I started to remove them this morning, but the first post I read was from skye where her comments were fuck Samer and fuck me, and I immediately put her back on ignore. I do not want to read that kind of post, so I am not.

Another way to look at this is this type of response to the Occupation, and even the hate on this thread, is that these Palestinian hunger strikes, are really hurting Israel and her image, all over the world. And we see so much Hate, because the threat these actions pose to Israel is so great and so feared. I mean, just look at the fact all the Facebook pages stay up, when the discussion is a third intifada or even boycotts, Jews start complaining and close the Facebook pages, It does not work with these hunger strikes, they cannot shut people up on this issue, they cannot stop the intl movement that is growing stronger every day, it cannot and it will not be stopped.

We can look at all of this Hate as a positive thing. We just have to find a way to endure it, too.


You are enduring nothing sherri, you are just one of many who do a great deal of talking on the internet. The extent of your conviction for this insane cause is as deep as your ability to posts pictures.

hogwash...i may not agree with everything she says, the pro-palestinian posters do not walk in lock step, but some serious issues have been brought up and no one seems to want to address them and many posters only contributions are personal attacks on posters and ridiculing a legitimate protest by a man unfairly gaoled.

there was a song about internment in the six counties...operation demetrius...9 august, could well be applied here...

[ame=]I.R.A Wolfe Tones - The Men Behind The Wire - YouTube[/ame]
Ha ha ha! One crazy Nazi calling another one a Nazi. On the bright side it's good to see Seal sober and taking his meds for a change.

That's Seal sober? :D

just because i am irish does not mean i drink. i do not drink. even if i did, the jew who owns the bar down the street waters down his drinks, so no one is getting drunk anyway.

What the hell does being Irish have to do with drinking and you have only 1 bar in your 'hood, Princess? :D
Is he dead yet???

who? the butcher of dude is so large he could go on a hunger strike today and still live longer than it would take leon klinghoffer in his present condition of fish food to sing "what shall we do with a drunken sailor"...with his wife's tearful accompaniment.


Klinghoffer's body was found a week after he was murdered by your buds, Princess, and his wife died of cancer a few months after his funeral. Obviously that's all very funny to a Nazi slimeball like you. Dead Americans. :D
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