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Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Why am I not surprised you answer my question with but a memory of something you said I said in another time and another place. Lol

I am pointing out that it seems you don't look for facts, but only those which are against Israel or Jews. If those are there, you will believe them, not matter how outrageous, imagindary and rediculous they are. And they you criticize people who "speculate". Admit once that you have acted with hypocrisy more than one time.

I read human rights reports documenting crimes against humanity of Israel and I believe them to be true. Like reading about a soldier coming out of a tank and shooting and killing two little girls who were sisters waving white Flags. And he seriously wounded a third sister, that Israeli soldier.All call such acts war crimes and rightly so!

If you are woman of LAW you should know that you take seriously evidence which can be supported in field. When you're given an evidence which not only puts your 'facts', which you take for granted so quickly, to question, but they *conftue* them complitely, you should CHECK again if you didn't miss anything when getting to your conclusions.
He did not shoot an Israeli soldier, yet one more Zionist lie.

fuck you. there is a lot of misinfo about this guy. you think i am a zionist, you can go to fucking hell, you bible thumping, snake charming bitch.

as for this hunger strike, i support it but these people do not have any idea how to do a hunger strike and are being so half-assed about it they have managed to turn a very powerful and effective means of protest into a joke. they have played right into the hands of the zionists on this one and do not even understand this war. they don't have a ckue as to what the battlefield is. the only reason they haven't pissed the whole thing away is that the israelis are so inept and so arrogant and have such cultural flaws that they caannot get the job done.

(SIGH!) Well, I guess *that* honeymoon is over......

too bad just when sherri was trying on her wedding gown...
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Sheeeesh this discusssion is getting OUT OF CONTROL
Connery---you look so RUSTIC ---I will tell you how to HUNT
deer ---HALAL style---so muslims can eat the venison.
The deer is a "kosher" animal----but NOT if injured
before the actual "slaughter" (ie hunted or trapped
with a clamp) ok ----pay attention

You get your hunting rifle ----bring a deer down
without KILLING IT-----then find a muslim child
(with parents' permission, of course)
and ask the kid to slit its
throat while saying something like "b'smallah"
now it is HALAL MEAT (as described to me
by a muslim person)

ok-----AFTER THAT we feed venison to the
innocent fasting terrorists ----in "palestine'

it would be even better if you could find a camel --
they are best when young and tender
(for the record---camels are never kosher---
lucky little humped back creatures but
using the above method---they are

all of the above is in THE NAME OF PEACE

(b'smallah means 'in the name of allah' )
I am pointing out that it seems you don't look for facts, but only those which are against Israel or Jews. If those are there, you will believe them, not matter how outrageous, imagindary and rediculous they are. And they you criticize people who "speculate". Admit once that you have acted with hypocrisy more than one time.

I read human rights reports documenting crimes against humanity of Israel and I believe them to be true. Like reading about a soldier coming out of a tank and shooting and killing two little girls who were sisters waving white Flags. And he seriously wounded a third sister, that Israeli soldier.All call such acts war crimes and rightly so!

If you are woman of LAW you should know that you take seriously evidence which can be supported in field. When you're given an evidence which not only puts your 'facts', which you take for granted so quickly, to question, but they *conftue* them complitely, you should CHECK again if you didn't miss anything when getting to your conclusions.

War crimes are war crimes and there is no way to justify them or pretend they did not happen or explain them away. And one day there will be a day of reckoning for all of them.
War crimes are to be condemned when they happen, no matter on each side.

But you stick to half truths, and you know what they say about half truths.
Connery---sherri seems to say its legal and she is a lawyer---
--In fact
the REASON it is legal is because it cannot be PROVEN
to the FACT of rocket fire into Israel ---she did respond
I believe her assertion is based on the fact
that JUST WHO LAUNCHED the rockets
and whether or not his name is ABDUL HAMAS
or not ----cannot be PROVEN (very lawyerly is she)

Then she must show authoritative sources to support her argument.

well---it is fact that HAMAS itself ---did deny several times that "HAMAS"
does itself does the rocket launchings Of course---we are not sure just
WHO HAMAS IS all we know is that all "palestinians"
are innocent civilians. THUS it cannot be PROVEN that
GAZA breaks the cease fire get it? try to focus on the "LOGIC"
I read human rights reports documenting crimes against humanity of Israel and I believe them to be true. Like reading about a soldier coming out of a tank and shooting and killing two little girls who were sisters waving white Flags. And he seriously wounded a third sister, that Israeli soldier.All call such acts war crimes and rightly so!

If you are woman of LAW you should know that you take seriously evidence which can be supported in field. When you're given an evidence which not only puts your 'facts', which you take for granted so quickly, to question, but they *conftue* them complitely, you should CHECK again if you didn't miss anything when getting to your conclusions.

War crimes are war crimes and there is no way to justify them or pretend they did not happen or explain them away. And one day there will be a day of reckoning for all of them.

ALL OF THEM? can you furnish the TIME FRAME?
the GEOGRAPHICAL LIMITS? etc etc etc???

do we get to exhume AL NABI and stone the remains?
hang them? sentence to life at hard labor?
War crimes are to be condemned when they happen, no matter on each side.

But you stick to half truths, and you know what they say about half truths.

The war crimes are an every day thing in Israel's Occupation of Palestine . And people who struggle for Freedom from Occupation and those who stand along beside them offering them friendship and support will never stop speaking out against the Injustices as long as they continue. The words one sees lived out are a people remaining steadfast and seeking to stay human. And that is a daily struggle, but we know injustices always end and Palestine will be free again one day and knowing what is to come fills the people with the hope they need to continue the struggle.
Sheeeesh this discusssion is getting OUT OF CONTROL
Connery---you look so RUSTIC ---I will tell you how to HUNT
deer ---HALAL style---so muslims can eat the venison.
The deer is a "kosher" animal----but NOT if injured
before the actual "slaughter" (ie hunted or trapped
with a clamp) ok ----pay attention

You get your hunting rifle ----bring a deer down
without KILLING IT-----then find a muslim child
(with parents' permission, of course)
and ask the kid to slit its
throat while saying something like "b'smallah"
now it is HALAL MEAT (as described to me
by a muslim person)

ok-----AFTER THAT we feed venison to the
innocent fasting terrorists ----in "palestine'

it would be even better if you could find a camel --
they are best when young and tender
(for the record---camels are never kosher---
lucky little humped back creatures but
using the above method---they are

all of the above is in THE NAME OF PEACE

(b'smallah means 'in the name of allah' )

Thank you rosie, but, these guys are protected on my property.

This is from my living room window.

There are now 50 pages in this thread and I'm still convinced that Samy can wither away and I'd be fine with that.
the ethiopian jews were not even in gaol. they had their freedom.

the man shot an israeli soldier. how many israeli soldiers or civilians are in gaol for killing palestinians?

He did not shoot an Israeli soldier, yet one more Zionist lie.

fuck you. there is a lot of misinfo about this guy. you think i am a zionist, you can go to fucking hell, you bible thumping, snake charming bitch.

as for this hunger strike, i support it but these people do not have any idea how to do a hunger strike and are being so half-assed about it they have managed to turn a very powerful and effective means of protest into a joke. they have played right into the hands of the zionists on this one and do not even understand this war. they don't have a ckue as to what the battlefield is. the only reason they haven't pissed the whole thing away is that the israelis are so inept and so arrogant and have such cultural flaws that they caannot get the job done.
Ha ha ha! One crazy Nazi calling another one a Nazi. On the bright side it's good to see Seal sober and taking his meds for a change.
He did not shoot an Israeli soldier, yet one more Zionist lie.

fuck you. there is a lot of misinfo about this guy. you think i am a zionist, you can go to fucking hell, you bible thumping, snake charming bitch.

as for this hunger strike, i support it but these people do not have any idea how to do a hunger strike and are being so half-assed about it they have managed to turn a very powerful and effective means of protest into a joke. they have played right into the hands of the zionists on this one and do not even understand this war. they don't have a ckue as to what the battlefield is. the only reason they haven't pissed the whole thing away is that the israelis are so inept and so arrogant and have such cultural flaws that they caannot get the job done.
Ha ha ha! One crazy Nazi calling another one a Nazi. On the bright side it's good to see Seal sober and taking his meds for a change.
When I saw that reply to Sherrie, I spit out my denture and it went under the couch. Glad I got a pre-schooler to fetch my teeth.
Who cares. The Palestinians came from Crete. They are not Semites or Arabs. They were not the first people to inhabit the area known Palestine. Do some research and you will find the truth.
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Who cares. The Palestinians came from Crete. They are not Semites or Arabs. They were not the first people to inhabit the area known Palestine. Do some research and you will find the truth.

Most of the "Palestinians" came from Egypt - including this Samer clown who declares that he is fighting for the honor and glory of Egypt.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian, never has been. This dude is an Egyptian.

Desperate to break Samer Issawi hunger strike, Israel relentlessly targets his family

"As people all over the world participate in today’s global hunger strike in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners, Samer Issawi has become an international figure of determination in his fight against the violations of the occupation. As he nears the end of his 164th day of hunger strike it is clear to Israel that Samer’s strength will continue to outweigh their brute force.

As part of the 2011 prisoner swap between Hamas and Israel, Sameer was released after serving ten years of a thirty year sentence. Seven months later he was re-arrested in violation of the prisoner swap terms, with the Israeli Military Court suggesting a twenty year sentence to complete the original thirty year sentence. Samer was re-arrested following an apparent breach of the conditions of his release forbidding him from leaving Jerusalem. He was captured in an area of land that does not belong to the Jerusalem governate according to the Israeli military, but the West Bank. “We do not know what Jerusalem is for us. Whenever the Israeli regime wants to change its boundaries, it does it by deceit and under the false cover of security,” said Samer’s father to Mondoweiss."

Revenge against the family has been a fact of life for the Issawi family, as the article explains.

All but one of the seven brothers and sisters have spent time in Israeli prisons.

Fadi Issawi was killed, shot by Israeli soldiers in 1994, a week after his 16th birthday. Yet another child targeted and killed by Israel, certainly not surprised by that, the Zionist way is to target and hurt and kill children in Palestine!

As Samer’s strike continues and his health deteriorates, israel is desperate to break his resolve. So, more targeting of the family for abuses commences.

On December 18, Samer was publically beaten in the Jerusalem Magistrates Court after he tried to greet his family, dragged from his wheelchair and carried away, repeatedly crying out as he was hit on his chest by the guards around him. As a result the family were barred from the trial. Samer's sister Shireen Issawi was later on that same day arrested by the Israeli army. She was held for 24 hours, and then released to house arrest for ten days. They also confiscated her license to practice her profession as a lawyer for six months. What kind of government occupies a people and carries out practices like that against a people, taking a law license for her acts in defending her own brother and fighting unlawful acts of the Occupier?

Shireen says, "When they realised that they will never break Samer’s hunger strike, when they realised everyday he is stronger, and everyday more people are supporting him, the Israeli authorities started going crazy. In the end Samer will have his victory. Over 160 days is a long time, and he has become a symbol, not just for Palestinian people. All around the world people have an international view about him and his struggle, but Israel doesn’t want anyone to know. When we go to protest to support Samer, it’s not just the family; there are Palestinians and people from all over the world taking part, and he has gathered everyone who has a conscious, as a human being.”

Shireen explains how even the house the family lives in has been targeted. Just two days earlier, the Israeli military came and cut off the water line from the house, and the family gets a bucket of water a day from neighbors. Israeli Occupiers claim they must pay around 50, 000 US dollars for water they claim they have not paid for, despite paying a monthly bill every month. They are getting documents together to prove their case, but it was all obviously just a part of the continuing attacks on Samer's family to stop his hunger strike.

Samer’s brother, Ra’fat Issawi, had his house demolished on 1/1/2013, there was no demolition order or anything, the army just came and destroyed his house, where he lived with his wife and three children.

“This is revenge against the family as a whole,” said Shireen.

Besides all of these attacks on the family, during Samer’s plight two of his brothers have been arrested, Midhat and another brother. In May 2012, Midhat missed the birth of his first child. held in an Israeli prison, arrested at 4 am in the morning for attending prisoner solidarity protests. he was not allowed visits from his wife and newborn baby, either. The second brother was released after 24 hours, again arrested for participating in protests, banned from attending any demonstrations in support of his brother’s struggle for 90 days.

“I want the world to see Israel’s policies and witness the Palestinians’ humanity. That is our only hope,” said Samer’s father Tariq Issawi to Mondoweiss.

This story of all the family has been put through, for Israel to keep unlawfully detaining a Palestinian political prisoner, Samer Issawi, is disgraceful.

And this story needs to be told and retold and every American needs to know this story of what Israel does to Palestinians in their Occupation of Palestine.

And when Americans know the truth about the Occupation, I cannot help but think we will want and demand our government to stop funding that Occupation, which we do presently to the tune of millions of dollars every single day.

Desperate to break Samer Issawi hunger strike, Israel relentlessly targets his family

the ethiopian jews were not even in gaol. they had their freedom.

the man shot an israeli soldier. how many israeli soldiers or civilians are in gaol for killing palestinians?

He did not shoot an Israeli soldier, yet one more Zionist lie.

fuck you. there is a lot of misinfo about this guy. you think i am a zionist, you can go to fucking hell, you bible thumping, snake charming bitch.

as for this hunger strike, i support it but these people do not have any idea how to do a hunger strike and are being so half-assed about it they have managed to turn a very powerful and effective means of protest into a joke. they have played right into the hands of the zionists on this one and do not even understand this war. they don't have a ckue as to what the battlefield is. the only reason they haven't pissed the whole thing away is that the israelis are so inept and so arrogant and have such cultural flaws that they caannot get the job done.

Sorry you interpreted my post as calling you a Zionist, that was not my intent, I placed some Hate filled Zionist posters on Ignore and I assumed that information there in your post was obtained from one of them and it was them I was referring to as Zionists, not you. I am sorry about that.

There are now 50 pages in this thread and I'm still convinced that Samy can wither away and I'd be fine with that.

Well, not surprised , you are acting just like your Jewish ancestors.

They crucified Jesus and they remained fine with that!

Hate is in your blood.

And I am not saying this because I see every Jew this way, it is a response to your comments about Samer and how like your comments are to how Jews participated in and responded to the crucifixion of Jesus.

Let's look at the similarities for a moment. Jesus did not have to allow it to happen, His crucifixion, Samer has the same choice. The Jews in the Palestine of Jesus times did not have to insist on his crucifixion, the Israeli Jews in Palestine today could let Samer go and live, as well. Israelis are not intervening to stop the Injustice against Samer, and Jews of Palestine did not intervene to stop the crucifixion of Jesus. Jews of Palestine when Jesus lived were fine with Jesus being crucified and Jews in Palestine today are fine with Samer dying.

And, about choices, the reality is no matter what our ancestors did, we do not have to respond the same way. There is an option other than to Hate.

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