Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

PoliticalChic, post: 16163215
Would you....if the President of the United States said you'd lose your job or worse if you did?
"Obama to ICE: There “will be consequences”

Now you are confiating interviews and what was asked of you.

I didn't ask ICE agents to investigate voter fraud. I'm asking people like you and Dave that bitch and moan and lie about illegals voting but you don't do anything about it.

Get off your asses and get this f'n Phillips fraudster to reveal his 180 million voter database and the names and addresses of those he claims to have found voting illegally.

He's a right winger like you two. So do something so you can prove all us liberals wrong.

You know it's a fraud so you don't bother.

Quit the lies then. Any respectable human being would end the BS right now.
'Trump's agent of idiocy' Include PC in this group. PC two, three or a hundred wrongs don't make a right. You'll never get that will you?

"There is no Electoral College clause that blunts ferocious opposition to the demeaning of women and racial, ethnic and religious minorities in this country; there is no Election Day reset on the coddling of white supremacy.

Furthermore, the emergence of Donald Trump as a political figure has threatened to kill many of the ideals that we hold dear: decency and decorum, inclusion and empathy, truth and facts themselves.

Trump and his agents of idiocracy are now engaged in an all-out crusade to exaggerate the scope of his victory, rewrite racial history, justify their vendettas and hostilities and erase the very distinction between true and false.



What will you say if Trumps plans for inner cities starts working?

Actually, Jill Stein's ill fated recount effort revealed evidence of vote tampering for Hillary in both Pennsylvania & Michigan. The left can continue their wailing about the popular vote for the next four years, but it will not alter the fact that our presidential elections are determined by the Electoral College and have been since the election of George Washington! Essentially, it worked as designed. Hillary had a 6 million popular vote advantage in New York & Los Angeles and Trump won by 3 million votes in the rest of the country. Unfortunately for the aroma therapy crowd, 40 square miles of the U.S. do not get to elect president's!
Barry is a fuck up...
And this post explains why millions of illegal aliens followed Snake Obama's instructions and voted......

Try to focus like a laser in the future....OK?
Sure Rube ...need a tissue ...?

Obama Bests Trump as Most Admired Man in 2016
Source: Gallup

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Americans are most likely to name President Barack Obama as the man they admire most in 2016. Twenty-two percent mentioned Obama in response to the open-ended question. President-elect Donald Trump was second at 15%. It is Obama's ninth consecutive win...................
The results are based on a Dec. 7-11 poll. Since 1946, Gallup has asked Americans to name the man, living anywhere in the world, whom they admire most.

Incumbent presidents typically win the distinction -- in the 70 times Gallup has asked the question, the president has won 58 times. The 12 exceptions were mostly times when the sitting president was unpopular, including 2008, when Americans named President-elect Obama over President George W. Bush. Obama and Dwight Eisenhower in 1952 are the only presidents-elect to win the distinction. Eisenhower finished first 12 times, more than any other man in history. Obama is now second all-time with nine first-place finishes.

Obama's win over Trump this year is largely a result of the president earning more mentions among Democrats than Trump receives from Republicans. Fifty percent of Democrats named Obama as most admired, compared with 34% of Republicans choosing Trump.


Read more: Obama Bests Trump as Most Admired Man in 2016

Is it a lack of a cerebral cortex, or the result of government schooling that makes you so dumb?

1. Why would I need a tissue for pointing out that you are a dope?
2. The thread is about, and proves, one thing and one thing only: Bill's wife won the popular vote only .....only!....if illegal alien votes are counted.

3. Now...some posting based on his evident dislike of President-elect Trump.

4. Do so again,and I'll remind all that you are not capable of responding to a thread - one to which you voluntarily subscribed- that has nothing.....not a do with your deep seated wound that the election caused.

PoliticalChic, post: 16157251 Where's the nanes and addresses and the precinct where they illegally voted.

Just another lie in the day of PoliticalChic.

Why are you so interested in the names and addresses of illegal aliens?

Is there some.....personal desire.....behind the request????

Plus....with over 3 million of 'em having followed Snake Obama's instructions, and might not have the time....for whatever you have in mind.

Enough chit chat.....when will you be shortening your avi to FOOL????

I have the confetti ready!
According to rightards, 3 million voted illegally but zero got caught.


Who would try to catch them....the very same President who told them to vote illegally, and promised there'd be no investigation...

This President?

"Obama to ICE: There “will be consequences” for doing your job
he was asked by audience members and his media interviewer as well about why some people were still being deported. His answer was revealing.

MR. DIAZ-BALART: But what are the consequences? Because how do you ensure that ICE agents or Border Patrol won’t be deporting people like this? I mean, what are the consequences

THE PRESIDENT: José, look, the bottom line is, is that if somebody is working for ICE and there is a policy and they don’t follow the policy, there are going to be consequences to it."
Obama to ICE: There “will be consequences” for doing your job - Hot Air

Startin' to get it, Ugly????

No one on the right is looking for them??? They can't catch even one out of 3 million???


See folks? PoliticalHack is what passes off as intelligentsia in rightard world. :lmao:

Would you....if the President of the United States said you'd lose your job or worse if you did?
"Obama to ICE: There “will be consequences” for doing your job
he was asked by audience members and his media interviewer as well about why some people were still being deported. His answer was revealing.

MR. DIAZ-BALART: But what are the consequences? Because how do you ensure that ICE agents or Border Patrol won’t be deporting people like this? I mean, what are the consequences

THE PRESIDENT: José, look, the bottom line is, is that if somebody is working for ICE and there is a policy and they don’t follow the policy, there are going to be consequences to it."
Obama to ICE: There “will be consequences” for doing your job - Hot Air

"During the live Q&A he took a similar question from a woman in the crowd and told her, there are going to be some jurisdictions, and there may be individual ICE officials or Border Patrol, who aren’t paying attention to our new directives. There are going to be consequences.

If you do your job, we’re coming to get you. So don’t get any funny ideas about deporting anyone who might possibly qualify for amnesty. If I were working on the Border Patrol, I’d be feeling pretty unmotivated to get out of my truck at this point."
Ibid. look in the mirror and tell me what you'd do......

Oh...wait.......better not look in the mirror (yechhhh).
You're too stupid for words. Obama has always promoted deporting illegal aliens who commit crimes beyond that of their immigration status. In fact, I personally showed you a graph indicating he has deported more criminal aliens (meaning aliens who committed crimes other than their immigration status) than any other president.

Meaning no one's job is threatened by catching illegals who are breaking the law by voting.

You hilariously claim 3 million people committed a crime and not one of them was caught.

50 days since the election...

How's that 'Popular Vote Win' thing working out for you snowflakes?

PoliticalChic, post: 16162356
Why catch them....the very same President who told them to vote illegally, and promised there'd be no investigation...

Show us the direct quote where Obama told undocumented citizens, undocumented relatives to Dreamers that they should vote illegally and promised there would be no investigation.

You can't breathe without lying about what Obama actually said can you?

Are you so afraid of Obama that you can only lie about him rather than do some real work and try to prove that your charges against him and illegals are true.

You won't try because you know damn well everything on this thread you write is made up distortions of language that only haters and stupids and deplorables would accept as truth.

"Show us the direct quote where Obama told undocumented citizens, undocumented relatives to Dreamers that they should vote illegally and promised there would be no investigation."

No prob, FOOL....and don't forget to say 'thank you.'

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for.

Did Obama Encourage Illegal Immigrants to Vote? No, But YES.

In simple English, 'cause I know you're a fool.....

She sets up the scenario of illegals wanting to vote, but fear the consequences.

Obama says....'don't one will investigate!

And over 3 million of 'em did.....and your side still lost!

Now.....where's my 'thank you'????
Obama: [illegals] "who can't legally vote."

PoliticalHack: Obama's encouraging illegals to vote!

50 days since the election...

How's that 'Recount' thing working out for you, snowflakes?

50 days since the election...

How's that 'turn the Electoral College voters to Hillary' thing working out for you, snowflakes?

PoliticalChic, post: 16163215
If you do your job, we’re coming to get you. So don’t get any funny ideas about deporting anyone who might possibly qualify for amnesty. If I were working on the Border Patrol, I’d be feeling pretty unmotivated to get out of my truck at this point."

Why did you present this as if Obama said it.

Some rightwing nimrods might pass this on as the fake news quote from Obama of the day.

Or are you that nimrod?

This has nothing to do with investigating voter fraud by illegals.

The question is why don't you get immigrant studies fraudster Phillip's 180 million voter registration data base and start by finding forged birth certificates.

You know like someone named Julio Beaver Gonzales claiming to have been born in Prettytown, Indiana - parents June and Ward Cleaver.
davecmarino, post: 16159403
Then, AB 110 is passed to limit the ability of the community to check the register for fraud. California suspends a critical method to prevent voter fraud! - Election Integrity Project

Alex Jones refers to a report from tweets from Gregg Phillips, more than a month ago, but Phillips has not released the report yet.

So why did you post as fact that Phillips acquired a database of voter registration documents and found 3,000,000 cases of illegals voting.

{Were there 3 million illegal votes from undocumented immigrants in this year’s presidential election? That’s what some websites are saying.

“Report: 3 million votes in presidential election cast by illegal aliens,” reads a headline on InfoWars, a conspiracy website run by Alex Jones.}

Phillips would not provide any additional information to PolitiFact. He said he has chosen not to release more information because he is still working on analyzing the data and verifying its accuracy. Phillips would also not say what the data is or where it came from or what methodology he used.

Phillips said he would release the information publicly when he is finally finished.

Don't you check sources like Alex Jones and Twitter dude Greg Phillips claiming to have 120,000,000 voter registration records and found 3 million to not be legal voting citizens.

But he can't show anybody. Did he just add up Latino sounding names?

Do you ever challenge the whackos on the links you cite?
and yet you believe the russians interfered in the election. you can't make this shit up. I tell you dude, you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer there are you?
PoliticalChic, post: 16163215
If you do your job, we’re coming to get you. So don’t get any funny ideas about deporting anyone who might possibly qualify for amnesty. If I were working on the Border Patrol, I’d be feeling pretty unmotivated to get out of my truck at this point."

Why did you present this as if Obama said it.

Some rightwing nimrods might pass this on as the fake news quote from Obama of the day.

Or are you that nimrod?

This has nothing to do with investigating voter fraud by illegals.

The question is why don't you get immigrant studies fraudster Phillip's 180 million voter registration data base and start by finding forged birth certificates.

You know like someone named Julio Beaver Gonzales claiming to have been born in Prettytown, Indiana - parents June and Ward Cleaver.

"Why did you present this as if Obama said it."

Because he did.

"Obama to ICE: There “will be consequences” for doing your job
he was asked by audience members and his media interviewer as well about why some people were still being deported. His answer was revealing.

MR. DIAZ-BALART: But what are the consequences? Because how do you ensure that ICE agents or Border Patrol won’t be deporting people like this? I mean, what are the consequences

THE PRESIDENT: José, look, the bottom line is, is that if somebody is working for ICE and there is a policy and they don’t follow the policy, there are going to be consequences to it."
Obama to ICE: There “will be consequences” for doing your job - Hot Air

"During the live Q&A he took a similar question from a woman in the crowd and told her, there are going to be some jurisdictions, and there may be individual ICE officials or Border Patrol, who aren’t paying attention to our new directives. There are going to be consequences.

If you do your job, we’re coming to get you. So don’t get any funny ideas about deporting anyone who might possibly qualify for amnesty. If I were working on the Border Patrol, I’d be feeling pretty unmotivated to get out of my truck at this point."

Just as he did tell illegal aliens to vote, and there'd be no consequences.

You know that, don't you .....or are you a FOOL?
50 days since the election...

How's that 'turn the Electoral College voters to Hillary' thing working out for you, snowflakes?

I didn't vote for Jill Stein. Why not discuss the lies the OP and other right wingers are telling on this thread.

Maybe you got proof that 3 million illegals voted and the missing recording where Obama told illegals to vote.
I didn't vote for Jill Stein. Why not discuss the lies the OP and other right wingers are telling on this thread.

Maybe you got proof that 3 million illegals voted and the missing recording where Obama told illegals to vote.
How's those arguments working out for you?

Snowflakes still going to hold their 'Alternate Inauguration' for Hillary at the Denny's down the street from the WH in protest on Inauguration Day? :p
PoliticalChic, post: 1616424
Because he did.

Really, Obama said this:

If you do your job, we’re coming to get you. So don’t get any funny ideas about deporting anyone who might possibly qualify for amnesty. If I were working on the Border Patrol, I’d be feeling pretty unmotivated to get out of my truck at this point.

Where's the transcript where Obama said that?
PoliticalChic, post: 16162356.
Who would try to catch them....the very same President who told them to vote illegally, and promised there'd be no investigation...[/QUOTE

We know PC knows nothing about illegal immigrants voting.

But, why didn't Dave act on what
He knows?

He could have become a Breitbart white nationalist all star. Got to meet and shoot guns with Sarah Palin or something.

davecmarino, post: 16160767.
I worked for a Hispanic owned company and know that there is a big problem with voter fraud. I saw it first hand.

Of course it's more likely Dave saw nothing and had nothing to act on. But how exactly do you see voting fraud working for a Hispanic Company. Did Dave follow co- workers where they went to register to vote. Did Dave watch them register online using a fake birth certificate?

He has stretched his believability to the max.

Anecdotal stories need some semblance of truth to them and Dave's doesn't come close to being believable.

I don't know who the hell you think you are except an asshole. I've seen them burn their fake IDs in the company bathroom sink. I've seen them collect welfare under one name, get free medical, rent and utility assistance, while working under another. I've seen them get social security numbers to register kids for school when the kid isn't even in the USA just to claim the kid as a dependent for tax purposes.

Worked around it for a decade and I know exactly what they do to game the system.

When I started with the company we had access to e-verify to weed out the illegals but after a few Obama years the company chose to discontinue the use of the system under the idea that we were not to be the identification experts. The company was 1/2 illegals after that.

There's a big difference between the legal ones and the illegals. Values, work ethic, human decency. AB 60 just gives the illegals an easier time competing in the marketplace for work.

Just like they aren't supposed to work and do, they vote too and AB60 has helped them tremendously with that.

The fact that it was going on in 2004 under the old motor voter system just shows that motor voter is bullshit and that is why California issue the law with language to limit the liability to the illegals. Because they not only know it is going to happen but they are encouraging it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Let me know when you can prove one single illegal voted in this election thanks to AB-60.

You know, the law which mandates AB60 licenses can't be used to register to vote. :thup:

Let us know when you get an answer as to how the Secretary of State has been able to institute the protection against them voting because they haven't. The DMV does not identify AB60 licenses from regular licenses when transferring the list of valid licenses because the law states the no state funded agency can discriminate against the AB60 licensees.
Stop lying. The law stipulates the DMV cannot register AB60 license holders with the Secretary of state.

Illegals are not being registered to vote because of AB-60 or AB-1461. You only think they do because you're a dumbed-down low-information conservative.

It is fraud, pure and simple. Padilla has refused to answer how his department is guaranteeing these protections on several occasions.

In their answer the questions from True the Vote, the CA-DMV Legal Affairs Division has already explained that the agencies licensing records were not designed to differentiate noncitizen drivers from US citizens nor was there a plan to create a stand-alone list of AB 60 recipients.
TrueTheVote claims they interviewed California's DMV legal affairs division. Let's see the interviews... because their claim that the Secretary of State's office would not be able to discern AB60 license holders from others is disingenuous at best. In reality, they won't be receiving registration data of AB60 license holders from the DMV because they're not eligible to register.

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