Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

PoliticalChic, post: 16162356.
Who would try to catch them....the very same President who told them to vote illegally, and promised there'd be no investigation...[/QUOTE

We know PC knows nothing about illegal immigrants voting.

But, why didn't Dave act on what
He knows?

He could have become a Breitbart white nationalist all star. Got to meet and shoot guns with Sarah Palin or something.

davecmarino, post: 16160767. Of course it's more likely Dave saw nothing and had nothing to act on. But how exactly do you see voting fraud working for a Hispanic Company. Did Dave follow co- workers where they went to register to vote. Did Dave watch them register online using a fake birth certificate?

He has stretched his believability to the max.

Anecdotal stories need some semblance of truth to them and Dave's doesn't come close to being believable.

I don't know who the hell you think you are except an asshole. I've seen them burn their fake IDs in the company bathroom sink. I've seen them collect welfare under one name, get free medical, rent and utility assistance, while working under another. I've seen them get social security numbers to register kids for school when the kid isn't even in the USA just to claim the kid as a dependent for tax purposes.

Worked around it for a decade and I know exactly what they do to game the system.

When I started with the company we had access to e-verify to weed out the illegals but after a few Obama years the company chose to discontinue the use of the system under the idea that we were not to be the identification experts. The company was 1/2 illegals after that.

There's a big difference between the legal ones and the illegals. Values, work ethic, human decency. AB 60 just gives the illegals an easier time competing in the marketplace for work.

Just like they aren't supposed to work and do, they vote too and AB60 has helped them tremendously with that.

The fact that it was going on in 2004 under the old motor voter system just shows that motor voter is bullshit and that is why California issue the law with language to limit the liability to the illegals. Because they not only know it is going to happen but they are encouraging it.

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Let me know when you can prove one single illegal voted in this election thanks to AB-60.

You know, the law which mandates AB60 licenses can't be used to register to vote. :thup:

Let us know when you get an answer as to how the Secretary of State has been able to institute the protection against them voting because they haven't. The DMV does not identify AB60 licenses from regular licenses when transferring the list of valid licenses because the law states the no state funded agency can discriminate against the AB60 licensees.
Stop lying. The law stipulates the DMV cannot register AB60 license holders with the Secretary of state.

Illegals are not being registered to vote because of AB-60 or AB-1461. You only think they do because you're a dumbed-down low-information conservative.

It is fraud, pure and simple. Padilla has refused to answer how his department is guaranteeing these protections on several occasions.

In their answer the questions from True the Vote, the CA-DMV Legal Affairs Division has already explained that the agencies licensing records were not designed to differentiate noncitizen drivers from US citizens nor was there a plan to create a stand-alone list of AB 60 recipients.
TrueTheVote claims they interviewed California's DMV legal affairs division. Let's see the interviews... because their claim that the Secretary of State's office would not be able to discern AB60 license holders from others is disingenuous at best. In reality, they won't be receiving registration data of AB60 license holders from the DMV because they're not eligible to register.

More California law that helps the illegals skirt the rules. You don't have to prove your citizenship when you register to vote. It is assumed just by you filling out an affidavit.

Elections Code section 2112 additionally states that an affidavit of registration is proof of citizenship for voting purposes only; it cannot be used to prove citizenship for any other purpose.

More structuring to get the desired result.
davecmarino, post: 16162836
I don't know who the hell you think you are except an asshole.

All that humongous post and no explanation on exactly how you monitored and caught illegals voting in federal elections redhanded.

I just want you to explain exactly how you know an illegal who registered and voted right in front of you. Were you stalking them on election day.

If so why not an anonymous call tipping off the Republican precinct worker where this illegal person voted.

If you are willing to make that up, why should we believe all this other stuff you are claiming.
PoliticalChic, post: 16162356.

I don't know who the hell you think you are except an asshole. I've seen them burn their fake IDs in the company bathroom sink. I've seen them collect welfare under one name, get free medical, rent and utility assistance, while working under another. I've seen them get social security numbers to register kids for school when the kid isn't even in the USA just to claim the kid as a dependent for tax purposes.

Worked around it for a decade and I know exactly what they do to game the system.

When I started with the company we had access to e-verify to weed out the illegals but after a few Obama years the company chose to discontinue the use of the system under the idea that we were not to be the identification experts. The company was 1/2 illegals after that.

There's a big difference between the legal ones and the illegals. Values, work ethic, human decency. AB 60 just gives the illegals an easier time competing in the marketplace for work.

Just like they aren't supposed to work and do, they vote too and AB60 has helped them tremendously with that.

The fact that it was going on in 2004 under the old motor voter system just shows that motor voter is bullshit and that is why California issue the law with language to limit the liability to the illegals. Because they not only know it is going to happen but they are encouraging it.

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Let me know when you can prove one single illegal voted in this election thanks to AB-60.

You know, the law which mandates AB60 licenses can't be used to register to vote. :thup:

Let us know when you get an answer as to how the Secretary of State has been able to institute the protection against them voting because they haven't. The DMV does not identify AB60 licenses from regular licenses when transferring the list of valid licenses because the law states the no state funded agency can discriminate against the AB60 licensees.
Stop lying. The law stipulates the DMV cannot register AB60 license holders with the Secretary of state.

Illegals are not being registered to vote because of AB-60 or AB-1461. You only think they do because you're a dumbed-down low-information conservative.

It is fraud, pure and simple. Padilla has refused to answer how his department is guaranteeing these protections on several occasions.

In their answer the questions from True the Vote, the CA-DMV Legal Affairs Division has already explained that the agencies licensing records were not designed to differentiate noncitizen drivers from US citizens nor was there a plan to create a stand-alone list of AB 60 recipients.
TrueTheVote claims they interviewed California's DMV legal affairs division. Let's see the interviews... because their claim that the Secretary of State's office would not be able to discern AB60 license holders from others is disingenuous at best. In reality, they won't be receiving registration data of AB60 license holders from the DMV because they're not eligible to register.

More California law that helps the illegals skirt the rules. You don't have to prove your citizenship when you register to vote. It is assumed just by you filling out an affidavit.

Elections Code section 2112 additionally states that an affidavit of registration is proof of citizenship for voting purposes only; it cannot be used to prove citizenship for any other purpose.

More structuring to get the desired result.

"You don't have to prove your citizenship when you register to vote."

And that is the heart of the issue: Democrats simply want no sovereignty, no borders, and no bar to illegals, felons, or dead folks voting.

Exactly what happened...but to no avail.

I see the election as nothing less than a modern day biblical miracle.
davecmarino, post: 16164711
"You don't have to prove your citizenship when you register to vote.

You have already acknowledged that they have to prove citizenship when you admitted that undocumented immigrants can't vote for President. It has to be asked for and proven that being the case according to you.
Last edited:
You don't have to prove your citizenship when you register to vote.

You have already acknowledged that they have to prove citizenship when you admitted that undocumented immigrants can't vote for Presudent. It has to be asked for and proven that being the case according to you.

Here's to you for not understanding the difference between the federal law against non-citizens voting and a state law in California that will accept an affidavit as proof of citizenship in lieu of a certified birth certificate.

Undocumented means not entitled to vote but California has rigged the system to circumvent the Federal law. That it the whole point of the conversation.

Every law that California has issued has been to make it easier to undermine the federal law while limiting the personal exposure to law enforcement.

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davecmarino, post: 16164972
Here's to you for not understanding the difference between the federal law against non-citizens voting and a state law in California that will accept an affidavit as proof of citizenship in lieu of a certified birth certificate.

I understand fully the difference. Some legal residents in this country don't have access to a birth certificate. The affidavit process is tougher and longer process. One still has to prove legal status as a citizen to get a US citizen DL. If you can't prove citizenship you get the non-citizen license and can't vote. Just as you have admitted even when applying on line.

I posted the California requirements for proof of citizenship in order to register to vote.

Your claim that California writes laws and loopholes in order to skirt the law is preposterous and absolutely unbelievable.

You are not very believable to begin with.
davecmarino, post: 16164972
Here's to you for not understanding the difference between the federal law against non-citizens voting and a state law in California that will accept an affidavit as proof of citizenship in lieu of a certified birth certificate.

I understand fully the difference. Some legal residents in this country don't have access to a birth certificate. The affidavit process is tougher and longer process. One still has to prove legal status as a citizen to get a US citizen DL. If you can't you get the non-citizen license and can't vote. Just as you have admitted even when applying on line.

I posted the California requirements for proof of citizenship in order to register to vote.

Your claim that California writes laws and loopholes in order to skirt the law is preposterous and absolutely unbelievable.

You are not very believable to begin with.

You are incorrect again.

The affidavit available under California Election Code 2112 is not for getting the drivers license but for a registration to vote.

It is deemed to be substantive proof of citizenship in lieu of requiring a birth certificate.

Also, the online application has no demand for a copy of the birth certificate just a Drivers License number and Social Security number

So again you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

It comes down to does California actually screen the AB 60 Licenses and the answer is that they don't. The law is written to forbid it, the DMV legal staff confirmed that there is no process in place to identify the AB60 licenses separately and no intent to do so, and the Secretary of State has stated that the procedures on their end would not be in place until after the election.

Say again how it isn't plainly clear what is going on in California.

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Do people attending the 'Hillary Clinton Inauguration Protest' Event at Denny's in DC during Trump's Inauguration have to make reservations in advance or is it 'Drop-In'?

The Denny's may not be a very classy location, but I heard they are going to have a lot of great sore-loser, butt-hurt 'A-List' entertainment there.

davecmarino, post: 16164972
Here's to you for not understanding the difference between the federal law against non-citizens voting and a state law in California that will accept an affidavit as proof of citizenship in lieu of a certified birth certificate.

I understand fully the difference. Some legal residents in this country don't have access to a birth certificate. The affidavit process is tougher and longer process. One still has to prove legal status as a citizen to get a US citizen DL. If you can't you get the non-citizen license and can't vote. Just as you have admitted even when applying on line.

I posted the California requirements for proof of citizenship in order to register to vote.

Your claim that California writes laws and loopholes in order to skirt the law is preposterous and absolutely unbelievable.

You are not very believable to begin with.

You are incorrect again.

The affidavit available under California Election Code 2112 is not for getting the drivers license but for a registration to vote.

It is deemed to be substantive proof of citizenship in lieu of requiring a birth certificate.

Also, the online application has no demand for a copy of the birth certificate just a Drivers License number and Social Security number

So again you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

It comes down to does California actually screen the AB 60 Licenses and the answer is that they don't. The law is written to forbid it, the DMV legal staff confirmed that there is no process in place to identify the AB60 licenses separately and no intent to do so, and the Secretary of State has stated that the procedures on their end would not be in place until after the election.

Say again how it isn't plainly clear what is going on in California.

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Still waiting for you to show how illegal aliens are obtaining legal social security numbers...
Still waiting for you to show how illegal aliens are obtaining legal social security numbers...
Whether it's applying for citizenship or getting social security numbers, if you can get something with minimal effort why do it legally?
davecmarino, post: 16165161
Also, the online application has no demand for a copy of the birth certificate just a Drivers License number and Social Security number

So again you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

But the citizens drivers license requires a birth certificate or an second process affidavit proving citizenship, An illegal immigrant wanting to vote has to get a normal issued DL to citizens only.

He gets nowhere with an AB60 DL on the 2112 Ejection Code affidavit in order to register to vote.

Or he drives but can't vote:

The AB60 applicant has to show proof of identity.

California Driver License or California Identification Card:

One of these;

  •  California Driver License (issued 10/2000 in or after)

  •  California Identification Card (issued 10/2000 in or after)

    Foreign Document that is valid, approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and electronically verified by DMV with the country of origin:
  •  Mexican Federal Electoral Card (Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE) Credencial para Votar – 2013 version)

  •  Mexican Institute National Electoral Card (Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) Credencial para Votar – 2014 version)

  •  Mexican Passport (issued in 2008 or later and includes digital photo and digital signature)

  •  Mexican Consular Card (Matricula Consular – 2006 or 2014 versions)

    Foreign Passport that is valid and approved by DMV (see page 4 & 5 for list of DMV approved passports). The customer must also provide his/her social security number (SSN) that is electronically verifiable with the Social Security Administration.

    Or if not available two of these;

    Foreign Document that is valid and approved by DMV:
    •  Argentinian Identification Card (Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) – 2009 or 2012 version)

    •  Brazilian Consular Card (Carteira de Matricula Consular – 2010 version)

    •  Chilean Identification Card (Cedula de Identidad – 2013 version)

    •  Colombian Consular Card (Consular Registration – 2015 version)

    •  Ecuadorian National Identification Card (Cedula de Ciudadania – 2006 and 2009 version)

    •  Ecuadorian Consular Card (Tarjeta De Identificacion Consular – 2015 version)

    •  El Salvadorian Identification Card (Documento Unico de Identidad (DUI) – 2010 version)

    •  Guatemalan National Identification Card (Documento Personal de Identificacion (DPI) – 2012 version)

    •  Guatemalan Consular Card (Tarjeta de Identificacion Consular – 2002 and 2015 version)

    •  Korean Identification Card (September 2016 version)

    •  Nicaraguan National Identification Card (Cedula de Identidad – 2010 version)

    •  Peruvian Identification Card (Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) – 2005 version)

    •  Foreign Passports (see pages 4 & 5 for list of DMV approved passports) – This is an option for customers who do not have a verifiable SSN as provided in Table A.
    Request Rejected

    Your claim that California wants illegals to violate their own laws and vote is right wing fake news and gullible deplorables falling for it.
PoliticalChic, post: 16162356.

I don't know who the hell you think you are except an asshole. I've seen them burn their fake IDs in the company bathroom sink. I've seen them collect welfare under one name, get free medical, rent and utility assistance, while working under another. I've seen them get social security numbers to register kids for school when the kid isn't even in the USA just to claim the kid as a dependent for tax purposes.

Worked around it for a decade and I know exactly what they do to game the system.

When I started with the company we had access to e-verify to weed out the illegals but after a few Obama years the company chose to discontinue the use of the system under the idea that we were not to be the identification experts. The company was 1/2 illegals after that.

There's a big difference between the legal ones and the illegals. Values, work ethic, human decency. AB 60 just gives the illegals an easier time competing in the marketplace for work.

Just like they aren't supposed to work and do, they vote too and AB60 has helped them tremendously with that.

The fact that it was going on in 2004 under the old motor voter system just shows that motor voter is bullshit and that is why California issue the law with language to limit the liability to the illegals. Because they not only know it is going to happen but they are encouraging it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Let me know when you can prove one single illegal voted in this election thanks to AB-60.

You know, the law which mandates AB60 licenses can't be used to register to vote. :thup:

Let us know when you get an answer as to how the Secretary of State has been able to institute the protection against them voting because they haven't. The DMV does not identify AB60 licenses from regular licenses when transferring the list of valid licenses because the law states the no state funded agency can discriminate against the AB60 licensees.
Stop lying. The law stipulates the DMV cannot register AB60 license holders with the Secretary of state.

Illegals are not being registered to vote because of AB-60 or AB-1461. You only think they do because you're a dumbed-down low-information conservative.

It is fraud, pure and simple. Padilla has refused to answer how his department is guaranteeing these protections on several occasions.

In their answer the questions from True the Vote, the CA-DMV Legal Affairs Division has already explained that the agencies licensing records were not designed to differentiate noncitizen drivers from US citizens nor was there a plan to create a stand-alone list of AB 60 recipients.
TrueTheVote claims they interviewed California's DMV legal affairs division. Let's see the interviews... because their claim that the Secretary of State's office would not be able to discern AB60 license holders from others is disingenuous at best. In reality, they won't be receiving registration data of AB60 license holders from the DMV because they're not eligible to register.

More California law that helps the illegals skirt the rules. You don't have to prove your citizenship when you register to vote. It is assumed just by you filling out an affidavit.
Stop lying, no laws are being skirted. For individuals who don't supply the required information to prove eligibility, they're not registered to vote. Submitting the online form does not guarantee a successful registration.

How To Register to Vote

To register to vote you must complete a brief voter registration application on paper or online. When you register online, the system will search the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) database for your California driver license or identification card number, date of birth, and last four digits of your social security number. If your information is found and you authorize elections officials' use of your DMV signature, an electronic image of your DMV signature will be added to your voter registration application after you click "submit" at the end of the online application. If there is no signature on file with DMV, all of your information will be transmitted to your county elections office; you will just need to click "print," sign the paper application, and mail it. Your county elections official will contact you when your voter registration application is approved or when more information is needed to confirm your eligibility. - See more at: Voter Registration
Still waiting for you to show how illegal aliens are obtaining legal social security numbers...
Whether it's applying for citizenship or getting social security numbers, if you can get something with minimal effort why do it legally?
If an illegal cannot obtain a valid social security number legally, one they acquire illegally will fail to get them registered to vote. They don't *just* supply a driver's license number and a social security number and get registered. Those numbers are validated.

So again I ask because no one seems to have an answer ...

Show how illegal aliens are obtaining legal social security numbers...
davecmarino, post: 16164711
More California law that helps the illegals skirt the rules. You don't have to prove your citizenship when you register to vote. It is assumed just by you filling out an affidavit.

Very simply you are not telling us the truth;

Driver License or Identification Card Number or, if None, Partial Social Security Number

A person must provide a driver license or state identification card number where it is requested on the affidavit. If a person does not have a driver license or state identification card number, the person must provide the last four digits of their social security number.

If county elections officials verify that the person does not have any of the above numbers, a unique identification number will be assigned to the person.

County elections officials must verify all identification numbers provided for a person, as well as the absence of a driver license or state identification number for those who do not provide one. Additionally, if the last four digits of a social security number are provided, the county elections officials must confirm those with the Social Security Administration.

Conflicting information can delay processing of the application, such as when the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) indicates a different driver license number for the person in question, or DMV indicates a driver license for a person when the person has not provided one.

Guide to Voter Registration Drives | California Secretary of State

You know you have to provide a birth certificate to get a DL or ID in California.

So showing a birth certificate is a done deal when one shows a DL # on the 2112 Affidavit to register to vote.

An AB60 DL will not get through and if they check they are a US CITIZEN and write down an AB60 DL #, they have committed perjury and that is very easily detectable.

They will never vote.
Still waiting for you to show how illegal aliens are obtaining legal social security numbers...
Whether it's applying for citizenship or getting social security numbers, if you can get something with minimal effort why do it legally?

Right again!

"Social Security: Migrants Offer Numbers for Fee
TLALCHAPA, Mexico - Gerardo Luviano is looking for somebody to rent his Social Security number.

Mr. Luviano, 39, obtained legal residence in the United States almost 20 years ago. But these days, back in Mexico, teaching beekeeping at the local high school in this hot, dusty town in the southwestern part of the country, Mr. Luviano is not using his Social Security number. So he is looking for an illegal immigrant in the United States to use it for him -- providing a little cash along the way.

The number of people participating in the illegal deals is impossible to determine accurately. But it is clearly significant, flourishing despite efforts to combat identity fraud.

Demand for American identities has blossomed in the cracks between the nation's increasingly unwelcoming immigration laws and businesses' unremitting demand for low-wage labor."
davecmarino, post: 16164711
More California law that helps the illegals skirt the rules. You don't have to prove your citizenship when you register to vote. It is assumed just by you filling out an affidavit.

Very simply you are not telling us the truth;

Driver License or Identification Card Number or, if None, Partial Social Security Number

A person must provide a driver license or state identification card number where it is requested on the affidavit. If a person does not have a driver license or state identification card number, the person must provide the last four digits of their social security number.

If county elections officials verify that the person does not have any of the above numbers, a unique identification number will be assigned to the person.

County elections officials must verify all identification numbers provided for a person, as well as the absence of a driver license or state identification number for those who do not provide one. Additionally, if the last four digits of a social security number are provided, the county elections officials must confirm those with the Social Security Administration.

Conflicting information can delay processing of the application, such as when the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) indicates a different driver license number for the person in question, or DMV indicates a driver license for a person when the person has not provided one.

Guide to Voter Registration Drives | California Secretary of State

You know you have to provide a birth certificate to get a DL or ID IN California.

So showing a birth certificate is a done deal when one shows puts DL # on 2112 Affidavit to register to vote.

An AB60 DL will not get through and if they check they are a US CITIZEN and write down an AB60 DL #, they have committed perjury that is very easily detectable.

They will never vote.


Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

davecmarino, post: 16164972
Here's to you for not understanding the difference between the federal law against non-citizens voting and a state law in California that will accept an affidavit as proof of citizenship in lieu of a certified birth certificate.

I understand fully the difference. Some legal residents in this country don't have access to a birth certificate. The affidavit process is tougher and longer process. One still has to prove legal status as a citizen to get a US citizen DL. If you can't you get the non-citizen license and can't vote. Just as you have admitted even when applying on line.

I posted the California requirements for proof of citizenship in order to register to vote.

Your claim that California writes laws and loopholes in order to skirt the law is preposterous and absolutely unbelievable.

You are not very believable to begin with.

You are incorrect again.

The affidavit available under California Election Code 2112 is not for getting the drivers license but for a registration to vote.

It is deemed to be substantive proof of citizenship in lieu of requiring a birth certificate.

Also, the online application has no demand for a copy of the birth certificate just a Drivers License number and Social Security number

So again you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

It comes down to does California actually screen the AB 60 Licenses and the answer is that they don't. The law is written to forbid it, the DMV legal staff confirmed that there is no process in place to identify the AB60 licenses separately and no intent to do so, and the Secretary of State has stated that the procedures on their end would not be in place until after the election.

Say again how it isn't plainly clear what is going on in California.

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Still waiting for you to show how illegal aliens are obtaining legal social security numbers...

Ask Obama about the 541,000 Social security numbers issued to dreamers as reported by the Washington Times and disclosed in a letter that was made public by Congress.

You can also get a social security card if your country is designated under the TPS system such as El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua currently are. While the TPS is in place you can get a SS card even though you are illegal.

Then there is the ones who were issued social security cards under the original DL systems where the states who were issuing DL to illegals required them to have a social security number so SSA just issued the cards and never revoked them. This system has been discontinued but it has been disclosed that almost over a million numbers were issued before it ended.

I find it funny that you want to keep asking stupid questions like you know the answer and then when I provide you with a real answer like the above you will continue to deny what is readily apparent.

That fact is that there are many paths available for these people to circumvent the law and California strives to create systems that provide many of them the means to do so.

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davecmarino, post: 16165161
Also, the online application has no demand for a copy of the birth certificate just a Drivers License number and Social Security number

So again you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

But the citizens drivers license requires a birth certificate or an second process affidavit proving citizenship, An illegal immigrant wanting to vote has to get a normal issued DL to citizens only.

He gets nowhere with an AB60 DL on the 2112 Ejection Code affidavit in order to register to vote.

Or he drives but can't vote:

The AB60 applicant has to show proof of identity.

California Driver License or California Identification Card:

One of these;

  •  California Driver License (issued 10/2000 in or after)

  •  California Identification Card (issued 10/2000 in or after)

    Foreign Document that is valid, approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and electronically verified by DMV with the country of origin:
  •  Mexican Federal Electoral Card (Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE) Credencial para Votar – 2013 version)

  •  Mexican Institute National Electoral Card (Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) Credencial para Votar – 2014 version)

  •  Mexican Passport (issued in 2008 or later and includes digital photo and digital signature)

  •  Mexican Consular Card (Matricula Consular – 2006 or 2014 versions)

    Foreign Passport that is valid and approved by DMV (see page 4 & 5 for list of DMV approved passports). The customer must also provide his/her social security number (SSN) that is electronically verifiable with the Social Security Administration.

    Or if not available two of these;

    Foreign Document that is valid and approved by DMV:
    •  Argentinian Identification Card (Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) – 2009 or 2012 version)

    •  Brazilian Consular Card (Carteira de Matricula Consular – 2010 version)

    •  Chilean Identification Card (Cedula de Identidad – 2013 version)

    •  Colombian Consular Card (Consular Registration – 2015 version)

    •  Ecuadorian National Identification Card (Cedula de Ciudadania – 2006 and 2009 version)

    •  Ecuadorian Consular Card (Tarjeta De Identificacion Consular – 2015 version)

    •  El Salvadorian Identification Card (Documento Unico de Identidad (DUI) – 2010 version)

    •  Guatemalan National Identification Card (Documento Personal de Identificacion (DPI) – 2012 version)

    •  Guatemalan Consular Card (Tarjeta de Identificacion Consular – 2002 and 2015 version)

    •  Korean Identification Card (September 2016 version)

    •  Nicaraguan National Identification Card (Cedula de Identidad – 2010 version)

    •  Peruvian Identification Card (Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) – 2005 version)

    •  Foreign Passports (see pages 4 & 5 for list of DMV approved passports) – This is an option for customers who do not have a verifiable SSN as provided in Table A.
    Request Rejected

    Your claim that California wants illegals to violate their own laws and vote is right wing fake news and gullible deplorables falling for it.

Sure. That's why illegals are registering other people to vote in California. The illegal is the gatekeeper for another person to register.

California and the liberals in it as as full of shit as it comes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Still waiting for you to show how illegal aliens are obtaining legal social security numbers...
Whether it's applying for citizenship or getting social security numbers, if you can get something with minimal effort why do it legally?

Right again!

"Social Security: Migrants Offer Numbers for Fee
TLALCHAPA, Mexico - Gerardo Luviano is looking for somebody to rent his Social Security number.

Mr. Luviano, 39, obtained legal residence in the United States almost 20 years ago. But these days, back in Mexico, teaching beekeeping at the local high school in this hot, dusty town in the southwestern part of the country, Mr. Luviano is not using his Social Security number. So he is looking for an illegal immigrant in the United States to use it for him -- providing a little cash along the way.

The number of people participating in the illegal deals is impossible to determine accurately. But it is clearly significant, flourishing despite efforts to combat identity fraud.

Demand for American identities has blossomed in the cracks between the nation's increasingly unwelcoming immigration laws and businesses' unremitting demand for low-wage labor."
You know you're fucking retarded, right?

Let's walk this through, shall we?

An illegal alien goes to the DMV to obtain an AB60 license. Said illegal has to present some form of documentation to prove residency as specified here --> Assuming all checks out well, said alien is given an AB60 driver's license.

Our example illegal alien then "rents" Mr. Luviano's social security number... assuming it's not already red flagged by the social security administration AND assuming Mr. Luviano is still alive ....

Our illegal alien then proceeds to register to vote with their new driver's license and social security number... at which point, those numbers are validated...

Said illegal alien is denied a voter's registration because the name on their license, which had to match the name on the documentation they provided to get their license, does not match the name attached to Gerardo Luviano's social security number. Neither do their birth dates match.

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