Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

davecmarino, post: 16164711
More California law that helps the illegals skirt the rules. You don't have to prove your citizenship when you register to vote. It is assumed just by you filling out an affidavit.

Very simply you are not telling us the truth;

Driver License or Identification Card Number or, if None, Partial Social Security Number

A person must provide a driver license or state identification card number where it is requested on the affidavit. If a person does not have a driver license or state identification card number, the person must provide the last four digits of their social security number.

If county elections officials verify that the person does not have any of the above numbers, a unique identification number will be assigned to the person.

County elections officials must verify all identification numbers provided for a person, as well as the absence of a driver license or state identification number for those who do not provide one. Additionally, if the last four digits of a social security number are provided, the county elections officials must confirm those with the Social Security Administration.

Conflicting information can delay processing of the application, such as when the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) indicates a different driver license number for the person in question, or DMV indicates a driver license for a person when the person has not provided one.

Guide to Voter Registration Drives | California Secretary of State

You know you have to provide a birth certificate to get a DL or ID IN California.

So showing a birth certificate is a done deal when one shows puts DL # on 2112 Affidavit to register to vote.

An AB60 DL will not get through and if they check they are a US CITIZEN and write down an AB60 DL #, they have committed perjury that is very easily detectable.

They will never vote.


Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

Stop lying, ya PoliticalHack. California is among the states which doesn't allow illegals to use their driver's license to register to vote.
davecmarino, post: 16164711
More California law that helps the illegals skirt the rules. You don't have to prove your citizenship when you register to vote. It is assumed just by you filling out an affidavit.

Very simply you are not telling us the truth;

Driver License or Identification Card Number or, if None, Partial Social Security Number

A person must provide a driver license or state identification card number where it is requested on the affidavit. If a person does not have a driver license or state identification card number, the person must provide the last four digits of their social security number.

If county elections officials verify that the person does not have any of the above numbers, a unique identification number will be assigned to the person.

County elections officials must verify all identification numbers provided for a person, as well as the absence of a driver license or state identification number for those who do not provide one. Additionally, if the last four digits of a social security number are provided, the county elections officials must confirm those with the Social Security Administration.

Conflicting information can delay processing of the application, such as when the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) indicates a different driver license number for the person in question, or DMV indicates a driver license for a person when the person has not provided one.

Guide to Voter Registration Drives | California Secretary of State

You know you have to provide a birth certificate to get a DL or ID in California.

So showing a birth certificate is a done deal when one shows a DL # on the 2112 Affidavit to register to vote.

An AB60 DL will not get through and if they check they are a US CITIZEN and write down an AB60 DL #, they have committed perjury and that is very easily detectable.

They will never vote.

Nobody is checking that it is an AB60 license. The CA-DMV has already admitted that there is no separate list of drivers license numbers that identify them as AB60 licenses.

You refuse to get that through your head.

You also refuse to acknowledge that the Secretary of State has already stated that the procedures for checking registered voters against the license records would not be available until after the election.

So an AB60 license and an affidavit got you registered in California prior to the election.

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davecmarino, post: 16165161
You are incorrect again.

The affidavit available under California Election Code 2112 is not for getting the drivers license but for a registration to vote.

How can I be incorrect when that is not what I said.

Affidavit 2112 requires a standard issue DL or ID - both require an official birth certificate to obtain.

So in proper sequence - prior to filling out Affidavit 2112 you must have shown your proof of citizenship and legal right to vote.

There is no loophole.

Computers are pretty slick - if you give a fake SSN or actual AB60 DL number - you do not get registered to vote. It is impossible.

You said California just 'assumes' all info on Affidavit 2112.

You If you actually believe that you are dumber than PoliticalChic.

You need a valid US Citizens ONLY Drivers license or State issued ID which requires proof of citizenship before applying to vote on AFFIDAVIT 2112. If you don't have that you have to match your SSN through the Social Security Administration so you can't provide a fake number.

Your story is full of more holes than Bonnie and Clyde's 1932 Ford Coupe at the end.
Still waiting for you to show how illegal aliens are obtaining legal social security numbers...
Whether it's applying for citizenship or getting social security numbers, if you can get something with minimal effort why do it legally?

Right again!

"Social Security: Migrants Offer Numbers for Fee
TLALCHAPA, Mexico - Gerardo Luviano is looking for somebody to rent his Social Security number.

Mr. Luviano, 39, obtained legal residence in the United States almost 20 years ago. But these days, back in Mexico, teaching beekeeping at the local high school in this hot, dusty town in the southwestern part of the country, Mr. Luviano is not using his Social Security number. So he is looking for an illegal immigrant in the United States to use it for him -- providing a little cash along the way.

The number of people participating in the illegal deals is impossible to determine accurately. But it is clearly significant, flourishing despite efforts to combat identity fraud.

Demand for American identities has blossomed in the cracks between the nation's increasingly unwelcoming immigration laws and businesses' unremitting demand for low-wage labor."
You know you're fucking retarded, right?

Let's walk this through, shall we?

An illegal alien goes to the DMV to obtain an AB60 license. Said illegal has to present some form of documentation to prove residency as specified here --> Assuming all checks out well, said alien is given an AB60 driver's license.

Our example illegal alien then "rents" Mr. Luviano's social security number... assuming it's not already red flagged by the social security administration AND assuming Mr. Luviano is still alive ....

Our illegal alien then proceeds to register to vote with their new driver's license and social security number... at which point, those numbers are validated...

Said illegal alien is denied a voter's registration because the name on their license, which had to match the name on the documentation they provided to get their license, does not match the name attached to Gerardo Luviano's social security number. Neither do their birth dates match.

I get the feeling that it takes you two hours to watch '60 Minutes.'

You know the truth: Democrats and their supporters are, first and foremost, corrupt and dishonest.
It is, largely, the reason that your candidate was a career criminal and congenital liar. you prove with every post.
davecmarino, post: 16164711
More California law that helps the illegals skirt the rules. You don't have to prove your citizenship when you register to vote. It is assumed just by you filling out an affidavit.

Very simply you are not telling us the truth;

Driver License or Identification Card Number or, if None, Partial Social Security Number

A person must provide a driver license or state identification card number where it is requested on the affidavit. If a person does not have a driver license or state identification card number, the person must provide the last four digits of their social security number.

If county elections officials verify that the person does not have any of the above numbers, a unique identification number will be assigned to the person.

County elections officials must verify all identification numbers provided for a person, as well as the absence of a driver license or state identification number for those who do not provide one. Additionally, if the last four digits of a social security number are provided, the county elections officials must confirm those with the Social Security Administration.

Conflicting information can delay processing of the application, such as when the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) indicates a different driver license number for the person in question, or DMV indicates a driver license for a person when the person has not provided one.

Guide to Voter Registration Drives | California Secretary of State

You know you have to provide a birth certificate to get a DL or ID IN California.

So showing a birth certificate is a done deal when one shows puts DL # on 2112 Affidavit to register to vote.

An AB60 DL will not get through and if they check they are a US CITIZEN and write down an AB60 DL #, they have committed perjury that is very easily detectable.

They will never vote.


Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

Stop lying, ya PoliticalHack. California is among the states which doesn't allow illegals to use their driver's license to register to vote.
California driver's licenses issued to non-citizens are clearly marked on the front FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY.

On the back of their licenses it says, “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

They are not able to register to vote.

PC is a retard just parroting the bullshit she was fed by her favorite propaganda mills.
Still waiting for you to show how illegal aliens are obtaining legal social security numbers...
Whether it's applying for citizenship or getting social security numbers, if you can get something with minimal effort why do it legally?

Right again!

"Social Security: Migrants Offer Numbers for Fee
TLALCHAPA, Mexico - Gerardo Luviano is looking for somebody to rent his Social Security number.

Mr. Luviano, 39, obtained legal residence in the United States almost 20 years ago. But these days, back in Mexico, teaching beekeeping at the local high school in this hot, dusty town in the southwestern part of the country, Mr. Luviano is not using his Social Security number. So he is looking for an illegal immigrant in the United States to use it for him -- providing a little cash along the way.

The number of people participating in the illegal deals is impossible to determine accurately. But it is clearly significant, flourishing despite efforts to combat identity fraud.

Demand for American identities has blossomed in the cracks between the nation's increasingly unwelcoming immigration laws and businesses' unremitting demand for low-wage labor."
You know you're fucking retarded, right?

Let's walk this through, shall we?

An illegal alien goes to the DMV to obtain an AB60 license. Said illegal has to present some form of documentation to prove residency as specified here --> Assuming all checks out well, said alien is given an AB60 driver's license.

Our example illegal alien then "rents" Mr. Luviano's social security number... assuming it's not already red flagged by the social security administration AND assuming Mr. Luviano is still alive ....

Our illegal alien then proceeds to register to vote with their new driver's license and social security number... at which point, those numbers are validated...

Said illegal alien is denied a voter's registration because the name on their license, which had to match the name on the documentation they provided to get their license, does not match the name attached to Gerardo Luviano's social security number. Neither do their birth dates match.

How difficult do you think it is for an illegal to get a fake document to use under the assumed name? Is it tough to come up with a lease in an assumed name? Is it tough to find someone who will forge a Mexican identification card for you?

Why would an illegal ever do something so illegal?
Who could have ever guessed? Wink, wink.

You libs are either really gullible about the world or just want to fight for this stuff because you know almost all the votes are going to your side.

California really should just leave the country. It's time to dump you morons in the ocean.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Still waiting for you to show how illegal aliens are obtaining legal social security numbers...
Whether it's applying for citizenship or getting social security numbers, if you can get something with minimal effort why do it legally?

Right again!

"Social Security: Migrants Offer Numbers for Fee
TLALCHAPA, Mexico - Gerardo Luviano is looking for somebody to rent his Social Security number.

Mr. Luviano, 39, obtained legal residence in the United States almost 20 years ago. But these days, back in Mexico, teaching beekeeping at the local high school in this hot, dusty town in the southwestern part of the country, Mr. Luviano is not using his Social Security number. So he is looking for an illegal immigrant in the United States to use it for him -- providing a little cash along the way.

The number of people participating in the illegal deals is impossible to determine accurately. But it is clearly significant, flourishing despite efforts to combat identity fraud.

Demand for American identities has blossomed in the cracks between the nation's increasingly unwelcoming immigration laws and businesses' unremitting demand for low-wage labor."
You know you're fucking retarded, right?

Let's walk this through, shall we?

An illegal alien goes to the DMV to obtain an AB60 license. Said illegal has to present some form of documentation to prove residency as specified here --> Assuming all checks out well, said alien is given an AB60 driver's license.

Our example illegal alien then "rents" Mr. Luviano's social security number... assuming it's not already red flagged by the social security administration AND assuming Mr. Luviano is still alive ....

Our illegal alien then proceeds to register to vote with their new driver's license and social security number... at which point, those numbers are validated...

Said illegal alien is denied a voter's registration because the name on their license, which had to match the name on the documentation they provided to get their license, does not match the name attached to Gerardo Luviano's social security number. Neither do their birth dates match.

How difficult do you think it is for an illegal to get a fake document to use under the assumed name? Is it tough to come up with a lease in an assumed name? Is it tough to find someone who will forge a Mexican identification card for you?

Why would an illegal ever do something so illegal?
Who could have ever guessed? Wink, wink.

You libs are either really gullible about the world or just want to fight for this stuff because you know almost all the votes are going to your side.

California really should just leave the country. It's time to dump you morons in the ocean.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So you invented a fantasy and are trying to pass it off as real without a shred of evidence, eh?

Get help, kid.
davecmarino, post: 16165161
You are incorrect again.

The affidavit available under California Election Code 2112 is not for getting the drivers license but for a registration to vote.

How can I be incorrect when that is not what I said.

Affidavit 2112 requires a standard issue DL or ID - both require an official birth certificate to obtain.

So in proper sequence - prior to filling out Affidavit 2112 you must have shown your proof of citizenship and legal right to vote.

There is no loophole.

Computers are pretty slick - if you give a fake SSN or actual AB60 DL number - you do not get registered to vote. It is impossible.

You said California just 'assumes' all info on Affidavit 2112.

You If you actually believe that you are dumber than PoliticalChic.

You need a valid US Citizens ONLY Drivers license or State issued ID which requires proof of citizenship before applying to vote on AFFIDAVIT 2112. If you don't have that you have to match your SSN through the Social Security Administration so you can't provide a fake number.

Your story is full of more holes than Bonnie and Clyde's 1932 Ford Coupe at the end.

Says you but both the DMV and The Secretary of State stated that that system of checks and balances does not exist. Again there is no database that differentiates one type of drivers license from the rest.

Now in the law, they do discuss having such procedures as dictated by the Secretary of State but in January it was Padilla who stated that the system was not yet in place and would not be ready until 2017.

So again, it may very well be coming but according to Padilla, it was not in place for this election.

Maybe you know more than Padilla about the implementation of the internally checks and balances in operating the system but I doubt it.

The laws, enforcement, and support system were all designed to open a window of opportunity for illegals to vote for Clinton and they did.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Law section.

Notwithstanding Section 12801.5, the department shall issue an original driver’s license to a person who is unable to submit satisfactory proof that the applicant’s presence in the United States is authorized under federal law if he or she meets all other qualifications for licensure and provides satisfactory proof to the department of his or her identity and California residency.

(d) (1) A license issued pursuant to this section, including a temporary license issued pursuant to Section 12506, shall include a recognizable feature on the front of the card, such as the letters “DP” instead of, and in the same font size as, the letters “DL,” with no other distinguishable feature.

(2) The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”
davecmarino, post: 16164711
More California law that helps the illegals skirt the rules. You don't have to prove your citizenship when you register to vote. It is assumed just by you filling out an affidavit.

Very simply you are not telling us the truth;

Driver License or Identification Card Number or, if None, Partial Social Security Number

A person must provide a driver license or state identification card number where it is requested on the affidavit. If a person does not have a driver license or state identification card number, the person must provide the last four digits of their social security number.

If county elections officials verify that the person does not have any of the above numbers, a unique identification number will be assigned to the person.

County elections officials must verify all identification numbers provided for a person, as well as the absence of a driver license or state identification number for those who do not provide one. Additionally, if the last four digits of a social security number are provided, the county elections officials must confirm those with the Social Security Administration.

Conflicting information can delay processing of the application, such as when the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) indicates a different driver license number for the person in question, or DMV indicates a driver license for a person when the person has not provided one.

Guide to Voter Registration Drives | California Secretary of State

You know you have to provide a birth certificate to get a DL or ID IN California.

So showing a birth certificate is a done deal when one shows puts DL # on 2112 Affidavit to register to vote.

An AB60 DL will not get through and if they check they are a US CITIZEN and write down an AB60 DL #, they have committed perjury that is very easily detectable.

They will never vote.


Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

Stop lying, ya PoliticalHack. California is among the states which doesn't allow illegals to use their driver's license to register to vote.
California driver's licenses issued to non-citizens are clearly marked on the front FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY.

On the back of their licenses it says, “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

They are not able to register to vote.

PC is a retard just parroting the bullshit she was fed by her favorite propaganda mills.

Who checks that statement.....Democrats???

These guys?


I say Democrat's who work the polls ignore that blue bar and simply look at the name on the driver's license.

And guess what?

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015

Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -

Ready to talk about your "bomb expertise"?????

C'mon.....everyone needs a good laugh.
The gullible fucks were led to bleev an immigrant with an immigrant license was authorized to register to vote with their non-eligible driver's license.
Law section.

Notwithstanding Section 12801.5, the department shall issue an original driver’s license to a person who is unable to submit satisfactory proof that the applicant’s presence in the United States is authorized under federal law if he or she meets all other qualifications for licensure and provides satisfactory proof to the department of his or her identity and California residency.

(d) (1) A license issued pursuant to this section, including a temporary license issued pursuant to Section 12506, shall include a recognizable feature on the front of the card, such as the letters “DP” instead of, and in the same font size as, the letters “DL,” with no other distinguishable feature.

(2) The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

You moron.....the snake in the White House promised the illegal aliens that no one would investigate if they vote.

And they did.
Law section.

Notwithstanding Section 12801.5, the department shall issue an original driver’s license to a person who is unable to submit satisfactory proof that the applicant’s presence in the United States is authorized under federal law if he or she meets all other qualifications for licensure and provides satisfactory proof to the department of his or her identity and California residency.

(d) (1) A license issued pursuant to this section, including a temporary license issued pursuant to Section 12506, shall include a recognizable feature on the front of the card, such as the letters “DP” instead of, and in the same font size as, the letters “DL,” with no other distinguishable feature.

(2) The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

You moron.....the snake in the White House promised the illegal aliens that no one would investigate if they vote.

They can't register to vote with their driver's licenses, retard. Has that not penetrated your Neanderthal skull yet?

And they did.

Ipse dixit. Look at the tard stating a fantasy as a fact without a shred of evidence .
davecmarino, post: 16165976
The CA-DMV has already admitted that there is no separate list of drivers license numbers that identify them as AB60 licenses.


. In order to be registered, a resident must provide a valid California drivers’ license or identification number, the last four digits of a Social Security number and date of birth. That information is then sent to the Department of Motor Vehicles for authentication and signature comparison. And the person must attest to eligibility under penalty of perjury.

Trump and voter fraud: State, local officials say it's not happening

"That information is then sent to the Department of Motor Vehicles for authentication and signature comparison. "

You are telling us that the DMV set up a vast database that cannot distinguish between an AB60 marked "Federal Limits" DL and the standard DL issued to US Citizens.

It is bullshit because Republican official would be screaming bloody murder if the DMV were incapable of separating AB60s from regular DLs.

Where are these screaming Republicans?

Not a peep except from you. No where else is this bogus claim being expressed.
Still waiting for you to show how illegal aliens are obtaining legal social security numbers...
Whether it's applying for citizenship or getting social security numbers, if you can get something with minimal effort why do it legally?

Right again!

"Social Security: Migrants Offer Numbers for Fee
TLALCHAPA, Mexico - Gerardo Luviano is looking for somebody to rent his Social Security number.

Mr. Luviano, 39, obtained legal residence in the United States almost 20 years ago. But these days, back in Mexico, teaching beekeeping at the local high school in this hot, dusty town in the southwestern part of the country, Mr. Luviano is not using his Social Security number. So he is looking for an illegal immigrant in the United States to use it for him -- providing a little cash along the way.

The number of people participating in the illegal deals is impossible to determine accurately. But it is clearly significant, flourishing despite efforts to combat identity fraud.

Demand for American identities has blossomed in the cracks between the nation's increasingly unwelcoming immigration laws and businesses' unremitting demand for low-wage labor."
You know you're fucking retarded, right?

Let's walk this through, shall we?

An illegal alien goes to the DMV to obtain an AB60 license. Said illegal has to present some form of documentation to prove residency as specified here --> Assuming all checks out well, said alien is given an AB60 driver's license.

Our example illegal alien then "rents" Mr. Luviano's social security number... assuming it's not already red flagged by the social security administration AND assuming Mr. Luviano is still alive ....

Our illegal alien then proceeds to register to vote with their new driver's license and social security number... at which point, those numbers are validated...

Said illegal alien is denied a voter's registration because the name on their license, which had to match the name on the documentation they provided to get their license, does not match the name attached to Gerardo Luviano's social security number. Neither do their birth dates match.

How difficult do you think it is for an illegal to get a fake document to use under the assumed name? Is it tough to come up with a lease in an assumed name? Is it tough to find someone who will forge a Mexican identification card for you?

Why would an illegal ever do something so illegal?
Who could have ever guessed? Wink, wink.

You libs are either really gullible about the world or just want to fight for this stuff because you know almost all the votes are going to your side.

California really should just leave the country. It's time to dump you morons in the ocean.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So you invented a fantasy and are trying to pass it off as real without a shred of evidence, eh?

Get help, kid.

Go to a Spanish flea market. So much for your fantasy. Try some reality. They commit identity theft every day. Here's a link to wake you up. Don't ask for more facts because it is all in there.

Illegal, but Not Undocumented

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Whether it's applying for citizenship or getting social security numbers, if you can get something with minimal effort why do it legally?

Right again!

"Social Security: Migrants Offer Numbers for Fee
TLALCHAPA, Mexico - Gerardo Luviano is looking for somebody to rent his Social Security number.

Mr. Luviano, 39, obtained legal residence in the United States almost 20 years ago. But these days, back in Mexico, teaching beekeeping at the local high school in this hot, dusty town in the southwestern part of the country, Mr. Luviano is not using his Social Security number. So he is looking for an illegal immigrant in the United States to use it for him -- providing a little cash along the way.

The number of people participating in the illegal deals is impossible to determine accurately. But it is clearly significant, flourishing despite efforts to combat identity fraud.

Demand for American identities has blossomed in the cracks between the nation's increasingly unwelcoming immigration laws and businesses' unremitting demand for low-wage labor."
You know you're fucking retarded, right?

Let's walk this through, shall we?

An illegal alien goes to the DMV to obtain an AB60 license. Said illegal has to present some form of documentation to prove residency as specified here --> Assuming all checks out well, said alien is given an AB60 driver's license.

Our example illegal alien then "rents" Mr. Luviano's social security number... assuming it's not already red flagged by the social security administration AND assuming Mr. Luviano is still alive ....

Our illegal alien then proceeds to register to vote with their new driver's license and social security number... at which point, those numbers are validated...

Said illegal alien is denied a voter's registration because the name on their license, which had to match the name on the documentation they provided to get their license, does not match the name attached to Gerardo Luviano's social security number. Neither do their birth dates match.

How difficult do you think it is for an illegal to get a fake document to use under the assumed name? Is it tough to come up with a lease in an assumed name? Is it tough to find someone who will forge a Mexican identification card for you?

Why would an illegal ever do something so illegal?
Who could have ever guessed? Wink, wink.

You libs are either really gullible about the world or just want to fight for this stuff because you know almost all the votes are going to your side.

California really should just leave the country. It's time to dump you morons in the ocean.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So you invented a fantasy and are trying to pass it off as real without a shred of evidence, eh?

Get help, kid.

Go to a Spanish flea market. So much for your fantasy. Try some reality. They commit identity theft every day. Here's a link to wake you up. Don't ask for more facts because it is all in there.

Illegal, but Not Undocumented

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Show me proof millions of illegals voted, tard.

All you have is a masturbation fantasy.
davecmarino, post: 16165976
The CA-DMV has already admitted that there is no separate list of drivers license numbers that identify them as AB60 licenses.


. In order to be registered, a resident must provide a valid California drivers’ license or identification number, the last four digits of a Social Security number and date of birth. That information is then sent to the Department of Motor Vehicles for authentication and signature comparison. And the person must attest to eligibility under penalty of perjury.

Trump and voter fraud: State, local officials say it's not happening

"That information is then sent to the Department of Motor Vehicles for authentication and signature comparison. "

You are telling us that the DMV set up a vast database that cannot distinguish between an AB60 marked "Federal Limits" DL and the standard DL issued to US Citizens.

It is bullshit because Republican official would be screaming bloody murder if the DMV were incapable of separating AB60s from regular DLs.

Where are these screaming Republicans?

Not a peep except from you. No where else is this bogus claim being expressed.
If feds try to ID deportable immigrants using Cal data, state will block access

The DMV said it does not maintain a separate database of AB60 license holders; instead all drivers are on one list. The agency noted in a statement that it keeps all personal information confidential, and that a law enforcement agency can access individual data only if there is an ongoing investigation and it provides a name for a search. No agency is allowed simply to peruse the database.
Still waiting for you to show how illegal aliens are obtaining legal social security numbers...
Whether it's applying for citizenship or getting social security numbers, if you can get something with minimal effort why do it legally?

Right again!

"Social Security: Migrants Offer Numbers for Fee
TLALCHAPA, Mexico - Gerardo Luviano is looking for somebody to rent his Social Security number.

Mr. Luviano, 39, obtained legal residence in the United States almost 20 years ago. But these days, back in Mexico, teaching beekeeping at the local high school in this hot, dusty town in the southwestern part of the country, Mr. Luviano is not using his Social Security number. So he is looking for an illegal immigrant in the United States to use it for him -- providing a little cash along the way.

The number of people participating in the illegal deals is impossible to determine accurately. But it is clearly significant, flourishing despite efforts to combat identity fraud.

Demand for American identities has blossomed in the cracks between the nation's increasingly unwelcoming immigration laws and businesses' unremitting demand for low-wage labor."
You know you're fucking retarded, right?

Let's walk this through, shall we?

An illegal alien goes to the DMV to obtain an AB60 license. Said illegal has to present some form of documentation to prove residency as specified here --> Assuming all checks out well, said alien is given an AB60 driver's license.

Our example illegal alien then "rents" Mr. Luviano's social security number... assuming it's not already red flagged by the social security administration AND assuming Mr. Luviano is still alive ....

Our illegal alien then proceeds to register to vote with their new driver's license and social security number... at which point, those numbers are validated...

Said illegal alien is denied a voter's registration because the name on their license, which had to match the name on the documentation they provided to get their license, does not match the name attached to Gerardo Luviano's social security number. Neither do their birth dates match.

How difficult do you think it is for an illegal to get a fake document to use under the assumed name? Is it tough to come up with a lease in an assumed name? Is it tough to find someone who will forge a Mexican identification card for you?

Why would an illegal ever do something so illegal?
Who could have ever guessed? Wink, wink.

You libs are either really gullible about the world or just want to fight for this stuff because you know almost all the votes are going to your side.

California really should just leave the country. It's time to dump you morons in the ocean.

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So you invented a fantasy and are trying to pass it off as real without a shred of evidence, eh?

Get help, kid.

Watch me silence you with this simple post:

a. Do you know how many illegal aliens there are in the country?

b. Did any illegal aliens vote?

Wait for it........

c. How many?

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