Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

davecmarino, post: 16167057
Read what else they said:
As states continue to address issues of immigration and seasonal workers, DMVs across the nation will be faced with new challenges – and new means for fraudsters to try to obtain false identi cation documents.

You conveniently left that part out.

You much more conveniently leave out that voter fraud is not mentioned at all.

Why not stick to the issues being discussed?

Running out of lies?
Still waiting for you to show how illegal aliens are obtaining legal social security numbers...
Whether it's applying for citizenship or getting social security numbers, if you can get something with minimal effort why do it legally?

Right again!

"Social Security: Migrants Offer Numbers for Fee
TLALCHAPA, Mexico - Gerardo Luviano is looking for somebody to rent his Social Security number.

Mr. Luviano, 39, obtained legal residence in the United States almost 20 years ago. But these days, back in Mexico, teaching beekeeping at the local high school in this hot, dusty town in the southwestern part of the country, Mr. Luviano is not using his Social Security number. So he is looking for an illegal immigrant in the United States to use it for him -- providing a little cash along the way.

The number of people participating in the illegal deals is impossible to determine accurately. But it is clearly significant, flourishing despite efforts to combat identity fraud.

Demand for American identities has blossomed in the cracks between the nation's increasingly unwelcoming immigration laws and businesses' unremitting demand for low-wage labor."
You know you're fucking retarded, right?

Let's walk this through, shall we?

An illegal alien goes to the DMV to obtain an AB60 license. Said illegal has to present some form of documentation to prove residency as specified here --> Assuming all checks out well, said alien is given an AB60 driver's license.

Our example illegal alien then "rents" Mr. Luviano's social security number... assuming it's not already red flagged by the social security administration AND assuming Mr. Luviano is still alive ....

Our illegal alien then proceeds to register to vote with their new driver's license and social security number... at which point, those numbers are validated...

Said illegal alien is denied a voter's registration because the name on their license, which had to match the name on the documentation they provided to get their license, does not match the name attached to Gerardo Luviano's social security number. Neither do their birth dates match.

How difficult do you think it is for an illegal to get a fake document to use under the assumed name? Is it tough to come up with a lease in an assumed name? Is it tough to find someone who will forge a Mexican identification card for you?

Why would an illegal ever do something so illegal?
Who could have ever guessed? Wink, wink.

You libs are either really gullible about the world or just want to fight for this stuff because you know almost all the votes are going to your side.

California really should just leave the country. It's time to dump you morons in the ocean.

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To qualify to vote, an illegal alien would have to obtain a valid SS number. One that matches the name on their license, their documents, and matches their birth certificate. Good luck proving 3 million have accomplished that. :lol:

Once they have the stolen SS card and drivers license for the person who was robbed they can create everything they need. They match the fake I'd using the persons name and dob with the rest of the information changed. They get a fake birth certificate with that name and dob. Then they just assume the id.
If they use a friends address, they can get their mail and the friend can just say he has never seen that guy before.

They do it all the time. Like I said earlier. I've seen it plenty of times. Over 5 people a year were arrested for identification theft at the company. Others for insurance fraud or fleeing the scene after an accident leaving the car they owned with their pay stubs on the rear floorboard.

I've got some great stories. You may not want to hear it but they are all true.

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davecmarino, post: 16165161
You are incorrect again.

The affidavit available under California Election Code 2112 is not for getting the drivers license but for a registration to vote.

How can I be incorrect when that is not what I said.

Affidavit 2112 requires a standard issue DL or ID - both require an official birth certificate to obtain.

So in proper sequence - prior to filling out Affidavit 2112 you must have shown your proof of citizenship and legal right to vote.

There is no loophole.

Computers are pretty slick - if you give a fake SSN or actual AB60 DL number - you do not get registered to vote. It is impossible.

You said California just 'assumes' all info on Affidavit 2112.

You If you actually believe that you are dumber than PoliticalChic.

You need a valid US Citizens ONLY Drivers license or State issued ID which requires proof of citizenship before applying to vote on AFFIDAVIT 2112. If you don't have that you have to match your SSN through the Social Security Administration so you can't provide a fake number.

Your story is full of more holes than Bonnie and Clyde's 1932 Ford Coupe at the end.

Says you but both the DMV and The Secretary of State stated that that system of checks and balances does not exist. Again there is no database that differentiates one type of drivers license from the rest.

Now in the law, they do discuss having such procedures as dictated by the Secretary of State but in January it was Padilla who stated that the system was not yet in place and would not be ready until 2017.

So again, it may very well be coming but according to Padilla, it was not in place for this election.

Maybe you know more than Padilla about the implementation of the internally checks and balances in operating the system but I doubt it.

The laws, enforcement, and support system were all designed to open a window of opportunity for illegals to vote for Clinton and they did.

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Again, California law prohibits the DMV from registering folks with AB licenses to vote. That's the law. Now if you can prove that law is being violated, prove it. Of course, if you could prove it, you would have.

I did when I posted the voter registration instructions. There is no verification of either drivers license required. It can legally be bypassed. There is also no verification of citizenship other than the box the applicant checked.

Prove me wrong. Where's your proof. Show me where California prosecutes these crimes. I see federal agencies prosecute the crime for those they catch but I haven't found anyone prosecuted by the state in modern times.

Go ahead let's see your proof for a change. I say the law is just bullshit to pass the federal legal sniff test. Show me where California goes after this stuff in reality.

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Right again!

"Social Security: Migrants Offer Numbers for Fee
TLALCHAPA, Mexico - Gerardo Luviano is looking for somebody to rent his Social Security number.

Mr. Luviano, 39, obtained legal residence in the United States almost 20 years ago. But these days, back in Mexico, teaching beekeeping at the local high school in this hot, dusty town in the southwestern part of the country, Mr. Luviano is not using his Social Security number. So he is looking for an illegal immigrant in the United States to use it for him -- providing a little cash along the way.

The number of people participating in the illegal deals is impossible to determine accurately. But it is clearly significant, flourishing despite efforts to combat identity fraud.

Demand for American identities has blossomed in the cracks between the nation's increasingly unwelcoming immigration laws and businesses' unremitting demand for low-wage labor."
You know you're fucking retarded, right?

Let's walk this through, shall we?

An illegal alien goes to the DMV to obtain an AB60 license. Said illegal has to present some form of documentation to prove residency as specified here --> Assuming all checks out well, said alien is given an AB60 driver's license.

Our example illegal alien then "rents" Mr. Luviano's social security number... assuming it's not already red flagged by the social security administration AND assuming Mr. Luviano is still alive ....

Our illegal alien then proceeds to register to vote with their new driver's license and social security number... at which point, those numbers are validated...

Said illegal alien is denied a voter's registration because the name on their license, which had to match the name on the documentation they provided to get their license, does not match the name attached to Gerardo Luviano's social security number. Neither do their birth dates match.

How difficult do you think it is for an illegal to get a fake document to use under the assumed name? Is it tough to come up with a lease in an assumed name? Is it tough to find someone who will forge a Mexican identification card for you?

Why would an illegal ever do something so illegal?
Who could have ever guessed? Wink, wink.

You libs are either really gullible about the world or just want to fight for this stuff because you know almost all the votes are going to your side.

California really should just leave the country. It's time to dump you morons in the ocean.

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So you invented a fantasy and are trying to pass it off as real without a shred of evidence, eh?

Get help, kid.

Go to a Spanish flea market. So much for your fantasy. Try some reality. They commit identity theft every day. Here's a link to wake you up. Don't ask for more facts because it is all in there.

Illegal, but Not Undocumented

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From your link ...
  • Illegal immigrants are not “undocumented.” They have fraudulent documents such as counterfeit Social Security cards, forged drivers licenses, fake “green cards,” and phony birth certificates. Experts suggest that approximately 75 percent of working-age illegal aliens use fraudulent Social Security cards to obtain employment.

  • Most (98 percent) Social Security number (SSN) thieves use their own names with stolen numbers. The federal E-Verify program, now mandated in only 14 states, can detect this fraud. Universal, mandatory use of E-Verify would curb this and stop virtually 100 percent of child identity theft.
Counterfeit SS cards and SS cards which don't match the name of the actual owner will not pass the validity check to register to vote.

The issue is not whether or not illegals can obtain fake documentation -- the issue is are they able to use that fake documentation to register successfully to vote.

And I repeat -- you claim 3 million illegals voted in this election -- but you can't find one.

Re-read it. The cards only have to match the name of the actual owner. If it is stolen they have the actual card. It has the matching name on it.

You know how easy it is once you have the name and social security number. What if you don't have the card but have a document with the name and social like a tax return, medical form, or credit application? Is it hard to make up your fake id then?

I'm a law abiding guy but I know I could do it without much help. You can purchase fake ids online that are pretty much perfect. Pretty sure I could get a fake birth certificate online also.

I wouldn't do it just to vote but if I needed it to live my life, $250 isn't much of an investment to fix a problem.

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davecmarino, post: 16165161
the DMV legal staff confirmed that there is no process in place to identify the AB60 licenses separately

Where do you think the DMV staff confirmed that?

On average, DMV issued approximately 50,000 new driver licenses per month under AB 60 during the first year of implementing the new law.

Month AB 60
January 59,000
February 72,000
March 76,000
April 74,000
May 60,000
June 56,000
July 45,000
August 37,000
September 34,000
October 35,000
November 26,000
December 31,000
Total 605,000 (all numbers are rounded)

They must keep separate records or how else could they know these monthly statistics.

Request Rejected

You can now admit that this is a lie:

"the DMV legal staff confirmed that there is no process in place to identify the AB60 licenses separately"

Impossible to be true.

Hey the mint keeps track of how many quarter it issues also. Think they keep an individual list?

True, not True...I don't know as I've never audited them. It was a quote from their legal professionals. That much is true.

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davecmarino, post: 16164711
More California law that helps the illegals skirt the rules. You don't have to prove your citizenship when you register to vote. It is assumed just by you filling out an affidavit.

Very simply you are not telling us the truth;

Driver License or Identification Card Number or, if None, Partial Social Security Number

A person must provide a driver license or state identification card number where it is requested on the affidavit. If a person does not have a driver license or state identification card number, the person must provide the last four digits of their social security number.

If county elections officials verify that the person does not have any of the above numbers, a unique identification number will be assigned to the person.

County elections officials must verify all identification numbers provided for a person, as well as the absence of a driver license or state identification number for those who do not provide one. Additionally, if the last four digits of a social security number are provided, the county elections officials must confirm those with the Social Security Administration.

Conflicting information can delay processing of the application, such as when the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) indicates a different driver license number for the person in question, or DMV indicates a driver license for a person when the person has not provided one.

Guide to Voter Registration Drives | California Secretary of State

You know you have to provide a birth certificate to get a DL or ID in California.

So showing a birth certificate is a done deal when one shows a DL # on the 2112 Affidavit to register to vote.

An AB60 DL will not get through and if they check they are a US CITIZEN and write down an AB60 DL #, they have committed perjury and that is very easily detectable.

They will never vote.

Nobody is checking that it is an AB60 license. The CA-DMV has already admitted that there is no separate list of drivers license numbers that identify them as AB60 licenses.

You refuse to get that through your head.

You also refuse to acknowledge that the Secretary of State has already stated that the procedures for checking registered voters against the license records would not be available until after the election.

So an AB60 license and an affidavit got you registered in California prior to the election.

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Stop lying. The DMV does not transmit data for AB60 license holders to the Secretary of State's office for voter registration.

Again.... for the hard of learning...

Election Code, Division II, Chapter 4.5 § 2263

(d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

Section 12801.9 of the California Vehicle code is an AB60 license.

Now stop lying.

Cool you found more legal verbiage that makes sure that the law passes the sniff test but it doesn't mean shit because it isn't being followed.

I know you want proof. Well here it is:

Voter Registration Cards where the voter indicates he or she is not a U.S. Citizen:The VRC asks the applicant if he or she is a United States citizen. The voter may check either “Yes”, “No”, or not check either box.If the voter indicates, by checking the “yes” box, that he or she is a U.S. citizen, the registration should be processed normally.If the voter indicates, by checking the “No” box, that he or she is not a U.S. citizen, the registration may not be entered on the voter rolls. The elections official should send the voter a returnable card or letter requesting clarification as to whether or not the voter is a U.S. citizen. If the voter returns the card indicating that he or she is a U.S. citizen, the VRC should be entered on the voter rolls. If the card is returned and the voter indicates he or she is not a citizen, or if no response is received from the voter, then the voter shall not be registered.If the voter does not check either the “Yes” or “No” box, and the registration is otherwise complete, the registration should be processed normally and entered on the voter rolls.

The instructions on the form for registration also tells the applicants to just put the first 4 digits of their social if they don't have a drivers license number.
I didn't ask you for proof of the laws -- I asked you to prove the laws weren't being followed.

At any rate, the information on the application is still checked for validity. People don't just submit an application with any info they feel like putting and get registered.

California is not going after anyone for voter fraud. A man tried to report a case of voter fraud in LA and was told They took the ballots to the Los Angeles Police Department, but were directed to the post office.

'Voter fraud'? California man finds dozens of ballots stacked outside home

The only ones going after voter fraud and illegals in California is ICE and they are the one organization that California doesn't want to share the database with.

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That's the same story you posted a video of earlier. It has nothing to do with illegals voting and they said it was being investigated.
davecmarino, post: 16167112
I've got some great stories.

I've heard enough. The one about the DMV not being able to separate AB60s from the normal driver licence issued to citizens - or is that one fiction now that we know they have that capability?

On average, DMV issued approximately 50,000 new driver licenses per month under AB 60 during the first year of implementing the new law.

Month AB 60
January 59,000
February 72,000
March 76,000
April 74,000
May 60,000
June 56,000
July 45,000
August 37,000
September 34,000
October 35,000
November 26,000
December 31,000

Total 605,000 (all numbers are rounded)

Request Rejected

How did they separate them when you said they can't?
davecmarino, post: 16167057
Read what else they said:
As states continue to address issues of immigration and seasonal workers, DMVs across the nation will be faced with new challenges – and new means for fraudsters to try to obtain false identi cation documents.

You conveniently left that part out.

You much more conveniently leave out that voter fraud is not mentioned at all.

Why not stick to the issues being discussed?

Running out of lies?

Really. We've been talking about access to documents that would give illegals access to voting. They are telling you that AB 60 will increase the illegals demand for fake id. Having a picture Id issued by a state is a big deal for an illegal. Even if it isn't in their real name, it is still very valuable.

You really have no clue about their extensive use of fraudulent documents. You really believe that it is limited when it is pervasive.

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davecmarino, post: 16164711
More California law that helps the illegals skirt the rules. You don't have to prove your citizenship when you register to vote. It is assumed just by you filling out an affidavit.

Very simply you are not telling us the truth;

Driver License or Identification Card Number or, if None, Partial Social Security Number

A person must provide a driver license or state identification card number where it is requested on the affidavit. If a person does not have a driver license or state identification card number, the person must provide the last four digits of their social security number.

If county elections officials verify that the person does not have any of the above numbers, a unique identification number will be assigned to the person.

County elections officials must verify all identification numbers provided for a person, as well as the absence of a driver license or state identification number for those who do not provide one. Additionally, if the last four digits of a social security number are provided, the county elections officials must confirm those with the Social Security Administration.

Conflicting information can delay processing of the application, such as when the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) indicates a different driver license number for the person in question, or DMV indicates a driver license for a person when the person has not provided one.

Guide to Voter Registration Drives | California Secretary of State

You know you have to provide a birth certificate to get a DL or ID in California.

So showing a birth certificate is a done deal when one shows a DL # on the 2112 Affidavit to register to vote.

An AB60 DL will not get through and if they check they are a US CITIZEN and write down an AB60 DL #, they have committed perjury and that is very easily detectable.

They will never vote.

Nobody is checking that it is an AB60 license. The CA-DMV has already admitted that there is no separate list of drivers license numbers that identify them as AB60 licenses.

You refuse to get that through your head.

You also refuse to acknowledge that the Secretary of State has already stated that the procedures for checking registered voters against the license records would not be available until after the election.

So an AB60 license and an affidavit got you registered in California prior to the election.

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Stop lying. The DMV does not transmit data for AB60 license holders to the Secretary of State's office for voter registration.

Again.... for the hard of learning...

Election Code, Division II, Chapter 4.5 § 2263

(d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

Section 12801.9 of the California Vehicle code is an AB60 license.

Now stop lying.

Cool you found more legal verbiage that makes sure that the law passes the sniff test but it doesn't mean shit because it isn't being followed.

I know you want proof. Well here it is:

Voter Registration Cards where the voter indicates he or she is not a U.S. Citizen:The VRC asks the applicant if he or she is a United States citizen. The voter may check either “Yes”, “No”, or not check either box.If the voter indicates, by checking the “yes” box, that he or she is a U.S. citizen, the registration should be processed normally.If the voter indicates, by checking the “No” box, that he or she is not a U.S. citizen, the registration may not be entered on the voter rolls. The elections official should send the voter a returnable card or letter requesting clarification as to whether or not the voter is a U.S. citizen. If the voter returns the card indicating that he or she is a U.S. citizen, the VRC should be entered on the voter rolls. If the card is returned and the voter indicates he or she is not a citizen, or if no response is received from the voter, then the voter shall not be registered.If the voter does not check either the “Yes” or “No” box, and the registration is otherwise complete, the registration should be processed normally and entered on the voter rolls.

The instructions on the form for registration also tells the applicants to just put the first 4 digits of their social if they don't have a drivers license number.
I didn't ask you for proof of the laws -- I asked you to prove the laws weren't being followed.

At any rate, the information on the application is still checked for validity. People don't just submit an application with any info they feel like putting and get registered.

California is not going after anyone for voter fraud. A man tried to report a case of voter fraud in LA and was told They took the ballots to the Los Angeles Police Department, but were directed to the post office.

'Voter fraud'? California man finds dozens of ballots stacked outside home

The only ones going after voter fraud and illegals in California is ICE and they are the one organization that California doesn't want to share the database with.

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That's the same story you posted a video of earlier. It has nothing to do with illegals voting and they said it was being investigated.

Here is the reality of it all.
Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections

I'm out. We will never agree but I know what is really going on and am happy to stand up against what I consider to be a disgraceful practice.

The most important civic duty is to vote and I don't believe that illegals should be voting. I don't believe they belong in our society at all.

I am all for legal immigration and am disgusted by illegal immigration.

National Voter ID will fix this like it does in other developed nations.

Good night. Thanks for the lively debate. Hope you enjoy your New Years.

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davecmarino, post: 16167280
Having a picture Id issued by a state is a big deal for an illegal.

AB60 provides the opposite. They don't have to steal SSN,. Change, their date of birth, risk going to prison, lie about where they live.

They can take a drivers test and get a picture ID all legal and such. But they can't vote.

They can't vote because the DMV can separate AB60s from all the rest. Right? Have you got that straight now?

And when you learn to think for yourself instead of letting fake news artists think for you you would recognize that a certain criminal element stealing and forging a fake ID is not going go through all that effort in order to cast a vote for a Democrat in the White House living in a hugely Democratic state where millions of votes don't count anyway in the electoral college.

But I guess you are moving from illegal voting is easy and the state elections board and all who work at the DMV are in on it - to - That does not make any empirical sense at all.

Parents of dreamers aren't criminals/ gang members that would take that kind of criminal risk.

If you know Hispanics as much as you claim you'd know many a very Catholic and deeply family oriental. You'd learn to focus on that aspect.
Whether it's applying for citizenship or getting social security numbers, if you can get something with minimal effort why do it legally?

Right again!

"Social Security: Migrants Offer Numbers for Fee
TLALCHAPA, Mexico - Gerardo Luviano is looking for somebody to rent his Social Security number.

Mr. Luviano, 39, obtained legal residence in the United States almost 20 years ago. But these days, back in Mexico, teaching beekeeping at the local high school in this hot, dusty town in the southwestern part of the country, Mr. Luviano is not using his Social Security number. So he is looking for an illegal immigrant in the United States to use it for him -- providing a little cash along the way.

The number of people participating in the illegal deals is impossible to determine accurately. But it is clearly significant, flourishing despite efforts to combat identity fraud.

Demand for American identities has blossomed in the cracks between the nation's increasingly unwelcoming immigration laws and businesses' unremitting demand for low-wage labor."
You know you're fucking retarded, right?

Let's walk this through, shall we?

An illegal alien goes to the DMV to obtain an AB60 license. Said illegal has to present some form of documentation to prove residency as specified here --> Assuming all checks out well, said alien is given an AB60 driver's license.

Our example illegal alien then "rents" Mr. Luviano's social security number... assuming it's not already red flagged by the social security administration AND assuming Mr. Luviano is still alive ....

Our illegal alien then proceeds to register to vote with their new driver's license and social security number... at which point, those numbers are validated...

Said illegal alien is denied a voter's registration because the name on their license, which had to match the name on the documentation they provided to get their license, does not match the name attached to Gerardo Luviano's social security number. Neither do their birth dates match.

How difficult do you think it is for an illegal to get a fake document to use under the assumed name? Is it tough to come up with a lease in an assumed name? Is it tough to find someone who will forge a Mexican identification card for you?

Why would an illegal ever do something so illegal?
Who could have ever guessed? Wink, wink.

You libs are either really gullible about the world or just want to fight for this stuff because you know almost all the votes are going to your side.

California really should just leave the country. It's time to dump you morons in the ocean.

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To qualify to vote, an illegal alien would have to obtain a valid SS number. One that matches the name on their license, their documents, and matches their birth certificate. Good luck proving 3 million have accomplished that. :lol:

Once they have the stolen SS card and drivers license for the person who was robbed they can create everything they need. They match the fake I'd using the persons name and dob with the rest of the information changed. They get a fake birth certificate with that name and dob. Then they just assume the id.
If they use a friends address, they can get their mail and the friend can just say he has never seen that guy before.

They do it all the time. Like I said earlier. I've seen it plenty of times. Over 5 people a year were arrested for identification theft at the company. Others for insurance fraud or fleeing the scene after an accident leaving the car they owned with their pay stubs on the rear floorboard.

I've got some great stories. You may not want to hear it but they are all true.

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Great, now you're shifting your position again. Now you're venturing into identity theft. You started with how AB-60 provides access to illegals to vote. That was shot down so you moved to AB-1461 provides access to illegals to vote. That was shot down so you moved to registering online provides access to illegals to vote. That was shot down so you moved on to TPS folks have access to vote. That was was shot down so you moved on to folks who fill out a registration form have access to vote. That was shot down and so now you move onto identity thieves have access to vote.

davecmarino, post: 16165161
You are incorrect again.

The affidavit available under California Election Code 2112 is not for getting the drivers license but for a registration to vote.

How can I be incorrect when that is not what I said.

Affidavit 2112 requires a standard issue DL or ID - both require an official birth certificate to obtain.

So in proper sequence - prior to filling out Affidavit 2112 you must have shown your proof of citizenship and legal right to vote.

There is no loophole.

Computers are pretty slick - if you give a fake SSN or actual AB60 DL number - you do not get registered to vote. It is impossible.

You said California just 'assumes' all info on Affidavit 2112.

You If you actually believe that you are dumber than PoliticalChic.

You need a valid US Citizens ONLY Drivers license or State issued ID which requires proof of citizenship before applying to vote on AFFIDAVIT 2112. If you don't have that you have to match your SSN through the Social Security Administration so you can't provide a fake number.

Your story is full of more holes than Bonnie and Clyde's 1932 Ford Coupe at the end.

Says you but both the DMV and The Secretary of State stated that that system of checks and balances does not exist. Again there is no database that differentiates one type of drivers license from the rest.

Now in the law, they do discuss having such procedures as dictated by the Secretary of State but in January it was Padilla who stated that the system was not yet in place and would not be ready until 2017.

So again, it may very well be coming but according to Padilla, it was not in place for this election.

Maybe you know more than Padilla about the implementation of the internally checks and balances in operating the system but I doubt it.

The laws, enforcement, and support system were all designed to open a window of opportunity for illegals to vote for Clinton and they did.

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Again, California law prohibits the DMV from registering folks with AB licenses to vote. That's the law. Now if you can prove that law is being violated, prove it. Of course, if you could prove it, you would have.

I did when I posted the voter registration instructions. There is no verification of either drivers license required. It can legally be bypassed. There is also no verification of citizenship other than the box the applicant checked.

Prove me wrong. Where's your proof. Show me where California prosecutes these crimes. I see federal agencies prosecute the crime for those they catch but I haven't found anyone prosecuted by the state in modern times.

Go ahead let's see your proof for a change. I say the law is just bullshit to pass the federal legal sniff test. Show me where California goes after this stuff in reality.

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Why on Earth is it my job to show where these violations are being prosecuted??

That's your position. You're the one saying Democrats are ignoring laws setup to prevent illegals from voting so that they can get registered. If those laws are not followed, as you claim, the burden is upon you to prove it. My position is the laws are being obeyed. You need to prove folks are being prosecuted for breaking the laws.
Hey Faun, how's that 'Popular Vote Win' thing going?

Have you snowflakes finally accepted the fact that Trump is your new President, or are you still trying to pull some last minute scheme to make Hillary President out of your ass?

davecmarino, post: 16167392
I'm out. We will never agree but I know what is really going on and am happy to stand up against what I consider to be a disgraceful practice.

We only need to agree on what the facts are. Obama did not encourage undocumented citizens to vote. There is not one case found of undocumented citizens voting in this election.

Trump's claim as President-elect that illegal voters prevented him from winning the popular vote is a lie? My Opinion is it is a filthy lie.

The CA DMV is not committing or aiding and abetting illegal immigrant voter fraud.

A legal voter in California must show ID /documents that prove citizenship status to register to vote in California. AB60 does not change that.

Gregg Phillips 180 million database claim is a fraud.

There's more but if you read this it may be all you can handle for now,?
Right again!

"Social Security: Migrants Offer Numbers for Fee
TLALCHAPA, Mexico - Gerardo Luviano is looking for somebody to rent his Social Security number.

Mr. Luviano, 39, obtained legal residence in the United States almost 20 years ago. But these days, back in Mexico, teaching beekeeping at the local high school in this hot, dusty town in the southwestern part of the country, Mr. Luviano is not using his Social Security number. So he is looking for an illegal immigrant in the United States to use it for him -- providing a little cash along the way.

The number of people participating in the illegal deals is impossible to determine accurately. But it is clearly significant, flourishing despite efforts to combat identity fraud.

Demand for American identities has blossomed in the cracks between the nation's increasingly unwelcoming immigration laws and businesses' unremitting demand for low-wage labor."
You know you're fucking retarded, right?

Let's walk this through, shall we?

An illegal alien goes to the DMV to obtain an AB60 license. Said illegal has to present some form of documentation to prove residency as specified here --> Assuming all checks out well, said alien is given an AB60 driver's license.

Our example illegal alien then "rents" Mr. Luviano's social security number... assuming it's not already red flagged by the social security administration AND assuming Mr. Luviano is still alive ....

Our illegal alien then proceeds to register to vote with their new driver's license and social security number... at which point, those numbers are validated...

Said illegal alien is denied a voter's registration because the name on their license, which had to match the name on the documentation they provided to get their license, does not match the name attached to Gerardo Luviano's social security number. Neither do their birth dates match.

How difficult do you think it is for an illegal to get a fake document to use under the assumed name? Is it tough to come up with a lease in an assumed name? Is it tough to find someone who will forge a Mexican identification card for you?

Why would an illegal ever do something so illegal?
Who could have ever guessed? Wink, wink.

You libs are either really gullible about the world or just want to fight for this stuff because you know almost all the votes are going to your side.

California really should just leave the country. It's time to dump you morons in the ocean.

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To qualify to vote, an illegal alien would have to obtain a valid SS number. One that matches the name on their license, their documents, and matches their birth certificate. Good luck proving 3 million have accomplished that. :lol:

Once they have the stolen SS card and drivers license for the person who was robbed they can create everything they need. They match the fake I'd using the persons name and dob with the rest of the information changed. They get a fake birth certificate with that name and dob. Then they just assume the id.
If they use a friends address, they can get their mail and the friend can just say he has never seen that guy before.

They do it all the time. Like I said earlier. I've seen it plenty of times. Over 5 people a year were arrested for identification theft at the company. Others for insurance fraud or fleeing the scene after an accident leaving the car they owned with their pay stubs on the rear floorboard.

I've got some great stories. You may not want to hear it but they are all true.

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Great, now you're shifting your position again. Now you're venturing into identity theft. You started with how AB-60 provides access to illegals to vote. That was shot down so you moved to AB-1461 provides access to illegals to vote. That was shot down so you moved to registering online provides access to illegals to vote. That was shot down so you moved on to TPS folks have access to vote. That was was shot down so you moved on to folks who fill out a registration form have access to vote. That was shot down and so now you move onto identity thieves have access to vote.


You got nothing shot down except that AB-60 has verbiage in the law that say that the document will not be used as verification for voting. Even that is somewhat immaterial as the voter application allows you to bypass a drivers license verification. Add that to the fact that California law also excuses illegals from prosecution if they are inadvertently added to the voter registry by "state error" and your supposed golden find is tarnished at best.

You have literally not been able to disprove any other point. So good for you. You got one point.

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There is no verification of either drivers license required. It can legally be bypassed. There is also no verification of citizenship other than the box the applicant checked.

Yay ain't leavin' with that lie. You said they could not verify because they didn't separate the two types of licenses. That is a proven lie.

So now its your fall back position with not one iota of verification that there is no verification by the board of elections of a drivers licence listed on Affidavit 2112. The State of California says they cross-check them. The ones that pass the test were issued because proof of citizenship was given. Same with IDs.

Why should ever be inclined to believe you. A fake news sufferer over the Great State of California?
davecmarino, post: 16165161
You are incorrect again.

The affidavit available under California Election Code 2112 is not for getting the drivers license but for a registration to vote.

How can I be incorrect when that is not what I said.

Affidavit 2112 requires a standard issue DL or ID - both require an official birth certificate to obtain.

So in proper sequence - prior to filling out Affidavit 2112 you must have shown your proof of citizenship and legal right to vote.

There is no loophole.

Computers are pretty slick - if you give a fake SSN or actual AB60 DL number - you do not get registered to vote. It is impossible.

You said California just 'assumes' all info on Affidavit 2112.

You If you actually believe that you are dumber than PoliticalChic.

You need a valid US Citizens ONLY Drivers license or State issued ID which requires proof of citizenship before applying to vote on AFFIDAVIT 2112. If you don't have that you have to match your SSN through the Social Security Administration so you can't provide a fake number.

Your story is full of more holes than Bonnie and Clyde's 1932 Ford Coupe at the end.

Says you but both the DMV and The Secretary of State stated that that system of checks and balances does not exist. Again there is no database that differentiates one type of drivers license from the rest.

Now in the law, they do discuss having such procedures as dictated by the Secretary of State but in January it was Padilla who stated that the system was not yet in place and would not be ready until 2017.

So again, it may very well be coming but according to Padilla, it was not in place for this election.

Maybe you know more than Padilla about the implementation of the internally checks and balances in operating the system but I doubt it.

The laws, enforcement, and support system were all designed to open a window of opportunity for illegals to vote for Clinton and they did.

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Again, California law prohibits the DMV from registering folks with AB licenses to vote. That's the law. Now if you can prove that law is being violated, prove it. Of course, if you could prove it, you would have.

I did when I posted the voter registration instructions. There is no verification of either drivers license required. It can legally be bypassed. There is also no verification of citizenship other than the box the applicant checked.

Prove me wrong. Where's your proof. Show me where California prosecutes these crimes. I see federal agencies prosecute the crime for those they catch but I haven't found anyone prosecuted by the state in modern times.

Go ahead let's see your proof for a change. I say the law is just bullshit to pass the federal legal sniff test. Show me where California goes after this stuff in reality.

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Why on Earth is it my job to show where these violations are being prosecuted??

That's your position. You're the one saying Democrats are ignoring laws setup to prevent illegals from voting so that they can get registered. If those laws are not followed, as you claim, the burden is upon you to prove it. My position is the laws are being obeyed. You need to prove folks are being prosecuted for breaking the laws.

In a state that refuses to prosecute the crime, and even structures its laws to avoid doing convenient for you.

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There is no verification of either drivers license required. It can legally be bypassed. There is also no verification of citizenship other than the box the applicant checked.

Yay ain't leavin' with that lie. You said they could not verify because they didn't separate the two types of licenses. That is a proven lie.

So now its your fall back position with not one iota of verification that there is no verification by the board of elections of a drivers licence listed on Affidavit 2112. The State of California says they cross-check them. The ones that pass the test were issued because proof of citizenship was given. Same with IDs.

Why should ever be inclined to believe you. A fake news sufferer over the Great State of California?

How do you check if the application allows you to be approved to vote without supplying a drivers license number for verification?

More alternative procedures? It never ends because it is designed that way.

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