Say Farewell........

From the link above:

Congress expresses it's condolences? How horrible!
This is going somewhere, Doc, whether you believe it or not.


No, it's really not.

The fact that you can imagine something happening is not enough of a reason to believe that it is happening.
The article is not my imagination. Their request to prosecute violators to the fullest extent of the law is not my imagination. Read it.

The article in your OP is almost pure bullshit.

Are you saying that you don't support prosecuting people who violate the law?
The law against defaming Islam? Yes.
The resolve says it condemns hate speech but calls for prosecuting hate crimes. Let's see who here gets arrested for their posts before you panic.
This story says they are moving to criminalize criticism of Islam - have a look Hossfly, @thedoctorsin, Blackrook, Gracie, Care4all, num_nut , Missourian, HappyJoy , RetireGySgt, TheOldSchool, @TheGreatGoose , AvgGuyIA Arianrhod
@theDoctorsisin koshergrl mamooth @BillOReally

House Democrats Move to Criminalize Criticism of Islam


December 17, 2015 ought henceforth to be a date which will live in infamy, as that was the day that some of the leading Democrats in the House of Representatives came out in favor of the destruction of the First Amendment. Sponsored by among others, Muslim Congressmen Keith Ellison and Andre Carson, as well as Eleanor Holmes Norton, Loretta Sanchez, Charles Rangel, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Joe Kennedy, Al Green, Judy Chu, Debbie Dingell, Niki Tsongas, John Conyers, José Serrano, Hank Johnson, and many others, House Resolution 569 condemns “violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.” The Resolution has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

That’s right: “violence, bigotry and hateful rhetoric.” The implications of those five words will fly by most people who read them, and the mainstream media, of course, will do nothing to elucidate them. But what H. Res. 569 does is conflate violence -- attacks on innocent civilians, which have no justification under any circumstances – with “bigotry” and “hateful rhetoric,” which are identified on the basis of subjective judgments. The inclusion of condemnations of “bigotry” and “hateful rhetoric” in this Resolution, while appearing to be high-minded, take on an ominous character when one recalls the fact that for years, Ellison, Carson, and his allies (including groups such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR) have been smearing any and all honest examination of how Islamic jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to incite hatred and violence as “bigotry” and “hateful rhetoric.” This Resolution is using the specter of violence against Muslims to try to quash legitimate research into the motives and goals of those who have vowed to destroy us, which will have the effect of allowing the jihad to advance unimpeded and unopposed.
"The Resolution has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary." Why would it be referred to the Judiciary committee if it was just a resuolution and leaving it at that? That's the next step to making it a Bill. 1st Amendment rights. It's finally happening. The democrats are pushing a bill to make any rhetoric about Islam a crime. They signed it two weeks ago. It hasn't been passed yet but they are working on it right now. This news report is just came out today - 12/30/2015

OBAMA'S AMERICA: House Dems Push Bill to Give Sick Punishment to Anyone Who Criticizes Islam

Two weeks ago, 69 House Democrats signed H.R. 569, which cleverly conflated violence against followers of Islam with “bigotry” and “hateful rhetoric.”

The bill listed about a-thousand-and-one grievances about alleged anti-Muslim hate crimes, hate speech and bigotry. It then concluded by stating that the House condemns all these alleged actions and that authorities should “work to prevent hate crimes” and “prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those perpetrators of hate crimes.” Some commentators believe that this bill is a prelude to the government going after anyone who dares criticize Islam.
Here is a link to HR 569
Text - H.Res.569 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.

H.Res.569 - Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.114th Congress (2015-2016) Cosponsors (82)

  • Text: H.Res.569 — 114th Congress (2015-2016)
It's not a Bill, it is a Simple Resolution...A Sense of the is not law and can not become law and does NOT need the President's signature...

In other words, all of your panic and passing these lies around is simply that, lies that you chose to believe from your right wing media.

You can see CLEARLY that this is NOT A BILL in the House because it specifically States that it is a Resolution.


Res, stands for Resolution NOT a Bill.

Once their eyes hit the word "Islam" the brain disengages.
People believe the craziest things, and continue to do so in the face of evidence.

Care4All pointed out the different kinds of resolutions...if you're still in doubt, here's an unbiased source (unlike FrontPageMag) that explains it:

Resolutions, Congressional – Dictionary definition of Resolutions, Congressional | FREE online dictionary

RESOLUTIONS, CONGRESSIONAL. In each chamber of Congress, four forms of legislative measures may be introduced or submitted, and acted upon. These include bills, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, and simple resolutions. Both the House of Representatives and the Senate follow similar rules when making decisions on any of these actions. Both bills and joint resolutions are used when the focus is on making laws; a joint resolution can also be used to propose an amendment to the Constitution. Both concurrent and simple resolutions are used to delegate official internal Congressional business.

Although easily confused, resolutions are not laws but rather the statements of intent or declarations that affect the operations of Congress. Resolutions, which are not legislative in character, are used primarily to express principles, facts, opinions, and the purposes of both the House and the Senate—that is, until they pass both houses. When Congress seeks to pass a law, however, it uses either a bill or a joint resolution, which must be passed by both houses in identical form, and then presented to the president for approval or disapproval.

...The two internal types of resolutions, concurrent and simple, also need only the approval of both houses, and do not become law. A concurrent resolution, introduced in either the House or the Senate, can call for the creation of a joint committee, provide for a joint session of Congress, call for a recess of either house of more than three days, or correct conference reports or enrolled bills. A resolution may also express an opinion of Congress, as in the example of the 1962 Berlin Resolution, which declared that all measures should be taken to prevent violations in Berlin by the Soviet Union. A simple resolution can establish a standing order, elect committee members, or create a special committee, such as an investigating committee.

Here, you can see a list of simple resolutions passed by Congress but the current and past Congress': FDsys - Browse Congressional Bills[700+-+799]&isCollapsed=false&leafLevelBrowse=false&isDocumentResults=true&ycord=5849

  • Expressing the sense of the House that a Contract with America should restore American competitiveness.
  • Expressing support for designation of January 7, 2015, as National Be Active at Work Day.
  • Congratulating the San Antonio Spurs for winning the 2014 National Basketball Association (NBA) League Championship
  • Condemning the terrorist attacks in Paris, offering condolences to the families of the victims, expressing solidarity with the people of France, and reaffirming fundamental freedom of expression
  • Honoring the victims of the Holocaust, commending countries and organizations for marking the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, and expressing the commitment of the House of Representatives to strengthen the fight against anti-Semitism, bigotry, and intolerance.
  • Honoring the Sikh American community’s celebration of Vaisakhi.
  • Calling for the global repeal of blasphemy laws.
  • Expressing concern over anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incitement within the Palestinian Authority.
  • Calling on the Government of Bangladesh to protect the human rights of all its citizens, particularly vulnerable minorities, strengthen democratic institutions and rule of law, and prevent the growth of extremist groups.
  • Calling on the Government of Bangladesh to protect the human rights of all its citizens, particularly vulnerable minorities, strengthen democratic institutions and rule of law, and prevent the growth of extremist groups.
  • Supporting the contributions of Catholic schools.

And now - the latest Simple Resolution: Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.

This is a House simple resolution in the United States Congress (indicated by the “H.Res.” in “H.Res. 569”). A simple resolution is used for matters that affect just one chamber of Congress, often to change the rules of the chamber to set the manner of debate for a related bill. It must be agreed to in the chamber in which it was introduced. It is not voted on in the other chamber and does not have the force of law.
So given that this is clearly a simple resolution, that according to definition never becomes law - what is wrong with condemning violence, bigotry and hateful rhetoric? Or is it only a problem for you guys when the target is Muslim? 1st Amendment rights. It's finally happening. The democrats are pushing a bill to make any rhetoric about Islam a crime. They signed it two weeks ago. It hasn't been passed yet but they are working on it right now.

OBAMA'S AMERICA: House Dems Push Bill to Give Sick Punishment to Anyone Who Criticizes Islam

Text of the actual bill:

Text - H.Res.569 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.

If violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric are all you've got, you have far bigger problems.
I have 1st Amendment rights which my Constitution guarantees me. I do not believe in violence, bigotry or hateful rhetoric. This is about freedom of speech. If you cannot say anything about Islam you've lost your freedom of speech. What part of that do you not understand?

Are there penalties suggested in that resolution for exercising your right to speak?


Untwist your panties and calm down.
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It's a discussion. But thank you for giving us a visual aid to what our enemies have in mind for us.

Don't include me in your plans to enact violence and bigotry, Bub. Your enemies are apparently people trying to talk sense.
From the link above:

Resolved, That the House of Representatives—

(1) expresses its condolences for the victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes;

(2) steadfastly confirms its dedication to the rights and dignity of all its citizens of all faiths, beliefs, and cultures;

(3) denounces in the strongest terms the increase of hate speech, intimidation, violence, vandalism, arson, and other hate crimes targeted against mosques, Muslims, or those perceived to be Muslim;

(4) recognizes that the United States Muslim community has made countless positive contributions to United States society;

(5) declares that the civil rights and civil liberties of all United States citizens, including Muslims in the United States, should be protected and preserved;

(6) urges local and Federal law enforcement authorities to work to prevent hate crimes; and to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those perpetrators of hate crimes; and

(7) reaffirms the inalienable right of every citizen to live without fear and intimidation, and to practice their freedom of faith.

Congress expresses it's condolences? How horrible!
This is going somewhere, Doc, whether you believe it or not.


No, it's really not.

The fact that you can imagine something happening is not enough of a reason to believe that it is happening.
The article is not my imagination. Their request to prosecute violators to the fullest extent of the law is not my imagination. Read it.

The existing laws fool.
From the link above:

Resolved, That the House of Representatives—

(1) expresses its condolences for the victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes;

(2) steadfastly confirms its dedication to the rights and dignity of all its citizens of all faiths, beliefs, and cultures;

(3) denounces in the strongest terms the increase of hate speech, intimidation, violence, vandalism, arson, and other hate crimes targeted against mosques, Muslims, or those perceived to be Muslim;

(4) recognizes that the United States Muslim community has made countless positive contributions to United States society;

(5) declares that the civil rights and civil liberties of all United States citizens, including Muslims in the United States, should be protected and preserved;

(6) urges local and Federal law enforcement authorities to work to prevent hate crimes; and to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those perpetrators of hate crimes; and

(7) reaffirms the inalienable right of every citizen to live without fear and intimidation, and to practice their freedom of faith.

Congress expresses it's condolences? How horrible!
This is going somewhere, Doc, whether you believe it or not.


No, it's really not.

The fact that you can imagine something happening is not enough of a reason to believe that it is happening.
The article is not my imagination. Their request to prosecute violators to the fullest extent of the law is not my imagination. Read it.

The existing laws fool.
I'm no one's fool and this is about what is happening right now. Read the OP. You're missing the story.
This story says they are moving to criminalize criticism of Islam - have a look Hossfly, @thedoctorsin, Blackrook, Gracie, Care4all, num_nut , Missourian, HappyJoy , RetireGySgt, TheOldSchool, @TheGreatGoose , AvgGuyIA Arianrhod
@theDoctorsisin koshergrl mamooth @BillOReally

House Democrats Move to Criminalize Criticism of Islam


December 17, 2015 ought henceforth to be a date which will live in infamy, as that was the day that some of the leading Democrats in the House of Representatives came out in favor of the destruction of the First Amendment. Sponsored by among others, Muslim Congressmen Keith Ellison and Andre Carson, as well as Eleanor Holmes Norton, Loretta Sanchez, Charles Rangel, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Joe Kennedy, Al Green, Judy Chu, Debbie Dingell, Niki Tsongas, John Conyers, José Serrano, Hank Johnson, and many others, House Resolution 569 condemns “violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.” The Resolution has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

That’s right: “violence, bigotry and hateful rhetoric.” The implications of those five words will fly by most people who read them, and the mainstream media, of course, will do nothing to elucidate them. But what H. Res. 569 does is conflate violence -- attacks on innocent civilians, which have no justification under any circumstances – with “bigotry” and “hateful rhetoric,” which are identified on the basis of subjective judgments. The inclusion of condemnations of “bigotry” and “hateful rhetoric” in this Resolution, while appearing to be high-minded, take on an ominous character when one recalls the fact that for years, Ellison, Carson, and his allies (including groups such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR) have been smearing any and all honest examination of how Islamic jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to incite hatred and violence as “bigotry” and “hateful rhetoric.” This Resolution is using the specter of violence against Muslims to try to quash legitimate research into the motives and goals of those who have vowed to destroy us, which will have the effect of allowing the jihad to advance unimpeded and unopposed.
"The Resolution has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary." Why would it be referred to the Judiciary committee if it was just a resuolution and leaving it at that? That's the next step to making it a Bill.
Precisely. Thank you.
Suicide comes easy to these assholes that pay NO ATTENTION to what is happening to Europe!

American Thinker ^ | December 31, 2015 | Carol Brown
There is a bill before Congress (HR569) that singles out hate speech against Muslims. And then some. As of this writing, the resolution, which is nothing short of sharia law, has 82 co-sponsors. All of them are Democrats.

H.R.569 - To prohibit the Secretary of the Interior from issuing oil and gas leases on portions of the Outer Continental Shelf located off the coast of New Jersey.114th Congress (2015-2016)

H.R.569 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): To prohibit the Secretary of the Interior from issuing oil and gas leases on portions of the Outer Continental Shelf located off the coast of New Jersey.

Text - H.Res.569 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.

Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.

  • Whereas the victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes and rhetoric have faced physical, verbal, and emotional abuse because they were Muslim or believed to be Muslim;

  • Whereas the constitutional right to freedom of religious practice is a cherished United States value and violence or hate speech towards any United States community based on faith is in contravention of the Nation’s founding principles;

  • Whereas there are millions of Muslims in the United States, a community made up of many diverse beliefs and cultures, and both immigrants and native-born citizens;

  • Whereas this Muslim community is recognized as having made innumerable contributions to the cultural and economic fabric and well-being of United States society;

  • Whereas hateful and intolerant acts against Muslims are contrary to the United States values of acceptance, welcoming, and fellowship with those of all faiths, beliefs, and cultures;

  • Whereas these acts affect not only the individual victims but also their families, communities, and the entire group whose faith or beliefs were the motivation for the act;

  • Whereas Muslim women who wear hijabs, headscarves, or other religious articles of clothing have been disproportionately targeted because of their religious clothing, articles, or observances; and

  • Whereas the rise of hateful and anti-Muslim speech, violence, and cultural ignorance plays into the false narrative spread by terrorist groups of Western hatred of Islam, and can encourage certain individuals to react in extreme and violent ways: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
(1) expresses its condolences for the victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes;
(2) steadfastly confirms its dedication to the rights and dignity of all its citizens of all faiths, beliefs, and cultures;
(3) denounces in the strongest terms the increase of hate speech, intimidation, violence, vandalism, arson, and other hate crimes targeted against mosques, Muslims, or those perceived to be Muslim;
(4) recognizes that the United States Muslim community has made countless positive contributions to United States society;
(5) declares that the civil rights and civil liberties of all United States citizens, including Muslims in the United States, should be protected and preserved;
(6) urges local and Federal law enforcement authorities to work to prevent hate crimes; and to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those perpetrators of hate crimes; and
(7) reaffirms the inalienable right of every citizen to live without fear and intimidation, and to practice their freedom of faith.
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This is against the first amendment of the constitutions. Won't stand.
And by WHAT party Matthew? Oh those DICK HEADS you support.

I certainly don't support everything they do. The only reasons I am supporting that party is because they don't want to push us into another dark age! ;) I support funding science and keeping America a first world nation.

Fuck religion and that includes islam.
Honey, what you can't seem to get through your head is more funding comes from the gop for your pet projects than the Dems. They do want to return us to the dark ages. That's for another thread, though.
This is against the first amendment of the constitutions. Won't stand.
And by WHAT party Matthew? Oh those DICK HEADS you support.

I certainly don't support everything they do. The only reasons I am supporting that party is because they don't want to push us into another dark age! ;) I support funding science and keeping America a first world nation.

Fuck religion and that includes islam.

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