Saying Things Made in China Are Bad Quality is Xenophobic

And please, those who love their pets, do not buy pet food or treats made in China, it is literally poison for them.

These are only a couple of hundred of articles warning people about food for pets made in China.:(

I don't care.....their shit sucks...their steel sucks...their workers suck...
I'm proud to be a xenophobe towards a nation that just killed 70,000 of my fellow citizens....nuke the bastards...for all I care....
A nation that also peddles in illegal and poached wildlife from North America and the world.
I thought the left cared about wildlife.
Oops, more Rhino horns and Tiger testicles are on order to Beijing's markets.

Don't forget the gall bladders of black bears.
They don't has those there. Bear is damn good eating! :funnyface:
Free roam, organically fed..good stuff!
Idk if I could even kill one. I have eaten one, though.
I get with the "Oh, they're so cute" dumbassery.
Bear cub is probably the tastiest, but here I go out my way to set him free.
Probably should just off that fucker and eat his tender self.
I talk a good game. :auiqs.jpg:
In reality, I'm the one opening the gate to let him get back to the woods.
Maybe even chasing him out. So derp!

Black Bear aren't hard to kill. It's grizzly, Kodiak and Polar that really dangerous. Shot one years ago with a Ruger .44 Cal. mag. carbine. One shot in the neck took him out. Dressed out at 285 lbs.
Seems kinda small.. a cub?
You know, I've eaten bear before (grew up in Montana), and for the most part, I didn't really care much for it. Was greasy as hell and you could lube the undercarriage of a truck with just one steak.

Now.......................if you want good eating in the wild game department, there is nothing better than elk.
Mmmmm.. fat! Elk, deer, rabbit..same/same.
Need to add bear fat to absorb the protein.
I don't care.....their shit sucks...their steel sucks...their workers suck...
I'm proud to be a xenophobe towards a nation that just killed 70,000 of my fellow citizens....nuke the bastards...for all I care....
A nation that also peddles in illegal and poached wildlife from North America and the world.
I thought the left cared about wildlife.
Oops, more Rhino horns and Tiger testicles are on order to Beijing's markets.

Don't forget the gall bladders of black bears.

Chinese money is flooding into the DNC. Hundreds of millions.

Or racist. Or both.

Low-Quality Masks Infiltrate U.S. Coronavirus Supply: Many imported masks fall short of N95 standards, tests show, putting workers on the front lines of battling the virus at risk.

U.S. regulators and state officials are finding a significant number of imported N95-style masks fall short of certification standards, complicating the response to the coronavirus crisis and potentially putting some front-line workers at greater risk.

Recent tests by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health found that about 60% of 67 different types of imported masks tested allowed in more tiny particles in at least one sample than U.S. standards normally permit.

One mask that Niosh tested, sold in packaging bearing unauthorized Food and Drug Administration logos, filtered out as little as 35% of particles. Another, marked KN95, a Chinese standard similar to N95, had one sample test below 15%, far short of the 95% it advertised, Niosh said. KN95 and N95 both refer to standards that call for masks to block 95% of very small particles.

The Niosh tests, combined with recalls and additional testing from multiple states, show that millions of substandard masks have been imported from China and other countries as the need for protective gear for workers confronting the pandemic has skyrocketed.

Who said it was xenophobic or racist?
“made in China” has never been synonymous with quality.
Exactly. Anyone who uses tools for a living knows China is apparently incapable of making a durable tool. Sadly the brand names have been slipping as well. What happened to Porter Cable tools after B+D bought them is a crying shame.

Yeah most of them use chinese labor now....even Milwaukee amd Dewalt....
China is the Harlot of the corporate bottom line world.

But it works. People buy tons of it.

Yep they do.

Remember the dog food made in China that killed a lot of pets ? This may have even upset the American left. It was likely not easy to carry China's water during that time.

Officials: Pet Food Poison May Have Been Intentional

April 19, 2007, 5:30 PM
2 min read

April 19, 2007 — -- For the first time, investigators are saying the chemical that has sickened and killed pets in the United States may have been intentionally added to pet food ingredients by Chinese producers.


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