Scary any of you Republicans support the DACA kids without contingencies?

I am fine with citizenship with no contingencies for DACA.

I don't think they should have the right of automatic chain immigration.

Do you always support ‘children’ benefiting from illegal actions of their criminal parents or just in this particular case?

I support common sense. You oppose this based on your own bigotry of brown people.

I love LEGAL, good Brown people. Many are on my payroll.
Save your played the fuck out race-card bullshit for the nutless wonders here....I’ll tell you why....I’m an equal opportunity hater; I hate all filth, disgusting white trash included.
Where do you go with that?

I wonder how many black people he is employing. Where are his contributions to lower the black unemployment rate?

Everyone else including Trump working their asses of to get it done and I bet all this dude got is whinery.
The Know-Nothings are an embarrassing joke of American history, and there are some cowardly dimwits today who are so weak and ignorant that they would emulate those clowns of the turn of the previous century. How fucking pathetic can you get? We must have immigration laws and policies and they must be enforced, but to repeat the same absurd, illogical fallacies that most of these cretins' own ancestors faced is beyond stupid. Anyone who thinks the United States is not due the same sovereign borders as every other nation should be dismissed as a fool. Anyone who cannot discuss the problem of illegal immigration without resorting to cowardly racism and infantile ethnic slurs should be dismissed as an irrelevant weakling.

You’re confused and confusing as all hell...collect your thoughts and try again please. Thanks in advance.

Learn English and a little about American History, and try again.

Oh I get it’re discreetly playing the old...”America has always been a nation of immigrants” bunch of bullshit....You’re implying that because we once needed immigrants we are now OBLIGATED to ALWAYS foster ILEGAL I right?

“Once upon a time an amazing family decided they would adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once they start adopting they can never stop? We don't care that they can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many they have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!
Isn't that right HalfTards?

Let me guess...false equivalency...a real fallacy...right?
Last edited:

Something Democrats tell illegals about their concerns after 6 shots of tequila:

'Don't Actually Care, Amigo!'

The Know-Nothings are an embarrassing joke of American history, and there are some cowardly dimwits today who are so weak and ignorant that they would emulate those clowns of the turn of the previous century. How fucking pathetic can you get? We must have immigration laws and policies and they must be enforced, but to repeat the same absurd, illogical fallacies that most of these cretins' own ancestors faced is beyond stupid. Anyone who thinks the United States is not due the same sovereign borders as every other nation should be dismissed as a fool. Anyone who cannot discuss the problem of illegal immigration without resorting to cowardly racism and infantile ethnic slurs should be dismissed as an irrelevant weakling.

You’re confused and confusing as all hell...collect your thoughts and try again please. Thanks in advance.

Learn English and a little about American History, and try again.

Is that your know you’re all over the place and extremely ambiguous?
You’re like a HalfTard most of the time.

I am always consistent. You are just too stupid to follow along.
The Know-Nothings are an embarrassing joke of American history, and there are some cowardly dimwits today who are so weak and ignorant that they would emulate those clowns of the turn of the previous century. How fucking pathetic can you get? We must have immigration laws and policies and they must be enforced, but to repeat the same absurd, illogical fallacies that most of these cretins' own ancestors faced is beyond stupid. Anyone who thinks the United States is not due the same sovereign borders as every other nation should be dismissed as a fool. Anyone who cannot discuss the problem of illegal immigration without resorting to cowardly racism and infantile ethnic slurs should be dismissed as an irrelevant weakling.

You’re confused and confusing as all hell...collect your thoughts and try again please. Thanks in advance.

Learn English and a little about American History, and try again.

Is that your know you’re all over the place and extremely ambiguous?
You’re like a HalfTard most of the time.

I am always consistent. You are just too stupid to follow along.

You are consistently a HalfTard...I’ll give you that.
Hell no. Send their smug, arrogant little asses back to their countries of origin. That oughta thin-out the herd a bit.

I'm not a Republican, but, what the hell...

“smug, arrogant”???

You woke up to find a family of illegals sleeping in your asked them to leave, the children felt they were entitled to stay because it was their parents who sneaked them into your backyard. Kinda arrogant wouldn’t you say?
I guess then it would only be fair if we all got the fuck out of here since we snuck into the native Americans back yard and slaughtered them to stake claim to the land they inhabited way before us. Fair is fair, right?
Hell no. Send their smug, arrogant little asses back to their countries of origin. That oughta thin-out the herd a bit.

I'm not a Republican, but, what the hell...

“smug, arrogant”???

You woke up to find a family of illegals sleeping in your asked them to leave, the children felt they were entitled to stay because it was their parents who sneaked them into your backyard. Kinda arrogant wouldn’t you say?
I guess then it would only be fair if we all got the fuck out of here since we snuck into the native Americans back yard and slaughtered them to stake claim to the land they inhabited way before us. Fair is fair, right?

How do you people continue to struggle with the simplest shit..
The British conquered this nation...that’s what big strong armies did. Their conquest is the best thing that ever happened to you and this nation. The conquerors of this nation declared sovereignty, wrote the Bill Of Rights, wrote laws....Shit changed and we make the fucking rules...not filthy wetbacks....Sorry!
Hell no. Send their smug, arrogant little asses back to their countries of origin. That oughta thin-out the herd a bit.

I'm not a Republican, but, what the hell...

“smug, arrogant”???

You woke up to find a family of illegals sleeping in your asked them to leave, the children felt they were entitled to stay because it was their parents who sneaked them into your backyard. Kinda arrogant wouldn’t you say?
I guess then it would only be fair if we all got the fuck out of here since we snuck into the native Americans back yard and slaughtered them to stake claim to the land they inhabited way before us. Fair is fair, right?

How do you people continue to struggle with the simplest shit..
The British conquered this nation...that’s what big strong armies did. Their conquest is the best thing that ever happened to you and this nation. The conquerors of this nation declared sovereignty, wrote the Bill Of Rights, wrote laws....Shit changed and we make the fucking rules...not filthy wetbacks....Sorry!
Just saying... if you’re talking about being fair you are a hypocrite because we were the ones sleeping in peoples back yards centuries ago and we are now the ones benefiting from our ancestors crimes.
Hell no. Send their smug, arrogant little asses back to their countries of origin. That oughta thin-out the herd a bit.

I'm not a Republican, but, what the hell...

“smug, arrogant”???

You woke up to find a family of illegals sleeping in your asked them to leave, the children felt they were entitled to stay because it was their parents who sneaked them into your backyard. Kinda arrogant wouldn’t you say?
I guess then it would only be fair if we all got the fuck out of here since we snuck into the native Americans back yard and slaughtered them to stake claim to the land they inhabited way before us. Fair is fair, right?

How do you people continue to struggle with the simplest shit..
The British conquered this nation...that’s what big strong armies did. Their conquest is the best thing that ever happened to you and this nation. The conquerors of this nation declared sovereignty, wrote the Bill Of Rights, wrote laws....Shit changed and we make the fucking rules...not filthy wetbacks....Sorry!
Just saying... if you’re talking about being fair you are a hypocrite because we were the ones sleeping in peoples back yards centuries ago and we are now the ones benefiting from our ancestors crimes.

“Crime”...what crime?
Were there laws back then?
“Once upon a time a caveman took another caveman’s cave.”
Who should be held responsible for eternity?
Stop making an ass of yourself bud. We owe illegal Mexicans NOTHING! Sucks huh?
“smug, arrogant”???

You woke up to find a family of illegals sleeping in your asked them to leave, the children felt they were entitled to stay because it was their parents who sneaked them into your backyard. Kinda arrogant wouldn’t you say?
I guess then it would only be fair if we all got the fuck out of here since we snuck into the native Americans back yard and slaughtered them to stake claim to the land they inhabited way before us. Fair is fair, right?

How do you people continue to struggle with the simplest shit..
The British conquered this nation...that’s what big strong armies did. Their conquest is the best thing that ever happened to you and this nation. The conquerors of this nation declared sovereignty, wrote the Bill Of Rights, wrote laws....Shit changed and we make the fucking rules...not filthy wetbacks....Sorry!
Just saying... if you’re talking about being fair you are a hypocrite because we were the ones sleeping in peoples back yards centuries ago and we are now the ones benefiting from our ancestors crimes.

“Crime”...what crime?
Were there laws back then?
“Once upon a time a caveman took another caveman’s cave.”
Who should be held responsible for eternity?
Stop making an ass of yourself bud. We owe illegal Mexicans NOTHING! Sucks huh?
I never said we owed illegal Mexicans anything, I’m just putting your sleeping in the backyard analogy in perspective. Unless you are Native American we all got here and benefit off the crimes of those who invaded and murdered those who once lived here to lay stake to their land.
The Know-Nothings are an embarrassing joke of American history, and there are some cowardly dimwits today who are so weak and ignorant that they would emulate those clowns of the turn of the previous century. How fucking pathetic can you get? We must have immigration laws and policies and they must be enforced, but to repeat the same absurd, illogical fallacies that most of these cretins' own ancestors faced is beyond stupid. Anyone who thinks the United States is not due the same sovereign borders as every other nation should be dismissed as a fool. Anyone who cannot discuss the problem of illegal immigration without resorting to cowardly racism and infantile ethnic slurs should be dismissed as an irrelevant weakling.

You’re confused and confusing as all hell...collect your thoughts and try again please. Thanks in advance.

Learn English and a little about American History, and try again.

Is that your know you’re all over the place and extremely ambiguous?
You’re like a HalfTard most of the time.

I am always consistent. You are just too stupid to follow along.

You are consistently a HalfTard...I’ll give you that.

You haven’t studied English or American History like I told you to.
The Know-Nothings are an embarrassing joke of American history, and there are some cowardly dimwits today who are so weak and ignorant that they would emulate those clowns of the turn of the previous century. How fucking pathetic can you get? We must have immigration laws and policies and they must be enforced, but to repeat the same absurd, illogical fallacies that most of these cretins' own ancestors faced is beyond stupid. Anyone who thinks the United States is not due the same sovereign borders as every other nation should be dismissed as a fool. Anyone who cannot discuss the problem of illegal immigration without resorting to cowardly racism and infantile ethnic slurs should be dismissed as an irrelevant weakling.

You’re confused and confusing as all hell...collect your thoughts and try again please. Thanks in advance.

Learn English and a little about American History, and try again.

Oh I get it’re discreetly playing the old...”America has always been a nation of immigrants” bunch of bullshit....You’re implying that because we once needed immigrants we are now OBLIGATED to ALWAYS foster ILEGAL I right?

“Once upon a time an amazing family decided they would adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once they start adopting they can never stop? We don't care that they can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many they have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!
Isn't that right HalfTards?

Let me guess...false equivalency...a real fallacy...right?
There was once a vacant lot. People crossed the lot every day. Sometimes a tent would be set up and a camper would spend the night.

Then the lot was sold to someone who built a house on the lot. The builder put in front and back doors. Every day people would bang on the door. "Let us in. We crossed this lot when it was vacant. Our parents and grandparents crossed this lot. You can't stop us."
Hell no. Send their smug, arrogant little asses back to their countries of origin. That oughta thin-out the herd a bit.

I'm not a Republican, but, what the hell...

“smug, arrogant”???

You woke up to find a family of illegals sleeping in your asked them to leave, the children felt they were entitled to stay because it was their parents who sneaked them into your backyard. Kinda arrogant wouldn’t you say?
I guess then it would only be fair if we all got the fuck out of here since we snuck into the native Americans back yard and slaughtered them to stake claim to the land they inhabited way before us. Fair is fair, right?

...not filthy wetbacks....Sorry!

There she is again, the frightened little girl...
The Know-Nothings are an embarrassing joke of American history, and there are some cowardly dimwits today who are so weak and ignorant that they would emulate those clowns of the turn of the previous century. How fucking pathetic can you get? We must have immigration laws and policies and they must be enforced, but to repeat the same absurd, illogical fallacies that most of these cretins' own ancestors faced is beyond stupid. Anyone who thinks the United States is not due the same sovereign borders as every other nation should be dismissed as a fool. Anyone who cannot discuss the problem of illegal immigration without resorting to cowardly racism and infantile ethnic slurs should be dismissed as an irrelevant weakling.

You’re confused and confusing as all hell...collect your thoughts and try again please. Thanks in advance.

Learn English and a little about American History, and try again.

Oh I get it’re discreetly playing the old...”America has always been a nation of immigrants” bunch of bullshit....You’re implying that because we once needed immigrants we are now OBLIGATED to ALWAYS foster ILEGAL I right?

“Once upon a time an amazing family decided they would adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once they start adopting they can never stop? We don't care that they can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many they have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!
Isn't that right HalfTards?

Let me guess...false equivalency...a real fallacy...right?
There was once a vacant lot. People crossed the lot every day. Sometimes a tent would be set up and a camper would spend the night.

Then the lot was sold to someone who built a house on the lot. The builder put in front and back doors. Every day people would bang on the door. "Let us in. We crossed this lot when it was vacant. Our parents and grandparents crossed this lot. You can't stop us."
Was the lot on public or private land?
You woke up to find a family of illegals sleeping in your asked them to leave, the children felt they were entitled to stay because it was their parents who sneaked them into your backyard. Kinda arrogant wouldn’t you say?
I guess then it would only be fair if we all got the fuck out of here since we snuck into the native Americans back yard and slaughtered them to stake claim to the land they inhabited way before us. Fair is fair, right?

How do you people continue to struggle with the simplest shit..
The British conquered this nation...that’s what big strong armies did. Their conquest is the best thing that ever happened to you and this nation. The conquerors of this nation declared sovereignty, wrote the Bill Of Rights, wrote laws....Shit changed and we make the fucking rules...not filthy wetbacks....Sorry!
Just saying... if you’re talking about being fair you are a hypocrite because we were the ones sleeping in peoples back yards centuries ago and we are now the ones benefiting from our ancestors crimes.

“Crime”...what crime?
Were there laws back then?
“Once upon a time a caveman took another caveman’s cave.”
Who should be held responsible for eternity?
Stop making an ass of yourself bud. We owe illegal Mexicans NOTHING! Sucks huh?
I never said we owed illegal Mexicans anything, I’m just putting your sleeping in the backyard analogy in perspective. Unless you are Native American we all got here and benefit off the crimes of those who invaded and murdered those who once lived here to lay stake to their land.

You’re totally lost bud.
Your point is plain retarded...times have changed, laws and guidelines have been established.
A man (caveman) can’t just walk in your house, throw you out and own it because he’s bigger and badder than you are.
Please tell me you clearly understand why your retarded analogy does not apply.
Hell no. Send their smug, arrogant little asses back to their countries of origin. That oughta thin-out the herd a bit.

I'm not a Republican, but, what the hell...

“smug, arrogant”???

You woke up to find a family of illegals sleeping in your asked them to leave, the children felt they were entitled to stay because it was their parents who sneaked them into your backyard. Kinda arrogant wouldn’t you say?
I guess then it would only be fair if we all got the fuck out of here since we snuck into the native Americans back yard and slaughtered them to stake claim to the land they inhabited way before us. Fair is fair, right?

...not filthy wetbacks....Sorry!

There she is again, the frightened little girl...

Frightened little girls are afraid to exchange dialogue in a logical conversation...I’ve asked you to refute issues mentioned in this thread and you’ve ran scared. Predictable shit.
I guess then it would only be fair if we all got the fuck out of here since we snuck into the native Americans back yard and slaughtered them to stake claim to the land they inhabited way before us. Fair is fair, right?

How do you people continue to struggle with the simplest shit..
The British conquered this nation...that’s what big strong armies did. Their conquest is the best thing that ever happened to you and this nation. The conquerors of this nation declared sovereignty, wrote the Bill Of Rights, wrote laws....Shit changed and we make the fucking rules...not filthy wetbacks....Sorry!
Just saying... if you’re talking about being fair you are a hypocrite because we were the ones sleeping in peoples back yards centuries ago and we are now the ones benefiting from our ancestors crimes.

“Crime”...what crime?
Were there laws back then?
“Once upon a time a caveman took another caveman’s cave.”
Who should be held responsible for eternity?
Stop making an ass of yourself bud. We owe illegal Mexicans NOTHING! Sucks huh?
I never said we owed illegal Mexicans anything, I’m just putting your sleeping in the backyard analogy in perspective. Unless you are Native American we all got here and benefit off the crimes of those who invaded and murdered those who once lived here to lay stake to their land.

You’re totally lost bud.
Your point is plain retarded...times have changed, laws and guidelines have been established.
A man (caveman) can’t just walk in your house, throw you out and own it because he’s bigger and badder than you are.
Please tell me you clearly understand why your retarded analogy does not apply.
Do you really not see he hypocrisy?
How do you people continue to struggle with the simplest shit..
The British conquered this nation...that’s what big strong armies did. Their conquest is the best thing that ever happened to you and this nation. The conquerors of this nation declared sovereignty, wrote the Bill Of Rights, wrote laws....Shit changed and we make the fucking rules...not filthy wetbacks....Sorry!
Just saying... if you’re talking about being fair you are a hypocrite because we were the ones sleeping in peoples back yards centuries ago and we are now the ones benefiting from our ancestors crimes.

“Crime”...what crime?
Were there laws back then?
“Once upon a time a caveman took another caveman’s cave.”
Who should be held responsible for eternity?
Stop making an ass of yourself bud. We owe illegal Mexicans NOTHING! Sucks huh?
I never said we owed illegal Mexicans anything, I’m just putting your sleeping in the backyard analogy in perspective. Unless you are Native American we all got here and benefit off the crimes of those who invaded and murdered those who once lived here to lay stake to their land.

You’re totally lost bud.
Your point is plain retarded...times have changed, laws and guidelines have been established.
A man (caveman) can’t just walk in your house, throw you out and own it because he’s bigger and badder than you are.
Please tell me you clearly understand why your retarded analogy does not apply.
Do you really not see he hypocrisy?

Let’s say that I see the I concede to allowing criminals live in my backyard without my consent?
Your turn.
Just saying... if you’re talking about being fair you are a hypocrite because we were the ones sleeping in peoples back yards centuries ago and we are now the ones benefiting from our ancestors crimes.

“Crime”...what crime?
Were there laws back then?
“Once upon a time a caveman took another caveman’s cave.”
Who should be held responsible for eternity?
Stop making an ass of yourself bud. We owe illegal Mexicans NOTHING! Sucks huh?
I never said we owed illegal Mexicans anything, I’m just putting your sleeping in the backyard analogy in perspective. Unless you are Native American we all got here and benefit off the crimes of those who invaded and murdered those who once lived here to lay stake to their land.

You’re totally lost bud.
Your point is plain retarded...times have changed, laws and guidelines have been established.
A man (caveman) can’t just walk in your house, throw you out and own it because he’s bigger and badder than you are.
Please tell me you clearly understand why your retarded analogy does not apply.
Do you really not see he hypocrisy?

Let’s say that I see the I concede to allowing criminals live in my backyard without my consent?
Your turn.
No you don’t concede to that. Nobody should. But you should treat immigrants who want to live here with more of an open mind unless you just don’t care about being hypocritical

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