Scary any of you Republicans support the DACA kids without contingencies?

Do you favor a pathway to citizenship or the like WITHOUT any contingencies?
(I know many would agree with a trade for The Wall)

i am not in favor or willing to budge on anything but legal immigration

at least and until the wall is completed
“Crime”...what crime?
Were there laws back then?
“Once upon a time a caveman took another caveman’s cave.”
Who should be held responsible for eternity?
Stop making an ass of yourself bud. We owe illegal Mexicans NOTHING! Sucks huh?
I never said we owed illegal Mexicans anything, I’m just putting your sleeping in the backyard analogy in perspective. Unless you are Native American we all got here and benefit off the crimes of those who invaded and murdered those who once lived here to lay stake to their land.

You’re totally lost bud.
Your point is plain retarded...times have changed, laws and guidelines have been established.
A man (caveman) can’t just walk in your house, throw you out and own it because he’s bigger and badder than you are.
Please tell me you clearly understand why your retarded analogy does not apply.
Do you really not see he hypocrisy?

Let’s say that I see the I concede to allowing criminals live in my backyard without my consent?
Your turn.
No you don’t concede to that. Nobody should. But you should treat immigrants who want to live here with more of an open mind unless you just don’t care about being hypocritical

Again’re lost.
I feel no responsibility or obligation to foster illegal aliens because a caveman once took another caveman’s cave....NONE....sorry you do.
That’s weird to anyone sane...I promise you that.
I am fine with citizenship with no contingencies for DACA.

I don't think they should have the right of automatic chain immigration.

As hard as it is for me to agree with Jake, I have no problem with children brought here that have been vetted as having committed no crimes, can speak English and are productive members of society while not getting the right of chain migration. Of course that isn't good enough for many DACAs because they view it as being classified as second class citizenship. My thought is that they should be satisfied with what is offered because they have no legal right to be here in the first place and are not in a position to "demand" a damn thing.
...I guess then it would only be fair if we all got the fuck out of here since we snuck into the native Americans back yard and slaughtered them to stake claim to the land they inhabited way before us. Fair is fair, right?
Oh, wa-di-di-wa-wa...

It's what happens when an advanced civilization encounters a stone-age nomadic one.

It's ours now.

Vae victis.
...Just saying... if you’re talking about being fair you are a hypocrite because we were the ones sleeping in peoples back yards centuries ago and we are now the ones benefiting from our ancestors crimes.
Tell ya what... you go ahead and deed your property over to the nearest Native American Council... gratis... then leave the US for the country of your ancestors.

The rest of us will stay here and have a good belly-laugh as you put your money where your mouth is.


Our country now... our rules... screw your SJW self-flagellation...

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, where does the Left FIND these Losers?
“smug, arrogant”???

You woke up to find a family of illegals sleeping in your asked them to leave, the children felt they were entitled to stay because it was their parents who sneaked them into your backyard. Kinda arrogant wouldn’t you say?
I guess then it would only be fair if we all got the fuck out of here since we snuck into the native Americans back yard and slaughtered them to stake claim to the land they inhabited way before us. Fair is fair, right?

...not filthy wetbacks....Sorry!

There she is again, the frightened little girl...

Frightened little girls are afraid to exchange dialogue in a logical conversation...

Logical conversation is not based on infantile ethnic slurs.
...I guess then it would only be fair if we all got the fuck out of here since we snuck into the native Americans back yard and slaughtered them to stake claim to the land they inhabited way before us. Fair is fair, right?
Oh, wa-di-di-wa-wa...

It's what happens when an advanced civilization encounters a stone-age nomadic one.

It's ours now.

Vae victis.
No shit, I never claimed otherwise, just pointing out some hypocrisy. A little perspective taking never hurts, sounds like you could use some

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