Scary any of you Republicans support the DACA kids without contingencies?

What do you call one of Obama's 'DACA Kids'?


There is no such thing as 'DACA'. Congress never passed 'DACA'. 'DACA' was an illegal 'edict' Barry tried to impose through an Executive Order after acknowledging he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect Immigration law.

That Un-Constitutional edict was eliminated by President Trump.
What do you call one of Obama's 'DACA Kids'?


There is no such thing as 'DACA'. Congress never passed 'DACA'. 'DACA' was an illegal 'edict' Barry tried to impose through an Executive Order after acknowledging he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect Immigration law.

That Un-Constitutional edict was eliminated by President Trump.

I agree 100%.
The precedent can not be set, if it is, every kid sneaked in by their filthy parents going forward would be subject to the same program.
Obama defended and protected human traffickers, the criminals w/o raped, enslaved, and murdered these kids...

...anything for more Liberal votes....
I believe farms should provide quarters for their farmworkers. (Understand
that many farms are gigantic, they are not Old MacDonald)

They used to do that here in Central Florida 3 different times a year. They
would bring in citrus workers from Haiti. They provided quarters, which the
workers had to pay a nominal fee for and they provide a General Store
for supplies. When the picking/harvesting was over for that period of
time they were taken back home. They were not allowed to roam our
BrokeLoser's analogies are fallacies of false equivalency and as such can be ignored.

DACA is the appropriate remedy, and citizenship the appropriate conclusion.

Far Rightist cultural revolutionaries move to their parents' countries and learn something of the world.
Hell no. Send their smug, arrogant little asses back to their countries of origin. That oughta thin-out the herd a bit.

I'm not a Republican, but, what the hell...

I agree. Send them all back to whatever country they came from. Get them out of the US

I'm not a Republican either but, what the hell.
BrokeLoser's analogies are fallacies of false equivalency and as such can be ignored.

DACA is the appropriate remedy, and citizenship the appropriate conclusion.

Far Rightist cultural revolutionaries move to their parents' countries and learn something of the world.

Please explain how the analogies provided are “fallacies of false equivalency.”

“You woke up to find a family of illegals sleeping in your asked them to leave, the children and your neighbors felt they were entitled to stay because it was their parents who sneaked them into your backyard.”

The above is an extremely accurate analogy. Explain how it isn’t...don’t be scared.
What do you call one of Obama's 'DACA Kids'?


There is no such thing as 'DACA'. Congress never passed 'DACA'. 'DACA' was an illegal 'edict' Barry tried to impose through an Executive Order after acknowledging he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect Immigration law.

That Un-Constitutional edict was eliminated by President Trump.

I agree 100%.
The precedent can not be set, if it is, every kid sneaked in by their filthy parents going forward would be subject to the same program.
if you want to see the traffic stop at the border than saying no to illegals already here is one way. Grant them anything and you will continue to see the illegals march across. just what it is. If one gets away, then thousands will want it, then hundreds of thousands and then millions. Oh wait, that all already happened under Reagan.
No, BL, that has already been explain to you elsewhere, so you do not get "just once more."

That's over. Forever.

The DACA people will stay as civilians.
No, BL, that has already been explain to you elsewhere, so you do not get "just once more."

That's over. Forever.

The DACA people will stay as civilians.

You’ll will it to become true...huh?
Just like “Donald Trump has no chance at the presidency”
Will you people ever learn?
Not willing anything, BL. It is going to happen sooner than later. You people never learn.
I think the wall is merely cosmetic and an ineffective message, nothing more, but, sure.
The Know-Nothings are an embarrassing joke of American history, and there are some cowardly dimwits today who are so weak and ignorant that they would emulate those clowns of the turn of the previous century. How fucking pathetic can you get? We must have immigration laws and policies and they must be enforced, but to repeat the same absurd, illogical fallacies that most of these cretins' own ancestors faced is beyond stupid. Anyone who thinks the United States is not due the same sovereign borders as every other nation should be dismissed as a fool. Anyone who cannot discuss the problem of illegal immigration without resorting to cowardly racism and infantile ethnic slurs should be dismissed as an irrelevant weakling.
The Know-Nothings are an embarrassing joke of American history, and there are some cowardly dimwits today who are so weak and ignorant that they would emulate those clowns of the turn of the previous century. How fucking pathetic can you get? We must have immigration laws and policies and they must be enforced, but to repeat the same absurd, illogical fallacies that most of these cretins' own ancestors faced is beyond stupid. Anyone who thinks the United States is not due the same sovereign borders as every other nation should be dismissed as a fool. Anyone who cannot discuss the problem of illegal immigration without resorting to cowardly racism and infantile ethnic slurs should be dismissed as an irrelevant weakling.
What "illogical fallacies" are you referring to?

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