Zone1 Scary taboo…Fact or fiction- A less white America is a cleaner, safer, less dependent, more prosperous, more unified America?

Chemical castration sterilization at baby #1 w/o verifiable father targeted for support. Want a check? Takes this to get it. If not? Adoption now.
No on in his right mind wants to adopt the illegitimate children of unmarried welfare mothers and violent street criminals. The vast majority of those illegitimate children grow up to be just as worthless and dangerous as their unmarried parents.
Okay, so on a scale of Wayne Brady to Al Sharpton, how racist is this thread?
:abgg2q.jpg: :laugh: :abgg2q.jpg: :laugh: :abgg2q.jpg: :laugh: :abgg2q.jpg:

Put the crack pipe down boy.

All whites have done is destabilize existing civilizations and ruin them,

That's bullshit. All you have to do is look at the millions of pieces of Egyptian art that survive today to see that Egyptians weren't blacks. Their features are classic white. Of course you will probably say all those historical pieces are forgeries.
That's bullshit. All you have to do is look at the millions of pieces of Egyptian art that survive today to see that Egyptians weren't blacks. Their features are classic white. Of course you will probably say all those historical pieces are forgeries.

Anyone living in or near that area back then looked Black. There was no sunscreen. Think about it. In 15 min in PHX light skin can burn.
Yea right, Lets have more Blacks and Browns. What could possibly go wrong?

"Yeah right, let's have more Irish, Italians, Poles, Jews, Catholics, Germans, Chinese, etc. What could possibly go wrong?"

That's what your idiot predecessors said, Know Nothing.
Unkorte, claiming that my arguments are fake news does not refute them; it proves that refutation is impossible.
That's his thing... he's a self manipulated pussy running on emotion and defying truth and logic. Anyone guided by emotions can't and won't refute that scary, pesky truth.
Unkotare and those like him have created a pretend world for's their safe space.
That's bullshit. All you have to do is look at the millions of pieces of Egyptian art that survive today to see that Egyptians weren't blacks. Their features are classic white. z.....
Why is that notion so damn important to brainless buffoons like you?
"Yeah right, let's have more Irish, Italians, Poles, Jews, Catholics, Germans, Chinese, etc. What could possibly go wrong?"

That's what your idiot predecessors said, Know Nothing.

You always pretend to add value. But you skip over what is true. You are inconsistent. You pull snippets of posts then reply out of context. Go make a sandwich for the teen girls mr. Big shot.
Blacks have fucked up the continent of Africa.

Here in America they have fucked every place where they have significant numbers.

Browns have fucked up every country where they live. That is why they are flooding into the US to get welfare.

Why in the hell do we need any more of the sonofabitches?

Shouldn't we be sending the Blacks to Africa and the Browns back to Mexico or Central America?

Wouldn't that be the smart thing to do? Why let them fuck up this country? That is dumb, isn't it?
Illegal immigrants do not qualify for welfare.

Ten million new ones are not piled up in the parks dead from starvation are they? NYC hotel rooms filled up. With food.

But thats not welfare? What a phony spinner you're becoming. Like a blackmacgater wannaabe.
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