Zone1 Scary taboo…Fact or fiction- A less white America is a cleaner, safer, less dependent, more prosperous, more unified America?

Many (most?) African Americans and Asian Americans hope that Caucasian Americans continue to be in charge of the nation as long as possible.

Hispanic Americans, of course, are lovely people with a rich culture.

But when they become the majority, they are not going to be so inclusive as Caucasians currently are. (I understand, for example, that people of African ancestry in Latin America are gently still discriminated against.)

And with the deepest respect, violent crime and corruption and disorganization will be rife when this nation is mostly African American and Hispanic.
We know what happened in history, and what did not happen. Blacks were not enslaved by whites. They were enslaved by other blacks, and sold to white slave traders.,
Sure thing moron but I was mostly talking about your hilarious comment about white people living in harmony with one another. Not a big reader of European history, are you? 😄
Looks white to me.
Most Jews ARE white. NO surprise to me.
Sure thing moron but I was mostly talking about your hilarious comment about white people living in harmony with one another. Not a big reader of European history, are you? 😄
White nations fight wars with each other, but white neighborhoods are safe to live in. Negro neighborhoods are not.
Poor white and Oriental neighborhoods have low crime rates.

This is what Jesse Jackson has to say about black neighborhoods:

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Yes, he said that many years ago.

Another prominent leader (I forget his name, but I believe he is deceased) said something like: "While Asian kids are studying, ours are out in the street throwing rocks."

And I have seen film of African American youths in the 1960s marching to end segregation in the South. They were well-dressed and marched in a peaceful fashion.

Today so many young African American youths (such as those who recently rampaged through the streets of Chicago) are loud, uncouth, and downright violent. They scare and anger people of other ethnicities.

Dr. King would be ashamed of them.

And there is no doubt that Dr. Booker T. Washington would be.
Poor white and Oriental neighborhoods have low crime rates.

This is what Jesse Jackson has to say about black neighborhoods:

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So true. Both my parents grew up in poor, majority Jewish neighborhoods. There was virtually no crime. My mother told me she walked home from her part-time after school job at 11 pm, alone, and nothing ever happened.
So true. Both my parents grew up in poor, majority Jewish neighborhoods. There was virtually no crime. My mother told me she walked home from her part-time after school job at 11 pm, alone, and nothing ever happened.
Poverty and Crime

Jewish immigrants to America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries also repudiated criminality despite having to face extreme economic deprivation. Historian Max Dimont describes them:

“The majority of these immigrants had arrived penniless, all their worldly belongings wrapped in a bundle…. Most of [them] arrived in New York. Some made their way into other cities,… but the majority remained in New York, settling in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, [which was] a neighborhood of the poor. Sociologists, with their impressive charts showing the number of toilets (or lack of the), the number of people per room, the low per capita income, paint a dismal picture of the Lower East Side Jewish slum. But their charts do not capture its uniqueness. Though it bred tuberculosis and rheumatism, it did not breed crime and venereal disease. It did not spawn illiteracy, illegitimate children, or deserted wives. Library cards were in constant use.”[2]


  1. James Q. Wilson and Richard Herrnstein, Crime and Human Nature (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1985), p. 473.
  2. Max I. Dimont, Jews, God, and History (New York: Penguin USA, 1994), pp. 373-374. (This book was originally published in 1962.)
  3. Discover the Networks
Poverty and Crime

Jewish immigrants to America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries also repudiated criminality despite having to face extreme economic deprivation. Historian Max Dimont describes them:


  1. James Q. Wilson and Richard Herrnstein, Crime and Human Nature (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1985), p. 473.
  2. Max I. Dimont, Jews, God, and History (New York: Penguin USA, 1994), pp. 373-374. (This book was originally published in 1962.)

  3. Discover the Networks
That describes my own family to a T. Arriving at the turn of the last century, they arrived with the clothes on their backs, a little satchel, and Shabbos candlesticks. They didn’t speak English and had neither money nor education. They lived in hot tenements, with lodgers when necessary, and watered down the soup. NOBODY ever stole one blessed cent or one potato. And certainly there were no illegitimate births.
If you don't want to embarrass yourself you can PM me what you think it means and I'll tell you if you're correct or not. Probably not.
I’m not embarrassed. As I say, we both know exactly what it means. As do others.

You should get a username change.
So true. Both my parents grew up in poor, majority Jewish neighborhoods. There was virtually no crime. My mother told me she walked home from her part-time after school job at 11 pm, alone, and nothing ever happened.
So what’s your point, bigot? To negate that Jews arrived here, penniless and fleeing prosecution, and 0.05% of them (if that) were gangsters, and the rest were honest, law-abiding new Americans who never stole a penny?

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