School Boards need to be held criminally liable for school shootings (Poll)

Should laws holding school boards and security personnel responsible be passed?

  • Yes, children require grown-ups to protect them

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 23 54.8%

  • Total voters
Because that would happen. Why don't we talk about aliens landing in the back yard. I mean, while you're bringing a strawman to the game...
It already has happened.

The worst school massacre in US history resulted from blowing up an entire school building.

You can do more damage with a can of gas than he did with his AR.

The lack of access to guns isn't going to stop anyone serious about committing such an act.
Not understanding the question. But while we're at it, how many children need to die by fire arms like what happened in Texas recently so that some Americans can have as many fire arms as they want? Kind of ironic where you guys get all upset over the fetus getting aborted but don't seem to give a shit about how many actual living and breathing children get massacred
When someone says you don't need a certain type of firearm I ask show me the word need in the bill of rights. It's not about need it's a right.
"Just get the money and do it"?
Teachers are already having to spend their own money on supplies for their classrooms. But you say "Just get the money" for major construction on the school buildings? How about we use federal funding? Or is that against your ideology?
School security doesn't have to be "major construction".
Adding security doors and video cameras to control the entrance isn't expensive.
I'd support Federal or State `funds.
Early in the thread I said that there is $100,000,000,000 of Covid money that the schools didn't spend yet still sitting there.
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School security doesn't have to be "major construction".
Adding security doors and video cameras to control the entrance isn't expensive.
I'd support Federal or State `funds.
Early in the thread I aid that there is $100,000,000,000 of Covid money that the schools didn't spend yet still sitting there.
It could be done for less than the cost of a new school bus in any building in the US and in most school districts completely since most of them are so small.

For the cost of a faculty luncheon or dinner you can add vehicle proof barriers in front of all exterior double doors as well.

It isn't about safety or security, it's all about using school shootings as an excuse to start taking away our rights one type of gun at a time.

Most school shootings are done with pistols not rifles so how long do you think after "Assault Weapons" are banned will it be before handguns are next?
It could be done for less than the cost of a new school bus in any building in the US and in most school districts completely since most of them are so small.
For the cost of a faculty luncheon or dinner you can add vehicle proof barriers in front of all exterior double doors as well.
It isn't about safety or security, it's all about using school shootings as an excuse to start taking away our rights one type of gun at a time.
Most school shootings are done with pistols not rifles so how long do you think after "Assault Weapons" are banned will it be before handguns are next?
I agree. Improving school security doesn't need to be expensive.
Semi-auto pistols are just as deadly at close range
This may have already been mentioned, but in addition to common sense security at schools, how about concealing the identities of the shooter, after all, the vast majority of the time they are loaners looking for attention. Don’t give them that satisfaction and motivation.
Not understanding the question. But while we're at it, how many children need to die by fire arms like what happened in Texas recently so that some Americans can have as many fire arms as they want? Kind of ironic where you guys get all upset over the fetus getting aborted but don't seem to give a shit about how many actual living and breathing children get massacred
Millions get aborted. How do those numbers compare to school shootings?
This may have already been mentioned, but in addition to common sense security at schools, how about concealing the identities of the shooter, after all, the vast majority of the time they are loaners looking for attention. Don’t give them that satisfaction and motivation.

I need to see one about a loan. Do you think they might be a loner?
Really? It's not me desperate for validation from strangers on the internet, Skippy.
I’m not looking for validation on the internet. I’m looking to discuss a political topic.

Are you done embarrassing yourself yet? Probably not.
No. You can't possibly stop all crazies from getting in. That is impossible.

Why not?
All it would take is one security guard, cameras, and door locks?
The TX shooting happened because someone propped a door open I believe.
But a camera should still have caught that?
Why not?
All it would take is one security guard, cameras, and door locks?
The TX shooting happened because someone propped a door open I believe.
But a camera should still have caught that?
Lol. Wreck to entry was 2 minutes on the time line. Dream on.
Lol. Wreck to entry was 2 minutes on the time line. Dream on.

I am not following?

Since he was carrying the rifle openly, the camera should have caught him minutes before he even got to the door, and it does not take minutes to hit a lock and alarm button.
I am not following?

Since he was carrying the rifle openly, the camera should have caught him minutes before he even got to the door, and it does not take minutes to hit a lock and alarm button.
11:33 crash. 11:35 entry to classroom

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