Schumer Blames A Supreme Court Decision On Republicans

Gorsuch got on because the GOP refused to allow an Obama appointment with almost a year left in his term. Barret got on a week before Trump got rejected at the polls and had only a few months in his term. How many Dems voted for either?
Not that it will matter to you, but the reason Merrick was ignored had nothing to do with the amount of time the Tan Messiah had left in his term. It was all about who controlled the Senate at the time. It has followed that path forever. The Senate gets to appoint Justices. Until Harry Reid went nuclear and stopped the opposition Republicans from delaying Obama's federal judges from taking the bench, it required 60 votes to put a federal judge on the bench. McConnell warned him at the time that it would come back to bite them.

Trump had control of the Senate and McConnel chose to get rid of the filibuster for SCOTUS Justices. Tit for tat. If the Rs retake the House, no matter what the margin is, and the Ds keep the Senate, even if Trump is re-elected, they can rubber stamp any nominee they want. The party of the president does not necessarily get the power to have their way on these judiciary appointments.

If Chucky-the-Putzhead controls the Senate in 2024 and Trump or DeSantis have the chance to replace a conservative Justice who is retiring, Schumer can do exactly the same thing McConnell did - and he WILL.
Roe V Wade was bad law to start with. I blame it on all the Libtards back in the 1970s that were kissing the ass of the Feminazis.
Its up to the voters not to me. You have a reading problem.
Then why did you ask "What about when the fetus is deformed or carries AIDS? What about when the Mother's life is endangered by pregnancy?"
Not that it will matter to you, but the reason Merrick was ignored had nothing to do with the amount of time the Tan Messiah had left in his term. It was all about who controlled the Senate at the time. It has followed that path forever. The Senate gets to appoint Justices. Until Harry Reid went nuclear and stopped the opposition Republicans from delaying Obama's federal judges from taking the bench, it required 60 votes to put a federal judge on the bench. McConnell warned him at the time that it would come back to bite them.

Trump had control of the Senate and McConnel chose to get rid of the filibuster for SCOTUS Justices. Tit for tat. If the Rs retake the House, no matter what the margin is, and the Ds keep the Senate, even if Trump is re-elected, they can rubber stamp any nominee they want. The party of the president does not necessarily get the power to have their way on these judiciary appointments.

If Chucky-the-Putzhead controls the Senate in 2024 and Trump or DeSantis have the chance to replace a conservative Justice who is retiring, Schumer can do exactly the same thing McConnell did - and he WILL.
So the downward spiral continues. I think the blatant use of power by McConnell was completely unprecedented in American politics and has not made the US a better place. :(
So the downward spiral continues. I think the blatant use of power by McConnell was completely unprecedented in American politics and has not made the US a better place. :(
Repubs have been being reamed by Progs for decades. Even when in power. Repubs have had enough judges to be the total equal of Prog judges but on the other side and extreme like Progs and still get it wrong. This is not eliminating abortions. But the Prog stage is part of their overacting and acting criminal every time they feel they should. No one pushes back on you. And you broadcast everyday of racism and supremacists and other nonsense. But you may jumpstart these things. There is only so much that the accused can take in any society. Hardliners can be elected as we see from you. Establishment Repubs better start to see the light and let the party become more active and for the people.
Then why did you ask "What about when the fetus is deformed or carries AIDS? What about when the Mother's life is endangered by pregnancy?"
Address that problem when it arises. Do not consider all children deformed and carry AIDS.

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