Schumer Caves On Budget Deal

Typical Republican governing

1. Slash taxes and then raise spending
2. Blame the Dems for the Deficit

Actually Rightwinger, you didn’t need to qualify it as typical REPUBLICAN governing. Neither party has a monopoly on increasing debt and casting blame. Both practice that strategy.

Democrats raise taxes and spending
Republicans cut taxes and raise spending

Guess which one adds the most to the deficit?
Typical Republican governing

1. Slash taxes and then raise spending
2. Blame the Dems for the Deficit

Actually Rightwinger, you didn’t need to qualify it as typical REPUBLICAN governing. Neither party has a monopoly on increasing debt and casting blame. Both practice that strategy.

Democrats raise taxes and spending
Republicans cut taxes and raise spending

Guess which one adds the most to the deficit?

Come on man, we don’t agree on much, but can’t you acknowledge that no single policy is always correct. There are times when lower taxes will indeed increase tax revenues. If companies are strapped for cash for capital expenditures in a market hungry for their products, it makes sense to lower their tax rate to preserve cash for growth. Every municipality on the planet realizes that business growth is good for their citizens and thus their tax bass. On the other hand, cutting taxes or other vehicles which create surplus cash in a low or no growth period does no good.
Typical Republican governing

1. Slash taxes and then raise spending
2. Blame the Dems for the Deficit

Actually Rightwinger, you didn’t need to qualify it as typical REPUBLICAN governing. Neither party has a monopoly on increasing debt and casting blame. Both practice that strategy.

Democrats raise taxes and spending
Republicans cut taxes and raise spending

Guess which one adds the most to the deficit?

Makes you wonder how Dims ever get elected, doesn't it.
I just dont want DACA
Our money loses importance to me everyday. We cant fix it. Rather, we WONT fix it. So whats the point of worrying about it? :/
Our government is a piece of fucking shit and its the voters fault!

I don't want DACA either. There is no way it's fair an illegal alien gets a path to citizenship. Jumping ahead of those who are doing immigration the right way. I say deport them all and maybe consider the dreamers get a work permit if they can prove they're employed. But no way they get citizenship.

I can live with a work permit that sunsets for dreamers after five years. It gives them time to save, invest in their country of origin and go home.
Only in a bizarro world of American politics is a Dem getting increased spending and a higher deficits, and no money earmarked for a wall, seen as "caving".

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