Schumer Urges Filibuster to Block Gorsuch Confirmation


The economy is back,

IF you are in the top 5% of wealth holders, otherwise the economy has left you waiting on the corner.

Is THAT the equality you were promised? You hate the capitalists, but the capitalists spread the wealth around FAR more than your little gay dictator did for the last 8 years. Barry only did as your Fuhrer ordered. It is his party, and he alone makes the rules.

people with pre-existing conditions have healthcare, and republicans are being forced to help people instead of screwing them. The U.S. is better off now thanks to Obama and Democrats making hard choices. If that cost us votes then fine. Country over politics after all.

Besides, you dumb fucks elected a lunatic who's going to destroy the GOP and hand power right back over.

How is your party, Comrade? Are you the major force of power? Is America embracing the concepts of a command economy and authoritarianism as you desired? Will the childish little clowns like Schumer do anything other than further revile you to the American people? He sure the fuck won't stop Gorsuch with his immature tantrums and obstructionism.

Because of the leadership of your Fuhrer, the next democratic president hasn't been born yet, and you full well know it.
You can't call anybody Comrade until your party is cleared of colluding with Russia to overthrow our free elections
I don't think the Dems should do this. The Republicans already scraped the bottom of the sleaze bucket when they denied Garland. The Dems shouldn't pull a page from that playbook. Gorsuch is very well regarded and respected by his colleagues on both sides of the aisle. There is no reason to filibuster. They should save it for later.

If Trump gets his way, the U.S. may not even be around in 20 years. He's going to do so much damage to the GOP, that if we survive to 2018 and 2020 the GOP is going to wish they only had it as bad as Democrats do now.

If you had your way, the USA would not be around now. We would be a territory of a world governing body with the same economy and laws as any other territory.

Trump supports America. You fascists are the ones pimping a world government.

If Trump gets his way, the U.S. may not even be around in 20 years. He's going to do so much damage to the GOP, that if we survive to 2018 and 2020 the GOP is going to wish they only had it as bad as Democrats do now.

If you had your way, the USA would not be around now. We would be a territory of a world governing body with the same economy and laws as any other territory.

Trump supports America. You fascists are the ones pimping a world government.

You can't call anybody Comrade until your party is cleared of colluding with Russia to overthrow our free elections

Comrade is the term you Stalinists have used for a century. That you have some insane conspiracy theory being pimped by the absurd propaganda we call a "press" alters that in no way.

Try again Comrade Brown Shirt.
This is straight up hypocrisy! Schumer supported and voted Gorsuch's appointment to the 10th Circuit District court. In fact the whole Senate voted for him unanimously. So what's the lesson here? Chuck Schumer is a backstabbing Jew. The Jew can never be trusted because the Jew cries out in pain as he stabs you in the back. Remember that!
I agree with you on Schumer's blatant hypocrisy, however there was no need for that gratuitous bit of anti-semitism in your post.
Wow.... I didn't think the Democrats had the audacity to make such a foolish blunder of a move.

You got to give liberals credit, their leaders have got some stones, but it seems they derive their courage from said stones to do tremendously stupid things.

Neil Gorsuch is one of the most accomplished jurists and splendid conservatives to ever be nominated to the Supreme Court, he has excellent legal credentials and experience, as a 10th Circuit Judge, a lawyer and as a pro bono advocate for disadvantaged during his time at Harvard. Trump nominating him was one of the best decisions of his presidency, and his promise to nominate people like him was one of the major reasons I enthusiastically voted for him last November.

The Democrats are just going to make our job easier—the Republicans will eliminate the filibuster, as they should, to get Gorsuch confirmed. Democrats had no problem changing the Senate rules in 2013 in order to get their judicial nominees to District Courts and Courts of Appeals through easier, the Senate Republicans should take a page from that playbook.

I guess it's all for the best. The next time a Supreme Court justice retires under Trump, which will probably be Ginsburg or Kennedy, the two oldest justices, he will just be able to nominate another solid conservative constitutionalist who will be confirmed quicker. :lol::afro:

Schumer , grandstanding so that he will considered the new voice of the democratic party.

No worries, pull the nuke option and Schumer can go fuck himself.
That's the plan. Then Democrats can bash the dupes over the head with it politically and use it against them when back in power :thup:

Well, good news is, that won't happen for probably another generation. The (D)'s as a national party are irrelevant.
4 years is not a generation, cupcake

the dim/libs will never regain power, they blew it with Obama and the hildebeast. The American people finally figured it out. Liberalism is the enemy of this country.

That's why 65+ million Americans voted for her. But do continue to count your chickens before they hatch, it did wonders for the Democrats.
I understand why the Dems might want to stop this nomination but strategically they need to wait and force the GOP into a rule change when it is closer to the next election.
Well, good news is, that won't happen for probably another generation. The (D)'s as a national party are irrelevant.
4 years is not a generation, cupcake

Who said anything about 4 years Snowflake? A generation is roughly 20 years... look it up.
If Trump gets his way, the U.S. may not even be around in 20 years. He's going to do so much damage to the GOP, that if we survive to 2018 and 2020 the GOP is going to wish they only had it as bad as Democrats do now.

Right, millions of new jobs, lower taxes, a surging stock market, a stronger military, enforcement of our laws, respect in the world, fair trade deals, healthcare that works for everyone. Yeah, that will bring them down------------------Not.
We're the laughingstock of the world. And the stock market went up 12,000 points under Obama. Wake me up when he gets 1/4 of tue way there.

Ok, dingleberry, tell us specifically what Obama personally did to cause the market to go up.

What exactly did your hero do?
4 years is not a generation, cupcake

Who said anything about 4 years Snowflake? A generation is roughly 20 years... look it up.
If Trump gets his way, the U.S. may not even be around in 20 years. He's going to do so much damage to the GOP, that if we survive to 2018 and 2020 the GOP is going to wish they only had it as bad as Democrats do now.

Right, millions of new jobs, lower taxes, a surging stock market, a stronger military, enforcement of our laws, respect in the world, fair trade deals, healthcare that works for everyone. Yeah, that will bring them down------------------Not.
We're the laughingstock of the world. And the stock market went up 12,000 points under Obama. Wake me up when he gets 1/4 of tue way there.

Ok, dingleberry, tell us specifically what Obama personally did to cause the market to go up.

What exactly did your hero do?
After you tell us just what democrats did to ruin the Bush presidency, idiot
No worries, pull the nuke option and Schumer can go fuck himself.
That's the plan. Then Democrats can bash the dupes over the head with it politically and use it against them when back in power :thup:

Well, good news is, that won't happen for probably another generation. The (D)'s as a national party are irrelevant.
4 years is not a generation, cupcake

Who said anything about 4 years Snowflake? A generation is roughly 20 years... look it up.
If Trump gets his way, the U.S. may not even be around in 20 years. He's going to do so much damage to the GOP, that if we survive to 2018 and 2020 the GOP is going to wish they only had it as bad as Democrats do now.

Oh good grief... you sound nuttier than the birthers.
Who said anything about 4 years Snowflake? A generation is roughly 20 years... look it up.
If Trump gets his way, the U.S. may not even be around in 20 years. He's going to do so much damage to the GOP, that if we survive to 2018 and 2020 the GOP is going to wish they only had it as bad as Democrats do now.

Right, millions of new jobs, lower taxes, a surging stock market, a stronger military, enforcement of our laws, respect in the world, fair trade deals, healthcare that works for everyone. Yeah, that will bring them down------------------Not.
We're the laughingstock of the world. And the stock market went up 12,000 points under Obama. Wake me up when he gets 1/4 of tue way there.

Ok, dingleberry, tell us specifically what Obama personally did to cause the market to go up.

What exactly did your hero do?
After you tell us just what democrats did to ruin the Bush presidency, idiot

they certainly tried.
If Trump gets his way, the U.S. may not even be around in 20 years. He's going to do so much damage to the GOP, that if we survive to 2018 and 2020 the GOP is going to wish they only had it as bad as Democrats do now.

Right, millions of new jobs, lower taxes, a surging stock market, a stronger military, enforcement of our laws, respect in the world, fair trade deals, healthcare that works for everyone. Yeah, that will bring them down------------------Not.
We're the laughingstock of the world. And the stock market went up 12,000 points under Obama. Wake me up when he gets 1/4 of tue way there.

Ok, dingleberry, tell us specifically what Obama personally did to cause the market to go up.

What exactly did your hero do?
After you tell us just what democrats did to ruin the Bush presidency, idiot

they certainly tried.
Tried what? You've told us for years that the democrats ruined the Bush economy buy have yet to come up with a single reason why

The economy is back,

IF you are in the top 5% of wealth holders, otherwise the economy has left you waiting on the corner.

Is THAT the equality you were promised? You hate the capitalists, but the capitalists spread the wealth around FAR more than your little gay dictator did for the last 8 years. Barry only did as your Fuhrer ordered. It is his party, and he alone makes the rules.

people with pre-existing conditions have healthcare, and republicans are being forced to help people instead of screwing them. The U.S. is better off now thanks to Obama and Democrats making hard choices. If that cost us votes then fine. Country over politics after all.

Besides, you dumb fucks elected a lunatic who's going to destroy the GOP and hand power right back over.

How is your party, Comrade? Are you the major force of power? Is America embracing the concepts of a command economy and authoritarianism as you desired? Will the childish little clowns like Schumer do anything other than further revile you to the American people? He sure the fuck won't stop Gorsuch with his immature tantrums and obstructionism.

Because of the leadership of your Fuhrer, the next democratic president hasn't been born yet, and you full well know it.
You can't call anybody Comrade until your party is cleared of colluding with Russia to overthrow our free elections

You people have absolutely lost your minds.
Right, millions of new jobs, lower taxes, a surging stock market, a stronger military, enforcement of our laws, respect in the world, fair trade deals, healthcare that works for everyone. Yeah, that will bring them down------------------Not.
We're the laughingstock of the world. And the stock market went up 12,000 points under Obama. Wake me up when he gets 1/4 of tue way there.

Ok, dingleberry, tell us specifically what Obama personally did to cause the market to go up.

What exactly did your hero do?
After you tell us just what democrats did to ruin the Bush presidency, idiot

they certainly tried.
Tried what? You've told us for years that the democrats ruined the Bush economy buy have yet to come up with a single reason why

I never said that. Bush did most of it on his own. I am not a Bushie. The truth is that Trump has done more good things for this country in 2 months than Bush and Obozo did in 16 years.

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