Schumer's pipe dream, a trial know.....evidence.

Once AGAIN ---- an impeachment DOES NOT AFFECT ANY ELECTION. (A) the results of an election, once certified, are recorded forever; and (B) if a POTUS is removed it is his own VP who succeeds to the throne, not some other candidate from any election.
What the democrats tried is the example of stealing the election by trying to remove the winner.

That DOESN'T "steal the election". If Rump is removed, the other part of the winning ticket still takes over.


Trump received 63 million votes.

How many of those were cast for him solely because Pense was on the ballot?

Irrelevant. Most of them were cast for one of two reasons: Either One, Hillary Clinton was on the ballot; or Two, "I've heard of this guy, seen him on TV". But the fact remains, removal of a POTUS has no retroactive effect on the election. The results are certified, and that's that. History is recorded and cannot be changed.

How many votes were cast for Gerald Ford in 1972? Also irrelevant.

How in the fuck is that "spin"?? The simple *FACT* is that the 2016 election is done, over with and recorded, and NOTHING about impeachment, or any other action CHANGES THAT. Prove. Me. Wrong.
What the democrats tried is the example of stealing the election by trying to remove the winner.

That DOESN'T "steal the election". If Rump is removed, the other part of the winning ticket still takes over.


Trump received 63 million votes.

How many of those were cast for him solely because Pense was on the ballot?

Irrelevant. Most of them were cast for one of two reasons: Either One, Hillary Clinton was on the ballot; or Two, "I've heard of this guy, seen him on TV". But the fact remains, removal of a POTUS has no retroactive effect on the election. The results are certified, and that's that. History is recorded and cannot be changed.

How many votes were cast for Gerald Ford in 1972? Also irrelevant.

How in the fuck is that "spin"?? The simple *FACT* is that the 2016 election is done, over with and recorded, and NOTHING about impeachment, or any other action CHANGES THAT. Prove. Me. Wrong.
It doesn't matter you leftists have tried to remove the winner
Might as well have a mock trial since we had a mock impeachment

And by mock impeachment, you mean a duly Constitutionally authorized impeachment which is already cast the record books in tungsten for all time.
And laughed at by all with a functioning brain.

Which excludes lying fucking morons like you.

Impeached Trump is still impeached. :mm:
Actually he's not lying but gee coming from a liar like you we laugh when you call others liars. lol

You dumbfuck, what part of " sole Power of Impeachment," has you so dazed and confused? Impeached Trump is impeached when the House says he's impeached. And the House said he's impeached when Pelosi banged her gavel at the passage of Article ! the other night.

I would ask you to explain how the House could have "sole Power of Impeachment" if the Senate is involved but I already know you have no fucking clue. :mm:
Impeachment doesn't happen until the Senate gets the articles of impeachment look it up
What the democrats tried is the example of stealing the election by trying to remove the winner.

That DOESN'T "steal the election". If Rump is removed, the other part of the winning ticket still takes over.


Trump received 63 million votes.

How many of those were cast for him solely because Pense was on the ballot?

Irrelevant. Most of them were cast for one of two reasons: Either One, Hillary Clinton was on the ballot; or Two, "I've heard of this guy, seen him on TV". But the fact remains, removal of a POTUS has no retroactive effect on the election. The results are certified, and that's that. History is recorded and cannot be changed.

How many votes were cast for Gerald Ford in 1972? Also irrelevant.

How in the fuck is that "spin"?? The simple *FACT* is that the 2016 election is done, over with and recorded, and NOTHING about impeachment, or any other action CHANGES THAT. Prove. Me. Wrong.

Because it doesn't address my post.

How many votes were cast for Gerald Ford in 1972?
WAY off topic

Either One, Hillary Clinton was on the ballot; or Two, "I've heard of this guy, seen him on TV".

as were Pense, and Kaine.

95 out of 100 voters had never heard of either, at a guess.

Neither had a chance of running for president on their own

The race was between Trump and Hillary.

anything else is SPIN.
Pisslosi can’t do a damn thing with the Senate you uneducated. little yellow coward. By the way, when Trump Ian not removed you are to leave here forever. Oh I forget, you don’t have the balls to stand behind your bullshit. Crying because your boy Schitt couldn’t do his job doesn’t mean you get to try more shit in then Senate. Maybe you should actually g
et some evidence of your crap next time.

Dayum, are you ever deranged. :cuckoo:
Link to where Pisslosi has any power over the Senate? Oh there isn't one. Showing yourself to be an uneducated litrle yellow coward as always. Put up or STFU. GFY.
Dumbfuck, I never said she has any power over tbd Senate. :cuckoo:

You're fucked in the head which is why you've gone off the rails.

Your word says I will slap you down with. “Wha5 if Pelosi does not let the Senate hold a trial?”. She can’t stop them you dipshit. Now lie and cry and try to spin out of that moron.

Dumbfuck, the House has sole power of impeachment. That's what she has power of. Until it goes to the Senate, she's in control. That's doesn't give her power to tell the Senate what they can or cannot do.
So now you backpedal and deny your own words. You claimed she has the power to not allow the Senate to proceed. A blatant lie. If the impeachment is passed, as YOU claim, it now MUST be in the Senate's hands . Leaving Pisslosi and your feeble argument powerless.
That DOESN'T "steal the election". If Rump is removed, the other part of the winning ticket still takes over.


Trump received 63 million votes.

How many of those were cast for him solely because Pense was on the ballot?

Irrelevant. Most of them were cast for one of two reasons: Either One, Hillary Clinton was on the ballot; or Two, "I've heard of this guy, seen him on TV". But the fact remains, removal of a POTUS has no retroactive effect on the election. The results are certified, and that's that. History is recorded and cannot be changed.

How many votes were cast for Gerald Ford in 1972? Also irrelevant.

How in the fuck is that "spin"?? The simple *FACT* is that the 2016 election is done, over with and recorded, and NOTHING about impeachment, or any other action CHANGES THAT. Prove. Me. Wrong.
It doesn't matter you leftists have tried to remove the winner

Oh have I now.

----- Linkie?
That DOESN'T "steal the election". If Rump is removed, the other part of the winning ticket still takes over.


Trump received 63 million votes.

How many of those were cast for him solely because Pense was on the ballot?

Irrelevant. Most of them were cast for one of two reasons: Either One, Hillary Clinton was on the ballot; or Two, "I've heard of this guy, seen him on TV". But the fact remains, removal of a POTUS has no retroactive effect on the election. The results are certified, and that's that. History is recorded and cannot be changed.

How many votes were cast for Gerald Ford in 1972? Also irrelevant.

How in the fuck is that "spin"?? The simple *FACT* is that the 2016 election is done, over with and recorded, and NOTHING about impeachment, or any other action CHANGES THAT. Prove. Me. Wrong.

Because it doesn't address my post.

How many votes were cast for Gerald Ford in 1972?
WAY off topic

Either One, Hillary Clinton was on the ballot; or Two, "I've heard of this guy, seen him on TV".

as were Pense, and Kaine.

95 out of 100 voters had never heard of either, at a guess.

Neither had a chance of running for president on their own

The race was between Trump and Hillary.

anything else is SPIN.

-------------- and that race was decided, three years ago. And AGAIN there is nothing an impeachment can do to change that. Which was the original claim.

Imagine it's 1998 again, and Clinton is convicted and removed from office. Does Bob Dole then become Retroactive President?? NO. Al Gore takes over. Because the election DOES NOT CHANGE.

I didn't address your point because YOU DIDN'T HAVE ONE. That's what the word "irrelevant" means.
Obstruction only exists with a concrete demonstration of corrupt intent;
The corrupt intent is to keep witnesses from testifying and documents from establishing facts before a Congressional Impeachment Investigation.
Trump is forcing Congress

Why? If he did nothing wrong then simply letting people directly involved testify would clear him of all these accusations...right?

The bullshit is right under your nose and you still don't smell it.
Not yet, Window Licker.

Dimwinger libnut hack on the web brings a meme....................

Should I go with him, or the Constitutional Expert Dimwingers brought to testify on impeachment.............

Well I would suggest you use your own brain and understand what the Constitution states, but clearly, that's not within your limited capabilities...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Hmmmm.................who to believe......A single digit IQ libtard on the innerweb, or a Constitutional Expert on impeachment?

@NoahRFeldman is making a clever but wholly mistaken point when he says Trump hasn’t “really” been impeached until the Articles reach the Senate. Under Art. I, Sec. 2, Clause 5, he was impeached on Dec 18, 2019. He will forever remain impeached. Period.

Laurence Tribe on Twitter
Fuck Lawrence Tribe.
Pisslosi can’t do a damn thing with the Senate you uneducated. little yellow coward. By the way, when Trump Ian not removed you are to leave here forever. Oh I forget, you don’t have the balls to stand behind your bullshit. Crying because your boy Schitt couldn’t do his job doesn’t mean you get to try more shit in then Senate. Maybe you should actually g
et some evidence of your crap next time.

Dayum, are you ever deranged. :cuckoo:
Link to where Pisslosi has any power over the Senate? Oh there isn't one. Showing yourself to be an uneducated litrle yellow coward as always. Put up or STFU. GFY.
Dumbfuck, I never said she has any power over tbd Senate. :cuckoo:

You're fucked in the head which is why you've gone off the rails.

Your word says I will slap you down with. “Wha5 if Pelosi does not let the Senate hold a trial?”. She can’t stop them you dipshit. Now lie and cry and try to spin out of that moron.

Dumbfuck, the House has sole power of impeachment. That's what she has power of. Until it goes to the Senate, she's in control. That's doesn't give her power to tell the Senate what they can or cannot do.
Nazi Pelousy is trying to EXTORT the Senate and get a QUID PRO QUO.

Trump received 63 million votes.

How many of those were cast for him solely because Pense was on the ballot?

Irrelevant. Most of them were cast for one of two reasons: Either One, Hillary Clinton was on the ballot; or Two, "I've heard of this guy, seen him on TV". But the fact remains, removal of a POTUS has no retroactive effect on the election. The results are certified, and that's that. History is recorded and cannot be changed.

How many votes were cast for Gerald Ford in 1972? Also irrelevant.

How in the fuck is that "spin"?? The simple *FACT* is that the 2016 election is done, over with and recorded, and NOTHING about impeachment, or any other action CHANGES THAT. Prove. Me. Wrong.
It doesn't matter you leftists have tried to remove the winner

Oh have I now.

----- Linkie?
Russian collusion obstruction Ukraine Immigration policies
Don't play stupid
Obstruction only exists with a concrete demonstration of corrupt intent;
The corrupt intent is to keep witnesses from testifying and documents from establishing facts before a Congressional Impeachment Investigation.
Trump is forcing Congress

Why? If he did nothing wrong then simply letting people directly involved testify would clear him of all these accusations...right?

The bullshit is right under your nose and you still don't smell it.
Yeah, that's what Flynn thought. We all know that claim is horseshit. You claim there's no harm in investigating Trump, but you scream bloody murder when Trump wants Biden investigated.

What's wrong with this picture, douchebag?
Obstruction only exists with a concrete demonstration of corrupt intent;
The corrupt intent is to keep witnesses from testifying and documents from establishing facts before a Congressional Impeachment Investigation.
Trump is forcing Congress

Why? If he did nothing wrong then simply letting people directly involved testify would clear him of all these accusations...right?

The bullshit is right under your nose and you still don't smell it.
Yeah, that's what Flynn thought. We all know that claim is horseshit. You claim there's no harm in investigating Trump, but you scream bloody murder when Trump wants Biden investigated.

What's wrong with this picture, douchebag?

Flynn lied to FBI and Vice President. Trump told you that.


What the f don’t you understand?

Dayum, are you ever deranged. :cuckoo:
Link to where Pisslosi has any power over the Senate? Oh there isn't one. Showing yourself to be an uneducated litrle yellow coward as always. Put up or STFU. GFY.
Dumbfuck, I never said she has any power over tbd Senate. :cuckoo:

You're fucked in the head which is why you've gone off the rails.

Your word says I will slap you down with. “Wha5 if Pelosi does not let the Senate hold a trial?”. She can’t stop them you dipshit. Now lie and cry and try to spin out of that moron.

Dumbfuck, the House has sole power of impeachment. That's what she has power of. Until it goes to the Senate, she's in control. That's doesn't give her power to tell the Senate what they can or cannot do.
Nazi Pelousy is trying to EXTORT the Senate and get a QUID PRO QUO.


dumbass, way to show that you have no clue what quid pro quo is even about

And by mock impeachment, you mean a duly Constitutionally authorized impeachment which is already cast the record books in tungsten for all time.
And laughed at by all with a functioning brain.

Which excludes lying fucking morons like you.

Impeached Trump is still impeached. :mm:
Actually he's not lying but gee coming from a liar like you we laugh when you call others liars. lol

You dumbfuck, what part of " sole Power of Impeachment," has you so dazed and confused? Impeached Trump is impeached when the House says he's impeached. And the House said he's impeached when Pelosi banged her gavel at the passage of Article ! the other night.

I would ask you to explain how the House could have "sole Power of Impeachment" if the Senate is involved but I already know you have no fucking clue. :mm:
Impeachment doesn't happen until the Senate gets the articles of impeachment look it up
PussyBitch, that's as stupid as saying someone indicted on charges is not really indicted until their trial starts.

Do you see now why you rightards are as dumb as shit?

Dayum, are you ever deranged. :cuckoo:
Link to where Pisslosi has any power over the Senate? Oh there isn't one. Showing yourself to be an uneducated litrle yellow coward as always. Put up or STFU. GFY.
Dumbfuck, I never said she has any power over tbd Senate. :cuckoo:

You're fucked in the head which is why you've gone off the rails.

Your word says I will slap you down with. “Wha5 if Pelosi does not let the Senate hold a trial?”. She can’t stop them you dipshit. Now lie and cry and try to spin out of that moron.

Dumbfuck, the House has sole power of impeachment. That's what she has power of. Until it goes to the Senate, she's in control. That's doesn't give her power to tell the Senate what they can or cannot do.
So now you backpedal and deny your own words. You claimed she has the power to not allow the Senate to proceed. A blatant lie. If the impeachment is passed, as YOU claim, it now MUST be in the Senate's hands . Leaving Pisslosi and your feeble argument powerless.
Dumbfuck, I've changed nothing. It's not my problem you don't understand English. Pelosi has sole power of the impeachment. It hasn't gone to the Senate yet so it's still in her power. Once it goes to the Senate, then the Senate has sole power and she has none.

And Pelosi has control of when it goes to the Senate. That doesn't mean she has power over the Senate, it means she has sole power over the impeachment. That's what I'm talking about.

It would be helpful if you could understand the Constitution.
Link to where Pisslosi has any power over the Senate? Oh there isn't one. Showing yourself to be an uneducated litrle yellow coward as always. Put up or STFU. GFY.
Dumbfuck, I never said she has any power over tbd Senate. :cuckoo:

You're fucked in the head which is why you've gone off the rails.

Your word says I will slap you down with. “Wha5 if Pelosi does not let the Senate hold a trial?”. She can’t stop them you dipshit. Now lie and cry and try to spin out of that moron.

Dumbfuck, the House has sole power of impeachment. That's what she has power of. Until it goes to the Senate, she's in control. That's doesn't give her power to tell the Senate what they can or cannot do.
So now you backpedal and deny your own words. You claimed she has the power to not allow the Senate to proceed. A blatant lie. If the impeachment is passed, as YOU claim, it now MUST be in the Senate's hands . Leaving Pisslosi and your feeble argument powerless.
Dumbfuck, I've changed nothing. It's not my problem you don't understand English. Pelosi has sole power of the impeachment. It hasn't gone to the Senate yet so it's still in her power. Once it goes to the Senate, then the Senate has sole power and she has none.

And Pelosi has control of when it goes to the Senate. That doesn't mean she has power over the Senate, it means she has sole power over the impeachment. That's what I'm talking about.

It would be helpful if you could understand the Constitution.
Nazi Pelousy is trying to EXTORT Mitch for a QUID PRO QUO.
Link to where Pisslosi has any power over the Senate? Oh there isn't one. Showing yourself to be an uneducated litrle yellow coward as always. Put up or STFU. GFY.
Dumbfuck, I never said she has any power over tbd Senate. :cuckoo:

You're fucked in the head which is why you've gone off the rails.

Your word says I will slap you down with. “Wha5 if Pelosi does not let the Senate hold a trial?”. She can’t stop them you dipshit. Now lie and cry and try to spin out of that moron.

Dumbfuck, the House has sole power of impeachment. That's what she has power of. Until it goes to the Senate, she's in control. That's doesn't give her power to tell the Senate what they can or cannot do.
Nazi Pelousy is trying to EXTORT the Senate and get a QUID PRO QUO.


dumbass, way to show that you have no clue what quid pro quo is even about
Nazi Pelousy: "If you set up the trial like I tell you to, I'll send the charges to you. If not, I won't"

Fits the definition to a T.

quid pro quo
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\ ˌkwid-ˌprō-ˈkwō \
Definition of quid pro quo

: something given or received for something else
Dimwinger libnut hack on the web brings a meme....................

Should I go with him, or the Constitutional Expert Dimwingers brought to testify on impeachment.............

Well I would suggest you use your own brain and understand what the Constitution states, but clearly, that's not within your limited capabilities...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Hmmmm.................who to believe......A single digit IQ libtard on the innerweb, or a Constitutional Expert on impeachment?

@NoahRFeldman is making a clever but wholly mistaken point when he says Trump hasn’t “really” been impeached until the Articles reach the Senate. Under Art. I, Sec. 2, Clause 5, he was impeached on Dec 18, 2019. He will forever remain impeached. Period.

Laurence Tribe on Twitter
Fuck Lawrence Tribe.

Yeah, Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe who wrote the comprehensive book on impeachment which even Noah Feldman recognized in his reply to Tribe in that tweet.


Putz, Noah Feldman got schooled by an expert on impeachment.

You said you believe Harvard law professors and I gave you the one who schooled your novice.

Dumbfuck, I never said she has any power over tbd Senate. :cuckoo:

You're fucked in the head which is why you've gone off the rails.

Your word says I will slap you down with. “Wha5 if Pelosi does not let the Senate hold a trial?”. She can’t stop them you dipshit. Now lie and cry and try to spin out of that moron.

Dumbfuck, the House has sole power of impeachment. That's what she has power of. Until it goes to the Senate, she's in control. That's doesn't give her power to tell the Senate what they can or cannot do.
Nazi Pelousy is trying to EXTORT the Senate and get a QUID PRO QUO.


dumbass, way to show that you have no clue what quid pro quo is even about
Nazi Pelousy: "If you set up the trial like I tell you to, I'll send the charges to you. If not, I won't"

Fits the definition to a T.

quid pro quo
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\ ˌkwid-ˌprō-ˈkwō \
Definition of quid pro quo

: something given or received for something else

there is ILLEGAL something for something and there are LEGAL negotiations where use of latin phrase means you don’t know wtf you are talking about.

It is ILLEGAL to abuse your public office to exchange American foreign policy for personal gain (quid-pro-quo).

It is LEGAL for Congress to not send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate. Describing these negotiations in terms of criminal quid-pro-quo language is straight retarded.
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