SCIENTISTS!!! Earth been COOLING for 2,000 years NOT warming!

The AGW Faithers will NOT be deterred by mere facts.

It's a religion for them.

I no longer waste my time or energy. Believers in Man-Made Global Warming are virtually identical to creationists in their stubborn refusal to accept anything that attacks their beliefs. The irony is so sweet.
Every scientific society, National Academy of science, and major university in the world once stated that it was scientific fact that the earth was flat...

...More recently in the 70's these same Societies were convinced the Danger was a New Ice Age...

Please support these assertions with compelling evidence. The well educated have understood that the Earth was round since 5th century BC Greek mathematicians established the fact.

While understandings of the Milankovitch cycles caused some scientists to speculate about a long term cooling trend (no one was predicting advancing glaciations for the immediate future) anthropogenic CO2 forced warming has been the predominant theme dating back to the late 19th century when we actually began qualifying the effects of emitted CO2 in our atmosphere.
That's 66 feet.

While not insignificant, it's a DAMN far stretch from Moldy Socks' faked-up numbers, which he rounded up by the way.

Look a little closer,

Antarctica holds the equivilant of (ignoring thermal expansion) 61 meters of global sea level rise and Greenland holds the equivilant of about another 7 meters, mountain ice fields and caps another 2 meters of so. Total of about 70 meters of potential sea level rise in grounded ice or (again not including thermal expansion) around 230 feet of sea level rise.
Whatever, sucksassandballs, you psychotic idiot.

Indeed...........but a winning psychotic idiot s0n!!!:thewave:

Shit, dude, you're winning at fucktard follies.

uscitizen said:
yep and a few mass extinctions during that time frame....

Citizens need to unite, against the eventuality, of Mass Extinction Event 6, which is what will happen, given rampaging, ranting, freaking, geeking psychotic idiots, like sucksassandballs, all stomping up a carbon footprint, which must be reduced, lest tardies take down the smarties, with them.

Trakar said:
Antarctica holds the equivilant of (ignoring thermal expansion) 61 meters of global sea level rise and Greenland holds the equivilant of about another 7 meters, mountain ice fields and caps another 2 meters of so. Total of about 70 meters of potential sea level rise in grounded ice or (again not including thermal expansion) around 230 feet of sea level rise.

All along the way, to sustaining any of this SLR, the Earth will be warming, and current human habitat will now be in jeopardy, of getting too much or not enough water, with too much warming, regardless of how much fresh water arrives.

When the Arctic and Greenland ice goes, northern summers will be nastier, as the northern ice albedo will fail, as more northern out-gassing of CH4 and CO2 brings runaway global warming.

We will need genetic engineering, to make plants, capable of taking back deserts and polluted lands and waters, or we will lose human habitat, in all directions. And then come the seismic and volcanic events, once tides get heavier. It won't be pretty.
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That's 66 feet.

While not insignificant, it's a DAMN far stretch from Moldy Socks' faked-up numbers, which he rounded up by the way.

Look a little closer,

Antarctica holds the equivilant of (ignoring thermal expansion) 61 meters of global sea level rise and Greenland holds the equivilant of about another 7 meters, mountain ice fields and caps another 2 meters of so. Total of about 70 meters of potential sea level rise in grounded ice or (again not including thermal expansion) around 230 feet of sea level rise.

The very idea that a significant portion of such an influx of fresh water into the oceans could happen raises the somewhat paradoxical effects of causing a slowdown of the thermohaline circulation in the oceans. This in turn could lead to a new little ice age. See, Was a change in thermohaline circulation responsible for the Little Ice Age?

The bottom line is that the planet Earth's overall climate is a system and it has natural tendencies to compensate.

The hubris of human beings is believing that WE have much say in the matter of global climate or climate change.
That's 66 feet.

While not insignificant, it's a DAMN far stretch from Moldy Socks' faked-up numbers, which he rounded up by the way.

Look a little closer,

Antarctica holds the equivilant of (ignoring thermal expansion) 61 meters of global sea level rise and Greenland holds the equivilant of about another 7 meters, mountain ice fields and caps another 2 meters of so. Total of about 70 meters of potential sea level rise in grounded ice or (again not including thermal expansion) around 230 feet of sea level rise.

The very idea that a significant portion of such an influx of fresh water into the oceans could happen raises the somewhat paradoxical effects of causing a slowdown of the thermohaline circulation in the oceans. This in turn could lead to a new little ice age. See, Was a change in thermohaline circulation responsible for the Little Ice Age?

The bottom line is that the planet Earth's overall climate is a system and it has natural tendencies to compensate.

The hubris of human beings is believing that WE have much say in the matter of global climate or climate change.

It isn't an issue of hubris, it is simply a matter of acknowledging the facts and understanding the direct consequences of our activities. The north atlantic branch of the THC is unlikely to have had much impact upon the predominantly european LIA event.

"Atmosphere and ocean dynamics: contributors to the European Little Ice Age?"

Climate Dynamics, Volume 36, Numbers 5-6 - SpringerLink

...This study shows that the hypothesis that LIA cooling is related to a circulation in the North Atlantic sector with a persistently negative NAO-index is unlikely to be valid. The model results do not convincingly reproduce the overall winter cooling see in Europe during the LIA period and persistence of this cooling into the summer season is weak.

The hosing experiments do not clearly support the hypothesis that a reduction in the MOC is the primary driver of LIA climate change. The hosing experiment with the ECBilt-Clio model shows a cooling which has similarities with the reconstructed temperatures for the LIA climate, but the largest cooling is off-shore. The reconstructions have their greatest cooling in eastern Europe which hints at a change in atmospheric circulation as an explanation for this pattern. Moreover, these experiments shows no similarity with the character of the reconstructed summer temperature signal either, which may have persisted from the preceeding winter, due to the conservative nature of surface ocean temperatures or soil moisture.

It is true that our planet's climate is an ever variable and complex system, but it doesn't act randomly or without cause and direction and we do have extensive understandings of how and why past and current climate change episodes are happening. You are free to hold your own opinions and preferences for what we should do in response to such changes, but denying reality is seldom a fruitful plan of action.
Gosh, no fat, goofy dead-heads drove around in cars and massacred any trees, let alone big-assed forests, while burning all the coal in frurnaces, which didn't catch on fire, right in the mountain.

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