Scott Walker: I Took On Unions, I Can Take On ISIS

Soooo, Walker and his asswipes are comparing Democrats/Liberals to ISIS. This should be fun...

I don't see the issue, its no worse than what Democrats have done to Republicans. Why the double standard? Why is it okay when a low life scum puke democrat does it but not when a republican does it?
Ladies and Gentlemen making it's debut I give you Walker Derangement Syndrome proudly brought to you by the same loons who gave you Bush, Palin, and FOX Derangement Syndrome. If you suffer from any of these syndromes please try reality be sure to consult your physican before trying reality reality can be addictive and is not for everyone.
NaziCons want to take us back to the Dark Ages - a minimum wage theocracy.

Democrats Blast Scott Walker For Comparing Labor Unions To ISIS

“After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world. I am strongly of the opinion that the great majority of people will always find these the moving impulses of our life.” - Prez Cal Coolidge
I can see the public unions being reigned in, but private unions? They are unable to do any bad to a company and if they somehow do the company is a bad one. Let the less skilled workers find employment there or better yet don't apply for a job and collect unemployment.
Jihadi Scott will soon learn he's not in Wisconsin anymore.

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Thursday said his experience undermining labor unions in Wisconsin has prepared him to take on the threat of the Islamic State in the Middle East.

"If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world," Walker told a packed crowd at the Conservative Political Action Committee, in response to a question about how he would fight the terrorist group, which has killed thousands in Iraq and Syria.

Walker was referring to protesters who led an unsuccessful recall effort against him in 2012, after he proposed a budget that stripped public sector unions of their collective bargaining rights. The protests lasted for months and catapulted Walker onto the national political stage.

Scott Walker Says He Can Take On ISIS Because He Took On Labor Unions

I would love to see union-buster Walker taking on ISIS - but not as president.
I knew this was a left wing nutjob hit piece the moment the phrase "Undermining labor unions" was uttered. Walker of course, did no such thing. He did his job and stood up for ALL taxpayers in Wisconsin. The rest of it is just more of the same kind of poor writting found at the HuffPo.

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Thursday said his experience undermining labor unions in Wisconsin has prepared him to take on the threat of the Islamic State in the Middle East.

"If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world," Walker told a packed crowd at the Conservative Political Action Committee, in response to a question about how he would fight the terrorist group, which has killed thousands in Iraq and Syria.

Walker was referring to protesters who led an unsuccessful recall effort against him in 2012, after he proposed a budget that stripped public sector unions of their collective bargaining rights. The protests lasted for months and catapulted Walker onto the national political stage.

Scott Walker Says He Can Take On ISIS Because He Took On Labor Unions

I would love to see union-buster Walker taking on ISIS - but not as president.
I knew this was a left wing nutjob hit piece the moment the phrase "Undermining labor unions" was uttered. Walker of course, did no such thing. He did his job and stood up for ALL taxpayers in Wisconsin. The rest of it is just more of the same kind of poor writting found at the HuffPo.

Watch the video and judge for yourself.

I read this in the Milwaukee journal sentinel. Its how he feels about working clas people. His folk are the big Whig corporatist who believe in low wages for all.
So kindergarten teachers, snowplow drivers, and firemen are terrorists now. Well at least I know. He has many in this fine state believing those people are bad terrible people. Nice work.

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